Qt 6 updates

Steveice10 2023-05-06 11:03:24 -07:00
parent e80d6627dc
commit afb1bde901

@ -14,36 +14,32 @@ You'll need to download and install the following to build Citra:
- Arch: `pacman -S openssl-1.0`
- Fedora: `dnf install openssl-devel`
- OpenSUSE: `zypper in openssl-devel`
* [Qt](http://qt-project.org/downloads) 5.9+
- Only 5.9+ versions are tested. Lower version might or might not work. See the section **Install new Qt version** below if your distro does not provide a sufficient version of Qt
- Deb: `apt install qtbase5-dev libqt5opengl5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev qtbase5-private-dev`
- You may also need `apt install libqt5multimedia5-plugins` to get the camera working
- Arch: `pacman -S qt5`
- Fedora: `dnf install qt5-qtmultimedia-devel`
- OpenSUSE: `zypper in libQt5Multimedia5 libqt5-qtmultimedia-devel libQt5Concurrent-devel`
* [Qt](http://qt-project.org/downloads) 6.2+
- Only 6.2+ versions are tested. Lower version might or might not work. See the section **Install new Qt version** below if your distro does not provide a sufficient version of Qt
- Deb: `apt install qt6-base-dev qt6-base-private-dev qt6-multimedia-dev`
- You may also need `apt install qt6-l10n-tools qt6-tools-dev qt6-tools-dev-tools` to build with translation support
- Arch: `pacman -S qt6-base qt6-multimedia qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg`
- You will also need to install a multimedia backend, either `qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg` or `qt6-multimedia-gstreamer`.
- Fedora: `dnf install qt6-devel`
- OpenSUSE: `zypper in qt6-base qt6-multimedia`
* **Optional dependencies needed for HLE AAC Decoding on Linux**
* Deb: `apt install libfdk-aac-dev`
* Arch: `pacman -S libfdk-aac`
* Fedora: `dnf install fdk-aac-devel`
* OpenSUSE: `zypper in fdk-aac-devel`
- [FFMPEG](https://ffmpeg.org/download.html#build-linux) 4.0+
* Deb: `sudo apt install ffmpeg libswscale-dev libavformat-dev libavcodec-dev libavdevice-dev`
* Fedora: `dnf install ffmpeg-devel compat-ffmpeg4`
* OpenSUSE Leap 15: `zypper in ffmpeg-3 ffmpeg-3-libavcodec-devel`
* OpenSUSE Tumbleweed: `zypper in ffmpeg-4 ffmpeg-4-libavcodec-devel`
* Compiler: GCC or Clang. You only need one of these two:
* GCC 7.0+.
* GCC 10.0+.
- Deb: `apt install build-essential`
- Arch: `pacman -S base-devel`
- Fedora: `dnf install gcc-c++`
- OpenSUSE: `zypper in gcc-c++`
* [Clang](https://github.com/llvm-mirror/clang) 5.0+
- Deb: `apt install clang clang-format libc++-dev` (in some distros, clang-5.0).
* [Clang](https://github.com/llvm-mirror/clang) 9.0+
- Deb: `apt install clang clang-format libc++-dev` (in some distros, clang-9.0).
- Arch: `pacman -S clang`, `libc++` is in the AUR. Use pacaur or yaourt to install it.
- Fedora: `dnf install clang libcxx-devel`
- OpenSUSE: `zypper in clang`
* [CMake](http://www.cmake.org/) 3.15+
* [CMake](http://www.cmake.org/) 3.20+
- Deb: `apt install cmake`
- Arch: `pacman -S cmake`
- Fedora: `dnf install cmake`
@ -139,19 +135,8 @@ gdb ../build/bin/citra-qt
### Install new Qt version
If you had an error while building citra-qt part (this part was added from an `AutoMoc subprocess error` when running a qt5/bin/moc command, but this may fix some other errors)
If your distribution's version of Qt is too old, there are a few places you may be able to find newer versions.
- Go to http://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/ and get the latest linux version link (this guide used 5.11.1 at the time) and run the following commands:
* This Ubuntu PPA contains backports of Qt 6 to various older versions: https://launchpad.net/~savoury1/+archive/ubuntu/qt-6-2
wget link_to_latest_linux_official_release
chmod +x qt-opensource-linux-x64-x.x.x.run
- Install selecting only `Desktop gcc` option besides the `Tools` one that you can't remove
- Add those exports to your .bashrc file (change QTDIR variable if installing another version)
export QTDIR="$HOME/Qt5.11.1/5.11.1/gcc_64"
export PATH="$QTDIR/bin:$PATH"
- Reload your .bashrc file and try building again from the start.
* This unofficial CLI installer allows downloading and installing the latest first-party builds of Qt to your system (whether it works against your distribution may vary): https://github.com/miurahr/aqtinstall