#pragma once

#include "ipc.hpp"

namespace Platform {

 * Config: Exposes access to various global configuration parameters, most
 * of which are stored in this title's NAND savegame.
namespace Config {

// Lots of these commands are shared between cfg:u, cfg:i, and cfg:s, hence we
// make no effort to separating them into different namespaces

using GetConfigInfoBlk2 = Platform::IPC::IPCCommand<0x1>::add_uint32::add_uint32::add_buffer_mapping_write

using SecureInfoGetRegion  = Platform::IPC::IPCCommand<0x2>

 * Checks whether the system is running on a Canada or USA region.
 * This information is queried from nand:/rw/sys/SecureInfo_A and from the
 * CountryInfo savedata block. 1 is returned if both indicate USA/Canada.
using RegionIsCanadaOrUSA  = Platform::IPC::IPCCommand<0x4>

using SecureInfoGetRegion2 = Platform::IPC::IPCCommand<0x406>
using SecureInfoGetRegion3 = Platform::IPC::IPCCommand<0x816>

using GetSystemModel = Platform::IPC::IPCCommand<0x5>
using GetConfigInfoBlk8 = Platform::IPC::IPCCommand<0x401>::add_uint32::add_uint32::add_buffer_mapping_write
 * Inputs:
 * - Block id
 * - Size of data to be written
 * - Input data
using SetConfigInfoBlk4 = Platform::IPC::IPCCommand<0x402>::add_uint32::add_uint32::add_buffer_mapping_read

} // namespace Config

} // namespace Platform