#include "audio_frontend_sdl.hpp" #include #include "platform/file_formats/cia.hpp" #include "platform/file_formats/ncch.hpp" #include "processes/pxi_fs.hpp" #define VULKAN_HPP_DISPATCH_LOADER_DYNAMIC 1 #include "session.hpp" #include "os.hpp" #include "framework/logging.hpp" #include "framework/meta_tools.hpp" #include "framework/ranges.hpp" #include "framework/settings.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void InstallCIA(std::filesystem::path, spdlog::logger&, const KeyDatabase&, HLE::PXI::FS::FileContext&, HLE::PXI::FS::File&); using boost::endian::big_uint32_t; static const char* app_name = "Mikage"; #include "sdl_vulkan_display.hpp" std::mutex g_vulkan_queue_mutex; // TODO: Turn into a proper interface namespace bpo = boost::program_options; static volatile int wait_debugger = 0; namespace Settings { inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, ShaderEngine& engine) { std::string str; is >> str; if (str == "interpreter") { engine = ShaderEngine::Interpreter; } else if (str == "bytecode") { engine = ShaderEngine::Bytecode; } else if (str == "glsl") { engine = ShaderEngine::GLSL; } else { is.setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); } return is; } inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ShaderEngine engine) { switch (engine) { case ShaderEngine::Interpreter: return (os << "interpreter"); case ShaderEngine::Bytecode: return (os << "bytecode"); case ShaderEngine::GLSL: return (os << "glsl"); } return os; } } namespace CustomEvents { enum { CirclePadPosition = SDL_USEREVENT }; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { while (wait_debugger) { } Settings::Settings settings; bool enable_logging; bool bootstrap_nand; { std::string filename; bool enable_debugging; bpo::options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help", "produce help message") ("input", bpo::value(&filename), "Input file to load") ("launch_menu", bpo::bool_switch(), "Launch Home Menu from NAND on startup") ("debug", bpo::bool_switch(&enable_debugging), "Connect to GDB upon startup") ("dump_frames", bpo::bool_switch(), "Dump frame data") // TODO: Instead read this from the game image... or add support for software reboots! ("appmemtype", bpo::value()->default_value(0), "APPMEMTYPE for configuration memory") ("attach_to_process", bpo::value(), "Process to attach the debugger (if enabled) to during startup") ("render_on_cpu", bpo::bool_switch(), "Render 3D graphics in software") ("shader_engine", bpo::value()->default_value(Settings::ShaderEngineTag::default_value()), "Select which Shader engine to use (interpreter, bytecode, or glsl)") ("enable_logging", bpo::bool_switch(&enable_logging), "Enable logging (slow!)") ("bootstrap_nand", bpo::bool_switch(&bootstrap_nand), "Bootstrap NAND from game update partition") ("enable_audio", bpo::bool_switch(), "Enable audio emulation (slow!)") ; boost::program_options::positional_options_description p; p.add("input", -1); bpo::variables_map vm; try { bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).positional(p).run(), vm); if (vm.count("help")) { std::cout << desc << std::endl; return 0; } if (!vm.count("input") && !vm["launch_menu"].as()) throw bpo::required_option("input or launch_menu"); // TODO: Better string? if (vm["debug"].as() || vm.count("attach_to_process")) { if (!vm["debug"].as() || !vm.count("attach_to_process")) { throw std::runtime_error("Cannot use either of --debug or --attach_to_process without specifying the other"); } } bpo::notify(vm); } catch (bpo::required_option& e) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } catch (bpo::invalid_command_line_syntax& e) { std::cerr << "ERROR, invalid command line syntax: " << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } catch (bpo::multiple_occurrences& e) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } // Prefer XDG_DATA_DIRS, then /usr/local/share, then /usr/share auto xdg_data_dirs = getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS"); auto