All downstream changes from the theme (i.e. here) will be denoted with: /* hacks-guide change start */ and /* hacks-guide change end */ One-line changes are marked with /* hacks-guide change */ next to it. Since our theme does not have linear history with upstream, this allows quicker identification of what exactly has differentiated downstream, as we do have a few out-of-tree patches for extra functionality.
180 lines
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180 lines
6 KiB
/* ==========================================================================
jQuery plugin settings and other scripts
========================================================================== */
$(document).ready(function() {
// external links should open in a new tab
var host = location.hostname
var allLinks = document.querySelectorAll('a')
for (var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; ++i) {
if (allLinks[i].hostname !== host && allLinks[i].hostname !== '') {
allLinks[i].target = '_blank'
// FitVids init
// Sticky sidebar
var stickySideBar = function() {
var show =
$(".author__urls-wrapper button").length === 0
? $(window).width() > 1024 // width should match $large Sass variable
: !$(".author__urls-wrapper button").is(":visible");
if (show) {
// fix
} else {
// unfix
$(window).resize(function() {
// Follow menu drop down
$(".author__urls-wrapper button").on("click", function() {
$(".author__urls-wrapper button").toggleClass("open");
// Close search screen with Esc key
$(document).keyup(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 27) {
if ($(".initial-content").hasClass("is--hidden")) {
// Search toggle
$(".search__toggle").on("click", function() {
// set focus on input
setTimeout(function() {
$(".search-content input").focus();
}, 400);
// Smooth scrolling
var scroll = new SmoothScroll('a[href*="#"]', {
offset: 20,
speed: 400,
speedAsDuration: true,
durationMax: 500
// Gumshoe scroll spy init
if($("nav.toc").length > 0) {
var spy = new Gumshoe("nav.toc a", {
// Active classes
navClass: "active", // applied to the nav list item
contentClass: "active", // applied to the content
// Nested navigation
nested: false, // if true, add classes to parents of active link
nestedClass: "active", // applied to the parent items
// Offset & reflow
offset: 20, // how far from the top of the page to activate a content area
reflow: true, // if true, listen for reflows
// Event support
events: true // if true, emit custom events
// add lightbox class to all image links
// Magnific-Popup options
// disableOn: function() {
// if( $(window).width() < 500 ) {
// return false;
// }
// return true;
// },
type: "image",
tLoading: "Loading image #%curr%...",
gallery: {
enabled: true,
navigateByImgClick: true,
preload: [0, 1] // Will preload 0 - before current, and 1 after the current image
image: {
tError: '<a href="%url%">Image #%curr%</a> could not be loaded.'
removalDelay: 500, // Delay in milliseconds before popup is removed
// Class that is added to body when popup is open.
// make it unique to apply your CSS animations just to this exact popup
mainClass: "mfp-zoom-in",
callbacks: {
beforeOpen: function() {
// just a hack that adds mfp-anim class to markup
| =
"mfp-figure mfp-with-anim"
closeOnContentClick: true,
midClick: true // allow opening popup on middle mouse click. Always set it to true if you don't provide alternative source.
// Add anchors for headings
$('.page__content').find('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6').each(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
if (id) {
var anchor = document.createElement("a");
anchor.className = 'header-link';
anchor.href = '#' + id;
anchor.innerHTML = '<span class=\"sr-only\">Permalink</span><i class=\"fas fa-link\"></i>';
anchor.title = "Permalink";
/* hacks-guide change start: add configs for navigation bar and language selector */
if((window.location.href.indexOf("/he_IL/") > -1) || (window.location.href.indexOf("/ar_SA/") > -1)) {
$("body").css("direction", "rtl");
$("nav.greedy-nav .nav-selector").css("left", "2.5rem");
$("nav.greedy-nav .lang-selector").css("left", ".2rem");
$("nav.greedy-nav .links-menu").css("right", "auto");
$("nav.greedy-nav .lang-menu").css("right", "auto");
$("nav.greedy-nav .links-menu").css("left", "2.5rem");
$("nav.greedy-nav .lang-menu").css("left", ".2rem");
$("nav.greedy-nav .visible-links").css("padding-right", "0");
$("nav.greedy-nav .visible-links").css("padding-left", "2rem");
$("nav.greedy-nav .visible-links li:first-child a").css("margin-right", "0");
$("nav.greedy-nav .visible-links li:first-child a").css("margin-left", "1rem");
$("nav.greedy-nav .visible-links li:first-child").css("padding-right", "0");
$("nav.greedy-nav .visible-links li:first-child").css("padding-left", "2em");
$("nav.greedy-nav .visible-links li:last-child a").css("margin-right", "1rem");
$("nav.greedy-nav .visible-links li:last-child a").css("margin-left", "0");
// for some reason js cannot directly modify :before and :after pseudo-elements' css
$('nav.greedy-nav').prepend('<style>.hidden-links:before{right:inherit !important;}</style>');
$('nav.greedy-nav').prepend('<style>.hidden-links:before{left:5px !important;}</style>');
$('nav.greedy-nav').prepend('<style>.hidden-links:after{right:inherit !important;}</style>');
$('nav.greedy-nav').prepend('<style>.hidden-links:after{left:5px !important;}</style>');
/* hacks-guide change end */