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Rasterizer cache refactor (#6375) * rasterizer_cache: Remove custom texture code * It's a hacky buggy mess, will be reimplemented later when the cache is in a better state * rasterizer_cache: Refactor surface upload/download * Switch to the texture_codec header which was written as part of the vulkan backend by steveice and me * Move most of the upload logic to the rasterizer cache and out of the surface object * Scaled uploads/downloads have been disabled for now since they require more runtime infrastructure * rasterizer_cache: Refactor runtime interface * Remove aspect enum which is the same as SurfaceType * Replace Subresource with specific structures for each operation (blit/copy/clear). This mimics moderns APIs vulkan much better * Pass the surface to the runtime instead of the texture * Implement CopyTextures with glCopyImageSubData which is available on 4.3 and gles. This function also has an overload for cubes which will be removed later. * rasterizer_cache: Move texture allocation to the runtime * renderer_opengl: Remove TextureDownloaderES * It's overly compilcated and unused at the moment. Will be replaced with a simple compute shader in a later commit * rasterizer_cache: Split CachedSurface * This commit splits CachedSurface into two classes, SurfaceBase which contains the backend agnostic functions and Surface which is the opengl specific part * For now the cache uses the opengl surface directly and there are a few ugly casts with watchers, those will be taken care of when the template convertion and watcher removal are added respectively * rasterizer_cache: Move reinterpreters to the runtime * rasterizer_cache: Move some pixel format function to the cpp file * rasterizer_cache: Common texture acceleration functions * They don't contain any backend specific code so they shouldn't be duplicated * rasterizer_cache: Remove BlitSurfaces * It's better to prefer copy/blit in the caller anyway * rasterizer_cache: Only allocate needed levels * rasterizer_cache: Move texture runtime out of common dir * Also shorten the util header filename * surface_params: Cleanup code * Add more comments, organize it a bit etc * rasterizer_cache: Move texture filtering to the runtime * rasterizer_cache: Move to VideoCore * renderer_opengl: Reimplement scaled uploads/downloads * Instead of looking up for temporary textures, each allocation now contains both a scaled and unscaled handle This allows the scale operations to be done inside the surface object itself and improves performance in general * In particular the scaled download code has been expanded to use ARB_get_texture_sub_image when possible which is faster and more convenient than glReadPixels. The latter is still relevant for OpenGLES though. * Finally allocations are now given a handy debug name that can be viewed from renderdoc. * rasterizer_cache: Remove global state * gl_rasterizer: Abstract common draw operations to Framebuffer * This also allows to cache framebuffer objects instead of always swapping the textures, something that particularly benefits mali gpus * rasterizer_cache: Implement multi-level surfaces * With this commit the cache can now directly upload and use mipmaps without needing to sync them with watchers. By using native mimaps directly this also adds support for mipmap for cube * Texture cubes have also been updated to drop the watcher requirement * host_shaders: Add CMake integration for string shaders * Improves build time shader generation making it much less prone to errors. Also moves the presentation shaders here to avoid embedding them to the cpp file. * Texture filter shaders now make explicit use of uniform bindings for better vulkan compatibility * renderer_opengl: Emulate lod bias in the shader * This way opengles can emulate it correctly * gl_rasterizer: Respect GL_MAX_TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE * Older Bifrost Mali GPUs only support up to 64kb texture buffers. Citra would try to allocate a much larger buffer the first 64kb of which would work fine but after that the driver starts misbehaving and showing various graphical glitches * rasterizer_cache: Cleanup CopySurface * renderer_opengl: Keep frames synchronized when using a GPU debugger * rasterizer_cache: Rename Surface to SurfaceRef * Makes it clear that surface is a shared_ptr and not an object * rasterizer_cache: Cleanup * Move constructor to the top of the file * Move FindMatch to the top as well and remove the Invalid flag which was redudant; all FindMatch calls used it expect from MatchFlags::Copy which ignores it anyway * gl_texture_runtime: Make driver const * gl_texture_runtime: Fix RGB8 format handling * The texture_codec header, being written with vulkan in mind converts RGB8 to RGBA8. The backend wasn't adjusted to account for this though and treated the data as RGB8. * Also remove D16 convertions, both opengl and vulkan are required to support this format so these are not needed * gl_texture_runtime: Reduce state switches during FBO blits * glBlitFramebuffer is only affected by the scissor rectangle so just disable scissor testing instead of resetting our entire state * surface_params: Prevent texcopy that spans multiple levels * It would have failed before as well, with multi-level surfaces it triggers the assert though * renderer_opengl: Centralize texture filters * A lot of code is shared between the filters thus is makes it sense to centralize them * Also fix an issue with partial texture uploads * Address review comments * rasterizer_cache: Use leading return types * rasterizer_cache: Cleanup null checks * renderer_opengl: Add additional logging * externals: Actually downgrade glad * For some reason I missed adding the files to git * surface_params: Do not check for levels in exact match * Some games will try to use the base level of a multi level surface. Checking for levels forces another surface to be created and a copy to be made which is both unncessary and breaks custom textures --------- Co-authored-by: bunnei <>
2023-04-21 09:14:55 +02:00
// Copyright 2023 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/framebuffer_base.h"
#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_base.h"
#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_blit_helper.h"
#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_format_reinterpreter.h"
namespace VideoCore {
class RendererBase;
namespace OpenGL {
struct FormatTuple {
GLint internal_format;
GLenum format;
GLenum type;
bool operator==(const FormatTuple& other) const noexcept {
return std::tie(internal_format, format, type) ==
std::tie(other.internal_format, other.format, other.type);
struct HostTextureTag {
FormatTuple tuple{};
VideoCore::TextureType type{};
u32 width = 0;
u32 height = 0;
u32 levels = 1;
u32 res_scale = 1;
bool operator==(const HostTextureTag& other) const noexcept {
return std::tie(tuple, type, width, height, levels, res_scale) ==
std::tie(other.tuple, other.type, other.width, other.height, other.levels,
struct Hash {
const u64 operator()(const HostTextureTag& tag) const {
return Common::ComputeHash64(&tag, sizeof(HostTextureTag));
struct Allocation {
std::array<OGLTexture, 2> textures;
std::array<GLuint, 2> handles;
FormatTuple tuple;
u32 width;
u32 height;
u32 levels;
u32 res_scale;
operator bool() const noexcept {
return textures[0].handle;
bool Matches(u32 width_, u32 height_, u32 levels_, const FormatTuple& tuple_) const {
return std::tie(width, height, levels, tuple) == std::tie(width_, height_, levels_, tuple_);
class Surface;
class Driver;
struct CachedTextureCube;
* Provides texture manipulation functions to the rasterizer cache
* Separating this into a class makes it easier to abstract graphics API code
class TextureRuntime {
friend class Surface;
friend class Framebuffer;
friend class BlitHelper;
explicit TextureRuntime(const Driver& driver, VideoCore::RendererBase& renderer);
/// Returns true if the provided pixel format cannot be used natively by the runtime.
