Michael Rose 5de9991999 Fix syntax highlighting line number inconsistency
Globally enabling Rouge block line numbers in Kramdown _config.yml settings should be styled consistently with `{% highlight linenos %}` Jekyll tag.

Fixes #1467
2018-01-12 20:42:25 -05:00

318 lines
4.7 KiB

/* ==========================================================================
Syntax highlighting
========================================================================== */
figure.highlight {
position: relative;
margin-bottom: 1em;
background: $base00;
color: $base05;
font-family: $monospace;
font-size: $type-size-6;
line-height: 1.8;
border-radius: $border-radius;
> pre,
pre.highlight {
margin: 0;
padding: 1em;
.highlight table {
margin-bottom: 0;
font-size: 1em;
border: 0;
td {
padding: 0;
width: calc(100% - 1em);
border: 0;
/* line numbers*/
&.rouge-gutter {
padding-right: 1em;
width: 1em;
color: $base04;
border-right: 1px solid $base04;
text-align: right;
/* code */
&.rouge-code {
padding-left: 1em;
pre {
margin: 0;
.highlight pre {
width: 100%;
.highlight .hll {
background-color: $base06;
.highlight {
.c {
/* Comment */
color: $base04;
.err {
/* Error */
color: $base08;
.k {
/* Keyword */
color: $base0e;
.l {
/* Literal */
color: $base09;
.n {
/* Name */
color: $base05;
.o {
/* Operator */
color: $base0c;
.p {
/* Punctuation */
color: $base05;
.cm {
/* Comment.Multiline */
color: $base04;
.cp {
/* Comment.Preproc */
color: $base04;
.c1 {
/* Comment.Single */
color: $base04;
.cs {
/* Comment.Special */
color: $base04;
.gd {
/* Generic.Deleted */
color: $base08;
.ge {
/* Generic.Emph */
font-style: italic;
.gh {
/* Generic.Heading */
color: $base05;
font-weight: bold;
.gi {
/* Generic.Inserted */
color: $base0b;
.gp {
/* Generic.Prompt */
color: $base04;
font-weight: bold;
.gs {
/* Generic.Strong */
font-weight: bold;
.gu {
/* Generic.Subheading */
color: $base0c;
font-weight: bold;
.kc {
/* Keyword.Constant */
color: $base0e;
.kd {
/* Keyword.Declaration */
color: $base0e;
.kn {
/* Keyword.Namespace */
color: $base0c;
.kp {
/* Keyword.Pseudo */
color: $base0e;
.kr {
/* Keyword.Reserved */
color: $base0e;
.kt {
/* Keyword.Type */
color: $base0a;
.ld {
/* Literal.Date */
color: $base0b;
.m {
/* Literal.Number */
color: $base09;
.s {
/* Literal.String */
color: $base0b;
.na {
/* Name.Attribute */
color: $base0d;
.nb {
/* Name.Builtin */
color: $base05;
.nc {
/* Name.Class */
color: $base0a;
.no {
/* Name.Constant */
color: $base08;
.nd {
/* Name.Decorator */
color: $base0c;
.ni {
/* Name.Entity */
color: $base05;
.ne {
/* Name.Exception */
color: $base08;
.nf {
/* Name.Function */
color: $base0d;
.nl {
/* Name.Label */
color: $base05;
.nn {
/* Name.Namespace */
color: $base0a;
.nx {
/* Name.Other */
color: $base0d;
.py {
/* Name.Property */
color: $base05;
.nt {
/* Name.Tag */
color: $base0c;
.nv {
/* Name.Variable */
color: $base08;
.ow {
/* Operator.Word */
color: $base0c;
.w {
/* Text.Whitespace */
color: $base05;
.mf {
/* Literal.Number.Float */
color: $base09;
.mh {
/* Literal.Number.Hex */
color: $base09;
.mi {
/* Literal.Number.Integer */
color: $base09;
.mo {
/* Literal.Number.Oct */
color: $base09;
.sb {
/* Literal.String.Backtick */
color: $base0b;
.sc {
/* Literal.String.Char */
color: $base05;
.sd {
/* Literal.String.Doc */
color: $base04;
.s2 {
/* Literal.String.Double */
color: $base0b;
.se {
/* Literal.String.Escape */
color: $base09;
.sh {
/* Literal.String.Heredoc */
color: $base0b;
.si {
/* Literal.String.Interpol */
color: $base09;
.sx {
/* Literal.String.Other */
color: $base0b;
.sr {
/* Literal.String.Regex */
color: $base0b;
.s1 {
/* Literal.String.Single */
color: $base0b;
.ss {
/* Literal.String.Symbol */
color: $base0b;
.bp {
/* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
color: $base05;
.vc {
/* Name.Variable.Class */
color: $base08;
.vg {
/* Name.Variable.Global */
color: $base08;
.vi {
/* Name.Variable.Instance */
color: $base08;
.il {
/* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
color: $base09;