Merge branch 'feature/theme-gem' into develop

This commit is contained in:
Michael Rose 2016-11-02 15:50:14 -04:00
commit 8b43573087
198 changed files with 3933 additions and 307 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -1,10 +1,14 @@

View file

@ -1,24 +1,2 @@
source ""
# Hello! This is where you manage which Jekyll version is used to run.
# When you want to use a different version, change it below, save the
# file and run `bundle install`. Run Jekyll with `bundle exec`, like so:
# bundle exec jekyll serve
# This will help ensure the proper Jekyll version is running.
# Happy Jekylling!
gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
# If you want to use Jekyll native, uncomment the line below.
# To upgrade, run `bundle update`.
# gem "jekyll"
gem "wdm", "~> 0.1.0" if Gem.win_platform?
# If you have any plugins, put them here!
group :jekyll_plugins do
# gem "jekyll-archives"

View file

@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
activesupport (4.2.7)
i18n (~> 0.7)
json (~> 1.7, >= 1.7.7)
minitest (~> 5.1)
thread_safe (~> 0.3, >= 0.3.4)
tzinfo (~> 1.1)
addressable (2.4.0)
coffee-script (2.4.1)
coffee-script-source (1.10.0)
colorator (1.1.0)
ethon (0.9.0)
ffi (>= 1.3.0)
execjs (2.7.0)
faraday (0.9.2)
multipart-post (>= 1.2, < 3)
ffi (1.9.14)
ffi (1.9.14-x64-mingw32)
forwardable-extended (2.6.0)
gemoji (2.1.0)
github-pages (96)
activesupport (= 4.2.7)
github-pages-health-check (= 1.2.0)
jekyll (= 3.2.1)
jekyll-coffeescript (= 1.0.1)
jekyll-feed (= 0.5.1)
jekyll-gist (= 1.4.0)
jekyll-github-metadata (= 2.0.2)
jekyll-mentions (= 1.2.0)
jekyll-paginate (= 1.1.0)
jekyll-redirect-from (= 0.11.0)
jekyll-sass-converter (= 1.3.0)
jekyll-seo-tag (= 2.0.0)
jekyll-sitemap (= 0.10.0)
jemoji (= 0.7.0)
kramdown (= 1.11.1)
liquid (= 3.0.6)
listen (= 3.0.6)
mercenary (~> 0.3)
minima (= 1.2.0)
rouge (= 1.11.1)
terminal-table (~> 1.4)
github-pages-health-check (1.2.0)
addressable (~> 2.3)
net-dns (~> 0.8)
octokit (~> 4.0)
public_suffix (~> 1.4)
typhoeus (~> 0.7)
html-pipeline (2.4.2)
activesupport (>= 2)
nokogiri (>= 1.4)
i18n (0.7.0)
jekyll (3.2.1)
colorator (~> 1.0)
jekyll-sass-converter (~> 1.0)
jekyll-watch (~> 1.1)
kramdown (~> 1.3)
liquid (~> 3.0)
mercenary (~> 0.3.3)
pathutil (~> 0.9)
rouge (~> 1.7)
safe_yaml (~> 1.0)
jekyll-coffeescript (1.0.1)
coffee-script (~> 2.2)
jekyll-feed (0.5.1)
jekyll-gist (1.4.0)
octokit (~> 4.2)
jekyll-github-metadata (2.0.2)
jekyll (~> 3.1)
octokit (~> 4.0)
jekyll-mentions (1.2.0)
activesupport (~> 4.0)
html-pipeline (~> 2.3)
jekyll (~> 3.0)
jekyll-paginate (1.1.0)
jekyll-redirect-from (0.11.0)
jekyll (>= 2.0)
jekyll-sass-converter (1.3.0)
sass (~> 3.2)
jekyll-seo-tag (2.0.0)
jekyll (~> 3.1)
jekyll-sitemap (0.10.0)
jekyll-watch (1.5.0)
listen (~> 3.0, < 3.1)
jemoji (0.7.0)
activesupport (~> 4.0)
gemoji (~> 2.0)
html-pipeline (~> 2.2)
jekyll (>= 3.0)
json (1.8.3)
kramdown (1.11.1)
liquid (3.0.6)
listen (3.0.6)
rb-fsevent (>= 0.9.3)
rb-inotify (>= 0.9.7)
mercenary (0.3.6)
mini_portile2 (2.1.0)
minima (1.2.0)
minitest (5.9.0)
multipart-post (2.0.0)
net-dns (0.8.0)
nokogiri (1.6.8)
mini_portile2 (~> 2.1.0)
pkg-config (~> 1.1.7)
nokogiri (1.6.8-x64-mingw32)
mini_portile2 (~> 2.1.0)
pkg-config (~> 1.1.7)
octokit (4.3.0)
sawyer (~> 0.7.0, >= 0.5.3)
pathutil (0.14.0)
forwardable-extended (~> 2.6)
pkg-config (1.1.7)
public_suffix (1.5.3)
rb-fsevent (0.9.7)
rb-inotify (0.9.7)
ffi (>= 0.5.0)
rouge (1.11.1)
safe_yaml (1.0.4)
sass (3.4.22)
sawyer (0.7.0)
addressable (>= 2.3.5, < 2.5)
faraday (~> 0.8, < 0.10)
terminal-table (1.7.2)
unicode-display_width (~> 1.1.1)
thread_safe (0.3.5)
typhoeus (0.8.0)
ethon (>= 0.8.0)
tzinfo (1.2.2)
thread_safe (~> 0.1)
unicode-display_width (1.1.1)
wdm (0.1.1)
wdm (~> 0.1.0)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# [Minimal Mistakes Jekyll Theme](
[![GitHub release](]( [![GitHub license](](
[![GitHub release](]( [![GitHub license](](
Minimal Mistakes is a flexible two-column Jekyll theme. Perfect for hosting your personal site, blog, or portfolio on GitHub or self-hosting on your own server. As the name implies --- styling is purposely minimalistic to be enhanced and customized by you :smile:.
@ -11,26 +11,22 @@ Interested in testing out a [**pre-release "gemified" version**](https://github.
[![Minimal Mistakes live preview][2]][1]
[2]: images/mm-browser-mockups.png (live preview)
[2]: screenshot.png (live preview)
The theme includes responsive layouts (`single`, `archive`, and `splash` pages) that look great on mobile and desktop browsers.
![layout examples](screenshot-layouts.png)
![layout examples](images/mm-layout-examples.png)
## [Installation and Setup]( / [Preview the Theme](
### Notable Features
## Notable Features
- Compatible with Jekyll 3.x and GitHub Pages
- Support for Jekyll's built-in Sass/SCSS preprocessor
- Several layout options (single, archive, splash pages)
- Several responsive layout options (single, archive index, splash, and paginated home page)
- SEO optimized with support for [Twitter Cards]( and [Open Graph]( data
- Optional header images, sidebars, table of contents, galleries, related posts, breadcrumb links, and more.
- Optional comments ([Disqus](, [Facebook](, Google+, [Discourse](, static-based via [Staticman](, and custom).
- Optional analytics ([Google Analytics]( and custom).
- UI localized text: English (default), Spanish, French, and Turkish.
- Optional [header images](, [custom sidebars](, [table of contents](, [galleries](, related posts, [breadcrumb links](, [navigation lists](, and more.
- Commenting support (powered by [Disqus](, [Facebook](, Google+, [Discourse](, static-based via [Staticman](, and custom).
- [Google Analytics]( support.
- UI localized text in English (default), Brazilian Portguese, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Turkish
#### Demo Pages
## Demo Pages
| Name | Description |
| ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
@ -42,7 +38,7 @@ The theme includes responsive layouts (`single`, `archive`, and `splash` pages)
| [Categories Archive][categories-archive] | Posts grouped by category. |
| [Tags Archive][tags-archive] | Posts grouped by tags. |
For even more demo pages check the [posts archive][year-archive].
For even more demo pages check the [posts archive][year-archive] on the demo site. Looking for the source code to peep the YAML Front Matter and Markdown used? Check the [`gh-pages`]( branch.
@ -53,6 +49,32 @@ For even more demo pages check the [posts archive][year-archive].
## Quick Start
Add this line to your Jekyll site's `Gemfile`:
gem "minimal-mistakes-jekyll"
Add this line to your Jekyll site's `_config.yml` file:
theme: minimal-mistakes-jekyll
Run Bundler:
bundle install
## Usage
For detailed instructions on how to configure, customize, add content, and more read the [theme's documentation](
**Note:** Gem version of the theme requires Jekyll v3.3+ and is not supported with sites hosted with [GitHub Pages]( You can still use the theme on GitHub Pages, you'll just need to install using the old "[repo fork method](".
## Contributing
@ -67,6 +89,8 @@ This goes for author sidebar links and "share button" additions -- I have no int
To help me out try to avoid creating pull requests on `master` and instead branch off of `develop`. It's much easier for me to test, merge, and roll them into new releases this way.
Theme documentation and demo pages can be found in the `gh-pages` branch, please submit pull requests against that branch.
## Credits

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ description : "An amazing website."
url : # the base hostname & protocol for your site e.g. ""
baseurl : # the subpath of your site, e.g. "/blog"
repository : # GitHub username/repo-name e.g. "mmistakes/minimal-mistakes"
teaser : # filename of teaser fallback teaser image placed in /images/, .e.g. "500x300.png"
teaser : # path of fallback teaser image, e.g. "/assets/images/500x300.png"
# breadcrumbs : false # true, false (default)
words_per_minute : 200
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ analytics:
# Site Author
name : "Your Name"
avatar : "bio-photo.jpg"
avatar : # path of avatar image, e.g. "/assets/images/bio-photo.jpg"
bio : "I am an amazing person."
location : "Somewhere"
email :
@ -227,3 +227,18 @@ compress_html:
clippings: all
envs: development
# Defaults
# _posts
- scope:
path: ""
type: posts
layout: single
author_profile: true
read_time: true
comments: # true
share: true
related: true

View file

@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
# main links links
- title: "Sample Navigation Link"
- title: "Sample Navigation Link 2"
url: /
- title: "Quick-Start Guide"
- title: "About"
- title: "Sample Posts"
url: /year-archive/
- title: "Sample Collections"
url: /collection-archive/
- title: "Sitemap"
url: /sitemap/

View file

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{% include base_path %}
{% if post.header.teaser %}
{% capture teaser %}{{ post.header.teaser }}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
@ -20,16 +18,16 @@
{% if teaser contains "://" %}
"{{ teaser }}"
{% else %}
"{{ teaser | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path }}"
"{{ teaser | absolute_url }}"
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<h2 class="archive__item-title" itemprop="headline">
{% if %}
<a href="{{ }}">{{ title }}</a> <a href="{{ base_path }}{{ post.url }}" rel="permalink"><i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true" title="permalink"></i><span class="sr-only">Permalink</span></a>
<a href="{{ }}">{{ title }}</a> <a href="{{ post.url | absolute_url }}" rel="permalink"><i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true" title="permalink"></i><span class="sr-only">Permalink</span></a>
{% else %}
<a href="{{ base_path }}{{ post.url }}" rel="permalink">{{ title }}</a>
<a href="{{ post.url | absolute_url }}" rel="permalink">{{ title }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if post.read_time %}

View file

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
{% include base_path %}
{% if and[] %}
{% assign author =[] %}{% else %}{% assign author = %}
{% endif %}
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<div class="author__avatar">
{% if author.avatar contains "://" %}
<img src="{{ author.avatar }}" alt="{{ }}">
{% else %}
<img src="{{ author.avatar | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path }}" class="author__avatar" alt="{{ }}">
{% endif %}
{% if author.avatar %}
<div class="author__avatar">
{% if author.avatar contains "://" %}
<img src="{{ author.avatar }}" alt="{{ }}">
{% else %}
<img src="{{ author.avatar | absolute_url }}" class="author__avatar" alt="{{ }}">
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="author__content">
<h3 class="author__name">{{ }}</h3>

View file

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{% include base_path %}
{% case site.categories.type %}
{% when "liquid" %}
{% assign path_type = "#" %}
@ -21,7 +19,7 @@
{% for crumb in crumbs offset: 1 %}
{% if forloop.first %}
<li itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="">
<a href="{{ base_path }}/" itemprop="item"><span itemprop="name">{{[site.locale].breadcrumb_home_label | default: "Home" }}</span></a>
<a href="{{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/" itemprop="item"><span itemprop="name">{{[site.locale].breadcrumb_home_label | default: "Home" }}</span></a>
<meta itemprop="position" content="{{ i }}" />
<span class="sep">{{[site.locale].breadcrumb_separator | default: "/" }}</span>
@ -31,7 +29,7 @@
{% else %}
{% assign i = i | plus: 1 %}
<li itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="">
<a href="{{ base_path }}{{ crumb | downcase | replace: '%20', '-' | prepend: path_type | prepend: crumb_path }}" itemprop="item"><span itemprop="name">{{ crumb | replace: '-', ' ' | replace: '%20', ' ' | capitalize }}</span></a>
<a href="{{ crumb | downcase | replace: '%20', '-' | prepend: path_type | prepend: crumb_path | absolute_url }}" itemprop="item"><span itemprop="name">{{ crumb | replace: '-', ' ' | replace: '%20', ' ' | capitalize }}</span></a>
<meta itemprop="position" content="{{ i }}" />
<span class="sep">{{[site.locale].breadcrumb_separator | default: "/" }}</span>

View file

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{% include base_path %}
{% case site.category_archive.type %}
{% when "liquid" %}
{% assign path_type = "#" %}
@ -21,7 +19,7 @@
{% for hash in category_hashes %}
{% assign keyValue = hash | split: '#' %}
{% capture category_word %}{{ keyValue[1] | strip_newlines }}{% endcapture %}
<a href="{{ base_path }}{{ category_word | slugify | prepend: path_type | prepend: site.category_archive.path }}" class="page__taxonomy-item" rel="tag">{{ category_word }}</a>{% unless forloop.last %}<span class="sep">, </span>{% endunless %}
<a href="{{ category_word | slugify | prepend: path_type | prepend: site.category_archive.path | absolute_url }}" class="page__taxonomy-item" rel="tag">{{ category_word }}</a>{% unless forloop.last %}<span class="sep">, </span>{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}

