
587 lines
18 KiB

using ARMeilleure.CodeGen.Linking;
using ARMeilleure.Common;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation
unsafe struct Operand : IEquatable<Operand>
internal struct Data
public byte Kind;
public byte Type;
public byte SymbolType;
public byte Padding; // Unused space.
public ushort AssignmentsCount;
public ushort AssignmentsCapacity;
public uint UsesCount;
public uint UsesCapacity;
public Operation* Assignments;
public Operation* Uses;
public ulong Value;
public ulong SymbolValue;
private Data* _data;
public OperandKind Kind
get => (OperandKind)_data->Kind;
private set => _data->Kind = (byte)value;
public OperandType Type
get => (OperandType)_data->Type;
private set => _data->Type = (byte)value;
public ulong Value
get => _data->Value;
private set => _data->Value = value;
public Symbol Symbol
Debug.Assert(Kind != OperandKind.Memory);
return new Symbol((SymbolType)_data->SymbolType, _data->SymbolValue);
private set
Debug.Assert(Kind != OperandKind.Memory);
if (value.Type == SymbolType.None)
_data->SymbolType = (byte)SymbolType.None;
_data->SymbolType = (byte)value.Type;
_data->SymbolValue = value.Value;
public ReadOnlySpan<Operation> Assignments
Debug.Assert(Kind != OperandKind.Memory);
return new ReadOnlySpan<Operation>(_data->Assignments, _data->AssignmentsCount);
public ReadOnlySpan<Operation> Uses
Debug.Assert(Kind != OperandKind.Memory);
return new ReadOnlySpan<Operation>(_data->Uses, (int)_data->UsesCount);
public int UsesCount => (int)_data->UsesCount;
public int AssignmentsCount => _data->AssignmentsCount;
public bool Relocatable => Symbol.Type != SymbolType.None;
public Register GetRegister()
Debug.Assert(Kind == OperandKind.Register);
return new Register((int)Value & 0xffffff, (RegisterType)(Value >> 24));
public MemoryOperand GetMemory()
Debug.Assert(Kind == OperandKind.Memory);
return new MemoryOperand(this);
public int GetLocalNumber()
Debug.Assert(Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable);
return (int)Value;
public byte AsByte()
return (byte)Value;
public short AsInt16()
return (short)Value;
public int AsInt32()
return (int)Value;
public long AsInt64()
return (long)Value;
public float AsFloat()
return BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle((int)Value);
public double AsDouble()
return BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble((long)Value);
internal ref ulong GetValueUnsafe()
return ref _data->Value;
internal void NumberLocal(int number)
if (Kind != OperandKind.LocalVariable)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The operand is not a local variable.");
Value = (ulong)number;
public void AddAssignment(Operation operation)
if (Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable)
Add(operation, ref _data->Assignments, ref _data->AssignmentsCount, ref _data->AssignmentsCapacity);
else if (Kind == OperandKind.Memory)
MemoryOperand memOp = GetMemory();
Operand addr = memOp.BaseAddress;
Operand index = memOp.Index;
if (addr != default)
Add(operation, ref addr._data->Assignments, ref addr._data->AssignmentsCount, ref addr._data->AssignmentsCapacity);
if (index != default)
Add(operation, ref index._data->Assignments, ref index._data->AssignmentsCount, ref index._data->AssignmentsCapacity);
public void RemoveAssignment(Operation operation)
if (Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable)
Remove(operation, ref _data->Assignments, ref _data->AssignmentsCount);
else if (Kind == OperandKind.Memory)
MemoryOperand memOp = GetMemory();
Operand addr = memOp.BaseAddress;
Operand index = memOp.Index;
if (addr != default)
Remove(operation, ref addr._data->Assignments, ref addr._data->AssignmentsCount);
if (index != default)
Remove(operation, ref index._data->Assignments, ref index._data->AssignmentsCount);
public void AddUse(Operation operation)
if (Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable)
Add(operation, ref _data->Uses, ref _data->UsesCount, ref _data->UsesCapacity);
else if (Kind == OperandKind.Memory)
MemoryOperand memOp = GetMemory();
