riperiperi d92fff541b
Replace CacheResourceWrite with more general "precise" write (#2684)
* Replace CacheResourceWrite with more general "precise" write

The goal of CacheResourceWrite was to notify GPU resources when they were modified directly, by looking up the modified address/size in a structure and calling a method on each resource. The downside of this is that each resource cache has to be queried individually, they all have to implement their own way to do this, and it can only signal to resources using the same PhysicalMemory instance.

This PR adds the ability to signal a write as "precise" on the tracking, which signals a special handler (if present) which can be used to avoid unnecessary flush actions, or maybe even more. For buffers, precise writes specifically do not flush, and instead punch a hole in the modified range list to indicate that the data on GPU has been replaced.

The downside is that precise actions must ignore the page protection bits and always signal - as they need to notify the target resource to ignore the sequence number optimization.

I had to reintroduce the sequence number increment after I2M, as removing it was causing issues in rabbids kingdom battle. However - all resources modified by I2M are notified directly to lower their sequence number, so the problem is likely that another unrelated resource is not being properly updated. Thankfully, doing this does not affect performance in the games I tested.

This should fix regressions from #2624. Test any games that were broken by that. (RF4, rabbids kingdom battle)

I've also added a sequence number increment to ThreedClass.IncrementSyncpoint, as it seems to fix buffer corruption in OpenGL homebrew. (this was a regression from removing sequence number increment from constant buffer update - another unrelated resource thing)

* Add tests.

* Add XML docs for GpuRegionHandle

* Skip UpdateProtection if only precise actions were called

This allows precise actions to skip reprotection costs.
2021-09-29 02:27:03 +02:00

