# Definitions for all external bundled libraries set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeModules) include(DownloadExternals) # Catch add_library(catch-single-include INTERFACE) target_include_directories(catch-single-include INTERFACE catch/single_include) # Crypto++ add_subdirectory(cryptopp) # Dynarmic if (ARCHITECTURE_x86_64) # Dynarmic will skip defining xbyak if it's already defined, we then define it below add_library(xbyak INTERFACE) option(DYNARMIC_TESTS OFF) set(DYNARMIC_NO_BUNDLED_FMT ON) add_subdirectory(dynarmic) endif() # libfmt add_subdirectory(fmt) add_library(fmt::fmt ALIAS fmt) # getopt if (MSVC) add_subdirectory(getopt) endif() # Glad add_subdirectory(glad) # inih add_subdirectory(inih) # MicroProfile add_library(microprofile INTERFACE) target_include_directories(microprofile INTERFACE ./microprofile) # Nihstro add_library(nihstro-headers INTERFACE) target_include_directories(nihstro-headers INTERFACE ./nihstro/include) # SoundTouch add_subdirectory(soundtouch) # The SoundTouch target doesn't export the necessary include paths as properties by default target_include_directories(SoundTouch INTERFACE ./soundtouch/include) # Xbyak if (ARCHITECTURE_x86_64) # Defined before "dynarmic" above # add_library(xbyak INTERFACE) target_include_directories(xbyak INTERFACE ./xbyak/xbyak) target_compile_definitions(xbyak INTERFACE XBYAK_NO_OP_NAMES) endif() # ENet add_subdirectory(enet) target_include_directories(enet INTERFACE ./enet/include) if (ENABLE_WEB_SERVICE) # msys installed curl is configured to use openssl, but that isn't portable # since it relies on having the bundled certs install in the home folder for SSL # by default on mingw, download the precompiled curl thats linked against windows native ssl if (MINGW AND CITRA_USE_BUNDLED_CURL) download_bundled_external("curl/" "curl-7_55_1" CURL_PREFIX) set(CURL_PREFIX "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/externals/curl-7_55_1") set(CURL_FOUND YES) set(CURL_INCLUDE_DIR "${CURL_PREFIX}/include" CACHE PATH "Path to curl headers") set(CURL_LIBRARY "${CURL_PREFIX}/lib/libcurldll.a" CACHE PATH "Path to curl library") set(CURL_DLL_DIR "${CURL_PREFIX}/lib/" CACHE PATH "Path to curl.dll") set(USE_SYSTEM_CURL ON CACHE BOOL "") endif() # CPR set(BUILD_TESTING OFF CACHE BOOL "") set(BUILD_CPR_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "") add_subdirectory(cpr) target_include_directories(cpr INTERFACE ./cpr/include) # JSON add_library(json-headers INTERFACE) target_include_directories(json-headers INTERFACE ./json) endif()