Back to where we were
First special instruction Start Load/Store implementation Start TextureSample Sample progress I/O Load/Store Progress Rest of load/store TODO: Currently, the generator still assumes the GLSL style of I/O attributres. On MSL, the vertex function should output a struct which contains a float4 with the required position attribute. TextureSize and VectorExtract Fix UserDefined IO Vars Fix stage input struct names
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 507 additions and 43 deletions
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl
// DeclareInputAttributes(context, info.IoDefinitions.Where(x => IsUserDefined(x, StorageKind.Input)));
DeclareInputAttributes(context, info.IoDefinitions.Where(x => IsUserDefined(x, StorageKind.Input)));
static bool IsUserDefined(IoDefinition ioDefinition, StorageKind storageKind)
@ -66,28 +67,45 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl
// TODO: Redo for new Shader IR rep
// private static void DeclareInputAttributes(CodeGenContext context, IEnumerable<IoDefinition> inputs)
// {
// if (context.AttributeUsage.UsedInputAttributes != 0)
// {
// context.AppendLine("struct VertexIn");
// context.EnterScope();
// int usedAttributes = context.AttributeUsage.UsedInputAttributes | context.AttributeUsage.PassthroughAttributes;
// while (usedAttributes != 0)
// {
// int index = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(usedAttributes);
// string name = $"{DefaultNames.IAttributePrefix}{index}";
// var type = context.AttributeUsage.get .QueryAttributeType(index).ToVec4Type(TargetLanguage.Msl);
// context.AppendLine($"{type} {name} [[attribute({index})]];");
// usedAttributes &= ~(1 << index);
// }
// context.LeaveScope(";");
// }
// }
private static void DeclareInputAttributes(CodeGenContext context, IEnumerable<IoDefinition> inputs)
if (context.Definitions.IaIndexing)
// Not handled
if (inputs.Any())
string prefix = "";
switch (context.Definitions.Stage)
case ShaderStage.Vertex:
prefix = "Vertex";
case ShaderStage.Fragment:
prefix = "Fragment";
case ShaderStage.Compute:
prefix = "Compute";
context.AppendLine($"struct {prefix}In");
foreach (var ioDefinition in inputs.OrderBy(x => x.Location))
string type = GetVarTypeName(context, context.Definitions.GetUserDefinedType(ioDefinition.Location, isOutput: false));
string name = $"{DefaultNames.IAttributePrefix}{ioDefinition.Location}";
context.AppendLine($"{type} {name} [[attribute({ioDefinition.Location})]];");
@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
using System;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions.InstGenCall;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions.InstGenHelper;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions.InstGenMemory;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions.InstGenVector;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr.InstructionInfo;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions
@ -105,7 +108,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions
case Instruction.Barrier:
return "|| BARRIER ||";
case Instruction.Call:
return "|| CALL ||";
return Call(context, operation);
case Instruction.FSIBegin:
return "|| FSI BEGIN ||";
case Instruction.FSIEnd:
@ -125,25 +128,26 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions
case Instruction.ImageAtomic:
return "|| IMAGE ATOMIC ||";
case Instruction.Load:
return "|| LOAD ||";
return Load(context, operation);
case Instruction.Lod:
return "|| LOD ||";
case Instruction.MemoryBarrier:
return "|| MEMORY BARRIER ||";
case Instruction.Store:
return "|| STORE ||";
return Store(context, operation);
case Instruction.TextureSample:
return "|| TEXTURE SAMPLE ||";
return TextureSample(context, operation);
case Instruction.TextureSize:
return "|| TEXTURE SIZE ||";
return TextureSize(context, operation);
case Instruction.VectorExtract:
return "|| VECTOR EXTRACT ||";
return VectorExtract(context, operation);
case Instruction.VoteAllEqual:
return "|| VOTE ALL EQUAL ||";
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected instruction type \"{info.Type}\".");
// TODO: Return this to being an error
return $"Unexpected instruction type \"{info.Type}\".";
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions.InstGenHelper;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions
static class InstGenCall
public static string Call(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation)
AstOperand funcId = (AstOperand)operation.GetSource(0);
var functon = context.GetFunction(funcId.Value);
string[] args = new string[operation.SourcesCount - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
