* IPC refactor part 3 + 4: New server HIPC message processor with source generator based serialization * Make types match on calls to AlignUp/AlignDown * Formatting * Address some PR feedback * Move BitfieldExtensions to Ryujinx.Common.Utilities and consolidate implementations * Rename Reader/Writer to SpanReader/SpanWriter and move to Ryujinx.Common.Memory * Implement EventType * Address more PR feedback * Log request processing errors since they are not normal * Rename waitable to multiwait and add missing lock * PR feedback * Ac_K PR feedback
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487 lines
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using Ryujinx.Common;
using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
using Ryujinx.Common.Memory;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Applets;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Ipc;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Common;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.SurfaceFlinger;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Vi.RootService.ApplicationDisplayService;
using Ryujinx.HLE.Ui;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Vi.RootService.ApplicationDisplayService.Types;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Vi.Types;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using Ryujinx.Horizon.Common;
namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Vi.RootService
class IApplicationDisplayService : IpcService
private readonly ViServiceType _serviceType;
private class DisplayState
public int RetrievedEventsCount;
private readonly List<DisplayInfo> _displayInfo;
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, DisplayState> _openDisplays;
private int _vsyncEventHandle;
public IApplicationDisplayService(ViServiceType serviceType)
_serviceType = serviceType;
_displayInfo = new List<DisplayInfo>();
_openDisplays = new Dictionary<ulong, DisplayState>();
void AddDisplayInfo(string name, bool layerLimitEnabled, ulong layerLimitMax, ulong width, ulong height)
DisplayInfo displayInfo = new DisplayInfo()
Name = new Array64<byte>(),
LayerLimitEnabled = layerLimitEnabled,
Padding = new Array7<byte>(),
LayerLimitMax = layerLimitMax,
Width = width,
Height = height
AddDisplayInfo("Default", true, 1, 1920, 1080);
AddDisplayInfo("External", true, 1, 1920, 1080);
AddDisplayInfo("Edid", true, 1, 0, 0);
AddDisplayInfo("Internal", true, 1, 1920, 1080);
AddDisplayInfo("Null", false, 0, 1920, 1080);
// GetRelayService() -> object<nns::hosbinder::IHOSBinderDriver>
public ResultCode GetRelayService(ServiceCtx context)
// FIXME: Should be _serviceType != ViServiceType.Application but guests crashes if we do this check.
if (_serviceType > ViServiceType.System)
return ResultCode.PermissionDenied;
MakeObject(context, new HOSBinderDriverServer());
return ResultCode.Success;
// GetSystemDisplayService() -> object<nn::visrv::sf::ISystemDisplayService>
public ResultCode GetSystemDisplayService(ServiceCtx context)
// FIXME: Should be _serviceType == ViServiceType.System but guests crashes if we do this check.
if (_serviceType > ViServiceType.System)
return ResultCode.PermissionDenied;
MakeObject(context, new ISystemDisplayService(this));
return ResultCode.Success;
// GetManagerDisplayService() -> object<nn::visrv::sf::IManagerDisplayService>
public ResultCode GetManagerDisplayService(ServiceCtx context)
if (_serviceType > ViServiceType.System)
return ResultCode.PermissionDenied;
MakeObject(context, new IManagerDisplayService(this));
return ResultCode.Success;
[CommandHipc(103)] // 2.0.0+
// GetIndirectDisplayTransactionService() -> object<nns::hosbinder::IHOSBinderDriver>
public ResultCode GetIndirectDisplayTransactionService(ServiceCtx context)
if (_serviceType > ViServiceType.System)
return ResultCode.PermissionDenied;
MakeObject(context, new HOSBinderDriverServer());
return ResultCode.Success;
// ListDisplays() -> (u64 count, buffer<nn::vi::DisplayInfo, 6>)
public ResultCode ListDisplays(ServiceCtx context)
ulong displayInfoBuffer = context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0].Position;
// TODO: Determine when more than one display is needed.
