FearlessTobi 20139141f7 video_core: Remove unnecessary enum class casting in logging messages
fmt now automatically prints the numeric value of an enum class member by default, so we don't need to use casts any more.

Reduces the line noise in our code a bit.

Co-Authored-By: LC <>
2020-12-28 16:50:23 +01:00

623 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright 2018 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <algorithm>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include "core/core.h"
#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_disk_cache.h"
#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_manager.h"
#include "video_core/video_core.h"
namespace OpenGL {
static u64 GetUniqueIdentifier(const Pica::Regs& regs, const ProgramCode& code) {
std::size_t hash = 0;
u64 regs_uid = Common::ComputeHash64(, Pica::Regs::NUM_REGS * sizeof(u32));
boost::hash_combine(hash, regs_uid);
if (code.size() > 0) {
u64 code_uid = Common::ComputeHash64(, code.size() * sizeof(u32));
boost::hash_combine(hash, code_uid);
return static_cast<u64>(hash);
static OGLProgram GeneratePrecompiledProgram(const ShaderDiskCacheDump& dump,
const std::set<GLenum>& supported_formats) {
if (supported_formats.find(dump.binary_format) == supported_formats.end()) {
LOG_INFO(Render_OpenGL, "Precompiled cache entry with unsupported format - removing");
return {};
auto shader = OGLProgram();
shader.handle = glCreateProgram();
glProgramParameteri(shader.handle, GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE, GL_TRUE);
glProgramBinary(shader.handle, dump.binary_format,,
GLint link_status{};
glGetProgramiv(shader.handle, GL_LINK_STATUS, &link_status);
if (link_status == GL_FALSE) {
LOG_INFO(Render_OpenGL, "Precompiled cache rejected by the driver - removing");
return {};
return shader;
static std::set<GLenum> GetSupportedFormats() {
std::set<GLenum> supported_formats;
GLint num_formats{};
glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS, &num_formats);
std::vector<GLint> formats(num_formats);
for (const GLint format : formats)
return supported_formats;
static std::tuple<PicaVSConfig, Pica::Shader::ShaderSetup> BuildVSConfigFromRaw(
const ShaderDiskCacheRaw& raw) {
Pica::Shader::ProgramCode program_code{};
Pica::Shader::SwizzleData swizzle_data{};
std::copy_n(raw.GetProgramCode().begin(), Pica::Shader::MAX_PROGRAM_CODE_LENGTH,
std::copy_n(raw.GetProgramCode().begin() + Pica::Shader::MAX_PROGRAM_CODE_LENGTH,
Pica::Shader::MAX_SWIZZLE_DATA_LENGTH, swizzle_data.begin());
Pica::Shader::ShaderSetup setup;
setup.program_code = program_code;
setup.swizzle_data = swizzle_data;
return {PicaVSConfig{raw.GetRawShaderConfig().vs, setup}, setup};
static void SetShaderUniformBlockBinding(GLuint shader, const char* name, UniformBindings binding,
std::size_t expected_size) {
const GLuint ub_index = glGetUniformBlockIndex(shader, name);
if (ub_index == GL_INVALID_INDEX) {
GLint ub_size = 0;
glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(shader, ub_index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE, &ub_size);
ASSERT_MSG(ub_size == expected_size, "Uniform block size did not match! Got {}, expected {}",
static_cast<int>(ub_size), expected_size);
glUniformBlockBinding(shader, ub_index, static_cast<GLuint>(binding));
static void SetShaderUniformBlockBindings(GLuint shader) {
SetShaderUniformBlockBinding(shader, "shader_data", UniformBindings::Common,
SetShaderUniformBlockBinding(shader, "vs_config", UniformBindings::VS, sizeof(VSUniformData));
static void SetShaderSamplerBinding(GLuint shader, const char* name,
TextureUnits::TextureUnit binding) {
GLint uniform_tex = glGetUniformLocation(shader, name);
if (uniform_tex != -1) {
static void SetShaderImageBinding(GLuint shader, const char* name, GLuint binding) {
GLint uniform_tex = glGetUniformLocation(shader, name);
if (uniform_tex != -1) {
glUniform1i(uniform_tex, static_cast<GLint>(binding));
static void SetShaderSamplerBindings(GLuint shader) {
OpenGLState cur_state = OpenGLState::GetCurState();
GLuint old_program = std::exchange(cur_state.draw.shader_program, shader);
// Set the texture samplers to correspond to different texture units
SetShaderSamplerBinding(shader, "tex0", TextureUnits::PicaTexture(0));
SetShaderSamplerBinding(shader, "tex1", TextureUnits::PicaTexture(1));