View file

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{% include base_path %}
<div class="page__comments">
{% capture comments_label %}{{[site.locale].comments_label | default: "Comments" }}{% endcapture %}
{% case site.comments.provider %}
@ -8,10 +6,10 @@
<section id="disqus_thread"></section>
{% when "facebook" %}
<h4 class="page__comments-title">{{ comments_label }}</h4>
<section class="fb-comments" data-href="{{ base_path }}{{ page.url }}" data-mobile="true" data-num-posts="{{ site.comments.facebook.num_posts | default: 5 }}" data-width="100%" data-colorscheme="{{ site.comments.facebook.colorscheme | default: 'light' }}"></section>
<section class="fb-comments" data-href="{{ page.url | absolute_url }}" data-mobile="true" data-num-posts="{{ site.comments.facebook.num_posts | default: 5 }}" data-width="100%" data-colorscheme="{{ site.comments.facebook.colorscheme | default: 'light' }}"></section>
{% when "google-plus" %}
<h4 class="page__comments-title">{{ comments_label }}</h4>
<section class="g-comments" data-href="{{ base_path }}{{ page.url }}" data-first_party_property="BLOGGER" data-view_type="FILTERED_POSTMOD">Loading Google+ Comments ...</section>
<section class="g-comments" data-href="{{ page.url | absolute_url }}" data-first_party_property="BLOGGER" data-view_type="FILTERED_POSTMOD">Loading Google+ Comments ...</section>
{% when "staticman" %}
<section id="comments">
{% if site.repository and site.staticman.branch %}

View file

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{% include base_path %}
{% if %}
{% assign feature_row = page.[] %}
{% else %}
@ -13,7 +11,7 @@
{% if f.url contains "://" %}
{% capture f_url %}{{ f.url }}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% capture f_url %}{{ f.url | prepend: base_path }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture f_url %}{{ f.url | absolute_url }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
<div class="feature__item{% if include.type %}--{{ include.type }}{% endif %}">
@ -24,7 +22,7 @@
{% if f.image_path contains "://" %}
"{{ f.image_path }}"
{% else %}
"{{ f.image_path | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path }}"
"{{ f.image_path | absolute_url }}"
{% endif %}
alt="{% if f.alt %}{{ f.alt }}{% endif %}">

View file

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{% include base_path %}
<div class="page__footer-follow">
<ul class="social-icons">
{% if[site.locale].follow_label %}
@ -17,7 +15,7 @@
{% if %}
<li><a href="{{ }}"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-bitbucket" aria-hidden="true"></i> Bitbucket</a></li>
{% endif %}
<li><a href="{% if site.atom_feed.path %}{{ site.atom_feed.path }}{% else %}{{ base_path }}/feed.xml{% endif %}"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-rss-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{[site.locale].feed_label | default: "Feed" }}</a></li>
<li><a href="{% if site.atom_feed.path %}{{ site.atom_feed.path }}{% else %}{{ '/feed.xml' | absolute_url }}{% endif %}"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-rss-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{[site.locale].feed_label | default: "Feed" }}</a></li>

View file

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{% include base_path %}
{% if %}
{% assign gallery = page.[] %}
{% else %}
@ -21,7 +19,7 @@
{% if img.url contains "://" %}
"{{ img.url }}"
{% else %}
"{{ img.url | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path }}"
"{{ img.url | absolute_url }}"
{% endif %}
{% if img.title %}title="{{ img.title }}"{% endif %}
@ -29,7 +27,7 @@
{% if img.image_path contains "://" %}
"{{ img.image_path }}"
{% else %}
"{{ img.image_path | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path }}"
"{{ img.image_path | absolute_url }}"
{% endif %}
alt="{% if img.alt %}{{ img.alt }}{% endif %}">
@ -38,7 +36,7 @@
{% if img.image_path contains "://" %}
"{{ img.image_path }}"
{% else %}
"{{ img.image_path | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path }}"
"{{ img.image_path | absolute_url }}"
{% endif %}
alt="{% if img.alt %}{{ img.alt }}{% endif %}">
{% endif %}

View file

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
{% include base_path %}
<meta charset="utf-8">
{% include seo.html %}
<link href="{% if site.atom_feed.path %}{{ site.atom_feed.path }}{% else %}{{ base_path }}/feed.xml{% endif %}" type="application/atom+xml" rel="alternate" title="{{ site.title }} Feed">
<link href="{% if site.atom_feed.path %}{{ site.atom_feed.path }}{% else %}{{ '/feed.xml' | absolute_url }}{% endif %}" type="application/atom+xml" rel="alternate" title="{{ site.title }} Feed">
<!-- -->
<meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="True">
@ -16,6 +14,6 @@
<!-- For all browsers -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ base_path }}/assets/css/main.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/assets/css/main.css' | absolute_url }}">
<meta http-equiv="cleartype" content="on">

View file

@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
{% include base_path %}
<div class="masthead">
<div class="masthead__inner-wrap">
<div class="masthead__menu">
<nav id="site-nav" class="greedy-nav">
<button><div class="navicon"></div></button>
<ul class="visible-links">
<li class="masthead__menu-item masthead__menu-item--lg"><a href="{{ base_path }}/">{{ site.title }}</a></li>
<li class="masthead__menu-item masthead__menu-item--lg"><a href="{{ '/' | absolute_url }}">{{ site.title }}</a></li>
{% for link in %}
{% if link.url contains 'http' %}
{% assign domain = '' %}
{% else %}
{% assign domain = base_path %}
{% else %}
{% assign domain = site.url | append: site.baseurl %}
{% endif %}
<li class="masthead__menu-item"><a href="{{ domain }}{{ link.url }}">{{ link.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
{% include base_path %}
{% assign navigation =[include.nav] %}
<nav class="nav__list">
@ -7,11 +6,11 @@
{% for nav in navigation %}
{% if nav.url %}
{% comment %}internal/external URL check{% endcomment %}
{% comment %} internal/external URL check {% endcomment %}
{% if nav.url contains "://" %}
{% assign domain = "" %}
{% else %}
{% assign domain = base_path %}
{% assign domain = site.url | append: site.baseurl %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ domain }}{{ nav.url }}"><span class="nav__sub-title">{{ nav.title }}</span></a>
@ -22,14 +21,14 @@
{% if nav.children != null %}
{% for child in nav.children %}
{% comment %}internal/external URL check{% endcomment %}
{% comment %} internal/external URL check {% endcomment %}
{% if child.url contains "://" %}
{% assign domain = "" %}
{% else %}
{% assign domain = base_path %}
{% assign domain = site.url | append: site.baseurl %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %}set "active" class on current page{% endcomment %}
{% comment %} set "active" class on current page {% endcomment %}
{% if child.url == page.url %}
{% assign active = "active" %}
{% else %}

View file

@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
{% include base_path %}
{% if page.header.image contains "://" %}
{% capture img_path %}{{ page.header.image }}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% capture img_path %}{{ page.header.image | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture img_path %}{{ page.header.image | absolute_url }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.header.cta_url contains "://" %}
{% capture cta_path %}{{ page.header.cta_url }}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% capture cta_path %}{{ page.header.cta_url | prepend: base_path }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture cta_path %}{{ page.header.cta_url | absolute_url }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.header.overlay_image contains "://" %}
{% capture overlay_img_path %}{{ page.header.overlay_image }}{% endcapture %}
{% elsif page.header.overlay_image %}
{% capture overlay_img_path %}{{ page.header.overlay_image | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture overlay_img_path %}{{ page.header.overlay_image | absolute_url }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.header.overlay_filter contains "rgba" %}

View file

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{% include base_path %}
{% if site.tag_archive.type and page.tags[0] %}
{% include tag-list.html %}
{% endif %}

View file

@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
{% include base_path %}
{% if paginator.total_pages > 1 %}
<nav class="pagination">
{% comment %} Link for previous page {% endcomment %}
{% if paginator.previous_page %}
{% if paginator.previous_page == 1 %}
<li><a href="{{ base_path }}/">{{[site.locale].pagination_previous | default: "Previous" }}</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ '/' | absolute_url }}">{{[site.locale].pagination_previous | default: "Previous" }}</a></li>
{% else %}
<li><a href="{{ base_path }}/page{{ paginator.previous_page }}/">{{[site.locale].pagination_previous | default: "Previous" }}</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ '/page' | absolute_url }}{{ paginator.previous_page | append: '/' }}">{{[site.locale].pagination_previous | default: "Previous" }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<li><a href="#" class="disabled"><span aria-hidden="true">{{[site.locale].pagination_previous | default: "Previous" }}</span></a></li>
@ -18,7 +16,7 @@
{% if == 1 %}
<li><a href="#" class="disabled current">1</a></li>
{% else %}
<li><a href="{{ base_path }}/">1</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ '/' | absolute_url }}">1</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% assign page_start = 2 %}
@ -36,7 +34,7 @@
{% for index in (page_start..page_end) %}
{% if index == %}
<li><a href="{{ base_path }}/page{{ index }}/" class="disabled current">{{ index }}</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ '/page' | absolute_url }}{{ index | append: '/' }}" class="disabled current">{{ index }}</a></li>
{% else %}
{% comment %} Distance from current page and this link {% endcomment %}
{% assign dist = | minus: index %}
@ -44,7 +42,7 @@
{% comment %} Distance must be a positive value {% endcomment %}
{% assign dist = 0 | minus: dist %}
{% endif %}
<li><a href="{{ base_path }}/page{{ index }}/">{{ index }}</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ '/page' | absolute_url }}{{ index | append: '/' }}">{{ index }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

View file

@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
{% include base_path %}
{% if page.previous or %}
<nav class="pagination">
{% if page.previous %}
<a href="{{ base_path }}{{ page.previous.url }}" class="pagination--pager" title="{{ page.previous.title | markdownify | strip_html }}">{{[site.locale].pagination_previous | default: "Previous" }}</a>
<a href="{{ page.previous.url | absolute_url }}" class="pagination--pager" title="{{ page.previous.title | markdownify | strip_html }}">{{[site.locale].pagination_previous | default: "Previous" }}</a>
{% else %}
<a href="#" class="pagination--pager disabled">{{[site.locale].pagination_previous | default: "Previous" }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if %}
<a href="{{ base_path }}{{ }}" class="pagination--pager" title="{{ | markdownify | strip_html }}">{{[site.locale].pagination_next | default: "Next" }}</a>
<a href="{{ | absolute_url }}" class="pagination--pager" title="{{ | markdownify | strip_html }}">{{[site.locale].pagination_next | default: "Next" }}</a>
{% else %}
<a href="#" class="pagination--pager disabled">{{[site.locale].pagination_next | default: "Next" }}</a>
{% endif %}

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<script src="{{ base_path }}/assets/js/main.min.js"></script>
<script src="{{ '/assets/js/main.min.js' | absolute_url }}"></script>
{% include analytics.html %}
{% include /comments-providers/scripts.html %}

View file

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{% include base_path %}
<!-- begin SEO -->
{% if site.url %}
{% assign seo_url = site.url | append: site.baseurl %}
@ -62,13 +60,13 @@
{% if page.header.image %}
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{% if page.header.image contains "://" %}{{ page.header.image }}{% else %}{{ page.header.image | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path }}{% endif %}">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{% if page.header.image contains "://" %}{{ page.header.image }}{% else %}{{ page.header.image | absolute_url }}{% endif %}">
{% else %}
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">
{% if page.header.teaser %}
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{% if page.header.teaser contains "://" %}{{ page.header.teaser }}{% else %}{{ page.header.teaser | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path }}{% endif %}">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{% if page.header.teaser contains "://" %}{{ page.header.teaser }}{% else %}{{ page.header.teaser | absolute_url }}{% endif %}">
{% elsif site.og_image %}
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ site.og_image | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path }}">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ site.og_image | absolute_url }}">
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
@ -88,13 +86,13 @@
{% endif %}
{% if page.header.image %}
<meta property="og:image" content="{% if page.header.image contains "://" %}{{ page.header.image }}{% else %}{{ page.header.image | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path }}{% endif %}">
<meta property="og:image" content="{% if page.header.image contains "://" %}{{ page.header.image }}{% else %}{{ page.header.image | absolute_url }}{% endif %}">
{% elsif page.header.overlay_image %}
<meta property="og:image" content="{% if page.header.overlay_image contains "://" %}{{ page.header.overlay_image }}{% else %}{{ page.header.overlay_image | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path }}{% endif %}">
<meta property="og:image" content="{% if page.header.overlay_image contains "://" %}{{ page.header.overlay_image }}{% else %}{{ page.header.overlay_image | absolute_url }}{% endif %}">
{% elsif page.header.teaser %}
<meta property="og:image" content="{% if page.header.teaser contains "://" %}{{ page.header.teaser }}{% else %}{{ page.header.teaser | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path }}{% endif %}">
<meta property="og:image" content="{% if page.header.teaser contains "://" %}{{ page.header.teaser }}{% else %}{{ page.header.teaser | absolute_url }}{% endif %}">
{% elsif site.og_image %}
<meta property="og:image" content="{% if site.og_image contains "://" %}{{ site.og_image }}{% else %}{{ site.og_image | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path }}{% endif %}">
<meta property="og:image" content="{% if site.og_image contains "://" %}{{ site.og_image }}{% else %}{{ site.og_image | absolute_url }}{% endif %}">
{% endif %}
{% if %}
@ -115,7 +113,7 @@
"@context": "",
"@type": "Organization",
"url": {{ seo_url | jsonify }},
"logo": {{ site.og_image | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path | jsonify }}
"logo": {{ site.og_image | absolute_url | jsonify }}
{% endif %}

View file

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{% include base_path %}
{% if page.author_profile or layout.author_profile or page.sidebar %}
<div class="sidebar sticky">
{% if page.author_profile or layout.author_profile %}{% include author-profile.html %}{% endif %}
@ -10,7 +8,7 @@
{% if s.image contains "://" %}
"{{ s.image }}"
{% else %}
"{{ s.image | prepend: "/images/" | prepend: base_path }}"
"{{ s.image | absolute_url }}"
{% endif %}
alt="{% if s.image_alt %}{{ s.image_alt }}{% endif %}">
{% endif %}

