* Add YIQ Color Contrast mixin * Remove text underline from `.btn` links * Move YIQ variables * Simplify button classes using YIQ color contrast mixin - DRY up button CSS using Sass list and YIQ color contrast mixin. - Move `color` and `background-color` to new `btn--primary` class instead of assinging on the default class. Removes the need to override them. * Add `.btn--primary` to buttons that just had `.btn` * Apply changes to `/docs` * Add `.btn--primary` class * Update CHANGELOG and history * Add sample form * Abstract colors away into Sass variables for easier themeing * Add "dark" skin * Replace hardcoded color with SCSS variable * Invert Font Awesome icons' colors in author sidebar and footer * Add Sass changes to `/docs` * Use primary button type instead of inverse * Add missing `!default` on `$muted-text-color` * Add `contrast` and `sunrise` skin colors * Add `dirt` skin color * Add `air` skin color option * Add `mint` skin color * Add `btn--primary` class to Submit Comment button * Set skin to `default` * Document skin color options * Add note about skin SCSS import Close #1208
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