Deprecate hardcoded footer links in favor or new `footer.links` array for any link and in any order. All of Font Awesome's icons are available for use.
- label: "Twitter"
icon: "fab fa-fw fa-twitter-square"
url: ""
- label: "GitHub"
icon: "fab fa-fw fa-github"
url: ""
- label: "Instagram"
icon: "fab fa-fw fa-instagram"
url: ""
Deprecate social networking links in `_config.yml` in favor or new `author.links` array for any link and in any order. All of Font Awesome's icons are available for use.
- label: "Your Website"
icon: "fas fa-fw fa-link"
url: ""
- label: "Twitter"
icon: "fab fa-fw fa-twitter-square"
url: ""
- label: "GitHub"
icon: "fab fa-fw fa-github"
url: ""
- label: "Instagram"
icon: "fab fa-fw fa-instagram"
url: ""
Implement feature #1652 google custom search support. For now we only support the look and feel "results only" and the engine must be set to use that layout. Add a google section to the search providers and search_form and search layout.
* Remove Lunr trimmer & bring back colons
* Add Greek Stemmer
* Translate search_placeholder_text and results_found to Greek
* Minimize JSON data
* Truncate Words
* Move store variable into a new file
* Move Lunr files into a new folder
* Add defer to lunr scripts
* Add search_full_content switch
* Add YIQ Color Contrast mixin
* Remove text underline from `.btn` links
* Move YIQ variables
* Simplify button classes using YIQ color contrast mixin
- DRY up button CSS using Sass list and YIQ color contrast mixin.
- Move `color` and `background-color` to new `btn--primary` class instead of assinging on the default class. Removes the need to override them.
* Add `.btn--primary` to buttons that just had `.btn`
* Apply changes to `/docs`
* Add `.btn--primary` class
* Update CHANGELOG and history
* Add sample form
* Abstract colors away into Sass variables for easier themeing
* Add "dark" skin
* Replace hardcoded color with SCSS variable
* Invert Font Awesome icons' colors in author sidebar and footer
* Add Sass changes to `/docs`
* Use primary button type instead of inverse
* Add missing `!default` on `$muted-text-color`
* Add `contrast` and `sunrise` skin colors
* Add `dirt` skin color
* Add `air` skin color option
* Add `mint` skin color
* Add `btn--primary` class to Submit Comment button
* Set skin to `default`
* Document skin color options
* Add note about skin SCSS import
- Jekyll ignore `/docs` and `/test` folders when using from root
- Update Staticman config to point to correct branch and data file location
- Replace `{{ base_path }}` references with `absolute_url` filter
- Update documentation
- Configure Staticman with sane defaults
- Build comment form to capture new comments and ajax data to Staticman
- Build comments view that iterates over `_data/comments/post-slug/*.yml` files
- Move .scss files to default `_sass` folder
- Configure Sass/SCSS in `_config.yml`
- Run .scss files through Autoprefixer
- Remove unnecessary npm scripts for building CSS
- Close#333