View file

@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
{% include base_path %}
<section class="page__share">
{% if[site.locale].share_on_label %}
<h4 class="page__share-title">{{[site.locale].share_on_label | default: "Share on" }}</h4>
{% endif %}
<a href="{% if site.twitter.username %}via={{ site.twitter.username }}&{% endif %}text={{ page.title }} {{ base_path }}{{ page.url }}" class="btn btn--twitter" title="{{[site.locale].share_on_label | default: 'Share on' }} Twitter"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-twitter" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> Twitter</span></a>
<a href="{% if site.twitter.username %}via={{ site.twitter.username }}&{% endif %}text={{ page.title }} {{ page.url | absolute_url }}" class="btn btn--twitter" title="{{[site.locale].share_on_label | default: 'Share on' }} Twitter"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-twitter" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> Twitter</span></a>
<a href="{{ base_path }}{{ page.url }}" class="btn btn--facebook" title="{{[site.locale].share_on_label | default: 'Share on' }} Facebook"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-facebook" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> Facebook</span></a>
<a href="{{ page.url | absolute_url }}" class="btn btn--facebook" title="{{[site.locale].share_on_label | default: 'Share on' }} Facebook"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-facebook" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> Facebook</span></a>
<a href="{{ base_path }}{{ page.url }}" class="btn btn--google-plus" title="{{[site.locale].share_on_label | default: 'Share on' }} Google Plus"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-google-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> Google+</span></a>
<a href="{{ page.url | absolute_url }}" class="btn btn--google-plus" title="{{[site.locale].share_on_label | default: 'Share on' }} Google Plus"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-google-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> Google+</span></a>
<a href="{{ base_path }}{{ page.url }}" class="btn btn--linkedin" title="{{[site.locale].share_on_label | default: 'Share on' }} LinkedIn"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-linkedin" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> LinkedIn</span></a>
<a href="{{ page.url | absolute_url }}" class="btn btn--linkedin" title="{{[site.locale].share_on_label | default: 'Share on' }} LinkedIn"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-linkedin" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> LinkedIn</span></a>

View file

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{% include base_path %}
{% case site.tag_archive.type %}
{% when "liquid" %}
{% assign path_type = "#" %}
@ -21,7 +19,7 @@
{% for hash in tag_hashes %}
{% assign keyValue = hash | split: '#' %}
{% capture tag_word %}{{ keyValue[1] | strip_newlines }}{% endcapture %}
<a href="{{ base_path }}{{ tag_word | slugify | prepend: path_type | prepend: site.tag_archive.path }}" class="page__taxonomy-item" rel="tag">{{ tag_word }}</a>{% unless forloop.last %}<span class="sep">, </span>{% endunless %}
<a href="{{ tag_word | slugify | prepend: path_type | prepend: site.tag_archive.path | absolute_url }}" class="page__taxonomy-item" rel="tag">{{ tag_word }}</a>{% unless forloop.last %}<span class="sep">, </span>{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}

View file

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ author_profile: false
<div class="archive">
<h1 class="page__title">{{ page.title }}</h1>
{% include base_path %}
{% for post in page.posts %}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{% endfor %}

View file

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
{% include base_path %}
<!doctype html>
<html lang="{{ site.locale | slice: 0,2 | default: "en" }}" class="no-js">

_layouts/home.html Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
layout: archive
{% include base_path %}
<h3 class="archive__subtitle">{{[site.locale].recent_posts | default: "Recent Posts" }}</h3>
{% for post in paginator.posts %}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{% endfor %}
{% include paginator.html %}

View file

@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: default
{% include base_path %}
{% if page.header.overlay_color or page.header.overlay_image or page.header.image %}
{% include page__hero.html %}
{% endif %}

View file

@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
layout: default
{% include base_path %}
{% if page.header.overlay_color or page.header.overlay_image or page.header.image %}
{% include page__hero.html %}
{% endif %}

View file

@ -236,9 +236,9 @@
width: 100%;
-webkit-transition: $global-transition;
transition: $global-transition;
-webkit-transform: scaleX(0);
-ms-transform: scaleX(0);
transform: scaleX(0); /* hide*/
-webkit-transform: scaleX(0) translate3d(0, 0 , 0);
-ms-transform: scaleX(0) translate3d(0, 0 , 0);
transform: scaleX(0) translate3d(0, 0 , 0); /* hide*/
&:hover:before {

example/Gemfile Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
source ""
gem "minimal-mistakes-jekyll", path: "../"
gem "wdm", "~> 0.1.0" if Gem.win_platform?
# If you have any plugins, put them here!
group :jekyll_plugins do
# gem "jekyll-archives"

example/_config.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
# Welcome to Jekyll!
# This config file is meant for settings that affect your entire site, values
# which you are expected to set up once and rarely need to edit after that.
# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use
# `jekyll serve`. If you change this file, please restart the server process.
theme : "minimal-mistakes-jekyll"
# Site Settings
locale : "en"
title : "Site Title"
title_separator : "-"
name : "Your Name"
description : "An amazing website."
url : # the base hostname & protocol for your site e.g. ""
baseurl : # the subpath of your site, e.g. "/blog"
repository : # GitHub username/repo-name e.g. "mmistakes/minimal-mistakes"
teaser : # path of fallback teaser image, e.g. "/assets/images/500x300.png"
# breadcrumbs : false # true, false (default)
words_per_minute : 200
provider : # false (default), "disqus", "discourse", "facebook", "google-plus", "staticman", "custom"
shortname : #
server : # , e.g.:
appid :
num_posts : # 5 (default)
colorscheme : # "light" (default), "dark"
allowedFields : ['name', 'email', 'url', 'message']
branch : # "master", "gh-pages"
commitMessage : "New comment."
filename : comment-{@timestamp}
format : "yml"
moderation : true
path : "_data/comments/{options.slug}"
requiredFields : ['name', 'email', 'message']
email : "md5"
type : "date"
format : "iso8601" # "iso8601" (default), "timestamp-seconds", "timestamp-milliseconds"
path : # blank (default) uses feed.xml
# SEO Related
google_site_verification :
bing_site_verification :
alexa_site_verification :
yandex_site_verification :
# Social Sharing
username :
username :
app_id :
publisher :
og_image : # Open Graph/Twitter default site image
# For specifying social profiles
# -
type : # Person or Organization (defaults to Person)
name : # If the user or organization name differs from the site's name
links: # An array of links to social media profiles
# Analytics
provider : false # false (default), "google", "google-universal", "custom"
tracking_id :
# Site Author
name : "Your Name"
avatar : "/assets/images/bio-photo.jpg"
bio : "I am an amazing person."
location : "Somewhere"
email :
uri :
bitbucket :
codepen :
dribbble :
flickr :
facebook :
foursquare :
github :
google_plus :
keybase :
instagram :
lastfm :
linkedin :
pinterest :
soundcloud :
stackoverflow : # "123456/username" (the last part of your profile url, e.g.
steam :
tumblr :
twitter :
vine :
weibo :
xing :
youtube :
# Reading Files
- .htaccess
- _pages
- "*.sublime-project"
- "*.sublime-workspace"
- vendor
- .asset-cache
- .bundle
- .jekyll-assets-cache
- .sass-cache
- assets/js/plugins
- assets/js/_main.js
- assets/js/vendor
- Capfile
- config
- Gemfile
- Gruntfile.js
- gulpfile.js
- log
- node_modules
- package.json
- Rakefile
- tmp
- .git
- .svn
encoding: "utf-8"
markdown_ext: "markdown,mkdown,mkdn,mkd,md"
# Conversion
markdown: kramdown
highlighter: rouge
lsi: false
excerpt_separator: "\n\n"
incremental: false
# Markdown Processing
input: GFM
hard_wrap: false
auto_ids: true
footnote_nr: 1
entity_output: as_char
toc_levels: 1..6
smart_quotes: lsquo,rsquo,ldquo,rdquo
enable_coderay: false
# Sass/SCSS
sass_dir: _sass
style: compressed #
# Outputting
permalink: /:categories/:title/
paginate: 5 # amount of posts to show
paginate_path: /page:num/
timezone: #
# Plugins
- jekyll-paginate
- jekyll-sitemap
- jekyll-gist
- jekyll-feed
- jemoji
# mimic GitHub Pages with --safe
- jekyll-paginate
- jekyll-sitemap
- jekyll-gist
- jekyll-feed
- jemoji
# Archives
# Type
# - GitHub Pages compatible archive pages built with Liquid ~> type: liquid (default)
# - Jekyll Archives plugin archive pages ~> type: jekyll-archives
# Path (examples)
# - Archive page should exist at path when using Liquid method or you can
# expect broken links (especially with breadcrumbs enabled)
# - <base_path>/tags/my-awesome-tag/index.html ~> path: /tags/
# - <base_path/categories/my-awesome-category/index.html ~> path: /categories/
# - <base_path/my-awesome-category/index.html ~> path: /
type: liquid
path: /categories/
type: liquid
path: /tags/
# jekyll-archives:
# enabled:
# - categories
# - tags
# layouts:
# category: archive-taxonomy
# tag: archive-taxonomy
# permalinks:
# category: /categories/:name/
# tag: /tags/:name/
# HTML Compression
# -
clippings: all
envs: development
# Collections
output: true
permalink: /:collection/:path/
output: true
permalink: /:collection/:path/
output: true
permalink: /:collection/:path/
# Defaults
# _posts
- scope:
path: ""
type: posts
layout: single
author_profile: true
read_time: true
share: true
related: true
# _pages
- scope:
path: ""
type: pages
layout: single
author_profile: true
# _recipes
- scope:
path: ""
type: recipes
layout: single
author_profile: true
share: true
# _pets
- scope:
path: ""
type: pets
layout: single
author_profile: true
share: true
# _portfolio
- scope:
path: ""
type: portfolio
layout: single
author_profile: false
share: true

example/_data/authors.yml Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Authors
Billy Rick:
name : "Billy Rick"
uri : ""
email : ""
bio : "What do you want, jewels? I am a very extravagant man."
avatar : "/assets/images/bio-photo-2.jpg"
twitter : "extravagantman"
google_plus : "BillyRick"
Cornelius Fiddlebone:
name : "Cornelius Fiddlebone"
email : ""
bio : "I ordered what?"
avatar : "/assets/images/bio-photo.jpg"
twitter : "rhymeswithsackit"
google_plus : "CorneliusFiddlebone"

example/_data/navigation.yml Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# main links links
- title: "Quick-Start Guide"
- title: "About"
- title: "Sample Posts"
url: /year-archive/
- title: "Sample Collections"
url: /collection-archive/
- title: "Sitemap"
url: /sitemap/

