Most of the variables found here are used in the .html files found in `_includes` if you need to add or remove anything. A good place to start would be to change the title, tagline, description, and url of your site. When working locally comment out `url` or else you will get a bunch of broken links because they are absolute and prefixed with `{{ "{{ site.url " }}}}` in the various `_includes` and `_layouts`. Just remember to uncomment `url` when building for deployment or pushing to **gh-pages**...
Change your name, bio, and avatar photo (100x100 pixels or larger), Twitter url, email, and Google+ url. If you want to link to an external image on Gravatar or something similiar you'll need to edit the path in `author-bio.html` since it assumes it is located in `\images`.
Including a link to your Google+ profile has the added benefit of displaying [Google Authorship]( in Google search results if you've went ahead and applied for it. Don't have a Google+ account? Just leave it blank and/or remove `<link rel="author" href="{{ site.owner.google_plus }}">` from `head.html`.
#### Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools
Your Google Analytics ID goes here along with meta tags for [Google Webmaster Tools]( and [Bing Webmaster Tools]( site verification.
#### Top Navigation Links
Edit page/post titles and URLs to include in the site's navigation. For external links add `external: true`.
There are two main content layouts: *post.html* (for posts) and *page.html* (for pages). Both have large **feature images** that span the full-width of the screen, and both are meant for text heavy blog posts (or articles).
A good rule of thumb is to keep feature images[^2] nice and wide so you don't push the body text too far down. An image cropped around around 1024 x 512 pixels will keep file size down with an acceptable resolution for most devices. On my personal site I use [Picturefill]( to serve the same image responsively in four different flavors (small, medium, large, and extra large). In the interest of keeping things simple with this theme I left that script out, but you can certainly [add it back in]( or give [Adaptive Images]( a try.
The two layouts make the assumption that the feature images live in the *images* folder. To add a feature image to a post or page just include the filename in the front matter like so.
If you want to apply attribution to a feature image use the following YAML front matter on posts or pages. Image credits appear directly below the feature image with a link back to the original source.
{% highlight yaml %}
feature: feature-image-filename.jpg
credit: Michael Rose #name of the person or site you want to credit
creditlink: #url to their site or licensing
Post and page thumbnails work the same way. These are used by [Open Graph]( and [Twitter Cards]( meta tags found in *head.html*. If you don't assign a thumbnail the default graphic *(default-thumb.png)* is used. I'd suggest changing this to something more meaningful --- your logo or avatar are good options.
#### Table of Contents
Any article or page that you want a *table of contents* to render insert the following HTML in your post before the actual content. [Kramdown will take care of the rest]( and convert all headlines into a contents list.
**PS:** The TOC is hidden on small devices because I haven't gotten around to optimizing it. For now it only shows on tablets and desktop viewports...
Video embeds are responsive and scale with the width of the main content block with the help of [FitVids](
Not sure if this only effects Kramdown or if it's an issue with Markdown in general. But adding YouTube video embeds causes errors when building your Jekyll site. To fix add a space between the `<iframe>` tags and remove `allowfullscreen`. Example below:
To make things easier I use LESS to build Minimal Mistakes' stylesheets. If you want to make some minor cosmetic alterations, take a look at `variables.less` in `assets/less/`. Changing some of the following variables can help make the theme your own. Just compile `main.less` and `ie.less` using your preprocessor of choice and off you go --- I like [CodeKit]( and [Prepros](
[^1]: Used to generate absolute urls in *sitemap.xml*, *feed.xml*, and for canonical urls in *head.html*. Don't include a trailing `/` in your base url ie: When developing locally remove or comment out this line so local css, js, and images are used.