Operand addr = memOp.BaseAddress;
Operand index = memOp.Index;
if (addr != default)
Add(operation, ref addr._data->Uses, ref addr._data->UsesCount, ref addr._data->UsesCapacity);
if (index != default)
Add(operation, ref index._data->Uses, ref index._data->UsesCount, ref index._data->UsesCapacity);
public void RemoveUse(Operation operation)
if (Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable)
Remove(operation, ref _data->Uses, ref _data->UsesCount);
else if (Kind == OperandKind.Memory)
MemoryOperand memOp = GetMemory();
Operand addr = memOp.BaseAddress;
Operand index = memOp.Index;
if (addr != default)
Remove(operation, ref addr._data->Uses, ref addr._data->UsesCount);
if (index != default)
Remove(operation, ref index._data->Uses, ref index._data->UsesCount);
private static void New<T>(ref T* data, ref ushort count, ref ushort capacity, ushort initialCapacity) where T : unmanaged
count = 0;
capacity = initialCapacity;
data = Allocators.References.Allocate<T>(initialCapacity);
private static void New<T>(ref T* data, ref uint count, ref uint capacity, uint initialCapacity) where T : unmanaged
count = 0;
capacity = initialCapacity;
data = Allocators.References.Allocate<T>(initialCapacity);
private static void Add<T>(T item, ref T* data, ref ushort count, ref ushort capacity) where T : unmanaged
if (count < capacity)
data[(uint)count++] = item;
// Could not add item in the fast path, fallback onto the slow path.
ExpandAdd(item, ref data, ref count, ref capacity);
static void ExpandAdd(T item, ref T* data, ref ushort count, ref ushort capacity)
ushort newCount = checked((ushort)(count + 1));
ushort newCapacity = (ushort)Math.Min(capacity * 2, ushort.MaxValue);
var oldSpan = new Span<T>(data, count);
capacity = newCapacity;
data = Allocators.References.Allocate<T>(capacity);
oldSpan.CopyTo(new Span<T>(data, count));
data[count] = item;
count = newCount;
private static void Add<T>(T item, ref T* data, ref uint count, ref uint capacity) where T : unmanaged
if (count < capacity)
data[count++] = item;
// Could not add item in the fast path, fallback onto the slow path.
ExpandAdd(item, ref data, ref count, ref capacity);
static void ExpandAdd(T item, ref T* data, ref uint count, ref uint capacity)
uint newCount = checked(count + 1);
uint newCapacity = (uint)Math.Min(capacity * 2, int.MaxValue);
if (newCapacity <= capacity)
throw new OverflowException();
var oldSpan = new Span<T>(data, (int)count);
capacity = newCapacity;
data = Allocators.References.Allocate<T>(capacity);
oldSpan.CopyTo(new Span<T>(data, (int)count));
data[count] = item;
count = newCount;
private static void Remove<T>(in T item, ref T* data, ref ushort count) where T : unmanaged
var span = new Span<T>(data, count);
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
if (EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(span[i], item))
if (i + 1 < count)
span.Slice(i + 1).CopyTo(span.Slice(i));
private static void Remove<T>(in T item, ref T* data, ref uint count) where T : unmanaged
var span = new Span<T>(data, (int)count);
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
if (EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(span[i], item))
if (i + 1 < count)
span.Slice(i + 1).CopyTo(span.Slice(i));
public override int GetHashCode()
if (Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable)
return base.GetHashCode();
return (int)Value ^ ((int)Kind << 16) ^ ((int)Type << 20);
public bool Equals(Operand operand)
return operand._data == _data;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is Operand operand && Equals(operand);
public static bool operator ==(Operand a, Operand b)
return a.Equals(b);
public static bool operator !=(Operand a, Operand b)
return !a.Equals(b);
public static class Factory
private const int InternTableSize = 256;
private const int InternTableProbeLength = 8;
private static Data* _internTable;
private static Data* InternTable
if (_internTable == null)
_internTable = (Data*)NativeAllocator.Instance.Allocate((uint)sizeof(Data) * InternTableSize);
// Make sure the table is zeroed.
