All downstream changes from the theme (i.e. here) will be denoted with: /* hacks-guide change start */ and /* hacks-guide change end */ One-line changes are marked with /* hacks-guide change */ next to it. Since our theme does not have linear history with upstream, this allows quicker identification of what exactly has differentiated downstream, as we do have a few out-of-tree patches for extra functionality.
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31 lines
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<div class="page__footer-follow">
<ul class="social-icons">
{% if[site.locale].follow_label %}
<li><strong>{{[site.locale].follow_label }}</strong></li>
{% endif %}
{% if site.footer.links %}
{% for link in site.footer.links %}
{% if link.label and link.url %}
<li><a href="{{ link.url }}" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><i class="{{ link.icon | default: 'fas fa-link' }}" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ link.label }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<!-- hacks-guide change start: force disable atom feed-->
{% unless site.atom_feed.hide %}
<li><a href="{% if site.atom_feed.path %}{{ site.atom_feed.path }}{% else %}{{ '/feed.xml' | relative_url }}{% endif %}"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-rss-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{[site.locale].feed_label | default: "Feed" }}</a></li>
{% endunless %}
<!-- hacks-guide change end -->
<!-- hacks-guide change start: custom footer -->
{% assign split_path = page.path | split: "/" %}
{% assign locale = split_path[1] %}
{% assign titles =[locale].footer %}
<div class="page__footer-copyright">© {{ site.time | date: '%Y' }} {{ | default: site.title }}. - <a href="site-navigation">{{ titles[1].title }}</a> - <a href="privacy-policy">{{ titles[2].title }}</a> <!-- {{[site.locale].powered_by | default: "Powered by" }} <a href="" rel="nofollow">Jekyll</a> & <a href="" rel="nofollow">Minimal Mistakes</a>.--></div>
<!-- hacks-guide change end -->