* Configure entries layout `list` or `grid`
This allows to use grid layout on `page.entries_layout` on the home layout.
Included a break since when using grid the post images are too close to the horizontal line bellow `posts` text.
There's a entries div now surrounding the posts since the first row of the grid was having a slight padding on the left. The home now behaves like posts/categories/tags pages with grid but including the paginator.
For best results on desktop use `classes: wide` and `paginate: 4` on `_config.yml` (or multiples of 4 if you want more rows)
* Fix indent
* Archive subtitle leaves space on the bottom
* Now space is added through style
* Add jekyll-include-cache plugin
* Cache "static" includes to improve build performance
* Update CHANGELOG and history
"Static" refers to those includes that don't rely on data passed from the page content.
Adjust minimum and maximum levels to allow all headings and fix CSS to style indentation and nested lists properly in jekyll-toc and Kramdown generated table of contents.
* Add `{{ content }}` to `home` layout
Allow the author to add content which will appear above the list of
recent posts. This also allows the `home` layout to be extended.
Add text to index.html in tests to indicate that the content appears in
the correct spot.
* Add paragraph markup
Since this is a HTML file, proper paragraph markup is needed.
"Stick" table of contents to top of the page by adding:
toc: true
toc_sticky: true
to a post or page's YAML Front Matter.
Note: only supported with `single` layout.
Implement feature #1652 google custom search support. For now we only support the look and feel "results only" and the engine must be set to use that layout. Add a google section to the search providers and search_form and search layout.