SetShaderSamplerBinding(shader, "tex2", TextureUnits::PicaTexture(2));
SetShaderSamplerBinding(shader, "tex_cube", TextureUnits::TextureCube);
// Set the texture samplers to correspond to different lookup table texture units
SetShaderSamplerBinding(shader, "texture_buffer_lut_rg", TextureUnits::TextureBufferLUT_RG);
SetShaderSamplerBinding(shader, "texture_buffer_lut_rgba", TextureUnits::TextureBufferLUT_RGBA);
SetShaderImageBinding(shader, "shadow_buffer", ImageUnits::ShadowBuffer);
SetShaderImageBinding(shader, "shadow_texture_px", ImageUnits::ShadowTexturePX);
SetShaderImageBinding(shader, "shadow_texture_nx", ImageUnits::ShadowTextureNX);
SetShaderImageBinding(shader, "shadow_texture_py", ImageUnits::ShadowTexturePY);
SetShaderImageBinding(shader, "shadow_texture_ny", ImageUnits::ShadowTextureNY);
SetShaderImageBinding(shader, "shadow_texture_pz", ImageUnits::ShadowTexturePZ);
SetShaderImageBinding(shader, "shadow_texture_nz", ImageUnits::ShadowTextureNZ);
cur_state.draw.shader_program = old_program;
void PicaUniformsData::SetFromRegs(const Pica::ShaderRegs& regs,
const Pica::Shader::ShaderSetup& setup) {
std::transform(std::begin(setup.uniforms.b), std::end(setup.uniforms.b), std::begin(bools),
[](bool value) -> BoolAligned { return {value ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE}; });
std::transform(std::begin(regs.int_uniforms), std::end(regs.int_uniforms), std::begin(i),
[](const auto& value) -> GLuvec4 {
return {value.x.Value(), value.y.Value(), value.z.Value(), value.w.Value()};
std::transform(std::begin(setup.uniforms.f), std::end(setup.uniforms.f), std::begin(f),
[](const auto& value) -> GLvec4 {
return {value.x.ToFloat32(), value.y.ToFloat32(), value.z.ToFloat32(),
* An object representing a shader program staging. It can be either a shader object or a program
* object, depending on whether separable program is used.
class OGLShaderStage {
explicit OGLShaderStage(bool separable) {
if (separable) {
shader_or_program = OGLProgram();
} else {
shader_or_program = OGLShader();
void Create(const char* source, GLenum type) {
if (shader_or_program.which() == 0) {
boost::get<OGLShader>(shader_or_program).Create(source, type);
} else {
OGLShader shader;
shader.Create(source, type);
OGLProgram& program = boost::get<OGLProgram>(shader_or_program);
program.Create(true, {shader.handle});
GLuint GetHandle() const {
if (shader_or_program.which() == 0) {
return boost::get<OGLShader>(shader_or_program).handle;
} else {
return boost::get<OGLProgram>(shader_or_program).handle;
void Inject(OGLProgram&& program) {
shader_or_program = std::move(program);
boost::variant<OGLShader, OGLProgram> shader_or_program;
class TrivialVertexShader {
explicit TrivialVertexShader(bool separable) : program(separable) {
program.Create(GenerateTrivialVertexShader(separable).code.c_str(), GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
GLuint Get() const {
return program.GetHandle();
OGLShaderStage program;
template <typename KeyConfigType,
ShaderDecompiler::ProgramResult (*CodeGenerator)(const KeyConfigType&, bool),
GLenum ShaderType>
class ShaderCache {
explicit ShaderCache(bool separable) : separable(separable) {}
std::tuple<GLuint, std::optional<ShaderDecompiler::ProgramResult>> Get(
const KeyConfigType& config) {
auto [iter, new_shader] = shaders.emplace(config, OGLShaderStage{separable});
OGLShaderStage& cached_shader = iter->second;
std::optional<ShaderDecompiler::ProgramResult> result{};
if (new_shader) {
result = CodeGenerator(config, separable);
cached_shader.Create(result->code.c_str(), ShaderType);
return {cached_shader.GetHandle(), std::move(result)};
void Inject(const KeyConfigType& key, OGLProgram&& program) {
OGLShaderStage stage{separable};
shaders.emplace(key, std::move(stage));
bool separable;
std::unordered_map<KeyConfigType, OGLShaderStage> shaders;
// This is a cache designed for shaders translated from PICA shaders. The first cache matches the
// config structure like a normal cache does. On cache miss, the second cache matches the generated
// GLSL code. The configuration is like this because there might be leftover code in the PICA shader
// program buffer from the previous shader, which is hashed into the config, resulting several
// different config values from the same shader program.
