// Copyright 2014 Citra Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "citra_qt/bootmanager.h" #include "citra_qt/main.h" #include "common/color.h" #include "common/microprofile.h" #include "common/scm_rev.h" #include "common/settings.h" #include "core/3ds.h" #include "core/core.h" #include "core/frontend/framebuffer_layout.h" #include "core/perf_stats.h" #include "input_common/keyboard.h" #include "input_common/main.h" #include "input_common/motion_emu.h" #include "video_core/custom_textures/custom_tex_manager.h" #include "video_core/renderer_base.h" #include "video_core/renderer_software/renderer_software.h" #include "video_core/video_core.h" #ifdef HAS_OPENGL #include #include #endif #if defined(__APPLE__) #include #include #endif #if !defined(WIN32) #include #endif static Frontend::WindowSystemType GetWindowSystemType(); EmuThread::EmuThread(Core::System& system_, Frontend::GraphicsContext& core_context) : system{system_}, core_context(core_context) {} EmuThread::~EmuThread() = default; static GMainWindow* GetMainWindow() { const auto widgets = qApp->topLevelWidgets(); for (QWidget* w : widgets) { if (GMainWindow* main = qobject_cast(w)) { return main; } } return nullptr; } void EmuThread::run() { MicroProfileOnThreadCreate("EmuThread"); const auto scope = core_context.Acquire(); if (Settings::values.preload_textures) { emit LoadProgress(VideoCore::LoadCallbackStage::Preload, 0, 0); system.CustomTexManager().PreloadTextures( stop_run, [this](VideoCore::LoadCallbackStage stage, std::size_t value, std::size_t total) { emit LoadProgress(stage, value, total); }); } emit LoadProgress(VideoCore::LoadCallbackStage::Prepare, 0, 0); system.Renderer().Rasterizer()->LoadDiskResources( stop_run, [this](VideoCore::LoadCallbackStage stage, std::size_t value, std::size_t total) { emit LoadProgress(stage, value, total); }); emit LoadProgress(VideoCore::LoadCallbackStage::Complete, 0, 0); core_context.MakeCurrent(); if (system.frame_limiter.IsFrameAdvancing()) { // Usually the loading screen is hidden after the first frame is drawn. In this case // we hide it immediately as we need to wait for user input to start the emulation. emit HideLoadingScreen(); system.frame_limiter.WaitOnce(); } // Holds whether the cpu was running during the last iteration, // so that the DebugModeLeft signal can be emitted before the // next execution step. bool was_active = false; while (!stop_run) { if (running) { if (!was_active) emit DebugModeLeft(); const Core::System::ResultStatus result = system.RunLoop(); if (result == Core::System::ResultStatus::ShutdownRequested) { // Notify frontend we shutdown emit ErrorThrown(result, ""); // End emulation execution break; } if (result != Core::System::ResultStatus::Success) { this->SetRunning(false); emit ErrorThrown(result, system.GetStatusDetails()); } was_active = running || exec_step; if (!was_active && !stop_run) emit DebugModeEntered(); } else if (exec_step) { if (!was_active) emit DebugModeLeft(); exec_step = false; [[maybe_unused]] const Core::System::ResultStatus result = system.SingleStep(); emit DebugModeEntered(); yieldCurrentThread(); was_active = false; } else { std::unique_lock lock{running_mutex}; running_cv.wait(lock, [this] { return IsRunning() || exec_step || stop_run; }); } } // Shutdown the core emulation system.Shutdown(); #if MICROPROFILE_ENABLED MicroProfileOnThreadExit(); #endif } #ifdef HAS_OPENGL class OpenGLSharedContext : public Frontend::GraphicsContext { public: /// Create the original context that should be shared from explicit OpenGLSharedContext() { QSurfaceFormat format; format.setVersion(4, 3); format.setProfile(QSurfaceFormat::CoreProfile); if (Settings::values.renderer_debug) { format.setOption(QSurfaceFormat::FormatOption::DebugContext); } // TODO: expose a setting for buffer value (ie default/single/double/triple) format.setSwapBehavior(QSurfaceFormat::DefaultSwapBehavior); format.setSwapInterval(0); context = std::make_unique(); context->setFormat(format); if (!context->create()) { LOG_ERROR(Frontend, "Unable to create main openGL context"); } offscreen_surface = std::make_unique(nullptr); offscreen_surface->setFormat(format); offscreen_surface->create(); surface = offscreen_surface.get(); } /// Create the shared contexts for rendering and presentation explicit OpenGLSharedContext(QOpenGLContext* share_context, QSurface* main_surface) { // disable