example/_data/ui-text.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
# User interface text and labels
# English (default)
# -----------------
page : "Page"
pagination_previous : "Previous"
pagination_next : "Next"
breadcrumb_home_label : "Home"
breadcrumb_separator : "/"
toc_label : "On This Page"
ext_link_label : "Direct Link"
less_than : "less than"
minute_read : "minute read"
share_on_label : "Share on"
meta_label :
tags_label : "Tags:"
categories_label : "Categories:"
date_label : "Updated:"
comments_label : "Leave a Comment"
comments_title : "Comments"
more_label : "Learn More"
related_label : "You May Also Enjoy"
follow_label : "Follow:"
feed_label : "Feed"
powered_by : "Powered by"
website_label : "Website"
email_label : "Email"
recent_posts : "Recent Posts"
undefined_wpm : "Undefined parameter words_per_minute at _config.yml"
comment_form_info : "Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked"
comment_form_comment_label : "Comment"
comment_form_md_info : "Markdown is supported."
comment_form_name_label : "Name"
comment_form_email_label : "Email address"
comment_form_website_label : "Website (optional)"
comment_btn_submit : "Submit Comment"
comment_btn_submitted : "Submitted"
comment_success_msg : "Thanks for your comment! It will show on the site once it has been approved."
comment_error_msg : "Sorry, there was an error with your submission. Please make sure all required fields have been completed and try again."
loading_label : "Loading..."
# Spanish
# --------------
page : "Página"
pagination_previous : "Anterior"
pagination_next : "Siguiente"
breadcrumb_home_label : "Inicio"
breadcrumb_separator : "/"
toc_label : "Contenidos"
ext_link_label : "Enlace"
less_than : "menos de"
minute_read : "minuto de lectura"
share_on_label : "Compartir"
meta_label :
tags_label : "Etiquetas:"
categories_label : "Categorías:"
date_label : "Actualizado:"
comments_label : "Comentar"
comments_title :
more_label : "Ver más"
related_label : "Podrías ver también"
follow_label : "Seguir:"
feed_label : "Feed"
powered_by : "Powered by"
website_label : "Sitio web"
email_label : "Email"
recent_posts : "Entradas recientes"
undefined_wpm : "Parametro words_per_minute (Palabras por minuto) no definido en _config.yml"
comment_form_info :
comment_form_comment_label :
comment_form_md_info :
comment_form_name_label :
comment_form_email_label :
comment_form_website_label :
comment_btn_submit :
comment_btn_submitted :
comment_success_msg :
comment_error_msg :
loading_label :
# French
# -----------------
page : "Page"
pagination_previous : "Précédent"
pagination_next : "Suivant"
breadcrumb_home_label : "Accueil"
breadcrumb_separator : "/"
toc_label : "Sur cette page"
ext_link_label : "Lien direct"
less_than : "plus petit que"
minute_read : "minute de lecture"
share_on_label : "Partager sur"
meta_label :
tags_label : "Tags :"
categories_label : "Catégories :"
date_label : "Mis à jour :"
comments_label : "Laisser un commentaire"
comments_title :
more_label : "Lire plus"
related_label : "Vous pourriez aimer"
follow_label : "Suivez moi"
feed_label : "Flux"
powered_by : "Propulsé par"
website_label : "Site"
email_label : "Email"
recent_posts : "Posts récents"
undefined_wpm : "Le paramètre words_per_minute n'est pas défini dans _config.yml"
comments_title : "Commentaires"
comment_form_info : "Votre adresse email ne sera pas visible. Les champs obligatoires sont marqués"
comment_form_comment_label : "Commentaire"
comment_form_md_info : "Markdown est supporté."
comment_form_name_label : "Nom"
comment_form_email_label : "Adresse mail"
comment_form_website_label : "Site web (optionnel)"
comment_btn_submit : "Envoyer"
comment_btn_submitted : "Envoyé"
comment_success_msg : "Merci pour votre comentaire, il sera visible sur le site une fois approuvé."
comment_error_msg : "Désolé, une erreur est survenue lors de la soumission. Vérifiez que les champs obligatoires ont été remplis et réessayez."
loading_label : "Chargement..."
# Turkish
# -----------------
page : "Sayfa"
pagination_previous : "Önceki"
pagination_next : "Sonraki"
breadcrumb_home_label : "Ana Sayfa"
breadcrumb_separator : "/"
toc_label : "İçindekiler"
ext_link_label : "Doğrudan Bağlantı"
less_than : "Şu süreden az: "
minute_read : "dakika tahmini okuma süresi"
share_on_label : "Paylaş"
meta_label :
tags_label : "Etiketler:"
categories_label : "Kategoriler:"
date_label : "Güncelleme tarihi:"
comments_label : "Yorum yapın"
comments_title : "Yorumlar"
more_label : "Daha fazlasını öğrenin"
related_label : "Bunlar ilginizi çekebilir:"
follow_label : "Takip et:"
feed_label : "RSS"
powered_by : "Emeği geçenler: "
website_label : "Web sayfası"
email_label : "E-posta"
recent_posts : "Son yazılar"
undefined_wpm : "_config.yml dosyasında tanımlanmamış words_per_minute parametresi"
comment_form_info : "Email adresiniz gösterilmeyecektir. Zorunlu alanlar işaretlenmiştir"
comment_form_comment_label : "Yorumunuz"
comment_form_md_info : "Markdown desteklenmektedir."
comment_form_name_label : "Adınız"
comment_form_email_label : "Email adresiniz"
comment_form_website_label : "Websiteniz (opsiyonel)"
comment_btn_submit : "Yorum Yap"
comment_btn_submitted : "Gönderildi"
comment_success_msg : "Yorumunuz için teşekkürler! Yorumunuz onaylandıktan sonra sitede gösterilecektir."
comment_error_msg : "Maalesef bir hata oluştu. Lütfen zorunlu olan tüm alanları doldurduğunuzdan emin olun ve sonrasında tekrar deneyin."
loading_label : "Yükleniyor..."
# Portuguese
# -----------------
page : "Página"
pagination_previous : "Anterior"
pagination_next : "Seguinte"
breadcrumb_home_label : "Início"
breadcrumb_separator : "/"
toc_label : "Nesta Página"
ext_link_label : "Link Direto"
less_than : "menos de"
minute_read : "minutos de leitura"
share_on_label : "Partilhar no"
meta_label :
tags_label : "Etiquetas:"
categories_label : "Categorias:"
date_label : "Atualizado:"
comments_label : "Deixe um Comentário"
comments_title : "Comentários"
more_label : "Saber mais"
related_label : "Também pode gostar de"
follow_label : "Siga:"
feed_label : "Feed"
powered_by : "Feito com"
website_label : "Site"
email_label : "Email"
recent_posts : "Artigos Recentes"
undefined_wpm : "Parâmetro words_per_minute não definido em _config.yml"
comment_form_info : "O seu endereço email não será publicado. Os campos obrigatórios estão assinalados"
comment_form_comment_label : "Comentário"
comment_form_md_info : "Markdown é suportado."
comment_form_name_label : "Nome"
comment_form_email_label : "Endereço Email"
comment_form_website_label : "Site (opcional)"
comment_btn_submit : "Sumbeter Comentário"
comment_btn_submitted : "Submetido"
comment_success_msg : "Obrigado pelo seu comentário! Será visível no site logo que aprovado."
comment_error_msg : "Lamento, ocorreu um erro na sua submissão. Por favor verifique se todos os campos obrigatórios estão corretamente preenchidos e tente novamente."
loading_label : "A carregar..."
# Brazilian Portuguese
page : "Página"
pagination_previous : "Anterior"
pagination_next : "Próxima"
breadcrumb_home_label : "Home"
breadcrumb_separator : "/"
toc_label : "Nesta página"
ext_link_label : "Link direto"
less_than : "meno que"
minute_read : "minutos de leitura"
share_on_label : "Compartilhe em"
meta_label :
tags_label : "Tags:"
categories_label : "Categorias:"
date_label : "Atualizado em:"
comments_label : "Deixe um comentário"
comments_title :
more_label : "Aprenda Mais"
related_label : "Você Talvez Goste Também"
follow_label : "Acompanhe em"
feed_label : "Feed"
powered_by : "Feito com"
website_label : "Site"
email_label : "Email"
recent_posts : "Postagens recentes"
undefined_wpm : "Parâmetro indefinido em word_per_minute no _config.yml"
comment_form_info :
comment_form_comment_label :
comment_form_md_info :
comment_form_name_label :
comment_form_email_label :
comment_form_website_label :
comment_btn_submit :
comment_btn_submitted :
comment_success_msg :
comment_error_msg :
loading_label :
# Italian
# -----------------
page : "Pagina"
pagination_previous : "Precedente"
pagination_next : "Prossima"
breadcrumb_home_label : "Home"
breadcrumb_separator : "/"
toc_label : "Indice della pagina"
ext_link_label : "Link"
less_than : "meno di"
minute_read : "minuto/i di lettura"
share_on_label : "Condividi"
meta_label :
tags_label : "Tags:"
categories_label : "Categorie:"
date_label : "Aggiornato:"
comments_label : "Scrivi un commento"
comments_title :
more_label : "Scopri di più"
related_label : "Potrebbe Piacerti Anche"
follow_label : "Segui:"
feed_label : "Feed"
powered_by : "Powered by"
website_label : "Website"
email_label : "Email"
recent_posts : "Articoli Recenti"
undefined_wpm : "Parametro words_per_minute non definito in _config.yml"
comment_form_info : "Il tuo indirizzo email non sarà pubblicato. Sono segnati i campi obbligatori"
comment_form_comment_label : "Commenta"
comment_form_md_info : "Il linguaggio Markdown è supportato"
comment_form_name_label : "Nome"
comment_form_email_label : "Indirizzo email"
comment_form_website_label : "Sito Web (opzionale)"
comment_btn_submit : "Invia commento"
comment_btn_submitted : "Inviato"
comment_success_msg : "Grazie per il tuo commento! Verrà visualizzato nel sito una volta che sarà approvato."
comment_error_msg : "C'è stato un errore con il tuo invio. Assicurati che tutti i campi richiesti siano stati completati e riprova."
loading_label : "Caricamento..."
# Chinese (zh-CN Chinese - China)
# -----------------
page : "页面"
pagination_previous : "向前"
pagination_next : "向后"
breadcrumb_home_label : "首页"
breadcrumb_separator : "/"
toc_label : "在本页上"
ext_link_label : "直接链接"
less_than : "少于"
minute_read : "分钟 阅读"
share_on_label : "分享"
meta_label :
tags_label : "标签:"
categories_label : "分类:"
date_label : "最新的:"
comments_label : "留下评论"
comments_title : "评论"
more_label : "了解更多"
related_label : "猜您还喜欢"
follow_label : "关注:"
feed_label : "Feed"
powered_by : "Powered by"
website_label : "网站"
email_label : "Email"
recent_posts : "最新文章"
undefined_wpm : "Undefined parameter words_per_minute at _config.yml"
comment_form_info : "Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked"
comment_form_comment_label : "Comment"
comment_form_md_info : "Markdown is supported."
comment_form_name_label : "Name"
comment_form_email_label : "Email address"
comment_form_website_label : "Website (optional)"
comment_btn_submit : "Submit Comment"
comment_btn_submitted : "Submitted"
comment_success_msg : "Thanks for your comment! It will show on the site once it has been approved."
comment_error_msg : "Sorry, there was an error with your submission. Please make sure all required fields have been completed and try again."
loading_label : "Loading..."
# German / Deutsch
# -----------------
page : "Seite"
pagination_previous : "Vorherige"
pagination_next : "Nächste"
breadcrumb_home_label : "Home"
breadcrumb_separator : "/"
toc_label : "Auf dieser Seite"
ext_link_label : "Direkter Link"
less_than : "weniger als"
minute_read : "Minuten zum lesen"
share_on_label : "Teilen auf"
meta_label :
tags_label : "Tags:"
categories_label : "Kategorien:"
date_label : "Aktualisiert:"
comments_label : "Hinterlassen sie einen Kommentar"
comments_title : "Kommentare"
more_label : "Mehr anzeigen"
related_label : "Ihnen gefällt vielleicht auch"
follow_label : "Folgen:"
feed_label : "Feed"
powered_by : "Powered by"
website_label : "Webseite"
email_label : "E-Mail"
recent_posts : "Aktuelle Beiträge"
undefined_wpm : "Undefinierter Parameter words_per_minute in _config.yml"
comment_form_info : "Ihre E-Mail Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. Benötigte Felder sind markiert"
comment_form_comment_label : "Kommentar"
comment_form_md_info : "Markdown wird unterstützt."
comment_form_name_label : "Name"
comment_form_email_label : "E-Mail Addresse"
comment_form_website_label : "Webseite (optional)"
comment_btn_submit : "Kommentar absenden"
comment_btn_submitted : "Versendet"
comment_success_msg : "Danke für ihren Kommentar! Er wird auf der Seite angezeigt, nachdem er geprüft wurde."
comment_error_msg : "Entschuldigung, es gab einen Fehler. Bitte füllen sie alle benötigten Felder aus und versuchen sie es erneut."
loading_label : "Lade..."
# Another locale
# --------------

_pages/ → example/_pages/ Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
title: "Page Not Found"
layout: single
excerpt: "Page not found. Your pixels are in another canvas."
sitemap: false
permalink: /404.html

View file

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
title: "Archive Layout with Content"
layout: archive
permalink: /archive-layout-with-content/
A variety of common markup showing how the theme styles them.
# Header one
## Header two
### Header three
#### Header four
##### Header five
###### Header six
## Blockquotes
Single line blockquote:
> Stay hungry. Stay foolish.
Multi line blockquote with a cite reference:
> People think focus means saying yes to the thing you've got to focus on. But that's not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I'm actually as proud of the things we haven't done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.
<cite>Steve Jobs</cite> --- Apple Worldwide Developers' Conference, 1997
{: .small}
## Tables
| Employee | Salary | |
| -------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [John Doe](#) | $1 | Because that's all Steve Jobs needed for a salary. |
| [Jane Doe](#) | $100K | For all the blogging she does. |
| [Fred Bloggs](#) | $100M | Pictures are worth a thousand words, right? So Jane × 1,000. |
| [Jane Bloggs](#) | $100B | With hair like that?! Enough said. |
| Header1 | Header2 | Header3 |
| cell1 | cell2 | cell3 |
| cell4 | cell5 | cell6 |
| cell1 | cell2 | cell3 |
| cell4 | cell5 | cell6 |
| Foot1 | Foot2 | Foot3 |
## Definition Lists
Definition List Title
: Definition list division.
: A startup company or startup is a company or temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.
: Coined by Rob Dyrdek and his personal body guard Christopher "Big Black" Boykins, "Do Work" works as a self motivator, to motivating your friends.
Do It Live
: I'll let Bill O'Reilly [explain]( "We'll Do It Live") this one.
## Unordered Lists (Nested)
* List item one
* List item one
* List item one
* List item two
* List item three
* List item four
* List item two
* List item three
* List item four
* List item two
* List item three
* List item four
## Ordered List (Nested)
1. List item one
1. List item one
1. List item one
2. List item two
3. List item three
4. List item four
2. List item two
3. List item three
4. List item four
2. List item two
3. List item three
4. List item four
## Buttons
Make any link standout more when applying the `.btn` class.
<a href="#" class="btn--success">Success Button</a>
[Primary Button](#){: .btn}
[Success Button](#){: .btn .btn--success}
[Warning Button](#){: .btn .btn--warning}
[Danger Button](#){: .btn .btn--danger}
[Info Button](#){: .btn .btn--info}
[Inverse Button](#){: .btn .btn--inverse}
[Light Outline Button](#){: .btn .btn--light-outline}
[Primary Button Text](#link){: .btn}
[Success Button Text](#link){: .btn .btn--success}
[Warning Button Text](#link){: .btn .btn--warning}
[Danger Button Text](#link){: .btn .btn--danger}
[Info Button Text](#link){: .btn .btn--info}
[Inverse Button](#link){: .btn .btn--inverse}
[Light Outline Button](#link){: .btn .btn--light-outline}
[X-Large Button](#){: .btn .btn--x-large}
[Large Button](#){: .btn .btn--large}
[Default Button](#){: .btn}
[Small Button](#){: .btn .btn--small}
[X-Large Button](#link){: .btn .btn--x-large}
[Large Button](#link){: .btn .btn--large}
[Default Button](#link){: .btn}
[Small Button](#link){: .btn .btn--small}
## Notices
**Watch out!** You can also add notices by appending `{: .notice}` to a paragraph.
{: .notice}
## HTML Tags
### Address Tag
1 Infinite Loop<br /> Cupertino, CA 95014<br /> United States
### Anchor Tag (aka. Link)
This is an example of a [link]( "Apple").
### Abbreviation Tag
The abbreviation CSS stands for "Cascading Style Sheets".
*[CSS]: Cascading Style Sheets
### Cite Tag
"Code is poetry." ---<cite>Automattic</cite>
### Code Tag
You will learn later on in these tests that `word-wrap: break-word;` will be your best friend.
### Strike Tag
This tag will let you <strike>strikeout text</strike>.
### Emphasize Tag
The emphasize tag should _italicize_ text.
### Insert Tag
This tag should denote <ins>inserted</ins> text.
### Keyboard Tag
This scarcely known tag emulates <kbd>keyboard text</kbd>, which is usually styled like the `<code>` tag.
### Preformatted Tag
This tag styles large blocks of code.
.post-title {
margin: 0 0 5px;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 38px;
line-height: 1.2;
and here's a line of some really, really, really, really long text, just to see how the PRE tag handles it and to find out how it overflows;
### Quote Tag
<q>Developers, developers, developers&#8230;</q> &#8211;Steve Ballmer
### Strong Tag
This tag shows **bold text**.
### Subscript Tag
Getting our science styling on with H<sub>2</sub>O, which should push the "2" down.
### Superscript Tag
Still sticking with science and Isaac Newton's E = MC<sup>2</sup>, which should lift the 2 up.
### Variable Tag
This allows you to denote <var>variables</var>.
{% include base_path %}
{% for post in site.pages %}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{% endfor %}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
layout: archive
permalink: /categories/
title: "Posts by Category"
author_profile: true
{% include base_path %}
{% include group-by-array collection=site.posts field="categories" %}
{% for category in group_names %}
{% assign posts = group_items[forloop.index0] %}
<h2 id="{{ category | slugify }}" class="archive__subtitle">{{ category }}</h2>
{% for post in posts %}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
layout: archive
title: "Posts by Collection"
permalink: /collection-archive/
author_profile: true
{% include base_path %}
{% capture written_label %}'None'{% endcapture %}
{% for collection in site.collections %}
{% unless collection.output == false or collection.label == "posts" %}
{% capture label %}{{ collection.label }}{% endcapture %}
{% if label != written_label %}
<h2 id="{{ label | slugify }}" class="archive__subtitle">{{ label }}</h2>
{% capture written_label %}{{ label }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% for post in %}
{% unless collection.output == false or collection.label == "posts" %}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