440 lines
17 KiB

using NUnit.Framework;
using Ryujinx.Memory.Tracking;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Ryujinx.Memory.Tests
public class MultiRegionTrackingTests
private const int RndCnt = 3;
private const ulong MemorySize = 0x8000;
private const int PageSize = 4096;
private MemoryBlock _memoryBlock;
private MemoryTracking _tracking;
private MockVirtualMemoryManager _memoryManager;
public void Setup()
_memoryBlock = new MemoryBlock(MemorySize);
_memoryManager = new MockVirtualMemoryManager(MemorySize, PageSize);
_tracking = new MemoryTracking(_memoryManager, PageSize);
public void Teardown()
private IMultiRegionHandle GetGranular(bool smart, ulong address, ulong size, ulong granularity)
return smart ?
_tracking.BeginSmartGranularTracking(address, size, granularity) :
(IMultiRegionHandle)_tracking.BeginGranularTracking(address, size, null, granularity);
private void RandomOrder(Random random, List<int> indices, Action<int> action)
List<int> choices = indices.ToList();
while (choices.Count > 0)
int choice = random.Next(choices.Count);
private int ExpectQueryInOrder(IMultiRegionHandle handle, ulong startAddress, ulong size, Func<ulong, bool> addressPredicate)
int regionCount = 0;
ulong lastAddress = startAddress;
handle.QueryModified(startAddress, size, (address, range) =>
Assert.IsTrue(addressPredicate(address)); // Written pages must be even.
Assert.GreaterOrEqual(address, lastAddress); // Must be signalled in ascending order, regardless of write order.
lastAddress = address;
return regionCount;
private int ExpectQueryInOrder(IMultiRegionHandle handle, ulong startAddress, ulong size, Func<ulong, bool> addressPredicate, int sequenceNumber)
int regionCount = 0;
ulong lastAddress = startAddress;
handle.QueryModified(startAddress, size, (address, range) =>
Assert.IsTrue(addressPredicate(address)); // Written pages must be even.
Assert.GreaterOrEqual(address, lastAddress); // Must be signalled in ascending order, regardless of write order.
lastAddress = address;
}, sequenceNumber);
return regionCount;
private void PreparePages(IMultiRegionHandle handle, int pageCount, ulong address = 0)
Random random = new Random();
// Make sure the list has minimum granularity (smart region changes granularity based on requested ranges)
RandomOrder(random, Enumerable.Range(0, pageCount).ToList(), (i) =>
ulong resultAddress = ulong.MaxValue;
handle.QueryModified((ulong)i * PageSize + address, PageSize, (address, range) =>
resultAddress = address;
Assert.AreEqual(resultAddress, (ulong)i * PageSize + address);
public void DirtyRegionOrdering([Values] bool smart)
const int pageCount = 32;
IMultiRegionHandle handle = GetGranular(smart, 0, PageSize * pageCount, PageSize);
Random random = new Random();
PreparePages(handle, pageCount);
IEnumerable<int> halfRange = Enumerable.Range(0, pageCount / 2);
List<int> odd = halfRange.Select(x => x * 2 + 1).ToList();
List<int> even = halfRange.Select(x => x * 2).ToList();
// Write to all the odd pages.
RandomOrder(random, odd, (i) =>
_tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent((ulong)i * PageSize, PageSize, true);
int oddRegionCount = ExpectQueryInOrder(handle, 0, PageSize * pageCount, (address) => (address / PageSize) % 2 == 1);
Assert.AreEqual(oddRegionCount, pageCount / 2); // Must have written to all odd pages.
// Write to all the even pages.
RandomOrder(random, even, (i) =>
_tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent((ulong)i * PageSize, PageSize, true);
int evenRegionCount = ExpectQueryInOrder(handle, 0, PageSize * pageCount, (address) => (address / PageSize) % 2 == 0);
Assert.AreEqual(evenRegionCount, pageCount / 2);
public void SequenceNumber([Values] bool smart)
// The sequence number can be used to ignore dirty flags, and defer their consumption until later.
// If a user consumes a dirty flag with sequence number 1, then there is a write to the protected region,
// the dirty flag will not be acknowledged until the sequence number is 2.
// This is useful for situations where we know that the data was complete when the sequence number was set.
// ...essentially, when that data can only be updated on a future sequence number.
const int pageCount = 32;
IMultiRegionHandle handle = GetGranular(smart, 0, PageSize * pageCount, PageSize);
PreparePages(handle, pageCount);
Random random = new Random();
IEnumerable<int> halfRange = Enumerable.Range(0, pageCount / 2);
List<int> odd = halfRange.Select(x => x * 2 + 1).ToList();
List<int> even = halfRange.Select(x => x * 2).ToList();
// Write to all the odd pages.
RandomOrder(random, odd, (i) =>
_tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent((ulong)i * PageSize, PageSize, true);
int oddRegionCount = 0;
// Track with sequence number 1. Future dirty flags should only be consumed with sequence number != 1.
// Only track the odd pages, so the even ones don't have their sequence number set.
foreach (int index in odd)
handle.QueryModified((ulong)index * PageSize, PageSize, (address, range) =>
}, 1);
Assert.AreEqual(oddRegionCount, pageCount / 2); // Must have written to all odd pages.
// Write to all pages.
_tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(0, PageSize * pageCount, true);
// Only the even regions should be reported for sequence number 1.
int evenRegionCount = ExpectQueryInOrder(handle, 0, PageSize * pageCount, (address) => (address / PageSize) % 2 == 0, 1);
Assert.AreEqual(evenRegionCount, pageCount / 2); // Must have written to all even pages.
oddRegionCount = 0;
handle.QueryModified(0, PageSize * pageCount, (address, range) => { oddRegionCount++; }, 1);
Assert.AreEqual(oddRegionCount, 0); // Sequence number has not changed, so found no dirty subregions.
// With sequence number 2, all all pages should be reported as modified.
oddRegionCount = ExpectQueryInOrder(handle, 0, PageSize * pageCount, (address) => (address / PageSize) % 2 == 1, 2);
Assert.AreEqual(oddRegionCount, pageCount / 2); // Must have written to all odd pages.
public void SmartRegionTracking()
// Smart multi region handles dynamically change their tracking granularity based on QueryMemory calls.
// This can save on reprotects on larger resources.
const int pageCount = 32;
IMultiRegionHandle handle = GetGranular(true, 0, PageSize * pageCount, PageSize);
// Query some large regions to prep the subdivision of the tracking region.
int[] regionSizes = new int[] { 6, 4, 3, 2, 6, 1 };
ulong address = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < regionSizes.Length; i++)
int region = regionSizes[i];
handle.QueryModified(address, (ulong)(PageSize * region), (address, size) => { });
// There should be a gap between regions,
