Michael Rose 93c4fbc4b9 Color "skins" ()
* Add YIQ Color Contrast mixin
* Remove text underline from `.btn` links
* Move YIQ variables
* Simplify button classes using YIQ color contrast mixin
  - DRY up button CSS using Sass list and YIQ color contrast mixin.
  - Move `color` and `background-color` to new `btn--primary` class instead of assinging on the default class. Removes the need to override them.
* Add `.btn--primary` to buttons that just had `.btn`
* Apply changes to `/docs`
* Add `.btn--primary` class
* Update CHANGELOG and history
* Add sample form
* Abstract colors away into Sass variables for easier themeing
* Add "dark" skin
* Replace hardcoded color with SCSS variable
* Invert Font Awesome icons' colors in author sidebar and footer
* Add Sass changes to `/docs`
* Use primary button type instead of inverse
* Add missing `!default` on `$muted-text-color`
* Add `contrast` and `sunrise` skin colors
* Add `dirt` skin color
* Add `air` skin color option
* Add `mint` skin color
* Add `btn--primary` class to Submit Comment button
* Set skin to `default`
* Document skin color options
* Add note about skin SCSS import

2017-09-12 12:01:43 -04:00

92 lines
2 KiB

/* ==========================================================================
========================================================================== */
%tab-focus {
/* Default*/
outline: thin dotted $warning-color;
/* Webkit*/
outline: 5px auto $warning-color;
outline-offset: -2px;
em function
========================================================================== */
@function em($target, $context: $doc-font-size) {
@return ($target / $context) * 1em;
Bourbon clearfix
========================================================================== */
* Provides an easy way to include a clearfix for containing floats.
* link http://cssmojo.com/latest_new_clearfix_so_far/
* example scss - Usage
* .element {
* @include clearfix;
* }
* example css - CSS Output
* .element::after {
* clear: both;
* content: "";
* display: table;
* }
@mixin clearfix {
clear: both;
&::after {
clear: both;
content: "";
display: table;
Compass YIQ Color Contrast
========================================================================== */
@function yiq-is-light(
$threshold: $yiq-contrasted-threshold
) {
$red: red($color);
$green: green($color);
$blue: blue($color);
$yiq: (($red*299)+($green*587)+($blue*114))/1000;
@if $yiq-debug { @debug $yiq, $threshold; }
@return if($yiq >= $threshold, true, false);
@function yiq-contrast-color(
$dark: $yiq-contrasted-dark-default,
$light: $yiq-contrasted-light-default,
$threshold: $yiq-contrasted-threshold
) {
@return if(yiq-is-light($color, $threshold), $yiq-contrasted-dark-default, $yiq-contrasted-light-default);
@mixin yiq-contrasted(
$dark: $yiq-contrasted-dark-default,
$light: $yiq-contrasted-light-default,
$threshold: $yiq-contrasted-threshold
) {
background-color: $background-color;
color: yiq-contrast-color($background-color, $dark, $light, $threshold);