example/_pages/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
title: "Lorem Ipsum"
permalink: /lorem-ipsum/
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec mollis. Quisque convallis libero in sapien pharetra tincidunt. Aliquam elit ante, malesuada id, tempor eu, gravida id, odio. Maecenas suscipit, risus et eleifend imperdiet, nisi orci ullamcorper massa, et adipiscing orci velit quis magna. Praesent sit amet ligula id orci venenatis auctor. Phasellus porttitor, metus non tincidunt dapibus, orci pede pretium neque, sit amet adipiscing ipsum lectus et libero. Aenean bibendum. Curabitur mattis quam id urna. Vivamus dui. Donec nonummy lacinia lorem. Cras risus arcu, sodales ac, ultrices ac, mollis quis, justo. Sed a libero. Quisque risus erat, posuere at, tristique non, lacinia quis, eros.
Cras volutpat, lacus quis semper pharetra, nisi enim dignissim est, et sollicitudin quam ipsum vel mi. Sed commodo urna ac urna. Nullam eu tortor. Curabitur sodales scelerisque magna. Donec ultricies tristique pede. Nullam libero. Nam sollicitudin felis vel metus. Nullam posuere molestie metus. Nullam molestie, nunc id suscipit rhoncus, felis mi vulputate lacus, a ultrices tortor dolor eget augue. Aenean ultricies felis ut turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse placerat tellus ac nulla. Proin adipiscing sem ac risus. Maecenas nisi. Cras semper.
Praesent interdum mollis neque. In egestas nulla eget pede. Integer eu purus sed diam dictum scelerisque. Morbi cursus velit et felis. Maecenas faucibus aliquet erat. In aliquet rhoncus tellus. Integer auctor nibh a nunc fringilla tempus. Cras turpis urna, dignissim vel, suscipit pulvinar, rutrum quis, sem. Ut lobortis convallis dui. Sed nonummy orci a justo. Morbi nec diam eget eros eleifend tincidunt.
Curabitur non elit. Pellentesque iaculis, nisl non aliquet adipiscing, purus urna aliquet orci, sed sodales pede neque at massa. Pellentesque laoreet, enim eget varius mollis, sapien erat suscipit metus, sit amet iaculis nulla sapien id felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam congue nulla a ligula. Morbi tempor hendrerit erat. Curabitur augue. Vestibulum nulla est, commodo et, fringilla quis, bibendum eget, ipsum. Suspendisse pulvinar iaculis ante. Mauris dignissim ante quis nisi. Aliquam ante mi, aliquam et, pellentesque ac, dapibus et, enim. In vulputate justo vel magna. Phasellus imperdiet justo. Proin odio orci, dapibus id, porta a, pellentesque id, erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris nonummy varius libero. Sed dolor ipsum, tempor non, aliquet et, pulvinar quis, dui. Pellentesque mauris diam, lobortis id, varius varius, facilisis at, nulla.
Cras pede. Nullam id velit sit amet turpis tincidunt sagittis. Nunc malesuada. Nunc consequat scelerisque odio. Donec eu leo. Nunc pellentesque felis sed odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus lobortis metus in lectus. Cras mollis quam eget sapien. Pellentesque non lorem sit amet sem lacinia euismod.
Nulla eget diam eget leo imperdiet consequat. Morbi nunc magna, pellentesque eu, porta at, ultricies ut, neque. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In tincidunt. Praesent ut orci id eros congue ultrices. Mauris non neque. Donec nulla ante, molestie sit amet, fermentum nec, blandit sit amet, purus. Fusce eget diam eu odio iaculis mollis. Phasellus consectetuer pede quis nisi. Proin non sem ut elit pulvinar faucibus. In a turpis nec augue fringilla elementum.
Nullam felis. Donec in nulla. Suspendisse sodales, turpis in suscipit ullamcorper, enim nunc sagittis risus, eu auctor velit tortor ut turpis. Mauris id augue at neque aliquam eleifend. Sed eget augue. Nunc faucibus ligula sed massa. Etiam non nulla. Etiam accumsan ullamcorper nisl. In pharetra massa at nunc. Nunc elementum. Duis sodales enim nec libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Praesent dapibus eros sodales urna. Duis magna nisi, lobortis quis, tincidunt rutrum, posuere non, ipsum.
Aliquam convallis neque vitae diam. In diam. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis fermentum arcu in tortor. Sed nibh leo, rhoncus eu, fermentum et, scelerisque ac, massa. Cras id turpis. Etiam commodo sem luctus lorem. Morbi at mi. In rutrum. Aenean luctus pede euismod tortor. Phasellus dictum. Cras neque justo, venenatis sit amet, tristique et, vulputate in, dui. Etiam sed mi gravida sapien imperdiet dictum. Aliquam gravida orci a tortor. Donec tempor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus risus ante, pellentesque vitae, luctus eget, scelerisque sed, libero. Donec massa.
Donec libero mauris, volutpat at, convallis vel, laoreet euismod, augue. In accumsan malesuada risus. Mauris metus magna, condimentum in, nonummy non, ornare eu, velit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin posuere. Proin rhoncus rutrum lorem. Phasellus dignissim massa non libero volutpat tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus eget eros. Nulla in nulla. Vivamus quis mauris. Maecenas pharetra rhoncus tellus. Sed sit amet lacus.
Quisque interdum felis a tellus. Aliquam sed diam ac velit aliquam rutrum. Morbi commodo, risus a pulvinar adipiscing, tortor pede posuere risus, ac ornare tellus massa nec lectus. Vivamus mollis metus ac sapien. Nam sed est a libero ullamcorper dapibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean a erat ac nibh accumsan volutpat. Phasellus pulvinar consequat turpis. Curabitur ante metus, tempus ut, consequat eu, sollicitudin sit amet, justo. Duis ut libero.
Lorem Ipsum-ը տպագրության և տպագրական արդյունաբերության համար նախատեսված մոդելային տեքստ է: Սկսած 1500-ականներից\` Lorem Ipsum-ը հանդիսացել է տպագրական արդյունաբերության ստանդարտ մոդելային տեքստ, ինչը մի անհայտ տպագրիչի կողմից տարբեր տառատեսակների օրինակների գիրք ստեղծելու ջանքերի արդյունք է: Այս տեքստը ոչ միայն կարողացել է գոյատևել հինգ դարաշրջան, այլև ներառվել է էլեկտրոնային տպագրության մեջ\` մնալով էապես անփոփոխ: Այն հայտնի է դարձել 1960-ականներին Lorem Ipsum բովանդակող Letraset էջերի թողարկման արդյունքում, իսկ ավելի ուշ համակարգչային տպագրության այնպիսի ծրագրերի թողարկման հետևանքով, ինչպիսին է Aldus PageMaker-ը, որը ներառում է Lorem Ipsum-ի տարատեսակներ:
Lorem Ipsum е елементарен примерен текст, използван в печатарската и типографската индустрия. Lorem Ipsum е индустриален стандарт от около 1500 година, когато неизвестен печатар взема няколко печатарски букви и ги разбърква, за да напечата с тях книга с примерни шрифтове. Този начин не само е оцелял повече от 5 века, но е навлязъл и в публикуването на електронни издания като е запазен почти без промяна. Популяризиран е през 60те години на 20ти век със издаването на Letraset листи, съдържащи Lorem Ipsum пасажи, популярен е и в наши дни във софтуер за печатни издания като Aldus PageMaker, който включва различни версии на Lorem Ipsum.
Lorem Ipsum és un text de farciment usat per la indústria de la tipografia i la impremta. Lorem Ipsum ha estat el text estàndard de la indústria des de l&#8217;any 1500, quan un impressor desconegut va fer servir una galerada de text i la va mesclar per crear un llibre de mostres tipogràfiques. No només ha sobreviscut cinc segles, sinó que ha fet el salt cap a la creació de tipus de lletra electrònics, romanent essencialment sense canvis. Es va popularitzar l&#8217;any 1960 amb el llançament de fulls Letraset que contenien passatges de Lorem Ipsum, i més recentment amb programari d&#8217;autoedició com Aldus Pagemaker que inclou versions de Lorem Ipsum.
Lorem Ipsum je jednostavno probni tekst koji se koristi u tiskarskoj i slovoslagarskoj industriji. Lorem Ipsum postoji kao industrijski standard još od 16-og stoljeća, kada je nepoznati tiskar uzeo tiskarsku galiju slova i posložio ih da bi napravio knjigu s uzorkom tiska. Taj je tekst ne samo preživio pet stoljeća, već se i vinuo u svijet elektronskog slovoslagarstva, ostajući u suštini nepromijenjen. Postao je popularan tijekom 1960-ih s pojavom Letraset listova s odlomcima Lorem Ipsum-a, a u skorije vrijeme sa software-om za stolno izdavaštvo kao što je Aldus PageMaker koji također sadrži varijante Lorem Ipsum-a.
Lorem Ipsum je demonstrativní výplňový text používaný v tiskařském a knihařském průmyslu. Lorem Ipsum je považováno za standard v této oblasti už od začátku 16. století, kdy dnes neznámý tiskař vzal kusy textu a na jejich základě vytvořil speciální vzorovou knihu. Jeho odkaz nevydržel pouze pět století, on přežil i nástup elektronické sazby v podstatě beze změny. Nejvíce popularizováno bylo Lorem Ipsum v šedesátých letech 20. století, kdy byly vydávány speciální vzorníky s jeho pasážemi a později pak díky počítačovým DTP programům jako Aldus PageMaker.
Lorem Ipsum este pur şi simplu o machetă pentru text a industriei tipografice. Lorem Ipsum a fost macheta standard a industriei încă din secolul al XVI-lea, când un tipograf anonim a luat o planşetă de litere şi le-a amestecat pentru a crea o carte demonstrativă pentru literele respective. Nu doar că a supravieţuit timp de cinci secole, dar şi a facut saltul în tipografia electronică practic neschimbată. A fost popularizată în anii &#8217;60 odată cu ieşirea colilor Letraset care conţineau pasaje Lorem Ipsum, iar mai recent, prin programele de publicare pentru calculator, ca Aldus PageMaker care includeau versiuni de Lorem Ipsum.
Lorem Ipsum је једноставно модел текста који се користи у штампарској и словослагачкој индустрији. Lorem ipsum је био стандард за модел текста још од 1500. године, када је непознати штампар узео кутију са словима и сложио их како би направио узорак књиге. Не само што је овај модел опстао пет векова, него је чак почео да се користи и у електронским медијима, непроменивши се. Популаризован је шездесетих година двадесетог века заједно са листовима летерсета који су садржали Lorem Ipsum пасусе, а данас са софтверским пакетом за прелом као што је Aldus PageMaker који је садржао Lorem Ipsum верзије.

example/_pages/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
title: "Page A"
permalink: /page-a/
date: 2011-06-23T18:38:52+00:00
Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
layout: archive
title: "Page Archive"
permalink: /page-archive/
author_profile: false
{% include base_path %}
{% for post in site.pages %}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{% endfor %}

example/_pages/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
title: "Page B"
permalink: /page-b/
date: 2011-06-23T18:39:14+00:00
(lorem ipsum)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
layout: archive
title: "Portfolio"
permalink: /portfolio/
author_profile: false
{% include base_path %}
<div class="grid__wrapper">
{% for post in site.portfolio %}
{% include archive-single.html type="grid" %}
{% endfor %}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
layout: archive
title: "Recipes"
permalink: /recipes/
author_profile: false
{% include base_path %}
{% for post in %}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{% endfor %}

example/_pages/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: "Sample Page"
permalink: /sample-page/
date: 2016-02-24T03:02:20+00:00
This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:
> Hi there! I'm a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like pi'a coladas. (And gettin' caught in the rain.)
...or something like this:
> The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.
You should probably delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!

example/_pages/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
layout: archive
title: "Sitemap"
permalink: /sitemap/
author_profile: false
{% include base_path %}
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an [XML version]({{ base_path }}/sitemap.xml) available for digesting as well.
{% for post in site.pages %}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{% endfor %}
{% for post in site.posts %}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{% endfor %}
{% capture written_label %}'None'{% endcapture %}
{% for collection in site.collections %}
{% unless collection.output == false or collection.label == "posts" %}
{% capture label %}{{ collection.label }}{% endcapture %}
{% if label != written_label %}
<h2>{{ label }}</h2>
{% capture written_label %}{{ label }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% for post in %}
{% unless collection.output == false or collection.label == "posts" %}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

example/_pages/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
title: "Splash Page"
layout: splash
permalink: /splash-page/
date: 2016-03-23T11:48:41-04:00
overlay_color: "#000"
overlay_filter: "0.5"
overlay_image: /assets/images/unsplash-image-1.jpg
cta_label: "Download"
cta_url: ""
caption: "Photo credit: [**Unsplash**]("
excerpt: "Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet salami ham hock ham, hamburger corned beef short ribs kielbasa biltong t-bone drumstick tri-tip tail sirloin pork chop."
- excerpt: 'Nullam suscipit et nam, tellus velit pellentesque at malesuada, enim eaque. Quis nulla, netus tempor in diam gravida tincidunt, *proin faucibus* voluptate felis id sollicitudin. Centered with `type="center"`'
- image_path: assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-1-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 1"
title: "Placeholder 1"
excerpt: "This is some sample content that goes here with **Markdown** formatting."
- image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 2"
title: "Placeholder 2"
excerpt: "This is some sample content that goes here with **Markdown** formatting."
url: "#test-link"
btn_label: "Read More"
btn_class: "btn--inverse"
- image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-3-th.jpg
title: "Placeholder 3"
excerpt: "This is some sample content that goes here with **Markdown** formatting."
- image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 2"
title: "Placeholder Image Left Aligned"
excerpt: 'This is some sample content that goes here with **Markdown** formatting. Left aligned with `type="left"`'
url: "#test-link"
btn_label: "Read More"
btn_class: "btn--inverse"
- image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 2"
title: "Placeholder Image Right Aligned"
excerpt: 'This is some sample content that goes here with **Markdown** formatting. Right aligned with `type="right"`'
url: "#test-link"
btn_label: "Read More"
btn_class: "btn--inverse"
- image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 2"
title: "Placeholder Image Center Aligned"
excerpt: 'This is some sample content that goes here with **Markdown** formatting. Centered with `type="center"`'
url: "#test-link"
btn_label: "Read More"
btn_class: "btn--inverse"
{% include feature_row id="intro" type="center" %}
{% include feature_row %}
{% include feature_row id="feature_row2" type="left" %}
{% include feature_row id="feature_row3" type="right" %}
{% include feature_row id="feature_row4" type="center" %}

example/_pages/tag-archive.html Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
layout: archive
permalink: /tags/
title: "Posts by Tags"
author_profile: true
{% include base_path %}
{% include group-by-array collection=site.posts field="tags" %}
{% for tag in group_names %}
{% assign posts = group_items[forloop.index0] %}
<h2 id="{{ tag | slugify }}" class="archive__subtitle">{{ tag }}</h2>
{% for post in posts %}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