args[i] = GetSourceExpr(context, operation.GetSource(i + 1), functon.GetArgumentType(i));
return $"{functon.Name}({string.Join(", ", args)})";
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.TypeConversion;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions
static class InstGenHelper
@ -140,9 +142,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions
public static string GetSourceExpr(CodeGenContext context, IAstNode node, AggregateType dstType)
// TODO: Implement this
// return ReinterpretCast(context, node, OperandManager.GetNodeDestType(context, node), dstType);
return "";
return ReinterpretCast(context, node, OperandManager.GetNodeDestType(context, node), dstType);
public static string Enclose(string expr, IAstNode node, Instruction pInst, bool isLhs)
@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
using System;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions.InstGenHelper;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr.InstructionInfo;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions
static class InstGenMemory
public static string GenerateLoadOrStore(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation, bool isStore)
StorageKind storageKind = operation.StorageKind;
string varName;
AggregateType varType;
int srcIndex = 0;
bool isStoreOrAtomic = operation.Inst == Instruction.Store || operation.Inst.IsAtomic();
int inputsCount = isStoreOrAtomic ? operation.SourcesCount - 1 : operation.SourcesCount;
if (operation.Inst == Instruction.AtomicCompareAndSwap)
switch (storageKind)
case StorageKind.ConstantBuffer:
case StorageKind.StorageBuffer:
if (operation.GetSource(srcIndex++) is not AstOperand bindingIndex || bindingIndex.Type != OperandType.Constant)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"First input of {operation.Inst} with {storageKind} storage must be a constant operand.");
int binding = bindingIndex.Value;
BufferDefinition buffer = storageKind == StorageKind.ConstantBuffer
? context.Properties.ConstantBuffers[binding]
: context.Properties.StorageBuffers[binding];
if (operation.GetSource(srcIndex++) is not AstOperand fieldIndex || fieldIndex.Type != OperandType.Constant)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Second input of {operation.Inst} with {storageKind} storage must be a constant operand.");
StructureField field = buffer.Type.Fields[fieldIndex.Value];
varName = $"{buffer.Name}.{field.Name}";
varType = field.Type;
case StorageKind.LocalMemory:
case StorageKind.SharedMemory:
if (operation.GetSource(srcIndex++) is not AstOperand { Type: OperandType.Constant } bindingId)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"First input of {operation.Inst} with {storageKind} storage must be a constant operand.");
MemoryDefinition memory = storageKind == StorageKind.LocalMemory
? context.Properties.LocalMemories[bindingId.Value]
: context.Properties.SharedMemories[bindingId.Value];
varName = memory.Name;
varType = memory.Type;
case StorageKind.Input:
case StorageKind.InputPerPatch:
case StorageKind.Output:
case StorageKind.OutputPerPatch:
if (operation.GetSource(srcIndex++) is not AstOperand varId || varId.Type != OperandType.Constant)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"First input of {operation.Inst} with {storageKind} storage must be a constant operand.");
IoVariable ioVariable = (IoVariable)varId.Value;
bool isOutput = storageKind.IsOutput();
bool isPerPatch = storageKind.IsPerPatch();
int location = -1;
int component = 0;
if (context.Definitions.HasPerLocationInputOrOutput(ioVariable, isOutput))
if (operation.GetSource(srcIndex++) is not AstOperand vecIndex || vecIndex.Type != OperandType.Constant)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Second input of {operation.Inst} with {storageKind} storage must be a constant operand.");
location = vecIndex.Value;
if (operation.SourcesCount > srcIndex &&
operation.GetSource(srcIndex) is AstOperand elemIndex &&
elemIndex.Type == OperandType.Constant &&
context.Definitions.HasPerLocationInputOrOutputComponent(ioVariable, vecIndex.Value, elemIndex.Value, isOutput))
component = elemIndex.Value;
(varName, varType) = IoMap.GetMslBuiltIn(
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid storage kind {storageKind}.");
for (; srcIndex < inputsCount; srcIndex++)
IAstNode src = operation.GetSource(srcIndex);
if ((varType & AggregateType.ElementCountMask) != 0 &&
srcIndex == inputsCount - 1 &&
src is AstOperand elementIndex &&
elementIndex.Type == OperandType.Constant)
varName += "." + "xyzw"[elementIndex.Value & 3];
