using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL; using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using System; using System.Threading; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL.Queries { class CounterQueueEvent : ICounterEvent { public event EventHandler OnResult; public QueryTarget Type { get; } public bool ClearCounter { get; private set; } public int Query => _counter.Query; public bool Disposed { get; private set; } public bool Invalid { get; set; } private CounterQueue _queue; private BufferedQuery _counter; private object _lock = new object(); public CounterQueueEvent(CounterQueue queue, QueryTarget type) { _queue = queue; _counter = queue.GetQueryObject(); Type = type; _counter.Begin(); } internal void Clear() { _counter.Reset(); ClearCounter = true; } internal void Complete() { _counter.End(); } internal bool TryConsume(ref ulong result, bool block, AutoResetEvent wakeSignal = null) { lock (_lock) { if (Disposed) { return true; } if (ClearCounter || Type == QueryTarget.Timestamp) { result = 0; } long queryResult; if (block) { queryResult = _counter.AwaitResult(wakeSignal); } else { if (!_counter.TryGetResult(out queryResult)) { return false; } } result += (ulong)queryResult; OnResult?.Invoke(this, result); Dispose(); // Return the our resources to the pool. return true; } } public void Flush() { if (Disposed) { return; } // Tell the queue to process all events up to this one. _queue.FlushTo(this); } public void Dispose() { Disposed = true; _queue.ReturnQueryObject(_counter); } } }