data_dirs = std::string { (xdg_data_dirs && *xdg_data_dirs != 0) ? xdg_data_dirs : "/usr/local/share:/usr/share" }; for (auto data_dir : data_dirs | ranges::views::split(':')) { auto candidate = ranges::to(data_dir) + "/mikage"; if (std::filesystem::exists(candidate)) { settings.set(std::move(candidate)); break; } } if (!std::filesystem::exists(settings.get())) { throw std::runtime_error("Immutable data directory does not exist. Re-run the install step"); } auto fill_home_path = [](std::string path) { auto home_dir = getenv("HOME"); if (!home_dir) { throw std::runtime_error("Could not determine path to home directory. Please set the HOME environment variable"); } if (!path.starts_with("/HOME~/")) { return path; } return path.replace(0, 6, home_dir); }; settings.set(fill_home_path(settings.get())); settings.set(fill_home_path(settings.get())); settings.set(fill_home_path(settings.get())); settings.set(vm["dump_frames"].as()); settings.set(vm["launch_menu"].as()); if (enable_debugging) { settings.set(true); settings.set(vm["attach_to_process"].as()); } settings.set(vm["appmemtype"].as()); if (vm["render_on_cpu"].as()) { settings.set(Settings::Renderer::Software); if (!vm.count("shader_engine")) { // Switch default from GLSL to the bytecode processor settings.set(Settings::ShaderEngine::Bytecode); } } settings.set(vm["shader_engine"].as()); if (settings.get() == Settings::Renderer::Software && settings.get() == Settings::ShaderEngine::GLSL) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Cannot use GLSL shader engine with software rendering" << std::endl; std::exit(1); } settings.set(vm["enable_audio"].as()); if (vm.count("input")) { Settings::InitialApplicationTag::HostFile file{vm["input"].as()}; settings.set({file}); } } auto log_manager = Meta::invoke([enable_logging]() { spdlog::sink_ptr logging_sink; if (!enable_logging) { logging_sink = std::make_shared(); } else { logging_sink = std::make_shared(); } return std::make_unique(logging_sink); }); auto frontend_logger = log_manager->RegisterLogger("FRONTEND"); auto keydb = LoadKeyDatabase(*frontend_logger, "./aes_keys.txt"); if (bootstrap_nand) // Experimental system bootstrapper try { // TODO: Replicate the functionality of ns:s's CardUpdateInitialize on boot: // Compare the title version of CVer in emulated NAND against the title // version in the TMD of the CVer CIA in the game update partition. auto gamecard = LoadGameCard(*frontend_logger, settings); auto update_partition = gamecard->GetPartitionFromId(Loader::NCSDPartitionId::UpdateData); if (!update_partition) { throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't find update partition"); } auto file_context = HLE::PXI::FS::FileContext { *frontend_logger }; auto [result] = (*update_partition)->OpenReadOnly(file_context); if (result != HLE::OS::RESULT_OK) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open update partition"); } // Open RomFS for update partition auto romfs = HLE::PXI::FS::NCCHOpenExeFSSection(*frontend_logger, file_context, keydb, std::move(*update_partition), 0, {}); FileFormat::RomFSLevel3Header level3_header; const uint32_t lv3_offset = 0x1000; std::tie(result) = romfs->OpenReadOnly(file_context); uint32_t bytes_read; std::tie(result, bytes_read) = romfs->Read(file_context, lv3_offset, sizeof(level3_header), HLE::PXI::FS::FileBufferInHostMemory(level3_header)); if (result != HLE::OS::RESULT_OK) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read update partition RomFS"); } std::filesystem::path content_dir = settings.get() + "/data"; for (uint32_t metadata_offset = 0; metadata_offset < level3_header.file_metadata_size;) { FileFormat::RomFSFileMetadata file_metadata; std::tie(result, bytes_read) = romfs->Read(file_context, lv3_offset + level3_header.file_metadata_offset + metadata_offset, sizeof(file_metadata), HLE::PXI::FS::FileBufferInHostMemory(file_metadata)); if (result != HLE::OS::RESULT_OK) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read