To eliminate System::GetInstance usage. Archive type like SelfNCCH and SaveData changes the actual reference path for different client, so archive backend interface should accept client information from the service interface. Currently we only pass the program ID as the client information.
* Service::HTTP_C: Add decryption of the ClCertA
* fixup! Service::HTTP_C: Add decryption of the ClCertA
* fixup! Service::HTTP_C: Add decryption of the ClCertA
* FileSys:: Add MakeNCCHArchivePath and MakeNCCHFilePath; Small fixes in HTTP_C::DecryptDefaultClientCert
* fixup! fixup! Service::HTTP_C: Add decryption of the ClCertA
* fixup! fixup! fixup! Service::HTTP_C: Add decryption of the ClCertA