example/_pages/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
permalink: /terms/
title: "Terms and Privacy Policy"
modified: 2016-06-06
{% include base_path %}
{% include toc %}
## Privacy Policy
The privacy of my visitors is extremely important. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of personal information that is received and collected and how it is used.
First and foremost, I will never share your email address or any other personal information to anyone without your direct consent.
### Log Files
Like many other websites, this site uses log files to help learn about when, from where, and how often traffic flows to this site. The information in these log files include:
* Internet Protocol addresses (IP)
* Types of browser
* Internet Service Provider (ISP)
* Date and time stamp
* Referring and exit pages
* Number of clicks
All of this information is not linked to anything that is personally identifiable.
### Cookies and Web Beacons
When you visit this site "convenience" cookies are stored on your computer when you submit a comment to help you log in faster to [Disqus]( the next time you leave a comment.
Third-party advertisers may also place and read cookies on your browser and/or use web beacons to collect information. This site has no access or control over these cookies. You should review the respective privacy policies on any and all third-party ad servers for more information regarding their practices and how to opt-out.
If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so through your web browser options. Instructions for doing so can be found on the specific web browsers' websites.
#### Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a web analytics tool I use to help understand how visitors engage with this website. It reports website trends using cookies and web beacons without identifying individual visitors. You can read [Google Analytics Privacy Policy](
#### Google Adsense
Google Adsense, a third party affiliate marketing network, uses cookies to help make sure I get a commission when you buy a product after clicking on a link or ad banner that takes you to the site of one of their merchants. You can read [Google Adsense Privacy Policy](
## Disclosure Policy
I make money on this website through affiliate programs. If you click an affiliate link or ad banner and buy the product, you help support this website because I'll get a percentage of that sale.
Currently I'm an affiliate for Amazon and Google Adsense.
What this means for you:
* I became an affiliate to earn revenue towards the costs of running and maintaining this website. Where I have direct control over which ads are served on this website I offer only products that are directly related to the topic of this website and products that a reader/subscriber would have a genuine interest in or need of.
* I do not and will not recommend a product just for the sake of making money.
* I do not let the compensation I receive influence the content, topics, posts, or opinions expressed on this website.
* I respect and value my readers too much to write anything other than my own genuine and objective opinions and advice.
Just like this website, my Disclosure Policy is a work in progress. As the revenue streams evolve, so will this page.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
layout: archive
permalink: /year-archive/
title: "Posts by Year"
author_profile: true
{% include base_path %}
{% capture written_year %}'None'{% endcapture %}
{% for post in site.posts %}
{% capture year %}{{ | date: '%Y' }}{% endcapture %}
{% if year != written_year %}
<h2 id="{{ year | slugify }}" class="archive__subtitle">{{ year }}</h2>
{% capture written_year %}{{ year }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{% endfor %}

example/_pets/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title: "Lhasa Apso"
excerpt: "The Lhasa Apso is a non-sporting dog breed originating in Tibet."
> The Lhasa Apso (/ˈlɑːˈæpsoʊ/ lah-sə ap-soh) is a non-sporting dog breed originating in Tibet. It was bred as an interior sentinel in the Buddhist monasteries, to alert the monks to any intruders who entered. Lhasa is the capital city of Tibet, and apso is a word in the Tibetan language meaning "bearded", so, Lhasa Apso simply means "long-haired Lhasa dog". There are, however, some who claim that the word "apso" is a form of the Tibetan word "rapso", meaning "goat-like", which would make the equivalent translation "wooly Lhasa dog".
> <cite>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</cite>

example/_pets/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title: "Tabby"
excerpt: "A tabby is any domestic cat that has a coat featuring distinctive stripes, dots, lines or swirling patterns, usually with a mark resembling an 'M' on its forehead."
> A tabby is any domestic cat that has a coat featuring distinctive stripes, dots, lines or swirling patterns, usually together with a mark resembling an 'M' on its forehead. Tabbies are sometimes erroneously assumed to be a cat breed. In fact, the tabby pattern is found in many breeds, as well as among the general mixed-breed population. The tabby pattern is a naturally occurring feature that may be related to the coloration of the domestic cat's direct ancestor, the African wildcat, which (along with the European wildcat and Asiatic wildcat) has a similar coloration.
> <cite>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</cite>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
title: "Foo Bar Identity"
excerpt: "Foo Bar design system including logo mark, website design, and branding applications."
image: /assets/images/foo-bar-identity.jpg
teaser: /assets/images/foo-bar-identity-th.jpg
- title: "Role"
image_alt: "logo"
text: "Designer, Front-End Developer"
- title: "Responsibilities"
text: "Reuters try PR stupid commenters should isn't a business model"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-1.jpg
image_path: assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-1-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 1"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2.jpg
image_path: assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 2"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-3.jpg
image_path: assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-3-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 3"
Pictures of Goats section West Seattle Blog dingbat newspaper rubber cement Google+ newsroom cafe rubber cement, Ushahidi Kindle Single syndicated Instagram HuffPo community mthomps, Mozilla iPhone app should isn't a business model curmudgeon Snarkmarket Tim Carmody production of innocence. Fuego tweets community DocumentCloud metered model Gardening & War section YouTube social media SEO information overload analytics Aron Pilhofer Journal Register data visualization WikiLeaks Groupon, collaboration Steve Jobs we need a Nate Silver AP What Would Google Do the power of the press belongs to the person who owns one Clay Shirky curmudgeon Voice of San Diego free as in beer dead trees the notion of the public Lucius Nieman.
{% include gallery caption="This is a sample gallery to go along with this case study." %}
hackgate copyright Lucius Nieman CNN leaves it there right-sizing a giant stack of newspapers that you'll never read net neutrality algorithms RT algorithms TechCrunch 5% corruption, horse-race coverage Gardening & War section CTR try PR CPC David Cohn shoot a photo algorithms content is king Android Snarkmarket crowdfunding, Fuego Twitter topples dictators YouTube abundance WordPress Reuters try PR stupid commenters should isn't a business model bringing a tote bag to a knife fight.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
title: "Edge Case: Nested and Mixed Lists"
- Edge Case
- content
- css
- edge case
- lists
- markup
Nested and mixed lists are an interesting beast. It's a corner case to make sure that
* Lists within lists do not break the ordered list numbering order
* Your list styles go deep enough.
### Ordered -- Unordered -- Ordered
1. ordered item
2. ordered item
* **unordered**
* **unordered**
1. ordered item
2. ordered item
3. ordered item
4. ordered item
### Ordered -- Unordered -- Unordered
1. ordered item
2. ordered item
* **unordered**
* **unordered**
* unordered item
* unordered item
3. ordered item
4. ordered item
### Unordered -- Ordered -- Unordered
* unordered item
* unordered item
1. ordered
2. ordered
* unordered item
* unordered item
* unordered item
* unordered item
### Unordered -- Unordered -- Ordered
* unordered item
* unordered item
* unordered
* unordered
1. **ordered item**
2. **ordered item**
* unordered item
* unordered item

View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
title: "Edge Case: Many Tags"
- Edge Case
- 8BIT
- alignment
- Articles
- captions
- categories
- chat
- comments
- content
- css
- dowork
- edge case
- embeds
- excerpt
- Fail
- featured image
- Fun
- gallery
- html
- image
- Jekyll
- layout
- link
- Love
- markup
- Mothership
- Must Read
- Nailed It
- Pictures
- Post Formats
- quote
- standard
- Success
- Swagger
- Tags
- template
- title
- twitter
- Unseen
- video
- YouTube
This post has many tags.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
title: "Edge Case: Many Categories"
- aciform
- antiquarianism
- arrangement
- asmodeus
- broder
- buying
- championship
- chastening
- disinclination
- disinfection
- dispatch
- echappee
- enphagy
- categories
- edge case
This post has many categories.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: "Edge Case: No Body Content"
- Edge Case
- content
- edge case
- layout

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
- Edge Case
- edge case
- layout
- title
This post has no title specified in the YAML Front Matter. Jekyll should auto-generate a title from the filename.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
title: "Antidisestablishmentarianism"
- Edge Case
- content
- css
- edge case
- html
- layout
- title
## Title should not overflow the content area
A few things to check for:
* Non-breaking text in the title, content, and comments should have no adverse effects on layout or functionality.
* Check the browser window / tab title.
* If you are a theme developer, check that this text does not break anything.
The following CSS properties will help you support non-breaking text.
-ms-word-wrap: break-word;
word-wrap: break-word;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: "Suspicio? Bene ... tunc ibimus? Quis uh ... CONEXUS locus his diebus? Quisque semper aliquid videtur, in volutpat mauris. Nolo enim dicere. Vobis neque ab aliis. Ego feci memetipsum explicans. Gus mortuus est. Lorem opus habeo. Jackson Isai? Tu quoque ... A te quidem a ante. Vos scitis quod blinking res Ive 'been vocans super vos? Et conteram illud, et conteram hoc. Maledicant druggie excors. Iam hoc tu facere conatus sum ad te in omni tempore? Ludum mutavit. Verbum est ex. Et ... sunt occid"
- Edge Case
- content
- css
- edge case
- html
- layout
- title
Check for long titles and how they might break a template.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: "Post: Modified Date"
modified: 2016-03-09T16:20:02-05:00
- Post Formats
- Post Formats
- readability
- standard
This post has been updated and should show a modified date if used in a layout.
All children, except one, grow up. They soon know that they will grow up, and the way Wendy knew was this. One day when she was two years old she was playing in a garden, and she plucked another flower and ran with it to her mother. I suppose she must have looked rather delightful, for Mrs. Darling put her hand to her heart and cried, "Oh, why can't you remain like this for ever!" This was all that passed between them on the subject, but henceforth Wendy knew that she must grow up. You always know after you are two. Two is the beginning of the end.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
title: "Post: Standard"
excerpt_separator: "<!--more-->"
- Post Formats
- Post Formats
- readability
- standard
All children, except one, grow up. They soon know that they will grow up, and the way Wendy knew was this. One day when she was two years old she was playing in a garden, and she plucked another flower and ran with it to her mother. I suppose she must have looked rather delightful, for Mrs. Darling put her hand to her heart and cried, "Oh, why can't you remain like this for ever!" This was all that passed between them on the subject, but henceforth Wendy knew that she must grow up. You always know after you are two. Two is the beginning of the end.
Mrs. Darling first heard of Peter when she was tidying up her children's minds. It is the nightly custom of every good mother after her children are asleep to rummage in their minds and put things straight for next morning, repacking into their proper places the many articles that have wandered during the day.
This post has a manual excerpt `<!--more-->` set after the second paragraph. The following YAML Front Matter has also be applied:
excerpt_separator: "<!--more-->"
If you could keep awake (but of course you can't) you would see your own mother doing this, and you would find it very interesting to watch her. It is quite like tidying up drawers. You would see her on her knees, I expect, lingering humorously over some of your contents, wondering where on earth you had picked this thing up, making discoveries sweet and not so sweet, pressing this to her cheek as if it were as nice as a kitten, and hurriedly stowing that out of sight. When you wake in the morning, the naughtiness and evil passions with which you went to bed have been folded up small and placed at the bottom of your mind and on the top, beautifully aired, are spread out your prettier thoughts, ready for you to put on.
I don't know whether you have ever seen a map of a person's mind. Doctors sometimes draw maps of other parts of you, and your own map can become intensely interesting, but catch them trying to draw a map of a child's mind, which is not only confused, but keeps going round all the time. There are zigzag lines on it, just like your temperature on a card, and these are probably roads in the island, for the Neverland is always more or less an island, with astonishing splashes of colour here and there, and coral reefs and rakish-looking craft in the offing, and savages and lonely lairs, and gnomes who are mostly tailors, and caves through which a river runs, and princes with six elder brothers, and a hut fast going to decay, and one very small old lady with a hooked nose. It would be an easy map if that were all, but there is also first day at school, religion, fathers, the round pond, needle-work, murders, hangings, verbs that take the dative, chocolate pudding day, getting into braces, say ninety-nine, three-pence for pulling out your tooth yourself, and so on, and either these are part of the island or they are another map showing through, and it is all rather confusing, especially as nothing will stand still.
Of course the Neverlands vary a good deal. John's, for instance, had a lagoon with flamingoes flying over it at which John was shooting, while Michael, who was very small, had a flamingo with lagoons flying over it. John lived in a boat turned upside down on the sands, Michael in a wigwam, Wendy in a house of leaves deftly sewn together. John had no friends, Michael had friends at night, Wendy had a pet wolf forsaken by its parents, but on the whole the Neverlands have a family resemblance, and if they stood still in a row you could say of them that they have each other's nose, and so forth. On these magic shores children at play are for ever beaching their coracles [simple boat]. We too have been there; we can still hear the sound of the surf, though we shall land no more.
Of all delectable islands the Neverland is the snuggest and most compact, not large and sprawly, you know, with tedious distances between one adventure and another, but nicely crammed. When you play at it by day with the chairs and table-cloth, it is not in the least alarming, but in the two minutes before you go to sleep it becomes very real. That is why there are night-lights.
Occasionally in her travels through her children's minds Mrs. Darling found things she could not understand, and of these quite the most perplexing was the word Peter. She knew of no Peter, and yet he was here and there in John and Michael's minds, while Wendy's began to be scrawled all over with him. The name stood out in bolder letters than any of the other words, and as Mrs. Darling gazed she felt that it had an oddly cocky appearance.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
title: "Post: Chat"
- Post Formats
- chat
- Post Formats
Abbott: Strange as it may seem, they give ball players nowadays very peculiar names.
Costello: Funny names?
Abbott: Nicknames, nicknames. Now, on the St. Louis team we have Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know is on third--
Costello: That's what I want to find out. I want you to tell me the names of the fellows on the St. Louis team.
Abbott: I'm telling you. Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know is on third--
Costello: You know the fellows' names?
Abbott: Yes.
Costello: Well, then who's playing first?
Abbott: Yes.
Costello: I mean the fellow's name on first base.
Abbott: Who.
Costello: The fellow playin' first base.
Abbott: Who.
Costello: The guy on first base.
Abbott: Who is on first.
Costello: Well, what are you askin' me for?
Abbott: I'm not asking you--I'm telling you. Who is on first.
Costello: I'm asking you--who's on first?
Abbott: That's the man's name.
Costello: That's who's name?
Abbott: Yes.
Costello: When you pay off the first baseman every month, who gets the money?
Abbott: Every dollar of it. And why not, the man's entitled to it.
Costello: Who is?
Abbott: Yes.
Costello: So who gets it?
Abbott: Why shouldn't he? Sometimes his wife comes down and collects it.
Costello: Who's wife?
Abbott: Yes. After all, the man earns it.
Costello: Who does?
Abbott: Absolutely.
Costello: Well, all I'm trying to find out is what's the guy's name on first base?
Abbott: Oh, no, no. What is on second base.
Costello: I'm not asking you who's on second.
Abbott: Who's on first!
Costello: St. Louis has a good outfield?
Abbott: Oh, absolutely.
Costello: The left fielder's name?
Abbott: Why.
Costello: I don't know, I just thought I'd ask.
Abbott: Well, I just thought I'd tell you.
Costello: Then tell me who's playing left field?
Abbott: Who's playing first.
Costello: Stay out of the infield! The left fielder's name?
Abbott: Why.
Costello: Because.
Abbott: Oh, he's center field.
Costello: Wait a minute. You got a pitcher on this team?
Abbott: Wouldn't this be a fine team without a pitcher?
Costello: Tell me the pitcher's name.
Abbott: Tomorrow.
Costello: Now, when the guy at bat bunts the ball--me being a good catcher--I want to throw the guy out at first base, so I pick up the ball and throw it to who?
Abbott: Now, that's he first thing you've said right.
Abbott: Don't get excited. Take it easy.
Costello: I throw the ball to first base, whoever it is grabs the ball, so the guy runs to second. Who picks up the ball and throws it to what. What throws it to I don't know. I don't know throws it back to tomorrow--a triple play.
Abbott: Yeah, it could be.
Costello: Another guy gets up and it's a long ball to center.
Abbott: Because.
Costello: Why? I don't know. And I don't care.
Abbott: What was that?
Costello: I said, I DON'T CARE!
Abbott: Oh, that's our shortstop!

