# Mikage Developer Edition ## Build instructions CMake and Conan 2 are required to build Mikage. * `mkdir build` * `cd build` * `conan install .. -of . --build=missing` (add `-s build_type=Debug` for Debug builds) * `cmake .. -G Ninja --toolchain conan_toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release` * `ninja && sudo ninja install` Some dependencies may be provided by system packages instead of building them via Conan. To enable this behavior, add the following to your Conan profile (`~/.conan2/profiles/default`): ``` [platform_requires] boost/1.80.0 cryptopp/8.5.0 sdl/2.0.20 range-v3/0.11.0 catch2/2.13.7 libunwind/1.8.0 ``` ## Usage For the first launch, three things must be set up: 1. a complete `aes_keys.txt` must be placed in the `build` folder 2. a virtual NAND must be bootstrapped from a game update partition 3. the 3DS initial system setup must be run Given any game with an update partition, steps 2 and 3 can be done by running: ``` cd build && source conanrun.sh && ./source/mikage game.cci --bootstrap_nand --launch_menu ``` NOTE: Currently, this probably requires a game of the EU region. Patching `SecureInfo_A` by hand after bootstrapping may work, too. Once set up, it's sufficient to run `./source/mikage game.cci` or `./source/mikage --launch_menu`. You'll need to `source conanrun.sh` to set up library directories. ## Key bindings * Arrow →: A * Arrow ↓: B * Arrow ↑: X * Arrow ←: Y * WASD keys: Circle pad * Backspace: HOME (press twice to power down) * Q key: L * E key: L * IJKL keys: D-pad ## Debugging Individual processes may be debugged through an embedded GDB remote server over network port 12345. To enable it, pass `--debug` and `--attach_to_process ` when launching Mikage. After startup, connect via gdb using `tar ext :12345`, wait until Mikage prints a message about waiting for the debugger attach, then type `attach ` in the gdb shell. Note that a gdb build for ARM targets may be necessary to do this. Debuggers other than gdb may work but are untested. Processes running in the emulated kernel can be introspected through a simple debug console available via telnet on port 12347.