vsync for any shared contexts auto format = share_context->format(); format.setSwapInterval(0); context = std::make_unique(); context->setShareContext(share_context); context->setFormat(format); if (!context->create()) { LOG_ERROR(Frontend, "Unable to create shared openGL context"); } surface = main_surface; } ~OpenGLSharedContext() { OpenGLSharedContext::DoneCurrent(); } void SwapBuffers() override { context->swapBuffers(surface); } void MakeCurrent() override { // We can't track the current state of the underlying context in this wrapper class because // Qt may make the underlying context not current for one reason or another. In particular, // the WebBrowser uses GL, so it seems to conflict if we aren't careful. // Instead of always just making the context current (which does not have any caching to // check if the underlying context is already current) we can check for the current context // in the thread local data by calling `currentContext()` and checking if its ours. if (QOpenGLContext::currentContext() != context.get()) { context->makeCurrent(surface); } } void DoneCurrent() override { if (QOpenGLContext::currentContext() == context.get()) { context->doneCurrent(); } } QOpenGLContext* GetShareContext() const { return context.get(); } private: // Avoid using Qt parent system here since we might move the QObjects to new threads // As a note, this means we should avoid using slots/signals with the objects too std::unique_ptr context; std::unique_ptr offscreen_surface{}; QSurface* surface; }; #endif class DummyContext : public Frontend::GraphicsContext {}; class RenderWidget : public QWidget { public: RenderWidget(GRenderWindow* parent) : QWidget(parent) { setMouseTracking(true); } virtual ~RenderWidget() = default; virtual void Present() {} void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) override { Present(); update(); } std::pair GetSize() const { return std::make_pair(width(), height()); } }; #ifdef HAS_OPENGL class OpenGLRenderWidget : public RenderWidget { public: explicit OpenGLRenderWidget(GRenderWindow* parent, Core::System& system_, bool is_secondary) : RenderWidget(parent), system(system_), is_secondary(is_secondary) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_NativeWindow); setAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen); if (GetWindowSystemType() == Frontend::WindowSystemType::Wayland) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_DontCreateNativeAncestors); } windowHandle()->setSurfaceType(QWindow::OpenGLSurface); } void SetContext(std::unique_ptr&& context_) { context = std::move(context_); } void Present() override { if (!isVisible()) { return; } if (!system.IsPoweredOn()) { return; } context->MakeCurrent(); glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); if (VideoCore::g_renderer) { VideoCore::g_renderer->TryPresent(100, is_secondary); } context->SwapBuffers(); glFinish(); } QPaintEngine* paintEngine() const override { return nullptr; } private: std::unique_ptr context{}; Core::System& system; bool is_secondary; }; #endif class VulkanRenderWidget : public RenderWidget { public: explicit VulkanRenderWidget(GRenderWindow* parent) : RenderWidget(parent) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_NativeWindow); setAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen); if (GetWindowSystemType() == Frontend::WindowSystemType::Wayland) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_DontCreateNativeAncestors); } windowHandle()->setSurfaceType(QWindow::VulkanSurface); } QPaintEngine* paintEngine() const override { return nullptr; } }; struct SoftwareRenderWidget : public RenderWidget { explicit SoftwareRenderWidget(GRenderWindow* parent, Core::System& system_) : RenderWidget(parent), system(system_) {} void Present() override { if (!isVisible()) { return; } if (!system.IsPoweredOn()) { return; } using VideoCore::ScreenId; const auto layout{Layout::DefaultFrameLayout(width(), height(), false, false)}; QPainter painter(this); const auto draw_screen = [&](ScreenId screen_id) { const auto rect = screen_id == ScreenId::TopLeft ? layout.top_screen : layout.bottom_screen; const QImage screen = LoadFramebuffer(screen_id).scaled(rect.GetWidth(), rect.GetHeight()); painter.drawImage(rect.left, rect.top, screen); }; painter.fillRect(rect(), qRgb(Settings::values.bg_red.GetValue() * 