ulong displayCount = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)displayCount; i++)
context.Memory.Write(displayInfoBuffer + (ulong)(i * Unsafe.SizeOf<DisplayInfo>()), _displayInfo[i]);
return ResultCode.Success;
// OpenDisplay(nn::vi::DisplayName) -> u64 display_id
public ResultCode OpenDisplay(ServiceCtx context)
string name = "";
for (int index = 0; index < 8 && context.RequestData.BaseStream.Position < context.RequestData.BaseStream.Length; index++)
byte chr = context.RequestData.ReadByte();
if (chr >= 0x20 && chr < 0x7f)
name += (char)chr;
return OpenDisplayImpl(context, name);
// OpenDefaultDisplay() -> u64 display_id
public ResultCode OpenDefaultDisplay(ServiceCtx context)
return OpenDisplayImpl(context, "Default");
private ResultCode OpenDisplayImpl(ServiceCtx context, string name)
if (name == "")
return ResultCode.InvalidValue;
int displayId = _displayInfo.FindIndex(display => Encoding.ASCII.GetString(display.Name.AsSpan()).Trim('\0') == name);
if (displayId == -1)
return ResultCode.InvalidValue;
if (!_openDisplays.TryAdd((ulong)displayId, new DisplayState()))
return ResultCode.AlreadyOpened;
return ResultCode.Success;
// CloseDisplay(u64 display_id)
public ResultCode CloseDisplay(ServiceCtx context)
ulong displayId = context.RequestData.ReadUInt64();
if (!_openDisplays.Remove(displayId))
return ResultCode.InvalidValue;
return ResultCode.Success;
// SetDisplayEnabled(u32 enabled_bool, u64 display_id)
public ResultCode SetDisplayEnabled(ServiceCtx context)
// NOTE: Stubbed in original service.
return ResultCode.Success;
// GetDisplayResolution(u64 display_id) -> (u64 width, u64 height)
public ResultCode GetDisplayResolution(ServiceCtx context)
// NOTE: Not used in original service.
// ulong displayId = context.RequestData.ReadUInt64();
// NOTE: Returns ResultCode.InvalidArguments if width and height pointer are null, doesn't occur in our case.
// NOTE: Values are hardcoded in original service.
context.ResponseData.Write(1280UL); // Width
context.ResponseData.Write(720UL); // Height
return ResultCode.Success;
// OpenLayer(nn::vi::DisplayName, u64, nn::applet::AppletResourceUserId, pid) -> (u64, buffer<bytes, 6>)
public ResultCode OpenLayer(ServiceCtx context)
// TODO: support multi display.
byte[] displayName = context.RequestData.ReadBytes(0x40);
long layerId = context.RequestData.ReadInt64();
long userId = context.RequestData.ReadInt64();
ulong parcelPtr = context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0].Position;
ResultCode result = context.Device.System.SurfaceFlinger.OpenLayer(context.Request.HandleDesc.PId, layerId, out IBinder producer);
if (result != ResultCode.Success)
return result;
Parcel parcel = new Parcel(0x28, 0x4);
parcel.WriteObject(producer, "dispdrv\0");
ReadOnlySpan<byte> parcelData = parcel.Finish();
context.Memory.Write(parcelPtr, parcelData);
return ResultCode.Success;
// CloseLayer(u64)
public ResultCode CloseLayer(ServiceCtx context)
long layerId = context.RequestData.ReadInt64();
return context.Device.System.SurfaceFlinger.CloseLayer(layerId);
// CreateStrayLayer(u32, u64) -> (u64, u64, buffer<bytes, 6>)
public ResultCode CreateStrayLayer(ServiceCtx context)
long layerFlags = context.RequestData.ReadInt64();
long displayId = context.RequestData.ReadInt64();
ulong parcelPtr = context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0].Position;
// TODO: support multi display.
IBinder producer = context.Device.System.SurfaceFlinger.CreateLayer(out long layerId, 0, LayerState.Stray);
Parcel parcel = new Parcel(0x28, 0x4);
parcel.WriteObject(producer, "dispdrv\0");
ReadOnlySpan<byte> parcelData = parcel.Finish();
context.Memory.Write(parcelPtr, parcelData);
return ResultCode.Success;
// DestroyStrayLayer(u64)
public ResultCode DestroyStrayLayer(ServiceCtx context)
long layerId = context.RequestData.ReadInt64();
return context.Device.System.SurfaceFlinger.DestroyStrayLayer(layerId);
// SetLayerScalingMode(u32, u64)
public ResultCode SetLayerScalingMode(ServiceCtx context)
uint sourceScalingMode = context.RequestData.ReadUInt32();
ulong layerId = context.RequestData.ReadUInt64();
// NOTE: Original service converts SourceScalingMode to DestinationScalingMode but does nothing with the converted value.
return ResultCode.Success;
[CommandHipc(2102)] // 5.0.0+
// ConvertScalingMode(u32 source_scaling_mode) -> u64 destination_scaling_mode
public ResultCode ConvertScalingMode(ServiceCtx context)
SourceScalingMode scalingMode = (SourceScalingMode)context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
DestinationScalingMode? convertedScalingMode = scalingMode switch
SourceScalingMode.None => DestinationScalingMode.None,
SourceScalingMode.Freeze => DestinationScalingMode.Freeze,
SourceScalingMode.ScaleAndCrop => DestinationScalingMode.ScaleAndCrop,
SourceScalingMode.ScaleToWindow => DestinationScalingMode.ScaleToWindow,
SourceScalingMode.PreserveAspectRatio => DestinationScalingMode.PreserveAspectRatio,
_ => null,
if (!convertedScalingMode.HasValue)
// Scaling mode out of the range of valid values.
