title: "WiiLink24"
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WiiLink24 et tous ses services (tels que Wii no Ma) ne sont ni contrôlés ni exploités par RiiConnect24. To get support on all issues relating this tutorial and service, join the [WiiLink24 Discord server](https://discord.gg/n4ta3w6).
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[WiiLink24](https://wiilink24.com/) vous permet d'utiliser la chaîne Wii no Ma exclusive au Japon et, à l'avenir, vous permettra d'utiliser à nouveau la chaîne Digicam Print et la chaîne Demae.
#### Ce dont vous aurez besoin
* Une carte SD ou une clé USB
* D’une Wii avec une connexion internet
* D’un ordinateur
* [SaveGame Manager GX](https://static.wiidatabase.de/SaveGame-Manager-GX.zip)
* [WiiLink24 Patcher (seulement pour Windows)](https://github.com/WiiLink24/WiiLink24-Patcher/releases)
* [Wii no ma Mii](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/770353472024477727/784849286063718430/Mickey.miigx)
* [Le fichier de sauvegarde Wii no ma](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/782800044830490664/782800227706732555/WiiRoomSave.bin)
#### Instructions
##### Section I - Patcher Wii no Ma
[Si vous souhaitez voir des instructions détaillées sur la façon d'installer les WAD, cliquez ici!](wiimodlite)
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1. Download the required files based on your OS. On Windows, run `WiiLink24Patcher.bat`.
2. Press 1 to choose "`Start`" and confirm your selection by pressing `ENTER`.
3. For this guide, choose "`Install WiiLink24 on your Wii`"
4. Select your region.
5. Connect the SD Card or USB Drive to your computer and select "`1`".
6. If your device was detected successfully, select "`1`". If not, make sure there's a folder called `apps` on your SD Card or USB Device and try again.
7. Soyez patient...
8. Once it's done, you can safely close the patcher. Tous les fichiers sont prêts sur votre carte SD.
9. If it did not copy everything automatically to your SD Card or USB Device, copy the `WAD` and `apps` folder next to `WiiLink24Patcher.bat` to your SD Card or USB Device.
10. Put your SD card or USB drive in your Wii.
11. Lancez la Chaîne Homebrew sur votre Wii.
12. Démarrer Wii Mod Lite.
13. Using the +Control Pad on your Wii Remote, navigate to `WAD Manager`, and then navigate to the `wad` folder.
14. Select the Wii no Ma WAD and press A to install.
15. After it is successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
##### Section II - Installing Wii no Ma Save and Mii
You will now install a save file and Mii which are required in order to use Wii no Ma.
1. Extract SaveGame Manager GX and put it in the `apps` folder on your SD card or USB drive.
2. Make a folder on the root of your SD Card named `wiinoma`, and put `WiiRoomSave.bin` and `Mickey.miigx` in it.
3. Insérer la carte SD ou clef USB dans votre Wii.
4. Launch SaveGame Manager GX.
5. Open the `wiinoma` folder on SaveGame Manager GX.
6. Select `WiiRoomSave.bin`, and press `Install` to install it. When done, press `OK`.
7. Select `Mickey.miigx`, and press `Install` to install it. When done, press `OK`.
8. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
9. Open the Mii Channel.
10. Press OK on any popups that appear.
11. Exit the Mii Channel.
12. Launch Wii Room, and go to the settings, then video. Make sure quality is set to high. Wii no Ma is now installed on your Wii.
[ Continuer vers RiiConnect24 ](riiconnect24)
RiiConnect24 vous permet d'utiliser les services interrompus de WiiConnect24, qui incluent la chaîne infos, la chaîne météo, la chaîne votes, la chaîne Nintendo et la chaîne Concours mii, ainsi que Wii Mail. L'installation est facultative.
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Wiimmfi lets you play games online after the discontinuation of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. This is optional to install.
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