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<header><h4 class="nav__title"><i class="fas fa-file-alt"></i> Table of Contents</h4></header>
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<li><a href="#riiconnect24--wiilink" id="markdown-toc-riiconnect24--wiilink">RiiConnect24 + WiiLink</a> <ul>
<li><a href="#aggiornare-lorologio-rtc" id="markdown-toc-aggiornare-lorologio-rtc">Aggiornare lorologio RTC</a> <ul>
<li><a href="#di-cosa-hai-bisogno" id="markdown-toc-di-cosa-hai-bisogno">Di cosa hai bisogno</a></li>
<li><a href="#istruzioni" id="markdown-toc-istruzioni">Istruzioni</a></li>
This guide provides the means of regaining WiiConnect24 functionality on your console via RiiConnect24.
Although not at all nessecary, it is a "nice to have" feature that was originally used for online connectivity in certain applications on the console.
These apps include the Forecast/News Channel, Nintendo Channel, Check Mii Out Channel, some Japan-exclusive channels, and more.
<p><a href="">WiiConnect24</a> was a service that allowed users with Internet connected Wiis to view the weather &amp; local news, send messages to friends, participate in Mii contest, and more. WiiConnect24 was discontinued on June 27th, 2013.</p>
<h2 id="riiconnect24--wiilink">RiiConnect24 + WiiLink</h2>
<p><a href="">RiiConnect24</a> is a revival service for WiiConnect24 that started in 2015, which allows you to regain its functionality on your console. As of late 2023, the service is now owned by WiiLink, a project that started in 2020 that was previously aiming at the Japanese-exclusive channels.</p>
<p>There is a patcher that ships both of these services together as one - meaning you get all of the international and Japanese-only channels in one package. The guide on how to install these services can be found <a href="">on WiiLinks website.</a></p>
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<h3 id="aggiornare-lorologio-rtc">Aggiornare lorologio RTC</h3>
<h4 id="di-cosa-hai-bisogno">Di cosa hai bisogno</h4>
<li>Una connessione Internet funzionante sul tuo Wii</li>
<li>LHomebrew Channel</li>
<li>Una scheda SD o dispositivo USB</li>
<li><a href="">sntp</a></li>
<h4 id="istruzioni">Istruzioni</h4>
<li>Scarica ed estrai larchivio zip di sntp nella root della tua scheda SD o dispositivo USB.</li>
<li>Inserisci la scheda SD o dispositivo USB nel tuo Wii.</li>
<li>Avvia il Canale Homebrew sul tuo Wii.</li>
<li>Avvia sntp.</li>
<li>Usa la +Croce Direzionale per selezionare lora attuale.</li>
<li>Premi il pulsante HOME per uscire.</li>
<p class="notice--info"><a href="wiimmfi">Procedi alla Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection</a><br /> Questa guida porta avanti il processo per riottenere le funzionalità online del tuo Wii - consentendo di far funzionare nuovamente i servizi Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection su certi giochi come Mario Kart Wii. Seppur ci sono diversi server privati e servizi che lo permettono, il servizio trattato qui sarà Wiimmfi.</p>
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