--- title: "Splash Page" layout: splash permalink: /splash-page/ date: 2016-03-23T11:48:41-04:00 header: splash: true background_color: "#000" caption: "Photo credit: [**Unsplash**](https://unsplash.com)" splash_row: - image_path: unsplash-gallery-image-1-th.jpg alt: "placeholder image 1" title: "Placeholder 1" excerpt: "This is some sample content that goes here with **Markdown** formatting." - image_path: unsplash-gallery-image-2-th.jpg alt: "placeholder image 2" title: "Placeholder 2" excerpt: "This is some sample content that goes here with **Markdown** formatting." url: "#test-link" btn_label: "Read More" btn_class: "btn--inverse" - image_path: unsplash-gallery-image-3-th.jpg title: "Placeholder 3" excerpt: "This is some sample content that goes here with **Markdown** formatting." --- ## Introductory Headline for the Splash Page Goes Here Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet salami ham hock ham, hamburger corned beef short ribs kielbasa biltong t-bone drumstick tri-tip tail sirloin pork chop. {% include splash-row %}