title: "WiiLink"
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If you need help with anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the WiiLink Discord server](https://discord.gg/wiilink-750581992223146074).
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[WiiLink](https://wiilink24.com/) lets you use the Japanese-exclusive channels known as Wii Room, the Digicam Print Channel, and the Food Channel again.
Additionally, WiiLink lets you use other WiiConnect24 channels such as the Nintendo Channel, Forecast Channel, and Everybody Votes Channel.
[WiiLink's guide for installation can be found here.](https://www.wiilink24.com/guide/1welcome)
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[Continue to RiiConnect24](riiconnect24)
RiiConnect24 allows you to use discontinued services from WiiConnect24, which include the News, Forecast, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channel, along with Wii Mail. This is optional to install.
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[Continue to Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)
Wiimmfi lets you play games online after the discontinuation of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. This is optional to install.
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[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)
We have many other tutorials that you might like.
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