* New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Turkish) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Dutch) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Vietnamese) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Romanian) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic)) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Thai) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Indonesian) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (Spanish) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (Finnish) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Greek) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Pirate English) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Chinese Traditional) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Spanish) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Russian) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Finnish) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Danish) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Czech) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (French) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (German) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Arabic) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Afrikaans) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Catalan) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Norwegian) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Malay) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Portuguese) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Polish) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Hebrew) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Hungarian) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Japanese) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Korean) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Italian) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (Finnish) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Finnish) * New translations en_US.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (French) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (French) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Dutch) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (French) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (German) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (German) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Spanish) * New translations Updating-A9LH.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (Spanish) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (German) * New translations Move-EmuNAND.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations Region-Changing.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Spanish) * New translations 9.2.0-ctrtransfer.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (Spanish) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (Spanish) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (German) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (Spanish) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (German) * New translations Updating-A9LH.txt (German) * New translations Move-EmuNAND.txt (German) * New translations 9.2.0-ctrtransfer.txt (German) * New translations Region-Changing.txt (German) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (German) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (German) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (Spanish) * New translations en_US.yml (German) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (German) * New translations Move-EmuNAND.txt (German) * New translations Updating-A9LH.txt (German) * New translations 9.2.0-ctrtransfer.txt (German) * New translations Region-Changing.txt (German) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (German) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (German) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (German) * New translations SafeCTRTransfer-(Homebrew-Launcher).txt (German) * New translations Move-EmuNAND.txt (German) * New translations 9.2.0-ctrtransfer.txt (German) * New translations Installing-arm9loaderhax.txt (German) * New translations Region-Changing.txt (German) * New translations Updating-A9LH.txt (German) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Turkish) * New translations FAQ.txt (Ukrainian) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Swedish) * New translations FAQ.txt (Turkish) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Ukrainian) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Russian) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Spanish) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Hebrew) * New translations en_US.yml (Ukrainian) * New translations FAQ.txt (Vietnamese) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Vietnamese) * New translations FAQ.txt (Swedish) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Romanian) * New translations FAQ.txt (Russian) * New translations FAQ.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations en_US.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations FAQ.txt (Romanian) * New translations Move-EmuNAND.txt (Spanish) * New translations FAQ.txt (Spanish) * New translations en_US.yml (Spanish) * New translations FAQ.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic)) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic)) * New translations en_US.yml (Indonesian) * New translations FAQ.txt (Thai) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Thai) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Indonesian) * New translations FAQ.txt (Indonesian) * New translations en_US.yml (Turkish) * New translations en_US.yml (Vietnamese) * New translations en_US.yml (Swedish) * New translations en_US.yml (Portuguese) * New translations en_US.yml (Romanian) * New translations en_US.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) * New translations en_US.yml (Russian) * New translations en_US.yml (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en_US.yml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en_US.yml (Polish) * New translations en_US.yml (Greek) * New translations en_US.yml (Thai) * New translations en_US.yml (Hungarian) * New translations en_US.yml (Norwegian) * New translations en_US.yml (Pirate English) * New translations en_US.yml (Malay) * New translations en_US.yml (Japanese) * New translations en_US.yml (Korean) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Finnish) * New translations FAQ.txt (Finnish) * New translations Homebrew-Launcher-(Soundhax).txt (German) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Italian) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Dutch) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (French) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Chinese Traditional) * New translations FAQ.txt (Polish) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FAQ.txt (Korean) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (German) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Danish) * New translations FAQ.txt (Danish) * New translations FAQ.txt (Dutch) * New translations en_US.yml (Danish) * New translations FAQ.txt (Czech) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Czech) * New translations en_US.yml (Czech) * New translations en_US.yml (French) * New translations FAQ.txt (German) * New translations en_US.yml (Dutch) * New translations FAQ.txt (French) * New translations en_US.yml (Finnish) * New translations FAQ.txt (Arabic) * New translations en_US.yml (Arabic) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Arabic) * New translations FAQ.txt (Afrikaans) * New translations en_US.yml (Afrikaans) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Afrikaans) * New translations FAQ.txt (Chinese Traditional) * New translations FAQ.txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FAQ.txt (Catalan) * New translations en_US.yml (Catalan) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Catalan) * New translations FAQ.txt (Norwegian) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Norwegian) * New translations FAQ.txt (Malay) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Malay) * New translations FAQ.txt (Portuguese) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Portuguese) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Pirate English) * New translations FAQ.txt (Pirate English) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Polish) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Korean) * New translations en_US.yml (Hebrew) * New translations FAQ.txt (Hungarian) * New translations FAQ.txt (Greek) * New translations en_US.yml (German) * New translations FAQ.txt (Hebrew) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Greek) * New translations FAQ.txt (Japanese) * New translations en_US.yml (Italian) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Japanese) * New translations Troubleshooting.txt (Hungarian) * New translations FAQ.txt (Italian) * New translations en_US.yml (Spanish) * New translations en_US.yml (Korean) * New translations en_US.yml (Italian) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Italian) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Japanese) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Korean) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Romanian) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Indonesian) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (Spanish) * New translations en_US.yml (Ukrainian) * New translations en_US.yml (Portuguese) * New translations en_US.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations en_US.yml (Russian) * New translations en_US.yml (Romanian) * New translations en_US.yml (Polish) * New translations en_US.yml (Malay) * New translations en_US.yml (Norwegian) * New translations en_US.yml (Pirate English) * New translations en_US.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) * New translations en_US.yml (Vietnamese) * New translations en_US.yml (Turkish) * New translations en_US.yml (Swedish) * New translations en_US.yml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en_US.yml (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en_US.yml (Thai) * New translations en_US.yml (Dutch) * New translations en_US.yml (Finnish) * New translations en_US.yml (Hungarian) * New translations en_US.yml (Japanese) * New translations en_US.yml (Hebrew) * New translations en_US.yml (French) * New translations en_US.yml (German) * New translations en_US.yml (Greek) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Norwegian) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Pirate English) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Polish) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Portuguese) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Malay) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Thai) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Swedish) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Turkish) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Vietnamese) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Ukrainian) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Spanish) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Russian) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic)) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Catalan) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Czech) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Chinese Traditional) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Arabic) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Afrikaans) * New translations GodMode9-Usage.txt (Spanish) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Danish) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Greek) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Hebrew) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Hungarian) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (German) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Dutch) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (Finnish) * New translations Recent-Community-Events.txt (French) * New translations en_US.yml (Indonesian) * New translations en_US.yml (Danish) * New translations en_US.yml (Czech) * New translations en_US.yml (Arabic) * New translations en_US.yml (Afrikaans) * New translations en_US.yml (Catalan)
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title: Guia
title: Perguntas Frequentes
title: Resolução de problemas
title: Donativos
title: Créditos
title: Atualizar o A9LH
title: Mudar de Região
title: Navegação do Site
title: GodMode9 Usage
title: 'For support in English, ask for help at <a href="https://discord.gg/MWxPgEp">Nintendo Homebrew on Discord</a>.'
title: Se gostaste deste guia, eu aceito <a href="donations">Donativos</a> através de Bitcoin e Paypal.
title: Código-fonte
title: Navegação do Site
title: Porquê anúncios?
title: '<b>Today, April 24 2017, at approximately 5:00pm EST, the head moderators (<a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/Seamus9999">s_99</a>, <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/deadfracture99">LOCAP</a>, and <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/34895348573857348759">Clozure</a>) of the popular subreddit /r/3dshacks censored a post exposing a child predator in the 3DS, Wii U, and Switch hacking communities.<br><br>This post received a score of 417 with an 80% upvote rate, and clearly had the support of the community behind it. This was not a rash post of a sole developer, but rather had the support of the staff of various developer groups.<br><br>These moderators were entrusted to keep the community safe, but instead they attempted cover up the issue. <a href="https://0bin.net/paste/eBQtFS1iI-oUZ+Hi#LnzRA87qPu-r+3YfuVsSuBpQqtbgRznW3aWuls+XWJr">Some members of the staff did not want the community to be made aware at all</a>. Because of this censorship, I will no longer be associated with the /r/3dshacks subreddit or IRC until there is a change in leadership.<br><br>A post explaning the events (with additional information and evidence) can be found <a href="recent-community-events"><i>here</i></a>. A full archive of the removed thread can be found <a href="https://imgur.com/gallery/un69v"><i>here</i></a>. The original (now removed) thread can be found <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/3dshacks/comments/674ik7/"><i>here</i></a>.</b>' |