{% include sidebar.html %}
{% if page.title %}{% endif %} {% if page.excerpt %}{% endif %} {% if page.date %}{% endif %} {% if page.modified %}{% endif %}
{% unless page.header.overlay_color or page.header.overlay_image %}

{{ page.title | markdownify | remove: "

" | remove: "

" }}

{% if site.read_time and page.read_time %}

{% include read-time.html %}

{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{{ content }} {% if page.link %}
{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].ext_link_label }}
{% endif %}
{% if site.data.ui-text[site.locale].meta_label %}

{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].meta_label }}

{% endif %} {% include page__taxonomy.html %} {% if page.modified %}

{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].date_label }}

{% elsif page.date %}

{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].date_label }}

{% endif %}
{% if site.share and page.share %}{% include social-share.html %}{% endif %}
{% if site.comments.provider and page.comments %} {% include comments.html %} {% endif %}
{% comment %}{% endcomment %} {% if page.id and page.related and site.related_posts.size > 0 %} {% endif %}