template <typename KeyConfigType,
std::optional<ShaderDecompiler::ProgramResult> (*CodeGenerator)(
const Pica::Shader::ShaderSetup&, const KeyConfigType&, bool),
GLenum ShaderType>
class ShaderDoubleCache {
explicit ShaderDoubleCache(bool separable) : separable(separable) {}
std::tuple<GLuint, std::optional<ShaderDecompiler::ProgramResult>> Get(
const KeyConfigType& key, const Pica::Shader::ShaderSetup& setup) {
std::optional<ShaderDecompiler::ProgramResult> result{};
auto map_it = shader_map.find(key);
if (map_it == shader_map.end()) {
auto program_opt = CodeGenerator(setup, key, separable);
if (!program_opt) {
shader_map[key] = nullptr;
return {0, std::nullopt};
std::string& program = program_opt->code;
auto [iter, new_shader] = shader_cache.emplace(program, OGLShaderStage{separable});
OGLShaderStage& cached_shader = iter->second;
if (new_shader) {
result->code = program;
cached_shader.Create(program.c_str(), ShaderType);
shader_map[key] = &cached_shader;
return {cached_shader.GetHandle(), std::move(result)};
if (map_it->second == nullptr) {
return {0, std::nullopt};
return {map_it->second->GetHandle(), std::nullopt};
void Inject(const KeyConfigType& key, std::string decomp, OGLProgram&& program) {
OGLShaderStage stage{separable};
const auto iter = shader_cache.emplace(std::move(decomp), std::move(stage)).first;
OGLShaderStage& cached_shader = iter->second;
shader_map.insert_or_assign(key, &cached_shader);
bool separable;
std::unordered_map<KeyConfigType, OGLShaderStage*> shader_map;
std::unordered_map<std::string, OGLShaderStage> shader_cache;
using ProgrammableVertexShaders =
ShaderDoubleCache<PicaVSConfig, &GenerateVertexShader, GL_VERTEX_SHADER>;
using FixedGeometryShaders =
ShaderCache<PicaFixedGSConfig, &GenerateFixedGeometryShader, GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER>;
using FragmentShaders = ShaderCache<PicaFSConfig, &GenerateFragmentShader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER>;
class ShaderProgramManager::Impl {
explicit Impl(bool separable, bool is_amd)
: is_amd(is_amd), separable(separable), programmable_vertex_shaders(separable),
trivial_vertex_shader(separable), fixed_geometry_shaders(separable),
fragment_shaders(separable), disk_cache(separable) {
if (separable)
struct ShaderTuple {
GLuint vs = 0;
GLuint gs = 0;
GLuint fs = 0;
bool operator==(const ShaderTuple& rhs) const {
return std::tie(vs, gs, fs) == std::tie(rhs.vs,, rhs.fs);
bool operator!=(const ShaderTuple& rhs) const {
return std::tie(vs, gs, fs) != std::tie(rhs.vs,, rhs.fs);
struct Hash {
std::size_t operator()(const ShaderTuple& tuple) const {
std::size_t hash = 0;
boost::hash_combine(hash, tuple.vs);
boost::hash_combine(hash, tuple.fs);
return hash;
bool is_amd;
bool separable;
ShaderTuple current;
ProgrammableVertexShaders programmable_vertex_shaders;
TrivialVertexShader trivial_vertex_shader;
FixedGeometryShaders fixed_geometry_shaders;
FragmentShaders fragment_shaders;
std::unordered_map<ShaderTuple, OGLProgram, ShaderTuple::Hash> program_cache;
OGLPipeline pipeline;
ShaderDiskCache disk_cache;
ShaderProgramManager::ShaderProgramManager(bool separable, bool is_amd)
: impl(std::make_unique<Impl>(separable, is_amd)) {}
ShaderProgramManager::~ShaderProgramManager() = default;
bool ShaderProgramManager::UseProgrammableVertexShader(const Pica::Regs& regs,
Pica::Shader::ShaderSetup& setup) {
PicaVSConfig config{regs.vs, setup};
auto [handle, result] = impl->programmable_vertex_shaders.Get(config, setup);
if (handle == 0)
return false;
impl->current.vs = handle;
// Save VS to the disk cache if its a new shader
if (result) {
auto& disk_cache = impl->disk_cache;
ProgramCode program_code{setup.program_code.begin(), setup.program_code.end()};
