title: "Minimal Mistakes"
layout: splash
permalink: /home/
overlay_color: "#5e616c"
overlay_image: mm-home-page-feature.jpg
cta_label: " Install Now"
cta_url: "/docs/quick-start-guide/"
excerpt: 'A flexible two-column Jekyll theme. Perfect for personal sites, blogs, and portfolios hosted on GitHub or on your own server.
Currently at version 3.0
{::nomarkdown} {:/nomarkdown}'
- image_path: mm-customizable-feature.png
alt: ""
title: "Super Customizable"
excerpt: "Everything from the menus, sidebars, comments, and more can be configured or set with YAML Front Matter."
url: "/docs/configuration/"
btn_label: "Learn More"
- image_path: mm-responsive-feature.png
alt: ""
title: "Responsive Layouts"
excerpt: "Built on HTML5 + CSS3. All layouts are fully responsive with helpers to augment your content."
url: "/docs/layouts/"
btn_label: "Learn More"
- image_path: mm-free-feature.png
alt: ""
title: "100% Free"
excerpt: "Free to use however you want under the MIT License."
url: "/docs/license/"
btn_label: "Learn More"
- excerpt: '{::nomarkdown} {:/nomarkdown}'
- excerpt: 'Get notified when I add new stuff [ @mmistakes](https://twitter.com/mmistakes){: .btn .btn--twitter}'
{% include feature_row id="intro" type="center" %}
{% include feature_row %}