255, Settings::values.bg_green.GetValue() * 255, Settings::values.bg_blue.GetValue() * 255)); draw_screen(ScreenId::TopLeft); draw_screen(ScreenId::Bottom); painter.end(); } QImage LoadFramebuffer(VideoCore::ScreenId screen_id) { const auto& renderer = static_cast(system.Renderer()); const auto& info = renderer.Screen(screen_id); const int width = static_cast(info.width); const int height = static_cast(info.height); QImage image{height, width, QImage::Format_RGBA8888}; std::memcpy(image.bits(), info.pixels.data(), info.pixels.size()); return image; } private: Core::System& system; }; static Frontend::WindowSystemType GetWindowSystemType() { // Determine WSI type based on Qt platform. const QString platform_name = QGuiApplication::platformName(); if (platform_name == QStringLiteral("windows")) return Frontend::WindowSystemType::Windows; else if (platform_name == QStringLiteral("xcb")) return Frontend::WindowSystemType::X11; else if (platform_name == QStringLiteral("wayland")) return Frontend::WindowSystemType::Wayland; else if (platform_name == QStringLiteral("cocoa") || platform_name == QStringLiteral("ios")) return Frontend::WindowSystemType::MacOS; LOG_CRITICAL(Frontend, "Unknown Qt platform!"); return Frontend::WindowSystemType::Windows; } static Frontend::EmuWindow::WindowSystemInfo GetWindowSystemInfo(QWindow* window) { Frontend::EmuWindow::WindowSystemInfo wsi; wsi.type = GetWindowSystemType(); if (window) { #if defined(WIN32) // Our Win32 Qt external doesn't have the private API. wsi.render_surface = reinterpret_cast(window->winId()); #elif defined(__APPLE__) wsi.render_surface = reinterpret_cast(objc_msgSend)( reinterpret_cast(window->winId()), sel_registerName("layer")); #else QPlatformNativeInterface* pni = QGuiApplication::platformNativeInterface(); wsi.display_connection = pni->nativeResourceForWindow("display", window); if (wsi.type == Frontend::WindowSystemType::Wayland) wsi.render_surface = pni->nativeResourceForWindow("surface", window); else wsi.render_surface = reinterpret_cast(window->winId()); #endif wsi.render_surface_scale = static_cast(window->devicePixelRatio()); } else { wsi.render_surface = nullptr; wsi.render_surface_scale = 1.0f; } return wsi; } std::unique_ptr GRenderWindow::main_context; GRenderWindow::GRenderWindow(QWidget* parent_, EmuThread* emu_thread_, Core::System& system_, bool is_secondary_) : QWidget(parent_), EmuWindow(is_secondary_), emu_thread(emu_thread_), system{system_} { setAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents); auto layout = new QHBoxLayout(this); layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); setLayout(layout); this->setMouseTracking(true); strict_context_required = QGuiApplication::platformName() == QStringLiteral("wayland"); GMainWindow* parent = GetMainWindow(); connect(this, &GRenderWindow::FirstFrameDisplayed, parent, &GMainWindow::OnLoadComplete); } GRenderWindow::~GRenderWindow() = default; void GRenderWindow::MakeCurrent() { main_context->MakeCurrent(); } void GRenderWindow::DoneCurrent() { main_context->DoneCurrent(); } void GRenderWindow::PollEvents() { if (!first_frame) { first_frame = true; emit FirstFrameDisplayed(); } } // On Qt 5.0+, this correctly gets the size of the framebuffer (pixels). // // Older versions get the window size (density independent pixels), // and hence, do not support DPI scaling ("retina" displays). // The result will be a viewport that is smaller than the extent of the window. void GRenderWindow::OnFramebufferSizeChanged() { // Screen changes potentially incur a change in screen DPI, hence we should update the // framebuffer size const qreal pixel_ratio = windowPixelRatio(); const u32 width = static_cast(this->width() * pixel_ratio); const u32 height = static_cast(this->height() * pixel_ratio); UpdateCurrentFramebufferLayout(width, height); } void GRenderWindow::BackupGeometry() { geometry = QWidget::saveGeometry(); } void GRenderWindow::RestoreGeometry() { // We don't want to back up the geometry here (obviously) QWidget::restoreGeometry(geometry); } void GRenderWindow::restoreGeometry(const QByteArray& geometry) { // Make sure users of this class don't need to deal with backing up the geometry themselves QWidget::restoreGeometry(geometry); BackupGeometry(); } QByteArray GRenderWindow::saveGeometry() { // If we are