program_code.insert(program_code.end(), setup.swizzle_data.begin(),
const u64 unique_identifier = GetUniqueIdentifier(regs, program_code);
const ShaderDiskCacheRaw raw{unique_identifier, ProgramType::VS, regs,
return true;
void ShaderProgramManager::UseTrivialVertexShader() {
impl->current.vs = impl->trivial_vertex_shader.Get();
void ShaderProgramManager::UseFixedGeometryShader(const Pica::Regs& regs) {
PicaFixedGSConfig gs_config(regs);
auto [handle, _] = impl->fixed_geometry_shaders.Get(gs_config);
impl-> = handle;
void ShaderProgramManager::UseTrivialGeometryShader() {
impl-> = 0;
void ShaderProgramManager::UseFragmentShader(const Pica::Regs& regs) {
PicaFSConfig config = PicaFSConfig::BuildFromRegs(regs);
auto [handle, result] = impl->fragment_shaders.Get(config);
impl->current.fs = handle;
// Save FS to the disk cache if its a new shader
if (result) {
auto& disk_cache = impl->disk_cache;
u64 unique_identifier = GetUniqueIdentifier(regs, {});
ShaderDiskCacheRaw raw{unique_identifier, ProgramType::FS, regs, {}};
disk_cache.SaveDecompiled(unique_identifier, *result, false);
void ShaderProgramManager::ApplyTo(OpenGLState& state) {
if (impl->separable) {
if (impl->is_amd) {
// Without this reseting, AMD sometimes freezes when one stage is changed but not
// for the others. On the other hand, including this reset seems to introduce memory
// leak in Intel Graphics.
glUseProgramStages(impl->pipeline.handle, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT, impl->current.vs);
glUseProgramStages(impl->pipeline.handle, GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT, impl->;
glUseProgramStages(impl->pipeline.handle, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT, impl->current.fs);
state.draw.shader_program = 0;
state.draw.program_pipeline = impl->pipeline.handle;
} else {
OGLProgram& cached_program = impl->program_cache[impl->current];
if (cached_program.handle == 0) {
cached_program.Create(false, {impl->current.vs, impl->, impl->current.fs});
state.draw.shader_program = cached_program.handle;
void ShaderProgramManager::LoadDiskCache(const std::atomic_bool& stop_loading,
const VideoCore::DiskResourceLoadCallback& callback) {
if (!impl->separable) {
"Cannot load disk cache as separate shader programs are unsupported!");
auto& disk_cache = impl->disk_cache;
const auto transferable = disk_cache.LoadTransferable();
if (!transferable) {
const auto& raws = *transferable;
auto [decompiled, dumps] = disk_cache.LoadPrecompiled();
if (stop_loading) {
std::set<GLenum> supported_formats = GetSupportedFormats();
// Track if precompiled cache was altered during loading to know if we have to serialize the
// virtual precompiled cache file back to the hard drive
bool precompiled_cache_altered = false;
std::mutex mutex;
std::atomic_bool compilation_failed = false;
if (callback) {
callback(VideoCore::LoadCallbackStage::Decompile, 0, raws.size());
std::vector<std::size_t> load_raws_index;
// Loads both decompiled and precompiled shaders from the cache. If either one is missing for
const auto LoadPrecompiledWorker =
[&](std::size_t begin, std::size_t end, const std::vector<ShaderDiskCacheRaw>& raw_cache,
const ShaderDecompiledMap& decompiled_map, const ShaderDumpsMap& dump_map) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
if (stop_loading || compilation_failed) {
const auto& raw{raw_cache[i]};
const u64 unique_identifier{raw.GetUniqueIdentifier()};
const u64 calculated_hash =
GetUniqueIdentifier(raw.GetRawShaderConfig(), raw.GetProgramCode());
if (unique_identifier != calculated_hash) {
"Invalid hash in entry={:016x} (obtained hash={:016x}) - removing "
"shader cache",
raw.GetUniqueIdentifier(), calculated_hash);
const auto dump{dump_map.find(unique_identifier)};
