title:  "Exclude Post from Search Index"
search: false
  - Jekyll
last_modified_at: 2018-02-19T08:06:00-05:00

This post should not appear in the search index because it has the following YAML Front Matter:

search: false

**Note:** `search: false` only works to exclude posts when using Lunr as a search provider.
{: .notice--info}

To exclude files when using Algolia as a search provider add an array to `algolia.files_to_exclude` in your `_config.yml`. For more configuration options be sure to check their [full documentation](https://community.algolia.com/jekyll-algolia/options.html).

  # Exclude more files from indexing
    - index.html
    - index.md
    - excluded-file.html
    - _posts/2017-11-28-post-exclude-search.md
    - subdirectory/*.html