varName += $"[{GetSourceExpr(context, src, AggregateType.S32)}]";
if (isStore)
varType &= AggregateType.ElementTypeMask;
varName = $"{varName} = {GetSourceExpr(context, operation.GetSource(srcIndex), varType)}";
return varName;
public static string Load(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation)
return GenerateLoadOrStore(context, operation, isStore: false);
public static string Store(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation)
return GenerateLoadOrStore(context, operation, isStore: true);
public static string TextureSample(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation)
AstTextureOperation texOp = (AstTextureOperation)operation;
bool isGather = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.Gather) != 0;
bool isShadow = (texOp.Type & SamplerType.Shadow) != 0;
bool intCoords = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.IntCoords) != 0;
bool isArray = (texOp.Type & SamplerType.Array) != 0;
bool colorIsVector = isGather || !isShadow;
string texCall = "texture.";
int srcIndex = 0;
string Src(AggregateType type)
return GetSourceExpr(context, texOp.GetSource(srcIndex++), type);
if (intCoords)
texCall += "read(";
texCall += "sample(";
string samplerName = GetSamplerName(context.Properties, texOp);
texCall += samplerName;
int coordsCount = texOp.Type.GetDimensions();
int pCount = coordsCount;
int arrayIndexElem = -1;
if (isArray)
arrayIndexElem = pCount++;
if (isShadow && !isGather)
void Append(string str)
texCall += ", " + str;
AggregateType coordType = intCoords ? AggregateType.S32 : AggregateType.FP32;
string AssemblePVector(int count)
if (count > 1)
string[] elems = new string[count];
for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
if (arrayIndexElem == index)
elems[index] = Src(AggregateType.S32);
if (!intCoords)
elems[index] = "float(" + elems[index] + ")";
elems[index] = Src(coordType);
string prefix = intCoords ? "int" : "float";
return prefix + count + "(" + string.Join(", ", elems) + ")";
return Src(coordType);
texCall += ")" + (colorIsVector ? GetMaskMultiDest(texOp.Index) : "");
return texCall;
private static string GetSamplerName(ShaderProperties resourceDefinitions, AstTextureOperation textOp)
return resourceDefinitions.Textures[textOp.Binding].Name;
// TODO: Verify that this is valid in MSL
private static string GetMask(int index)
return $".{"rgba".AsSpan(index, 1)}";
private static string GetMaskMultiDest(int mask)
string swizzle = ".";
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if ((mask & (1 << i)) != 0)
swizzle += "xyzw"[i];
return swizzle;
public static string TextureSize(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation)
AstTextureOperation texOp = (AstTextureOperation)operation;
string textureName = "texture";
string texCall = textureName + ".";
if (texOp.Index == 3)
texCall += $"get_num_mip_levels()";
context.Properties.Textures.TryGetValue(texOp.Binding, out TextureDefinition definition);
bool hasLod = !definition.Type.HasFlag(SamplerType.Multisample) && (definition.Type & SamplerType.Mask) != SamplerType.TextureBuffer;
texCall += "get_";
if (texOp.Index == 0)
texCall += "width";
else if (texOp.Index == 1)
texCall += "height";
texCall += "depth";
texCall += "(";
if (hasLod)
IAstNode lod = operation.GetSource(0);
string lodExpr = GetSourceExpr(context, lod, GetSrcVarType(operation.Inst, 0));
texCall += $"{lodExpr}";
texCall += $"){GetMask(texOp.Index)}";
return texCall;
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions.InstGenHelper;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr.InstructionInfo;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions
static class InstGenVector
public static string VectorExtract(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation)
IAstNode vector = operation.GetSource(0);
IAstNode index = operation.GetSource(1);
string vectorExpr = GetSourceExpr(context, vector, OperandManager.GetNodeDestType(context, vector));
if (index is AstOperand indexOperand && indexOperand.Type == OperandType.Constant)
char elem = "xyzw"[indexOperand.Value];
return $"{vectorExpr}.{elem}";
string indexExpr = GetSourceExpr(context, index, GetSrcVarType(operation.Inst, 1));
return $"{vectorExpr}[{indexExpr}]";
@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
using System.Globalization;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions
static class IoMap
public static (string, AggregateType) GetMSLBuiltIn(IoVariable ioVariable)
public static (string, AggregateType) GetMslBuiltIn(
ShaderDefinitions definitions,
IoVariable ioVariable,
int location,
int component,