View file

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
title: "Post: Notice"
- Post Formats
- Post Formats
- notice
A notice displays information that explains nearby content. Often used to call attention to a particular detail.
When using Kramdown `{: .notice}` can be added after a sentence to assign the `.notice` to the `<p></p>` element.
**Changes in Service:** We just updated our [privacy policy](#) here to better service our customers. We recommend reviewing the changes.
{: .notice}
**Primary Notice:** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. [Praesent libero](#). Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet.
{: .notice--primary}
**Info Notice:** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, [consectetur adipiscing elit](#). Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet.
{: .notice--info}
**Warning Notice:** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. [Integer nec odio](#). Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet.
{: .notice--warning}
**Danger Notice:** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, [consectetur adipiscing](#) elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet.
{: .notice--danger}
**Success Notice:** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at [nibh elementum](#) imperdiet.
{: .notice--success}
Want to wrap several paragraphs or other elements in a notice? Using Liquid to capture the content and then filter it with `markdownify` is a good way to go.
{% raw %}{% capture notice-2 %}
#### New Site Features
* You can now have cover images on blog pages
* Drafts will now auto-save while writing
{% endcapture %}{% endraw %}
<div class="notice">{% raw %}{{ notice-2 | markdownify }}{% endraw %}</div>
{% capture notice-2 %}
#### New Site Features
* You can now have cover images on blog pages
* Drafts will now auto-save while writing
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice">
{{ notice-2 | markdownify }}
Or you could skip the capture and stick with straight HTML.
<div class="notice">
<p>A basic message.</p>
<div class="notice">
<p>A basic message.</p>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: "Post: Quote"
- Post Formats
- Post Formats
- quote
> Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet.
> <cite><a href="">Mark Twain</a></cite>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: "Post: Link"
- Post Formats
- link
- Post Formats
This theme supports **link posts**, made famous by John Gruber. To use, just add `link: http://url-you-want-linked` to the post's YAML front matter and you're done.
> And this is how a quote looks.
Some [link](#) can also be shown.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: "Post: Video (YouTube)"
- Post Formats
- Post Formats
YouTube video embed below.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src=";showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title: "Post: Image (with Link)"
- Post Formats
- image
- Post Formats

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
title: "Post: Image (Standard)"
- Post Formats
- image
- Post Formats
The preferred way of using images is placing them in the `/assets/images/` directory and referencing them with an absolute path. Prepending the filename with `{% raw %}{{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/{% endraw %}` will make sure your images display properly in feeds and such.
Standard image with no width modifier classes applied.
{% raw %}<img src="{{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/filename.jpg" alt="">{% endraw %}
**or Kramdown:**
{% raw %}![alt]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/filename.jpg){% endraw %}
![Unsplash image 9]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/unsplash-image-9.jpg)
Image that fills page content container by adding the `.full` class with:
{% raw %}<img src="{{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/filename.jpg" alt="" class="full">{% endraw %}
**or Kramdown:**
{% raw %}![alt]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/filename.jpg)
{: .full}{% endraw %}
![Unsplash image 10]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/unsplash-image-10.jpg)
{: .full}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
title: "Post: Image (Linked with Caption)"
- Post Formats
- image
- Post Formats
{% capture fig_img %}
{% endcapture %}
{% capture fig_caption %}
Stairs? Were we're going we don't need no stairs.
{% endcapture %}
{{ fig_img | markdownify | remove: "<p>" | remove: "</p>" }}
<figcaption>{{ fig_caption | markdownify | remove: "<p>" | remove: "</p>" }}</figcaption>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
title: "Post: Image (Caption)"
- Post Formats
- image
- Post Formats
{% include base_path %}
{% capture fig_img %}
![Foo]({{ basepath }}/assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-3.jpg)
{% endcapture %}
{{ fig_img | markdownify | remove: "<p>" | remove: "</p>" }}
<figcaption>Photo from Unsplash.</figcaption>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
title: "Post: Gallery"
- Post Formats
- gallery
- Post Formats
- tiled
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-1.jpg
image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-1-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 1"
title: "Image 1 title caption"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2.jpg
image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 2"
title: "Image 2 title caption"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-3.jpg
image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-3-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 3"
title: "Image 3 title caption"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-1.jpg
image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-1-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 4"
title: "Image 4 title caption"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2.jpg
image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 5"
title: "Image 5 title caption"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-3.jpg
image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-3-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 6"
title: "Image 6 title caption"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-1.jpg
image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-1-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 7"
title: "Image 7 title caption"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2.jpg
image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 8"
title: "Image 8 title caption"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-3.jpg
image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-3-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 9"
title: "Image 9 title caption"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-1.jpg
image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-1-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 10"
title: "Image 10 title caption"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2.jpg
image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 11"
title: "Image 11 title caption"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-3.jpg
image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-3-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 12"
title: "Image 12 title caption"
- url:
alt: "Black and grays with a hint of green"
- url:
alt: "Made for open text placement"
- url:
alt: "Fog in the trees"
- image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 2"
- image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-4-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 4"
These are gallery tests for image wrapped in `<figure>` elements.
To place a gallery add the necessary YAML Front Matter:
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-1.jpg
image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-1-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 1"
title: "Image 1 title caption"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2.jpg
image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-2-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 2"
title: "Image 2 title caption"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-3.jpg
image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-3-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 3"
title: "Image 3 title caption"
- url: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-4.jpg
image_path: /assets/images/unsplash-gallery-image-4-th.jpg
alt: "placeholder image 4"
title: "Image 4 title caption"
And then drop-in the gallery include --- gallery `caption` is optional.
{% raw %}{% include gallery caption="This is a sample gallery with **Markdown support**." %}{% endraw %}
{% include gallery caption="This is a sample gallery with **Markdown support**." %}
This is some text after the gallery just to make sure that everything aligns properly.
Here comes another gallery, this time set the `id` to match 2nd gallery hash in YAML Front Matter.
- url:
alt: "Black and grays with a hint of green"
- url:
alt: "Made for open text placement"
- url:
alt: "Fog in the trees"
And place it like so:
{% raw %}{% include gallery id="gallery2" caption="This is a second gallery example with images hosted externally." %}{% endraw %}
{% include gallery id="gallery2" caption="This is a second gallery example with images hosted externally." %}
And for giggles one more gallery just to make sure this works. To fill page content container add `class="full"`.
{% include gallery id="gallery3" class="full" caption="This is a third gallery example with two images and fills the entire content container." %}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: "Post: Twitter Embed"
- Media
- content
- embeds
- media
- twitter
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">🎨 Finally got around to adding all my <a href="">@procreateapp</a> creations with time lapse videos <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Michael Rose (@mmistakes) <a href="">November 6, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
This post tests Twitter Embeds.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title: "Post: Future Date"
date: 9999-12-31
- Post
This post lives in the future and is dated {{ | date: "%c" }}. When building Jekyll with the `--future` flag it should appear.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: "Layout: Comments Disabled"
comments: false
- Layout
- Uncategorized
- comments
- layout
This post has its comments disabled.
There should be no comment form.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: "Layout: Comments Enabled"
comments: true
- Layout
- Uncategorized
- comments
- layout
This post should display comments.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
title: "Layout: Read Time Disabled"
read_time: false
- read time
This post has reading time disabled. The estimated time that it takes to read this post should not be showing if `read_time: false` is set in `_config.yml` or in this post's YAML Front Matter.
If you could keep awake (but of course you can't) you would see your own mother doing this, and you would find it very interesting to watch her. It is quite like tidying up drawers. You would see her on her knees, I expect, lingering humorously over some of your contents, wondering where on earth you had picked this thing up, making discoveries sweet and not so sweet, pressing this to her cheek as if it were as nice as a kitten, and hurriedly stowing that out of sight. When you wake in the morning, the naughtiness and evil passions with which you went to bed have been folded up small and placed at the bottom of your mind and on the top, beautifully aired, are spread out your prettier thoughts, ready for you to put on.
I don't know whether you have ever seen a map of a person's mind. Doctors sometimes draw maps of other parts of you, and your own map can become intensely interesting, but catch them trying to draw a map of a child's mind, which is not only confused, but keeps going round all the time. There are zigzag lines on it, just like your temperature on a card, and these are probably roads in the island, for the Neverland is always more or less an island, with astonishing splashes of colour here and there, and coral reefs and rakish-looking craft in the offing, and savages and lonely lairs, and gnomes who are mostly tailors, and caves through which a river runs, and princes with six elder brothers, and a hut fast going to decay, and one very small old lady with a hooked nose. It would be an easy map if that were all, but there is also first day at school, religion, fathers, the round pond, needle-work, murders, hangings, verbs that take the dative, chocolate pudding day, getting into braces, say ninety-nine, three-pence for pulling out your tooth yourself, and so on, and either these are part of the island or they are another map showing through, and it is all rather confusing, especially as nothing will stand still.
Of course the Neverlands vary a good deal. John's, for instance, had a lagoon with flamingoes flying over it at which John was shooting, while Michael, who was very small, had a flamingo with lagoons flying over it. John lived in a boat turned upside down on the sands, Michael in a wigwam, Wendy in a house of leaves deftly sewn together. John had no friends, Michael had friends at night, Wendy had a pet wolf forsaken by its parents, but on the whole the Neverlands have a family resemblance, and if they stood still in a row you could say of them that they have each other's nose, and so forth. On these magic shores children at play are for ever beaching their coracles [simple boat]. We too have been there; we can still hear the sound of the surf, though we shall land no more.
Of all delectable islands the Neverland is the snuggest and most compact, not large and sprawly, you know, with tedious distances between one adventure and another, but nicely crammed. When you play at it by day with the chairs and table-cloth, it is not in the least alarming, but in the two minutes before you go to sleep it becomes very real. That is why there are night-lights.
Occasionally in her travels through her children's minds Mrs. Darling found things she could not understand, and of these quite the most perplexing was the word Peter. She knew of no Peter, and yet he was here and there in John and Michael's minds, while Wendy's began to be scrawled all over with him. The name stood out in bolder letters than any of the other words, and as Mrs. Darling gazed she felt that it had an oddly cocky appearance.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
title: "Layout: Read Time Enabled"
read_time: true
- read time
This post has reading time enabled. The estimated time that it takes to read this post should show if also enabled in `_config.yml` with `read_time: true`.
If you could keep awake (but of course you can't) you would see your own mother doing this, and you would find it very interesting to watch her. It is quite like tidying up drawers. You would see her on her knees, I expect, lingering humorously over some of your contents, wondering where on earth you had picked this thing up, making discoveries sweet and not so sweet, pressing this to her cheek as if it were as nice as a kitten, and hurriedly stowing that out of sight. When you wake in the morning, the naughtiness and evil passions with which you went to bed have been folded up small and placed at the bottom of your mind and on the top, beautifully aired, are spread out your prettier thoughts, ready for you to put on.
I don't know whether you have ever seen a map of a person's mind. Doctors sometimes draw maps of other parts of you, and your own map can become intensely interesting, but catch them trying to draw a map of a child's mind, which is not only confused, but keeps going round all the time. There are zigzag lines on it, just like your temperature on a card, and these are probably roads in the island, for the Neverland is always more or less an island, with astonishing splashes of colour here and there, and coral reefs and rakish-looking craft in the offing, and savages and lonely lairs, and gnomes who are mostly tailors, and caves through which a river runs, and princes with six elder brothers, and a hut fast going to decay, and one very small old lady with a hooked nose. It would be an easy map if that were all, but there is also first day at school, religion, fathers, the round pond, needle-work, murders, hangings, verbs that take the dative, chocolate pudding day, getting into braces, say ninety-nine, three-pence for pulling out your tooth yourself, and so on, and either these are part of the island or they are another map showing through, and it is all rather confusing, especially as nothing will stand still.
Of course the Neverlands vary a good deal. John's, for instance, had a lagoon with flamingoes flying over it at which John was shooting, while Michael, who was very small, had a flamingo with lagoons flying over it. John lived in a boat turned upside down on the sands, Michael in a wigwam, Wendy in a house of leaves deftly sewn together. John had no friends, Michael had friends at night, Wendy had a pet wolf forsaken by its parents, but on the whole the Neverlands have a family resemblance, and if they stood still in a row you could say of them that they have each other's nose, and so forth. On these magic shores children at play are for ever beaching their coracles [simple boat]. We too have been there; we can still hear the sound of the surf, though we shall land no more.
Of all delectable islands the Neverland is the snuggest and most compact, not large and sprawly, you know, with tedious distances between one adventure and another, but nicely crammed. When you play at it by day with the chairs and table-cloth, it is not in the least alarming, but in the two minutes before you go to sleep it becomes very real. That is why there are night-lights.
Occasionally in her travels through her children's minds Mrs. Darling found things she could not understand, and of these quite the most perplexing was the word Peter. She knew of no Peter, and yet he was here and there in John and Michael's minds, while Wendy's began to be scrawled all over with him. The name stood out in bolder letters than any of the other words, and as Mrs. Darling gazed she felt that it had an oddly cocky appearance.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: "Layout: Related Posts Disabled"
related: false
- Layout
- Uncategorized
- related posts
- layout
This post has related posts disabled.
Related post links should not appear.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: "Layout: Related Posts Enabled"
related: true
- Layout
- Uncategorized
- related posts
- layout
This post has related posts enabled.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: "Layout: Social Sharing Links Disabled"
share: false
- Layout
- Uncategorized
- social
- layout
This post has social sharing disabled.
Social sharing links should not appear.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: "Layout: Social Sharing Links Enabled"
share: true
- Layout
- Uncategorized
- social
- layout
This post should display social sharing links.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
title: "Layout: Reading Time, Comments, Social Sharing Links, and Related Posts Disabled"
read_time: false
comments: false
share: false
related: false
- Layout
- Uncategorized
- related posts
- social
- comments
- layout
This post has reading time, comments, social sharing links, and related posts disabled.
Reading time, comments, social sharing and related post links should not appear.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
title: "Layout: Post with Table Of Contents"
image: assets/images/unsplash-image-9.jpg
caption: "Photo credit: [**Unsplash**]("
- table of contents
{% include toc title="Unique Title" icon="file-text" %}
Testing Kramdown auto-generated table of contents with unique title and icon assigned in the include like so:
{% raw %}{% include toc title="Unique Title" icon="file-text" %}{% endraw %}
## HTML Elements
Below is just about everything you'll need to style in the theme. Check the source code to see the many embedded elements within paragraphs.
<h1>Heading 1</h1>
<h2>Heading 2</h2>
<h3>Heading 3</h3>
<h4>Heading 4</h4>
<h5>Heading 5</h5>
<h6>Heading 6</h6>
## Body text
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, test link adipiscing elit. **This is strong**. Nullam dignissim convallis est. Quisque aliquam.
![Smithsonian Image]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/3953273590_704e3899d5_m.jpg)
{: .image-right}
*This is emphasized*. Donec faucibus. Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. 53 = 125. Water is H2O. Nam sit amet sem. Aliquam libero nisi, imperdiet at, tincidunt nec, gravida vehicula, nisl. The New York Times (Thats a citation). Underline.Maecenas ornare tortor. Donec sed tellus eget sapien fringilla nonummy. Mauris a ante. Suspendisse quam sem, consequat at, commodo vitae, feugiat in, nunc. Morbi imperdiet augue quis tellus.
HTML and CSS are our tools. Mauris a ante. Suspendisse quam sem, consequat at, commodo vitae, feugiat in, nunc. Morbi imperdiet augue quis tellus. Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo, eu volutpat enim diam eget metus.
### Blockquotes
> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, test link adipiscing elit. Nullam dignissim convallis est. Quisque aliquam.
## List Types
### Ordered Lists
1. Item one
1. sub item one
2. sub item two
3. sub item three
2. Item two
### Unordered Lists
* Item one
* Item two
* Item three
## Tables
| Header1 | Header2 | Header3 |
| cell1 | cell2 | cell3 |
| cell4 | cell5 | cell6 |
| cell1 | cell2 | cell3 |
| cell4 | cell5 | cell6 |
| Foot1 | Foot2 | Foot3
{: rules="groups"}
## Code Snippets
#container {
float: left;
margin: 0 -240px 0 0;
width: 100%;
## Buttons
Make any link standout more when applying the `.btn` class.
<a href="#" class="btn btn-success">Success Button</a>
<div markdown="0"><a href="#" class="btn">Primary Button</a></div>
<div markdown="0"><a href="#" class="btn btn--success">Success Button</a></div>
<div markdown="0"><a href="#" class="btn btn--warning">Warning Button</a></div>
<div markdown="0"><a href="#" class="btn btn--danger">Danger Button</a></div>
<div markdown="0"><a href="#" class="btn btn--info">Info Button</a></div>
## Notices
**Watch out!** You can also add notices by appending `{: .notice}` to a paragraph.
{: .notice}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: "Layout: Code Excerpt (Generated)"
- Layout
- Uncategorized
- content
- excerpt
- layout
This is the post content with inline code, (e.g. `<span style="color: red;">red</span>`. It should be displayed in place of the auto-generated excerpt in single-page views. Archive-index pages should display an auto-generated excerpt of this content.
Be sure to test the formatting of the auto-generated excerpt, to ensure that it doesn't create any layout problems.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: "Layout: Excerpt (Defined)"
excerpt: "This is a user-defined post excerpt. It should be displayed in place of the post content in archive-index pages."
- Layout
- Uncategorized
- content
- excerpt
- layout
This is the post content. It should be displayed in place of the user-defined excerpt in archive-index pages.
This paragraph should be absent from an archive-index page where `post.excerpt` is shown.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
title: "Layout: Excerpt (Generated)"
excerpt_separator: "<!--more-->"
- Layout
- Uncategorized
- content
- excerpt
- layout
This is the post content. Archive-index pages should display an auto-generated excerpt of this content.
Be sure to test the formatting of the auto-generated excerpt, to ensure that it doesn't create any layout problems.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: "Layout: Author Override"
author: Billy Rick
excerpt: "A post to test author overrides using a data file."
Sites that may have content authored from various individuals can be accommodated by using [data files](
To attribute an author to a post or page that is different from the site author specified in `_config.yml`:
**Step 1.** Create `_data/authors.yml` and add authors using the following format. Anything variables found under `author` in `_config.yml` can be used (e.g. `name`, `avatar`, `uri`, social media profiles, etc.).
# /_data/authors.yml
Billy Rick:
name: "Billy Rick"
uri: ""
email: ""
bio: "What do you want, jewels? I am a very extravagant man."
avatar: "/assets/images/bio-photo-2.jpg"
twitter: "extravagantman"
Cornelius Fiddlebone:
name: "Cornelius Fiddlebone"
email: ""
bio: "I ordered what?"
avatar: "/assets/images/bio-photo.jpg"
twitter: "rhymeswithsackit"
**Step 2.** Assign one of the authors in `authors.yml` to a post or page you wish to override the `` with.
Example: To assign `Billy Rick` as an author for a post the following YAML Front Matter would be applied:
author: Billy Rick

