Michael Rose 387f8149d6 Upgrade to Susy 3 and replace grid mixins with new span and gutter functions
Most of Susy's mixins have been deprecated, `@include container()`, `@include full()`, `@include span()`, `@include prefix()`, `@include suffix()`, `@include gallery()`, etc.

Fixes #1114
2017-07-21 16:08:29 -04:00

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/// Grid Math Engine
/// ================
/// The `su` functions give you direct access to the math layer,
/// without any syntax-sugar like shorthand parsing, and normalization.
/// If you prefer named arguments, and stripped-down syntax,
/// you can use these functions directly in your code
/// replacing `span`, `gutter`, and `slice`.
/// These functions are also useful
/// for building mixins or other extensions to Susy.
/// Apply the Susy syntax to new mixins and functions,
/// using our "Plugin Helpers",
/// or write your own syntax and pass the normalized results along
/// to `su` for compilation.
/// @group su-math
/// @see su-span
/// @see su-gutter
/// @see su-slice
/// @ignore _su-sum
/// @ignore _su-calc-span
/// @ignore _su-calc-sum
/// @ignore _su-needs-calc-output
// Su Span
// -------
/// Calculates and returns a CSS-ready span width,
/// based on normalized span and context data
/// a low-level version of `susy-span`,
/// with all of the logic and none of the syntax sugar.
/// - Grids defined with unitless numbers will return `%` values.
/// - Grids defined with comparable units
/// will return a value in the units provided.
/// - Grids defined with a mix of units,
/// or a combination of untiless numbers and unit-lengths,
/// will return a `calc()` string.
/// @group su-math
/// @see susy-span
/// @param {number | list} $span -
/// Number or list of grid columns to span
/// @param {list} $columns -
/// List of columns available
/// @param {number} $gutters -
/// Width of a gutter in column-comparable units
/// @param {0 | 1 | -1} $spread -
/// Number of gutters spanned,
/// relative to `span` count
/// @param {0 | 1 | -1} $container-spread [$spread] -
/// Number of gutters spanned,
/// relative to `columns` count
/// @param {integer} $location [1] -
/// Optional position of sub-span among full set of columns
/// @return {length} -
/// Relative or static length of a span on the grid
@function su-span(
$container-spread: $spread,
$location: 1
) {
$span: su-valid-span($span);
$columns: su-valid-columns($columns);
$gutters: su-valid-gutters($gutters);
$spread: su-valid-spread($spread);
@if (type-of($span) == 'number') {
@if (not unitless($span)) {
@return $span;
$location: su-valid-location($span, $location, $columns);
$span: su-slice($span, $columns, $location, $validate: false);
@if _su-needs-calc-output($span, $columns, $gutters, $spread, not 'validate') {
@return _su-calc-span($span, $columns, $gutters, $spread, $container-spread, not 'validate');
$span-width: _su-sum($span, $gutters, $spread, $validate: false);
@if unitless($span-width) {
$container-spread: su-valid-spread($container-spread);
$container: _su-sum($columns, $gutters, $container-spread, $validate: false);
@return percentage($span-width / $container);
@return $span-width;
// Su Gutter
// ---------
/// Calculates and returns a CSS-ready gutter width,
/// based on normalized grid data
/// a low-level version of `susy-gutter`,
/// with all of the logic and none of the syntax sugar.
/// - Grids defined with unitless numbers will return `%` values.
/// - Grids defined with comparable units
/// will return a value in the units provided.
/// - Grids defined with a mix of units,
/// or a combination of untiless numbers and unit-lengths,
/// will return a `calc()` string.
/// @group su-math
/// @see susy-gutter
/// @param {list} $columns -
/// List of columns in the grid
/// @param {number} $gutters -
/// Width of a gutter in column-comparable units
/// @param {0 | 1 | -1} $container-spread -
/// Number of gutters spanned,
/// relative to `columns` count
/// @return {length} -
/// Relative or static length of one gutter in a grid
@function su-gutter(
) {
@if (type-of($gutters) == 'number') {
@if ($gutters == 0) or (not unitless($gutters)) {
@return $gutters;
@if _su-needs-calc-output($gutters, $columns, $gutters, -1, not 'validate') {
@return _su-calc-span($gutters, $columns, $gutters, -1, $container-spread, not 'validate');
$container: _su-sum($columns, $gutters, $container-spread);
@return percentage($gutters / $container);
// Su Slice
// --------
/// Returns a list of columns
/// based on a given span/location slice of the grid
/// a low-level version of `susy-slice`,
/// with all of the logic and none of the syntax sugar.
/// @group su-math
/// @see susy-slice
/// @param {number} $span -
/// Number of grid columns to span
/// @param {list} $columns -
/// List of columns in the grid
/// @param {number} $location [1] -
/// Starting index of a span in the list of columns
/// @param {bool} $validate [true] -
/// Check that arguments are valid before proceeding
/// @return {list} -
/// Subset list of grid columns, based on span and location
@function su-slice(
$location: 1,
$validate: true
) {
@if $validate {
$columns: su-valid-columns($columns);
$location: su-valid-location($span, $location, $columns);
$floor: floor($span);
$sub-columns: ();
@for $i from $location to ($location + $floor) {
$sub-columns: append($sub-columns, nth($columns, $i));
@if $floor != $span {
$remainder: $span - $floor;
$column: $location + $floor;
$sub-columns: append($sub-columns, nth($columns, $column) * $remainder);
@return $sub-columns;
// Su Sum
// ------
/// Get the total sum of column-units in a layout.