bool isOutput,
bool isPerPatch)
return ioVariable switch
@ -18,12 +25,50 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions
IoVariable.InstanceId => ("instance_id", AggregateType.S32),
IoVariable.PointCoord => ("point_coord", AggregateType.Vector2),
IoVariable.PointSize => ("point_size", AggregateType.FP32),
IoVariable.Position => ("position", AggregateType.Vector4),
IoVariable.Position => ("position", AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32),
IoVariable.PrimitiveId => ("primitive_id", AggregateType.S32),
IoVariable.UserDefined => GetUserDefinedVariableName(definitions, location, component, isOutput, isPerPatch),
IoVariable.VertexId => ("vertex_id", AggregateType.S32),
IoVariable.ViewportIndex => ("viewport_array_index", AggregateType.S32),
_ => (null, AggregateType.Invalid),
private static (string, AggregateType) GetUserDefinedVariableName(ShaderDefinitions definitions, int location, int component, bool isOutput, bool isPerPatch)
string name = isPerPatch
? DefaultNames.PerPatchAttributePrefix
: (isOutput ? DefaultNames.OAttributePrefix : DefaultNames.IAttributePrefix);
if (location < 0)
return (name, definitions.GetUserDefinedType(0, isOutput));
name += location.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (definitions.HasPerLocationInputOrOutputComponent(IoVariable.UserDefined, location, component, isOutput))
name += "_" + "xyzw"[component & 3];
string prefix = "";
switch (definitions.Stage)
case ShaderStage.Vertex:
prefix = "Vertex";
case ShaderStage.Fragment:
prefix = "Fragment";
case ShaderStage.Compute:
prefix = "Compute";
prefix += isOutput ? "Out" : "In";
return (prefix + "." + name, definitions.GetUserDefinedType(location, isOutput));
@ -90,10 +90,25 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl
funcKeyword = "fragment";
funcName = "fragmentMain";
else if (stage == ShaderStage.Compute)
// TODO: Compute main
if (context.AttributeUsage.UsedInputAttributes != 0)
args = args.Prepend("VertexIn in [[stage_in]]").ToArray();
if (stage == ShaderStage.Vertex)
args = args.Prepend("VertexIn in [[stage_in]]").ToArray();
else if (stage == ShaderStage.Fragment)
args = args.Prepend("FragmentIn in [[stage_in]]").ToArray();
else if (stage == ShaderStage.Compute)
// TODO: Compute input
@ -46,9 +46,6 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl
public static AggregateType GetNodeDestType(CodeGenContext context, IAstNode node)
// TODO: Get rid of that function entirely and return the type from the operation generation
// functions directly, like SPIR-V does.
if (node is AstOperation operation)
if (operation.Inst == Instruction.Load || operation.Inst.IsAtomic())
@ -99,6 +96,8 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl
IoVariable ioVariable = (IoVariable)varId.Value;
bool isOutput = operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.Output || operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.OutputPerPatch;
bool isPerPatch = operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.InputPerPatch || operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.OutputPerPatch;
int location = 0;
int component = 0;
if (context.Definitions.HasPerLocationInputOrOutput(ioVariable, isOutput))
@ -107,18 +106,24 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Second input of {operation.Inst} with {operation.StorageKind} storage must be a constant operand.");
int location = vecIndex.Value;
location = vecIndex.Value;
if (operation.SourcesCount > 2 &&
operation.GetSource(2) is AstOperand elemIndex &&
elemIndex.Type == OperandType.Constant &&
context.Definitions.HasPerLocationInputOrOutputComponent(ioVariable, location, elemIndex.Value, isOutput))
int component = elemIndex.Value;
component = elemIndex.Value;
(_, AggregateType varType) = IoMap.GetMSLBuiltIn(ioVariable);
(_, AggregateType varType) = IoMap.GetMslBuiltIn(
return varType & AggregateType.ElementTypeMask;
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Spirv;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Decoders;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
@ -373,6 +374,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
TargetLanguage.Glsl => new ShaderProgram(info, TargetLanguage.Glsl, GlslGenerator.Generate(sInfo, parameters)),
TargetLanguage.Spirv => new ShaderProgram(info, TargetLanguage.Spirv, SpirvGenerator.Generate(sInfo, parameters)),
TargetLanguage.Msl => new ShaderProgram(info, TargetLanguage.Msl, MslGenerator.Generate(sInfo, parameters)),
_ => throw new NotImplementedException(Options.TargetLanguage.ToString()),
Add table
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