bool NeedsConversion(VideoCore::PixelFormat pixel_format) const;
/// Maps an internal staging buffer of the provided size of pixel uploads/downloads
VideoCore::StagingData FindStaging(u32 size, bool upload);
/// Returns the OpenGL format tuple associated with the provided pixel format
const FormatTuple& GetFormatTuple(VideoCore::PixelFormat pixel_format) const;
/// Takes back ownership of the allocation for recycling
void Recycle(const HostTextureTag tag, Allocation&& alloc);
/// Allocates an OpenGL texture with the specified dimentions and format
Allocation Allocate(const VideoCore::SurfaceParams& params);
/// Fills the rectangle of the texture with the clear value provided
bool ClearTexture(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureClear& clear);
/// Copies a rectangle of source to another rectange of dest
bool CopyTextures(Surface& source, Surface& dest, const VideoCore::TextureCopy& copy);
/// Blits a rectangle of source to another rectange of dest
bool BlitTextures(Surface& source, Surface& dest, const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit);
/// Generates mipmaps for all the available levels of the texture
void GenerateMipmaps(Surface& surface, u32 max_level);
/// Returns all source formats that support reinterpretation to the dest format
const ReinterpreterList& GetPossibleReinterpretations(VideoCore::PixelFormat dest_format) const;
/// Returns the OpenGL driver class
const Driver& GetDriver() const {
return driver;
const Driver& driver;
BlitHelper blit_helper;
std::vector<u8> staging_buffer;
std::array<ReinterpreterList, VideoCore::PIXEL_FORMAT_COUNT> reinterpreters;
std::unordered_multimap<HostTextureTag, Allocation, HostTextureTag::Hash> recycler;
std::unordered_map<u64, OGLFramebuffer, Common::IdentityHash<u64>> framebuffer_cache;
std::array<OGLFramebuffer, 3> draw_fbos;
std::array<OGLFramebuffer, 3> read_fbos;
class Surface : public VideoCore::SurfaceBase {
explicit Surface(TextureRuntime& runtime, const VideoCore::SurfaceParams& params);
Surface(const Surface&) = delete;
Surface& operator=(const Surface&) = delete;
Surface(Surface&& o) noexcept = default;
Surface& operator=(Surface&& o) noexcept = default;
/// Returns the surface image handle
GLuint Handle(bool scaled = true) const noexcept {
return alloc.handles[static_cast<u32>(scaled)];
/// Returns the tuple of the surface allocation.
const FormatTuple& Tuple() const noexcept {
return alloc.tuple;
/// Uploads pixel data in staging to a rectangle region of the surface texture
void Upload(const VideoCore::BufferTextureCopy& upload, const VideoCore::StagingData& staging);
/// Downloads pixel data to staging from a rectangle region of the surface texture
void Download(const VideoCore::BufferTextureCopy& download,
const VideoCore::StagingData& staging);
/// Attaches a handle of surface to the specified framebuffer target
void Attach(GLenum target, u32 level, u32 layer, bool scaled = true);
/// Returns the bpp of the internal surface format
u32 GetInternalBytesPerPixel() const;
/// Performs blit between the scaled/unscaled images
void BlitScale(const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit, bool up_scale);
/// Attempts to download without using an fbo
bool DownloadWithoutFbo(const VideoCore::BufferTextureCopy& download,
const VideoCore::StagingData& staging);
const Driver* driver;
TextureRuntime* runtime;
Allocation alloc{};
class Framebuffer : public VideoCore::FramebufferBase {
explicit Framebuffer(TextureRuntime& runtime, Surface* const color, u32 color_level,
Surface* const depth_stencil, u32 depth_level, const Pica::Regs& regs,
Common::Rectangle<u32> surfaces_rect);
[[nodiscard]] GLuint Handle() const noexcept {
return handle;
[[nodiscard]] GLuint Attachment(VideoCore::SurfaceType type) const noexcept {
return attachments[Index(type)];
[[nodiscard]] bool HasAttachment(VideoCore::SurfaceType type) const noexcept {
return static_cast<bool>(attachments[Index(type)]);
std::array<GLuint, 2> attachments{};
GLuint handle{};
} // namespace OpenGL