new Span<Data>(_internTable, InternTableSize).Clear();
return _internTable;
private static Operand Make(OperandKind kind, OperandType type, ulong value, Symbol symbol = default)
Debug.Assert(kind != OperandKind.None);
Data* data = null;
// If constant or register, then try to look up in the intern table before allocating.
if (kind == OperandKind.Constant || kind == OperandKind.Register)
uint hash = (uint)HashCode.Combine(kind, type, value);
// Look in the next InternTableProbeLength slots for a match.
for (uint i = 0; i < InternTableProbeLength; i++)
Operand interned = new();
interned._data = &InternTable[(hash + i) % InternTableSize];
// If slot matches the allocation request then return that slot.
if (interned.Kind == kind && interned.Type == type && interned.Value == value && interned.Symbol == symbol)
return interned;
// Otherwise if the slot is not occupied, we store in that slot.
else if (interned.Kind == OperandKind.None)
data = interned._data;
// If we could not get a slot from the intern table, we allocate somewhere else and store there.
if (data == null)
data = Allocators.Operands.Allocate<Data>();
*data = default;
Operand result = new();
result._data = data;
result.Value = value;
result.Kind = kind;
result.Type = type;
if (kind != OperandKind.Memory)
result.Symbol = symbol;
// If local variable, then the use and def list is initialized with default sizes.
if (kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable)
New(ref result._data->Assignments, ref result._data->AssignmentsCount, ref result._data->AssignmentsCapacity, 1);
New(ref result._data->Uses, ref result._data->UsesCount, ref result._data->UsesCapacity, 4);
return result;
public static Operand Const(OperandType type, long value)
Debug.Assert(type is OperandType.I32 or OperandType.I64);
return type == OperandType.I32 ? Const((int)value) : Const(value);
public static Operand Const(bool value)
return Const(value ? 1 : 0);
public static Operand Const(int value)
return Const((uint)value);
public static Operand Const(uint value)
return Make(OperandKind.Constant, OperandType.I32, value);
public static Operand Const(long value)
return Const(value, symbol: default);
public static Operand Const<T>(ref T reference, Symbol symbol = default)
return Const((long)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref reference), symbol);
public static Operand Const(long value, Symbol symbol)
return Make(OperandKind.Constant, OperandType.I64, (ulong)value, symbol);
public static Operand Const(ulong value)
return Make(OperandKind.Constant, OperandType.I64, value);
public static Operand ConstF(float value)
return Make(OperandKind.Constant, OperandType.FP32, (ulong)BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits(value));
public static Operand ConstF(double value)
return Make(OperandKind.Constant, OperandType.FP64, (ulong)BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(value));
public static Operand Label()
return Make(OperandKind.Label, OperandType.None, 0);
public static Operand Local(OperandType type)
return Make(OperandKind.LocalVariable, type, 0);
public static Operand Register(int index, RegisterType regType, OperandType type)
return Make(OperandKind.Register, type, (ulong)((int)regType << 24 | index));
public static Operand Undef()
return Make(OperandKind.Undefined, OperandType.None, 0);
public static Operand MemoryOp(
OperandType type,
Operand baseAddress,
Operand index = default,
Multiplier scale = Multiplier.x1,
int displacement = 0)
Operand result = Make(OperandKind.Memory, type, 0);
MemoryOperand memory = result.GetMemory();
memory.BaseAddress = baseAddress;
memory.Index = index;
memory.Scale = scale;
memory.Displacement = displacement;
return result;