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: "Layout: Author Sidebar Disabled"
excerpt: "A post to test disabling author sidebar."
author_profile: false
This post has the author sidebar disabled.
To disable add `author_profile: false` to YAML Front Matter.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
title: "Layout: Header Image (External URL)"
- Layout
- Uncategorized
- edge case
- featured image
- image
- layout
This post should display a **header image**, if the theme supports it.
Featured image is an external asset and should load.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
title: "Layout: Header Image (Horizontal)"
image: /assets/images/unsplash-image-1.jpg
caption: "Photo credit: [**Unsplash**]("
- Layout
- Uncategorized
- edge case
- featured image
- image
- layout
This post should display a **header image**, if the theme supports it.
Non-square images can provide some unique styling issues.
This post tests a horizontal header image.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
title: "Layout: Header Image and Text Readability"
image: /assets/images/unsplash-image-4.jpg
caption: "Photo credit: [**Unsplash**]("
- sample post
- readability
- test
This is a sample post with a large feature image[^1] up top and tons of text. Odio ad blue bottle vinyl, 90's narwhal commodo bitters pour-over nostrud. Ugh est hashtag in, fingerstache adipisicing laboris esse Pinterest shabby chic Portland. Shoreditch bicycle rights anim, flexitarian laboris put a bird on it vinyl cupidatat narwhal. Hashtag artisan skateboard, flannel Bushwick nesciunt salvia aute fixie do plaid post-ironic dolor McSweeney's. Cliche pour-over chambray nulla four loko skateboard sapiente hashtag.
Vero laborum commodo occupy. Semiotics voluptate mumblecore pug. Cosby sweater ullamco quinoa ennui assumenda, sapiente occupy delectus lo-fi. *Ea fashion axe [Marfa cillum aliquip](#). Retro Bushwick keytar cliche.* Before they sold out sustainable gastropub Marfa readymade, ethical Williamsburg skateboard brunch qui consectetur gentrify semiotics. Mustache cillum irony, fingerstache magna pour-over keffiyeh tousled selfies.
## Cupidatat 90's lo-fi authentic try-hard
In pug Portland incididunt mlkshk put a bird on it vinyl quinoa. **[Terry Richardson](#) shabby chic +1**, scenester Tonx excepteur tempor fugiat voluptate fingerstache aliquip nisi next level. Farm-to-table hashtag Truffaut, Odd Future ex meggings gentrify single-origin coffee try-hard 90's.
* Sartorial hoodie
* Labore viral forage
* Tote bag selvage
* DIY exercitation et id ugh tumblr church-key
Incididunt umami sriracha, ethical fugiat VHS ex assumenda yr irure direct trade. Marfa Truffaut bicycle rights, kitsch placeat Etsy kogi asymmetrical. Beard locavore flexitarian, kitsch photo booth hoodie plaid ethical readymade leggings yr.
Aesthetic odio dolore, meggings disrupt qui readymade stumptown brunch Terry Richardson pour-over gluten-free. Banksy american apparel in selfies, biodiesel flexitarian organic meh wolf quinoa gentrify banjo kogi. Readymade tofu ex, scenester dolor umami fingerstache occaecat fashion axe Carles jean shorts minim. Keffiyeh fashion axe nisi Godard mlkshk dolore. Lomo you probably haven't heard of them eu non, Odd Future Truffaut pug keytar meggings McSweeney's Pinterest cred. Etsy literally aute esse, eu bicycle rights qui meggings fanny pack. Gentrify leggings pug flannel duis.
## Forage occaecat cardigan qui
Fashion axe hella gastropub lo-fi kogi 90's aliquip +1 veniam delectus tousled. Cred sriracha locavore gastropub kale chips, iPhone mollit sartorial. Anim dolore 8-bit, pork belly dolor photo booth aute flannel small batch. Dolor disrupt ennui, tattooed whatever salvia Banksy sartorial roof party selfies raw denim sint meh pour-over. Ennui eu cardigan sint, gentrify iPhone cornhole.
> Whatever velit occaecat quis deserunt gastropub, leggings elit tousled roof party 3 wolf moon kogi pug blue bottle ea. Fashion axe shabby chic Austin quinoa pickled laborum bitters next level, disrupt deep v accusamus non fingerstache.
Tote bag asymmetrical elit sunt. Occaecat authentic Marfa, hella McSweeney's next level irure veniam master cleanse. Sed hoodie letterpress artisan wolf leggings, 3 wolf moon commodo ullamco. Anim occupy ea labore Terry Richardson. Tofu ex master cleanse in whatever pitchfork banh mi, occupy fugiat fanny pack Austin authentic. Magna fugiat 3 wolf moon, labore McSweeney's sustainable vero consectetur. Gluten-free disrupt enim, aesthetic fugiat jean shorts trust fund keffiyeh magna try-hard.
## Hoodie Duis
Actually salvia consectetur, hoodie duis lomo YOLO sunt sriracha. Aute pop-up brunch farm-to-table odio, salvia irure occaecat. Sriracha small batch literally skateboard. Echo Park nihil hoodie, aliquip forage artisan laboris. Trust fund reprehenderit nulla locavore. Stumptown raw denim kitsch, keffiyeh nulla twee dreamcatcher fanny pack ullamco 90's pop-up est culpa farm-to-table. Selfies 8-bit do pug odio.
### Thundercats Ho!
Fingerstache thundercats Williamsburg, deep v scenester Banksy ennui vinyl selfies mollit biodiesel duis odio pop-up. Banksy 3 wolf moon try-hard, sapiente enim stumptown deep v ad letterpress. Squid beard brunch, exercitation raw denim yr sint direct trade. Raw denim narwhal id, flannel DIY McSweeney's seitan. Letterpress artisan bespoke accusamus, meggings laboris consequat Truffaut qui in seitan. Sustainable cornhole Schlitz, twee Cosby sweater banh mi deep v forage letterpress flannel whatever keffiyeh. Sartorial cred irure, semiotics ethical sed blue bottle nihil letterpress.
Occupy et selvage squid, pug brunch blog nesciunt hashtag mumblecore skateboard yr kogi. Ugh small batch swag four loko. Fap post-ironic qui tote bag farm-to-table american apparel scenester keffiyeh vero, swag non pour-over gentrify authentic pitchfork. Schlitz scenester lo-fi voluptate, tote bag irony bicycle rights pariatur vero Vice freegan wayfarers exercitation nisi shoreditch. Chambray tofu vero sed. Street art swag literally leggings, Cosby sweater mixtape PBR lomo Banksy non in pitchfork ennui McSweeney's selfies. Odd Future Banksy non authentic.
Aliquip enim artisan dolor post-ironic. Pug tote bag Marfa, deserunt pour-over Portland wolf eu odio intelligentsia american apparel ugh ea. Sunt viral et, 3 wolf moon gastropub pug id. Id fashion axe est typewriter, mlkshk Portland art party aute brunch. Sint pork belly Cosby sweater, deep v mumblecore kitsch american apparel. Try-hard direct trade tumblr sint skateboard. Adipisicing bitters excepteur biodiesel, pickled gastropub aute veniam.
[^1]: Texture image courtesty of [Lovetextures](

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
title: "Layout: Header Image (Vertical)"
image: /assets/images/unsplash-image-6.jpg
caption: "Photo credit: [**Unsplash**]("
- Layout
- Uncategorized
- edge case
- featured image
- image
- layout
This post should display a **header image**, if the theme supports it.
Non-square images can provide some unique styling issues.
This post tests a vertical header image.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
title: "Layout: Header Overlay with Background Fill"
overlay_color: "#333"
- Layout
- Uncategorized
- edge case
- image
- layout
This post should display a **header with a solid background color**, if the theme supports it.
Non-square images can provide some unique styling issues.
This post tests overlay headers.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
title: "Layout: Header Image Overlay"
overlay_image: /assets/images/unsplash-image-1.jpg
caption: "Photo credit: [**Unsplash**]("
cta_url: ""
- Layout
- Uncategorized
- edge case
- image
- layout
modified: 2016-05-02T11:39:01-04:00
{% include base_path %}
This post should display a **header with an overlay image**, if the theme supports it.
Non-square images can provide some unique styling issues.
This post tests overlay header images.
## Overlay filter
You can use it by specifying the opacity (between 0 and 1) of a black overlay like so:
![transparent black overlay]({{ basepath }}/assets/images/mm-header-overlay-black-filter.jpg)
excerpt: "This post should [...]"
overlay_image: /assets/images/unsplash-image-1.jpg
overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background
caption: "Photo credit: [**Unsplash**]("
cta_label: "More Info"
cta_url: ""
Or if you want to do more fancy things, go full rgba:
![transparent red overlay]({{ basepath }}/assets/images/mm-header-overlay-red-filter.jpg)
excerpt: "This post should [...]"
overlay_image: /assets/images/unsplash-image-1.jpg
overlay_filter: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)
caption: "Photo credit: [**Unsplash**]("
cta_label: "More Info"
cta_url: ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
title: "Layout: More Tag"
- Layout
- Uncategorized
- content
- read more
- layout
This content is before the [excerpt separator tag](
Right after this sentence there should be a **continue reading** link of some sort in archive-index pages.
And this content is after the more tag.

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more