title: "FlashHax"

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FlashHax is an exploit for the Wii that is triggered by using the Internet Channel. Unlike other exploits, this doesn't require an SD card.

#### 必備項目

- A Wii with an Internet connection
- The Internet Channel

#### 操作說明

1. Open up the Internet Channel on your Wii.
2. Go to flashhax.com in the browser and bookmark the page.
3. Open the site from the bookmark. It'll then proceed to download and load the HackMii Installer. It may take some time as it is downloading the installer over the Internet.

If the HackMii Installer doesn't load and it instead freezes (you can't move your cursor), please restart your Wii and repeat step 3 until it works. It might take multiple tries, be persistent!

If you still can't get it to load, try deleting your cookies or save data for the Internet Channel.

[Continue to Homebrew Channel and BootMii Installation](hbc)
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