/// @group su-math
/// @access private
/// @param {list} $columns -
/// List of columns in the grid
/// @param {number} $gutters -
/// Width of a gutter in column-comparable units
/// @param {0 | 1 | -1} $spread -
/// Number of gutters spanned,
/// relative to `columns` count
/// @param {bool} $validate [true] -
/// Check that arguments are valid before proceeding
/// @return {number} -
/// Total sum of column-units in a grid
@function _su-sum(
$validate: true
) {
@if $validate {
$columns: su-valid-span($columns);
$gutters: su-valid-gutters($gutters);
$spread: su-valid-spread($spread);
// Calculate column-sum
$column-sum: 0;
@each $column in $columns {
$column-sum: $column-sum + $column;
$gutter-sum: (ceil(length($columns)) + $spread) * $gutters;
$total: if(($gutter-sum > 0), $column-sum + $gutter-sum, $column-sum);
@return $total;
// Su Calc
// -------
/// Return a usable span width as a `calc()` function,
/// in order to create mixed-unit grids.
/// @group su-math
/// @access private
/// @param {number | list} $span -
/// Pre-sliced list of grid columns to span
/// @param {list} $columns -
/// List of columns available
/// @param {number} $gutters -
/// Width of a gutter in column-comparable units
/// @param {0 | 1 | -1} $spread -
/// Number of gutters spanned,
/// relative to `span` count
/// @param {0 | 1 | -1} $container-spread [$spread] -
/// Number of gutters spanned,
/// relative to `columns` count
/// @param {bool} $validate [true] -
/// Check that arguments are valid before proceeding
/// @return {length} -
/// Relative or static length of a span on the grid
@function _su-calc-span(
$container-spread: $spread,
$validate: true
) {
@if $validate {
$span: su-valid-span($span);
$columns: su-valid-columns($columns);
$gutters: su-valid-gutters($gutters);
$spread: su-valid-spread($spread);
$container-spread: su-valid-spread($container-spread);
// Span and context
$span: _su-calc-sum($span, $gutters, $spread, not 'validate');
$context: _su-calc-sum($columns, $gutters, $container-spread, not 'validate');
// Fixed and fluid
$fixed-span: map-get($span, 'fixed');
$fluid-span: map-get($span, 'fluid');
$fixed-context: map-get($context, 'fixed');
$fluid-context: map-get($context, 'fluid');
$calc: '#{$fixed-span}';
$fluid-calc: '(100% - #{$fixed-context})';
// Fluid-values
@if (not $fluid-span) {
$fluid-calc: null;
} @else if ($fluid-span != $fluid-context) {
$fluid-span: '* #{$fluid-span}';
$fluid-context: if($fluid-context, '/ #{$fluid-context}', '');
$fluid-calc: '(#{$fluid-calc $fluid-context $fluid-span})';
@if $fluid-calc {
$calc: if(($calc != ''), '#{$calc} + ', '');
$calc: '#{$calc + $fluid-calc}';
@return calc(#{unquote($calc)});
// Su Calc-Sum
// -----------
/// Get the total sum of fixed and fluid column-units
/// for creating a mixed-unit layout with `calc()` values.
/// @group su-math
/// @access private
/// @param {list} $columns -
/// List of columns available
/// @param {number} $gutters -
/// Width of a gutter in column-comparable units
/// @param {0 | 1 | -1} $spread -
/// Number of gutters spanned,
/// relative to `span` count
/// @param {bool} $validate [true] -
/// Check that arguments are valid before proceeding
/// @return {map} -
/// Map with `fixed` and `fluid` keys
/// containing the proper math as strings
@function _su-calc-sum(
$validate: true
) {
@if $validate {
$columns: su-valid-span($columns);
$gutters: su-valid-gutters($gutters);
$spread: su-valid-spread($spread);
$fluid: 0;
$fixed: ();
$calc: null;
// Gutters
$gutters: $gutters * (length($columns) + $spread);
// Columns
@each $col in append($columns, $gutters) {
@if unitless($col) {
$fluid: $fluid + $col;
} @else {
$fixed: _su-map-add-units($fixed, $col);
// Compile Fixed Units
@each $unit, $total in $fixed {
@if ($total != (0 * $total)) {
$calc: if($calc, '#{$calc} + #{$total}', '#{$total}');
// Calc null or string
@if $calc {
$calc: if(str-index($calc, '+'), '(#{$calc})', '#{$calc}');
// Fluid 0 => null
$fluid: if(($fluid == 0), null, $fluid);
// Return map
$return: (
'fixed': $calc,
'fluid': $fluid,
@return $return;
// Needs Calc
// ----------
/// Check if `calc()` will be needed in defining a span,
/// if the necessary units in a grid are not comparable.
/// @group su-math
/// @access private
/// @param {list} $span -
/// Slice of columns to span
/// @param {list} $columns -
/// List of available columns in the grid
/// @param {number} $gutters -
/// Width of a gutter
/// @param {0 | 1 | -1} $spread -
/// Number of gutters spanned,
/// relative to `span` count
/// @param {bool} $validate [true] -
/// Check that arguments are valid before proceeding
/// @return {bool} -
/// `True` when units do not match, and `calc()` will be required
@function _su-needs-calc-output(
$validate: true
) {
@if $validate {
$span: su-valid-span($span);
$columns: su-valid-columns($columns);
$gutters: su-valid-gutters($gutters);
$has-gutter: if((length($span) > 1) or ($spread >= 0), true, false);
$check: if($has-gutter, append($span, $gutters), $span);
$safe-span: _su-is-comparable($check...);
@if ($safe-span == 'static') {
@return false;
} @else if (not $safe-span) {
@return true;
$safe-fluid: _su-is-comparable($gutters, $columns...);
@return not $safe-fluid;