/* ========================================================================== jQuery plugin settings and other scripts ========================================================================== */ $(document).ready(function() { // external links should open in a new tab var host = location.hostname var allLinks = document.querySelectorAll('a') for (var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; ++i) { if (allLinks[i].hostname !== host && allLinks[i].hostname !== '') { allLinks[i].target = '_blank' } } // FitVids init $("#main").fitVids(); // Sticky sidebar var stickySideBar = function() { var show = $(".author__urls-wrapper button").length === 0 ? $(window).width() > 1024 // width should match $large Sass variable : !$(".author__urls-wrapper button").is(":visible"); if (show) { // fix $(".sidebar").addClass("sticky"); } else { // unfix $(".sidebar").removeClass("sticky"); } }; stickySideBar(); $(window).resize(function() { stickySideBar(); }); // Follow menu drop down $(".author__urls-wrapper button").on("click", function() { $(".author__urls").toggleClass("is--visible"); $(".author__urls-wrapper button").toggleClass("open"); }); // Close search screen with Esc key $(document).keyup(function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { if ($(".initial-content").hasClass("is--hidden")) { $(".search-content").toggleClass("is--visible"); $(".initial-content").toggleClass("is--hidden"); } } }); // Search toggle $(".search__toggle").on("click", function() { $(".search-content").toggleClass("is--visible"); $(".initial-content").toggleClass("is--hidden"); // set focus on input setTimeout(function() { $(".search-content input").focus(); }, 400); }); // Smooth scrolling var scroll = new SmoothScroll('a[href*="#"]', { offset: 20, speed: 400, speedAsDuration: true, durationMax: 500 }); // Gumshoe scroll spy init if($("nav.toc").length > 0) { var spy = new Gumshoe("nav.toc a", { // Active classes navClass: "active", // applied to the nav list item contentClass: "active", // applied to the content // Nested navigation nested: false, // if true, add classes to parents of active link nestedClass: "active", // applied to the parent items // Offset & reflow offset: 20, // how far from the top of the page to activate a content area reflow: true, // if true, listen for reflows // Event support events: true // if true, emit custom events }); } // add lightbox class to all image links $( "a[href$='.jpg'],a[href$='.jpeg'],a[href$='.JPG'],a[href$='.png'],a[href$='.gif'],a[href$='.webp']" ).addClass("image-popup"); // Magnific-Popup options $(".image-popup").magnificPopup({ // disableOn: function() { // if( $(window).width() < 500 ) { // return false; // } // return true; // }, type: "image", tLoading: "Loading image #%curr%...", gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, preload: [0, 1] // Will preload 0 - before current, and 1 after the current image }, image: { tError: 'Image #%curr% could not be loaded.' }, removalDelay: 500, // Delay in milliseconds before popup is removed // Class that is added to body when popup is open. // make it unique to apply your CSS animations just to this exact popup mainClass: "mfp-zoom-in", callbacks: { beforeOpen: function() { // just a hack that adds mfp-anim class to markup this.st.image.markup = this.st.image.markup.replace( "mfp-figure", "mfp-figure mfp-with-anim" ); } }, closeOnContentClick: true, midClick: true // allow opening popup on middle mouse click. Always set it to true if you don't provide alternative source. }); // Add anchors for headings $('.page__content').find('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6').each(function() { var id = $(this).attr('id'); if (id) { var anchor = document.createElement("a"); anchor.className = 'header-link'; anchor.href = '#' + id; anchor.innerHTML = 'Permalink'; anchor.title = "Permalink"; $(this).append(anchor); } }); /* hacks-guide change start: add configs for navigation bar and language selector */ if((window.location.href.indexOf("/he_IL/") > -1) || (window.location.href.indexOf("/ar_SA/") > -1)) { $("body").css("direction", "rtl"); $("nav.greedy-nav .nav-selector").css("left", "2.5rem"); $("nav.greedy-nav .lang-selector").css("left", ".2rem"); $("nav.greedy-nav .links-menu").css("right", "auto"); $("nav.greedy-nav .lang-menu").css("right", "auto"); $("nav.greedy-nav .links-menu").css("left", "2.5rem"); $("nav.greedy-nav .lang-menu").css("left", ".2rem"); $("nav.greedy-nav .visible-links").css("padding-right", "0"); $("nav.greedy-nav .visible-links").css("padding-left", "2rem"); $("nav.greedy-nav .visible-links li:first-child a").css("margin-right", "0"); $("nav.greedy-nav .visible-links li:first-child a").css("margin-left", "1rem"); $("nav.greedy-nav .visible-links li:first-child").css("padding-right", "0"); $("nav.greedy-nav .visible-links li:first-child").css("padding-left", "2em"); $("nav.greedy-nav .visible-links li:last-child a").css("margin-right", "1rem"); $("nav.greedy-nav .visible-links li:last-child a").css("margin-left", "0"); // for some reason js cannot directly modify :before and :after pseudo-elements' css $('nav.greedy-nav').prepend(''); $('nav.greedy-nav').prepend(''); $('nav.greedy-nav').prepend(''); $('nav.greedy-nav').prepend(''); } /* hacks-guide change end */ /* hacks-guide change start: add progress table */ var sidebar_shown = true; var sidebar_hidden_pages = ["404", "bootmiirecover", "bricks", "donations", "dump-games", "dump-wads", "faq", "gcbackupmanager", "gcsaves", "hackmii", "homebrew-dolphin", "modmii", "nintendont", "recovery-mode", "riiconnect24", "riivolution", "rssmii", "site-navigation", "syscheck", "themes-vwii", "themes", "update", "usb-loaders", "wiibackupmanager", "wiiconnect24", "wiigsc", "wiimmfi", "yawmme"]; for(var i = 0; i < sidebar_hidden_pages.length; i++){ if(window.location.href.indexOf(sidebar_hidden_pages[i]) > -1) { sidebar_shown = false; } } var devices = { "hbc": "0", "hbc-mini": "1" }; // The pages used to lookup which route to display // parsed from the location of the url // the value is the key to the displayed route in the device_common/old/new variable below // var methods = { "letterbomb": "0", "wilbrand": "1", "bluebomb": "2", "flashhax": "3", "str2hax": "4", "hbc": "5", "hbc-mini": "6", "bootmii": "7", "priiloader": "8", "osc": "9" }; for(var device in devices){ if(window.location.href.indexOf("/" + device) > -1) { localStorage.setItem('device', devices[device]); } } for(var method in methods){ if(window.location.href.indexOf("/" + method) > -1) { localStorage.setItem('method', methods[method]); } } var device, method; if(!(method = localStorage.getItem('method'))){ sidebar_shown = false; } if (!(device = localStorage.getItem('device'))) { device = "-1"; } if(sidebar_shown){ var unhide = []; // Common paths for navigation. Added to both routes. // These values of the array will be mapped to the _data/navigation/country_lang.yml files // be sure to add the relevent values to it, in the order of display. (finalizing setup last, for instance) // // The key/propery name must match the value associated with the page in the methods variable above // var device_common = { "0": ["letterbomb", "hbc", "bootmii", "priiloader", "osc"], "1": ["wilbrand", "hbc", "bootmii", "priiloader", "osc"], "2": ["bluebomb", "multiple-options"], "3": ["flashhax", "hbc", "bootmii", "priiloader", "osc"], "4": ["str2hax", "hbc", "bootmii", "priiloader", "osc"] } // Can add custom routing if necessary but currently both routes are identical var device_wii = Object.assign({}, device_common,{ // custom routing here // example: "0": ["letterbomb", "hbc", "bootmii", "priiloader", "osc"], "5": ["multiple-options", "hbc", "bootmii", "priiloader", "osc"], "7": ["multiple-options", "hbc", "bootmii", "priiloader", "osc"], "8": ["multiple-options", "hbc", "bootmii", "priiloader", "osc"], "9": ["multiple-options", "hbc", "bootmii", "priiloader", "osc"] }); var device_mini = Object.assign({}, device_common,{ // custom routing here "6": ["bluebomb", "hbc-mini", "priiloader", "osc"], "8": ["bluebomb", "hbc-mini", "priiloader", "osc"], "9": ["bluebomb", "hbc-mini", "priiloader", "osc"] }); var route = { "-1": device_common, "0": device_wii, "1": device_mini, } unhide = unhide.concat(route[device][method]); if(typeof unhide !== 'undefined' && unhide.length > 0){ unhide.push("key-information") unhide.push("get-started"); var ol = $('.sidebar.sticky .nav__list .nav__items ol'); for (var i = 0; i < unhide.length; i++){ ol.children('li[data-name="' + unhide[i] + '"]').css("display", ""); } ol.children().each(function(idx, li) { var link = $(li).find("a").attr('href'); var name = $(li).attr('data-name'); if((window.location.href.endsWith(link) || window.location.href.endsWith(link + "/") || window.location.href.indexOf(link + "#") > -1 || window.location.href.indexOf(link + ".html") > -1) && name !== "home"){ $(li).addClass("active"); return false; } $(li).addClass("completed"); }); if (ol.children(".active").css("display") != "none"){ $('.sidebar.sticky').css("display", "inherit"); } } } /* hacks-guide change end */ });