# This function downloads Qt using aqt. The path of the downloaded content will be added to the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. # Params: # target: Qt dependency to install. Specify a version number to download Qt, or "tools_(name)" for a specific build tool. function(download_qt target) if (target MATCHES "tools_.*") set(DOWNLOAD_QT_TOOL ON) else() set(DOWNLOAD_QT_TOOL OFF) endif() # Determine installation parameters for OS, architecture, and compiler if (WIN32) set(host "windows") set(type "desktop") if (NOT DOWNLOAD_QT_TOOL) if (MINGW) set(arch "win64_mingw") set(arch_path "mingw_64") elseif (MSVC) if ("arm64" IN_LIST ARCHITECTURE) set(arch_path "msvc2019_arm64") elseif ("x86_64" IN_LIST ARCHITECTURE) set(arch_path "msvc2019_64") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported bundled Qt architecture. Enable USE_SYSTEM_QT and provide your own.") endif() set(arch "win64_${arch_path}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported bundled Qt toolchain. Enable USE_SYSTEM_QT and provide your own.") endif() endif() elseif (APPLE) set(host "mac") if (IOS AND NOT DOWNLOAD_QT_TOOL) set(type "ios") set(arch "ios") set(arch_path "ios") set(host_arch_path "macos") else() set(type "desktop") set(arch "clang_64") set(arch_path "macos") endif() else() set(host "linux") set(type "desktop") set(arch "gcc_64") set(arch_path "linux") endif() get_external_prefix(qt base_path) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${base_path}") if (DOWNLOAD_QT_TOOL) set(prefix "${base_path}/Tools") set(install_args install-tool --outputdir ${base_path} ${host} desktop ${target}) else() set(prefix "${base_path}/${target}/${arch_path}") if (host_arch_path) set(host_flag "--autodesktop") set(host_prefix "${base_path}/${target}/${host_arch_path}") endif() set(install_args install-qt --outputdir ${base_path} ${host} ${type} ${target} ${arch} ${host_flag} -m qtmultimedia --archives qttranslations qttools qtsvg qtbase) endif() if (NOT EXISTS "${prefix}") message(STATUS "Downloading binaries for Qt...") if (WIN32) set(aqt_path "${base_path}/aqt.exe") file(DOWNLOAD https://github.com/miurahr/aqtinstall/releases/download/v3.1.7/aqt.exe ${aqt_path} SHOW_PROGRESS) execute_process(COMMAND ${aqt_path} ${install_args} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${base_path}) else() # aqt does not offer binary releases for other platforms, so download and run from pip. set(aqt_install_path "${base_path}/aqt") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${aqt_install_path}") execute_process(COMMAND python3 -m pip install --target=${aqt_install_path} aqtinstall WORKING_DIRECTORY ${base_path}) execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E env PYTHONPATH=${aqt_install_path} python3 -m aqt ${install_args} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${base_path}) endif() endif() message(STATUS "Using downloaded Qt binaries at ${prefix}") # Add the Qt prefix path so CMake can locate it. list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${prefix}") set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} PARENT_SCOPE) if (DEFINED host_prefix) message(STATUS "Using downloaded host Qt binaries at ${host_prefix}") set(QT_HOST_PATH "${host_prefix}" CACHE STRING "") endif() endfunction() function(download_moltenvk) if (IOS) set(MOLTENVK_PLATFORM "iOS") else() set(MOLTENVK_PLATFORM "macOS") endif() set(MOLTENVK_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/externals/MoltenVK") set(MOLTENVK_TAR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/externals/MoltenVK.tar") if (NOT EXISTS ${MOLTENVK_DIR}) if (NOT EXISTS ${MOLTENVK_TAR}) file(DOWNLOAD https://github.com/KhronosGroup/MoltenVK/releases/latest/download/MoltenVK-all.tar ${MOLTENVK_TAR} SHOW_PROGRESS) endif() execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar xf "${MOLTENVK_TAR}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/externals") endif() # Add the MoltenVK library path to the prefix so find_library can locate it. list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${MOLTENVK_DIR}/MoltenVK/dylib/${MOLTENVK_PLATFORM}") set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(get_external_prefix lib_name prefix_var) set(${prefix_var} "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/externals/${lib_name}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()