    title: Guide
    title: FAQ
    title: Troubleshooting
    title: Donations
    title: Credits
    title: Updating to boot9strap
    title: Region Changing
    title: GodMode9 Usage
    title: Site Navigation
    title: 'For support in English, ask for help at <a href="https://discord.gg/MWxPgEp">Nintendo Homebrew on Discord</a>.'
    title: 'If you appreciate this guide, I accept <a href="donations">Donations</a> through <a href="https://donorbox.org/plailect">Donorbox</a> or <a href="bitcoin:1Ad3PnU6TmJxvJ62LobgMw5uT8hR1LQety">Bitcoin</a>.'
    title: Source
    title: Site Navigation
    title: Why Ads?
    title: 'Note that this guide is <i>not</i> affiliated with <a href="http://www.sighax.com/">sighax.com</a>. That site''s installer, created by <a href="https://twitter.com/derrekr6">derrekr6</a>, is designed with developers in mind and will BRICK your device if you do not know what you are doing!'