Please include theme version, `github-pages --version`, and the operating system you are on or tested with.
- **Minimal Mistakes version:**
- **`github-pages` or `jekyll` gem version:**
- **Operating system:**
## Expected behavior
Describe the intended output or what you expected to see.
## Steps to reproduce the behavior
Include a link to a public repository or ZIP file so that they can more easily be reproduced. Being able to see your actual files helps troubleshooting as most issues stem from missing YAML Front Matter, a mis-configured `_config.sys` file, or `_posts` content.
Describe the steps you took for this problem to exist. Such as you cloned the theme, customized `_config.yml`, added your own posts, and started up a Jekyll server locally.
If an error occurred on GitHub Pages when pushing, please build locally and provide a complete log by running `bundle exec jekyll --trace --verbose` and including this output in the filed issue.
Screenshots can also be included if they help illustrate a behavior.