--- title: "Get Started" --- {% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %} Solltest du hinsichtlich dieses Tutorials Hilfe benötigen, trete bitte dem [RiiConnect24 Discord-Server](https://discord.gg/rc24) bei (empfohlen), oder kontaktiere uns [per E-Mail unter support@riiconnect24.net](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net). {: .notice--info} Auch wenn deine Wii in der Vergangenheit bereits einen Softmod erhalten hat, kann das Befolgen dieser Schritte dafür sorgen, dass dein Softmod auf dem aktuellen Stand ist. {: .notice--info} Alle Exploits verwenden den HackMii-Installer und führen zum selben Endergebnis. {: .notice--info} Although you can follow this guide without an SD card, you will not be able to create or restore a NAND backup using BootMii, and you won't be able to use some homebrew. {: .notice--info} If your Wii Menu is not on version 4.3, use str2hax, Wilbrand or FlashHax to install the Homebrew Channel, and then follow the [update guide](update) to update to 4.3. {: .notice--info} This guide is for the original Wii and Wii mini only (including the Wii Family Edition). Do not use this on a Wii U (vWii)! If you want to install homebrew on a Wii U, [follow this guide](https://wiiu.hacks.guide). {: .notice--warning} ### Wähle den zu verwendenden Exploit These exploits are sorted by easiest to hardest difficulty of use. - [str2hax](str2hax) - Exploit that uses the Wii EULA * Requires an Internet connection and changing the DNS server - [LetterBomb](letterbomb) - Exploit that uses the Wii Message Board * Requires an SD card * Must be on version 4.3 - [Wilbrand](wilbrand) - Exploit that also uses the Wii Message Board * Requires only an SD card with the Web UI, otherwise requires a PC in addition to the SD card * Works on versions 3.0 - 4.3 - [FlashHax](flashhax) - Exploit that uses the Internet Channel * Requires the Internet Channel installed, and an Internet connection - [BlueBomb](bluebomb) - Exploit that uses Bluetooth * Requires a computer with Bluetooth and GNU/Linux, as well as a USB storage device * This is the only exploit that works on the **Wii mini**