const auto decomp{decompiled_map.find(unique_identifier)};
OGLProgram shader;
if (dump != dump_map.end() && decomp != decompiled_map.end()) {
// Only load this shader if its sanitize_mul setting matches
if (decomp->second.sanitize_mul == VideoCore::g_hw_shader_accurate_mul) {
// If the shader is dumped, attempt to load it
shader = GeneratePrecompiledProgram(dump->second, supported_formats);
if (shader.handle == 0) {
// If any shader failed, stop trying to compile, delete the cache, and start
// loading from raws
compilation_failed = true;
// we have both the binary shader and the decompiled, so inject it into the
// cache
if (raw.GetProgramType() == ProgramType::VS) {
auto [conf, setup] = BuildVSConfigFromRaw(raw);
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
impl->programmable_vertex_shaders.Inject(conf, decomp->second.result.code,
} else if (raw.GetProgramType() == ProgramType::FS) {
PicaFSConfig conf = PicaFSConfig::BuildFromRegs(raw.GetRawShaderConfig());
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
impl->fragment_shaders.Inject(conf, std::move(shader));
} else {
// Unsupported shader type got stored somehow so nuke the cache
LOG_CRITICAL(Frontend, "failed to load raw programtype {}",
compilation_failed = true;
} else {
// Since precompiled didn't have the dump, we'll load them in the next phase
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
if (callback) {
callback(VideoCore::LoadCallbackStage::Decompile, i, raw_cache.size());
LoadPrecompiledWorker(0, raws.size(), raws, decompiled, dumps);
if (compilation_failed) {
// Invalidate the precompiled cache if a shader dumped shader was rejected
precompiled_cache_altered = true;
if (callback) {
callback(VideoCore::LoadCallbackStage::Build, 0, raws.size());
compilation_failed = false;
const auto LoadTransferable = [&](std::size_t begin, std::size_t end,
const std::vector<ShaderDiskCacheRaw>& raw_cache) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
if (stop_loading || compilation_failed) {
const auto& raw{raw_cache[i]};
const u64 unique_identifier{raw.GetUniqueIdentifier()};
bool sanitize_mul = false;
GLuint handle{0};
std::optional<ShaderDecompiler::ProgramResult> result;
// Otherwise decompile and build the shader at boot and save the result to the
// precompiled file
if (raw.GetProgramType() == ProgramType::VS) {
// TODO: This isn't the ideal place to lock, since we really only want to
// lock access to the shared cache
auto [conf, setup] = BuildVSConfigFromRaw(raw);
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
auto [h, r] = impl->programmable_vertex_shaders.Get(conf, setup);
handle = h;
result = std::move(r);
sanitize_mul = conf.state.sanitize_mul;
} else if (raw.GetProgramType() == ProgramType::FS) {
PicaFSConfig conf = PicaFSConfig::BuildFromRegs(raw.GetRawShaderConfig());
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
auto [h, r] = impl->fragment_shaders.Get(conf);
handle = h;
result = std::move(r);
} else {
// Unsupported shader type got stored somehow so nuke the cache
LOG_ERROR(Frontend, "failed to load raw programtype {}", raw.GetProgramType());
compilation_failed = true;
if (handle == 0) {
LOG_ERROR(Frontend, "compilation from raw failed {:x} {:x}",
raw.GetProgramCode().at(0), raw.GetProgramCode().at(1));
compilation_failed = true;
// If this is a new shader, add it the precompiled cache
if (result) {
disk_cache.SaveDecompiled(unique_identifier, *result, sanitize_mul);
disk_cache.SaveDump(unique_identifier, handle);
precompiled_cache_altered = true;
if (callback) {
callback(VideoCore::LoadCallbackStage::Build, i, raw_cache.size());
LoadTransferable(0, raws.size(), raws);
if (compilation_failed) {
if (precompiled_cache_altered) {
} // namespace OpenGL
} // namespace OpenGL