return ResultCode.InvalidArguments;
if (scalingMode != SourceScalingMode.ScaleToWindow && scalingMode != SourceScalingMode.PreserveAspectRatio)
// Invalid scaling mode specified.
return ResultCode.InvalidScalingMode;
return ResultCode.Success;
private ulong GetA8B8G8R8LayerSize(int width, int height, out int pitch, out int alignment)
const int defaultAlignment = 0x1000;
const ulong defaultSize = 0x20000;
alignment = defaultAlignment;
pitch = BitUtils.AlignUp(BitUtils.DivRoundUp(width * 32, 8), 64);
int memorySize = pitch * BitUtils.AlignUp(height, 64);
ulong requiredMemorySize = (ulong)BitUtils.AlignUp(memorySize, alignment);
return (requiredMemorySize + defaultSize - 1) / defaultSize * defaultSize;
// GetIndirectLayerImageMap(s64 width, s64 height, u64 handle, nn::applet::AppletResourceUserId, pid) -> (s64, s64, buffer<bytes, 0x46>)
public ResultCode GetIndirectLayerImageMap(ServiceCtx context)
// The size of the layer buffer should be an aligned multiple of width * height
// because it was created using GetIndirectLayerImageRequiredMemoryInfo as a guide.
long layerWidth = context.RequestData.ReadInt64();
long layerHeight = context.RequestData.ReadInt64();
long layerHandle = context.RequestData.ReadInt64();
ulong layerBuffPosition = context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0].Position;
ulong layerBuffSize = context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0].Size;
// Get the pitch of the layer that is necessary to render correctly.
ulong size = GetA8B8G8R8LayerSize((int)layerWidth, (int)layerHeight, out int pitch, out _);
Debug.Assert(layerBuffSize == size);
RenderingSurfaceInfo surfaceInfo = new RenderingSurfaceInfo(ColorFormat.A8B8G8R8, (uint)layerWidth, (uint)layerHeight, (uint)pitch, (uint)layerBuffSize);
// Get the applet associated with the handle.
object appletObject = context.Device.System.AppletState.IndirectLayerHandles.GetData((int)layerHandle);
if (appletObject == null)
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.ServiceVi, $"Indirect layer handle {layerHandle} does not match any applet");
return ResultCode.Success;
Debug.Assert(appletObject is IApplet);
IApplet applet = appletObject as IApplet;
if (!applet.DrawTo(surfaceInfo, context.Memory, layerBuffPosition))
Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ServiceVi, $"Applet did not draw on indirect layer handle {layerHandle}");
return ResultCode.Success;
return ResultCode.Success;
// GetIndirectLayerImageRequiredMemoryInfo(u64 width, u64 height) -> (u64 size, u64 alignment)
public ResultCode GetIndirectLayerImageRequiredMemoryInfo(ServiceCtx context)
// Doesn't occur in our case.
if (sizePtr == null || address_alignmentPtr == null)
return ResultCode.InvalidArguments;
int width = (int)context.RequestData.ReadUInt64();
int height = (int)context.RequestData.ReadUInt64();
if (height < 0 || width < 0)
return ResultCode.InvalidLayerSize;
// Doesn't occur in our case.
if (!service_initialized)
return ResultCode.InvalidArguments;
// NOTE: The official service setup a A8B8G8R8 texture with a linear layout and then query its size.
// As we don't need this texture on the emulator, we can just simplify this logic and directly
// do a linear layout size calculation. (stride * height * bytePerPixel)
ulong size = GetA8B8G8R8LayerSize(width, height, out int pitch, out int alignment);
return ResultCode.Success;
// GetDisplayVsyncEvent(u64) -> handle<copy>
public ResultCode GetDisplayVSyncEvent(ServiceCtx context)
ulong displayId = context.RequestData.ReadUInt64();
if (!_openDisplays.TryGetValue(displayId, out DisplayState displayState))
return ResultCode.InvalidValue;
if (displayState.RetrievedEventsCount > 0)
return ResultCode.PermissionDenied;
if (_vsyncEventHandle == 0)
if (context.Process.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(context.Device.System.VsyncEvent.ReadableEvent, out _vsyncEventHandle) != Result.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Out of handles!");
context.Response.HandleDesc = IpcHandleDesc.MakeCopy(_vsyncEventHandle);
return ResultCode.Success;
} |