a top-level widget, store the current geometry // otherwise, store the last backup if (parent() == nullptr) { return QWidget::saveGeometry(); } return geometry; } qreal GRenderWindow::windowPixelRatio() const { return devicePixelRatioF(); } std::pair GRenderWindow::ScaleTouch(const QPointF pos) const { const qreal pixel_ratio = windowPixelRatio(); return {static_cast(std::max(std::round(pos.x() * pixel_ratio), qreal{0.0})), static_cast(std::max(std::round(pos.y() * pixel_ratio), qreal{0.0}))}; } void GRenderWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event) { emit Closed(); QWidget::closeEvent(event); } void GRenderWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { InputCommon::GetKeyboard()->PressKey(event->key()); } void GRenderWindow::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { InputCommon::GetKeyboard()->ReleaseKey(event->key()); } void GRenderWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if (event->source() == Qt::MouseEventSynthesizedBySystem) { return; // touch input is handled in TouchBeginEvent } auto pos = event->pos(); if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { const auto [x, y] = ScaleTouch(pos); this->TouchPressed(x, y); } else if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton) { InputCommon::GetMotionEmu()->BeginTilt(pos.x(), pos.y()); } emit MouseActivity(); } void GRenderWindow::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if (event->source() == Qt::MouseEventSynthesizedBySystem) { return; // touch input is handled in TouchUpdateEvent } auto pos = event->pos(); const auto [x, y] = ScaleTouch(pos); this->TouchMoved(x, y); InputCommon::GetMotionEmu()->Tilt(pos.x(), pos.y()); emit MouseActivity(); } void GRenderWindow::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if (event->source() == Qt::MouseEventSynthesizedBySystem) { return; // touch input is handled in TouchEndEvent } if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) this->TouchReleased(); else if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton) InputCommon::GetMotionEmu()->EndTilt(); emit MouseActivity(); } void GRenderWindow::TouchBeginEvent(const QTouchEvent* event) { // TouchBegin always has exactly one touch point, so take the .first() const auto [x, y] = ScaleTouch(event->points().first().position()); this->TouchPressed(x, y); } void GRenderWindow::TouchUpdateEvent(const QTouchEvent* event) { QPointF pos; int active_points = 0; // average all active touch points for (const auto& tp : event->points()) { if (tp.state() & (Qt::TouchPointPressed | Qt::TouchPointMoved | Qt::TouchPointStationary)) { active_points++; pos += tp.position(); } } pos /= active_points; const auto [x, y] = ScaleTouch(pos); this->TouchMoved(x, y); } void GRenderWindow::TouchEndEvent() { this->TouchReleased(); } bool GRenderWindow::event(QEvent* event) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::TouchBegin: TouchBeginEvent(static_cast(event)); return true; case QEvent::TouchUpdate: TouchUpdateEvent(static_cast(event)); return true; case QEvent::TouchEnd: case QEvent::TouchCancel: TouchEndEvent(); return true; default: break; } return QWidget::event(event); } void GRenderWindow::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent* event) { QWidget::focusOutEvent(event); if (auto* keyboard = InputCommon::GetKeyboard(); keyboard) { keyboard->ReleaseAllKeys(); } has_focus = false; } void GRenderWindow::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent* event) { QWidget::focusInEvent(event); has_focus = true; } void GRenderWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event) { QWidget::resizeEvent(event); OnFramebufferSizeChanged(); } bool GRenderWindow::InitRenderTarget() { { // Create a dummy render widget so that Qt // places the render window at the correct position. const RenderWidget dummy_widget{this}; } first_frame = false; const auto graphics_api = Settings::values.graphics_api.GetValue(); switch (graphics_api) { case Settings::GraphicsAPI::Software: InitializeSoftware(); break; case Settings::GraphicsAPI::OpenGL: if (!InitializeOpenGL() || !LoadOpenGL()) { return false; } break; case Settings::GraphicsAPI::Vulkan: InitializeVulkan(); break; } // Update the Window System information with the new render target window_info = GetWindowSystemInfo(child_widget->windowHandle()); child_widget->resize(Core::kScreenTopWidth, Core::kScreenTopHeight + Core::kScreenBottomHeight); layout()->addWidget(child_widget); // Reset minimum required size to avoid resizing issues on the main window after restarting. setMinimumSize(1, 1); resize(Core::kScreenTopWidth, Core::kScreenTopHeight + Core::kScreenBottomHeight); OnMinimalClientAreaChangeRequest(GetActiveConfig().min_client_area_size); OnFramebufferSizeChanged(); BackupGeometry(); return true; } void GRenderWindow::ReleaseRenderTarget() { if (child_widget) { layout()->removeWidget(child_widget); child_widget->deleteLater(); child_widget = nullptr; } main_context.reset(); } void GRenderWindow::CaptureScreenshot(u32 res_scale, const QString& screenshot_path) { if (res_scale == 0) { res_scale = system.Renderer().GetResolutionScaleFactor(); } const auto layout{Layout::FrameLayoutFromResolutionScale(res_scale, is_secondary)}; screenshot_image = QImage(QSize(layout.width, layout.height), QImage::Format_RGB32); system.Renderer().RequestScreenshot( screenshot_image.bits(), [this, screenshot_path] { const std::string std_screenshot_path = screenshot_path.toStdString(); if (screenshot_image.mirrored(false, true).save(screenshot_path)) { LOG_INFO(Frontend, "Screenshot saved to \"{}\"", std_screenshot_path); } else { LOG_ERROR(Frontend, "Failed to save screenshot to \"{}\"", std_screenshot_path); } }, layout); } void GRenderWindow::OnMinimalClientAreaChangeRequest(std::pair minimal_size) { setMinimumSize(minimal_size.first, minimal_size.second); } bool GRenderWindow::InitializeOpenGL() { #ifdef HAS_OPENGL if (!QOpenGLContext::supportsThreadedOpenGL()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("OpenGL not available!"), tr("OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.")); return false; } // TODO: One of these flags might be interesting: WA_OpaquePaintEvent, WA_NoBackground, // WA_DontShowOnScreen, WA_DeleteOnClose auto child = new OpenGLRenderWidget(this, system, is_secondary); child_widget = child; child_widget->windowHandle()->create(); if (!main_context) { main_context = std::make_unique(); } auto child_context = CreateSharedContext(); child->SetContext(std::move(child_context)); auto format = child_widget->windowHandle()->format(); format.setSwapInterval(Settings::values.use_vsync_new.GetValue()); child_widget->windowHandle()->setFormat(format); return true; #else QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("OpenGL not available!"), tr("Citra has not been compiled with OpenGL support.")); return false; #endif } void GRenderWindow::InitializeVulkan() { auto child = new VulkanRenderWidget(this); child_widget = child; child_widget->windowHandle()->create(); main_context = std::make_unique(); } void GRenderWindow::InitializeSoftware() { child_widget = new SoftwareRenderWidget(this, system); main_context = std::make_unique(); } bool GRenderWindow::LoadOpenGL() { auto context = CreateSharedContext(); auto scope = context->Acquire(); if (!gladLoadGL()) { QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Error while initializing OpenGL!"), tr("Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.")); return false; } const QString renderer = QString::fromUtf8(reinterpret_cast(glGetString(GL_RENDERER))); if (!GLAD_GL_VERSION_4_3) { LOG_ERROR(Frontend, "GPU does not support OpenGL 4.3: {}", renderer.toStdString()); QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error while initializing OpenGL 4.3!"), tr("Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.3, or you do not have the " "latest graphics driver.

GL Renderer:
%1") .arg(renderer)); return false; } return true; } void GRenderWindow::OnEmulationStarting(EmuThread* emu_thread) { this->emu_thread = emu_thread; } void GRenderWindow::OnEmulationStopping() { emu_thread = nullptr; } void GRenderWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) { QWidget::showEvent(event); } std::unique_ptr GRenderWindow::CreateSharedContext() const { #ifdef HAS_OPENGL const auto graphics_api = Settings::values.graphics_api.GetValue(); if (graphics_api == Settings::GraphicsAPI::OpenGL) { auto gl_context = static_cast(main_context.get()); // Bind the shared contexts to the main surface in case the backend wants to take over // presentation return std::make_unique(gl_context->GetShareContext(), child_widget->windowHandle()); } #endif return std::make_unique(); }