// So that they don't combine and we can see the full effects.
address += (ulong)(PageSize * (region + 1));
// Clear modified.
handle.QueryModified((address, size) => { });
// Trigger each region with a 1 byte write.
address = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < regionSizes.Length; i++)
int region = regionSizes[i];
_tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(address, 1, true);
address += (ulong)(PageSize * (region + 1));
int regionInd = 0;
ulong expectedAddress = 0;
// Expect each region to trigger in its entirety, in address ascending order.
handle.QueryModified((address, size) => {
int region = regionSizes[regionInd++];
Assert.AreEqual(address, expectedAddress);
Assert.AreEqual(size, (ulong)(PageSize * region));
expectedAddress += (ulong)(PageSize * (region + 1));
public void DisposeMultiHandles([Values] bool smart)
// Create and initialize two overlapping Multi Region Handles, with PageSize granularity.
const int pageCount = 32;
const int overlapStart = 16;
Assert.AreEqual(0, _tracking.GetRegionCount());
IMultiRegionHandle handleLow = GetGranular(smart, 0, PageSize * pageCount, PageSize);
PreparePages(handleLow, pageCount);
Assert.AreEqual(pageCount, _tracking.GetRegionCount());
IMultiRegionHandle handleHigh = GetGranular(smart, PageSize * overlapStart, PageSize * pageCount, PageSize);
PreparePages(handleHigh, pageCount, PageSize * overlapStart);
// Combined pages (and assuming overlapStart <= pageCount) should be pageCount after overlapStart.
int totalPages = overlapStart + pageCount;
Assert.AreEqual(totalPages, _tracking.GetRegionCount());
handleLow.Dispose(); // After disposing one, the pages for the other remain.
Assert.AreEqual(pageCount, _tracking.GetRegionCount());
handleHigh.Dispose(); // After disposing the other, there are no pages left.
Assert.AreEqual(0, _tracking.GetRegionCount());
public void InheritHandles()
// Test merging the following into a granular region handle:
// - 3x gap (creates new granular handles)
// - 3x from multiregion: not dirty, dirty and with action
// - 2x gap
// - 3x single page: not dirty, dirty and with action
// - 3x two page: not dirty, dirty and with action (handle is not reused, but its state is copied to the granular handles)
// - 1x gap
// For a total of 18 pages.
bool[] actionsTriggered = new bool[3];
MultiRegionHandle granular = _tracking.BeginGranularTracking(PageSize * 3, PageSize * 3, null, PageSize);
PreparePages(granular, 3, PageSize * 3);
// Write to the second handle in the multiregion.
_tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 4, PageSize, true);
// Add an action to the third handle in the multiregion.
granular.RegisterAction(PageSize * 5, PageSize, (_, _) => { actionsTriggered[0] = true; });
RegionHandle[] singlePages = new RegionHandle[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
singlePages[i] = _tracking.BeginTracking(PageSize * (8 + (ulong)i), PageSize);
// Write to the second handle.
_tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 9, PageSize, true);
// Add an action to the third handle.
singlePages[2].RegisterAction((_, _) => { actionsTriggered[1] = true; });
RegionHandle[] doublePages = new RegionHandle[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
doublePages[i] = _tracking.BeginTracking(PageSize * (11 + (ulong)i * 2), PageSize * 2);
// Write to the second handle.
_tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 13, PageSize * 2, true);
// Add an action to the third handle.
doublePages[2].RegisterAction((_, _) => { actionsTriggered[2] = true; });
// Finally, create a granular handle that inherits all these handles.
IEnumerable<IRegionHandle>[] handleGroups = new IEnumerable<IRegionHandle>[]
MultiRegionHandle combined = _tracking.BeginGranularTracking(0, PageSize * 18, handleGroups.SelectMany((handles) => handles), PageSize);
bool[] expectedDirty = new bool[]
true, true, true, // Gap.
false, true, false, // Multi-region.
true, true, // Gap.
false, true, false, // Individual handles.
false, false, true, true, false, false, // Double size handles.
true // Gap.
for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
bool modified = false;
combined.QueryModified(PageSize * (ulong)i, PageSize, (_, _) => { modified = true; });
Assert.AreEqual(expectedDirty[i], modified);
Assert.AreEqual(new bool[3], actionsTriggered);
_tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 5, PageSize, false);
_tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 10, PageSize, false);
_tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 15, PageSize, false);
// The double page handles should be disposed, as they were split into granular handles.
foreach (RegionHandle doublePage in doublePages)
// These should have been disposed.
bool throws = false;
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
throws = true;
IEnumerable<IRegionHandle> combinedHandles = combined.GetHandles();
Assert.AreEqual(handleGroups[0].ElementAt(0), combinedHandles.ElementAt(3));
Assert.AreEqual(handleGroups[0].ElementAt(1), combinedHandles.ElementAt(4));
Assert.AreEqual(handleGroups[0].ElementAt(2), combinedHandles.ElementAt(5));
Assert.AreEqual(singlePages[0], combinedHandles.ElementAt(8));
Assert.AreEqual(singlePages[1], combinedHandles.ElementAt(9));
Assert.AreEqual(singlePages[2], combinedHandles.ElementAt(10));
public void PreciseAction()
bool actionTriggered = false;
MultiRegionHandle granular = _tracking.BeginGranularTracking(PageSize * 3, PageSize * 3, null, PageSize);
PreparePages(granular, 3, PageSize * 3);
// Add a precise action to the second and third handle in the multiregion.
granular.RegisterPreciseAction(PageSize * 4, PageSize * 2, (_, _, _) => { actionTriggered = true; return true; });
// Precise write to first handle in the multiregion.
_tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 3, PageSize, true, precise: true);
Assert.IsFalse(actionTriggered); // Action not triggered.
bool firstPageModified = false;
granular.QueryModified(PageSize * 3, PageSize, (_, _) => { firstPageModified = true; });
Assert.IsTrue(firstPageModified); // First page is modified.
// Precise write to all handles in the multiregion.
_tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 3, PageSize * 3, true, precise: true);
bool[] pagesModified = new bool[3];
for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++)
int index = i - 3;
granular.QueryModified(PageSize * (ulong)i, PageSize, (_, _) => { pagesModified[index] = true; });
Assert.IsTrue(actionTriggered); // Action triggered.
// Precise writes are ignored on two later handles due to the action returning true.
Assert.AreEqual(pagesModified, new bool[] { true, false, false });