file metadata"); } metadata_offset += sizeof(file_metadata); std::u16string filename; filename.resize((file_metadata.name_size + 1) / 2); std::tie(result, bytes_read) = romfs->Read(file_context, lv3_offset + level3_header.file_metadata_offset + metadata_offset, file_metadata.name_size, HLE::PXI::FS::FileBufferInHostMemory(filename.data(), file_metadata.name_size)); if (result != HLE::OS::RESULT_OK) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read filename from metadata"); } std::wstring_convert,char16_t> conversion; std::string filename2 { conversion.to_bytes(filename) }; fprintf(stderr, "FOUND FILENAME: %s\n", filename2.c_str()); if (filename2.ends_with(".cia")) { auto cia_file = std::make_unique(std::move(romfs), lv3_offset + level3_header.file_data_offset + file_metadata.data_offset, file_metadata.data_size); FileFormat::CIAHeader cia_header; std::tie(result, bytes_read) = cia_file->Read(file_context, 0, sizeof(cia_header), HLE::PXI::FS::FileBufferInHostMemory(cia_header)); if (result != HLE::OS::RESULT_OK) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read file data"); } fprintf(stderr, "CIA header size: %#x\n", cia_header.header_size); InstallCIA(content_dir, *frontend_logger, keydb, file_context, *cia_file); romfs = cia_file->ReleaseParentAndClose(); } // Align filename size to 4 bytes metadata_offset += (file_metadata.name_size + 3) & ~3; } // Copy substitute titles std::filesystem::copy( settings.get() + "/nand/title", content_dir, std::filesystem::copy_options::skip_existing | std::filesystem::copy_options::recursive); // Initial system setup requires title 0004001000022400 to be present. // Normally, this is the Camera app, which isn't bundled in game update // partitions. Since the setup only reads the ExeFS icon that aren't // specific to the Camera app (likely to perform general checks), we // use the Download Play app as a drop-in replacement if needed. if (!std::filesystem::exists(content_dir / "00040010/00022400")) { std::filesystem::copy(content_dir / "00040010/00022100", content_dir / "00040010/00022400", std::filesystem::copy_options::recursive); } std::filesystem::create_directories(content_dir / "ro/sys"); std::filesystem::create_directories(content_dir / "rw/sys"); std::filesystem::create_directories(content_dir / "twlp"); // Create dummy HWCAL0, required for cfg module to work without running initial system setup first char zero[128]{}; { std::ofstream hwcal0(content_dir / "ro/sys/HWCAL0.dat"); const auto size = 2512; for (unsigned i = 0; i < size / sizeof(zero); ++i) { hwcal0.write(zero, sizeof(zero)); } hwcal0.write(zero, size % sizeof(zero)); } // Set up dummy rw/sys/SecureInfo_A with region EU // TODO: Let the user select the region { std::ofstream info(content_dir / "rw/sys/SecureInfo_A"); info.write(zero, sizeof(zero)); info.write(zero, sizeof(zero)); char region = 2; // Europe info.write(®ion, 1); info.write(zero, 0x10); } // TODO: Set up shared font // TODO: Set up GPIO } catch (std::runtime_error&) { throw; } // Initialize SDL // const unsigned window_width = 800, window_height = 960; // const unsigned window_width = 720, window_height = 864; const unsigned window_width = 400, window_height = 480; // const unsigned window_width = 800, window_height = 480; // TODO: Fix indentation... but we do want this scope so that all cleanup is finished by the time we print the final log message { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) { frontend_logger->critical("Failed to initialize SDL: {}", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } auto audio_frontend = std::make_unique(); // TODO: For some reason, SDL picks RGB565 as the surface format for us... these hints don't help, either :( SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 8); const bool enable_fullscreen = false; // const bool enable_fullscreen = true; auto sdl_window_flags = enable_fullscreen ? (SDL_WINDOW_VULKAN | SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP) : SDL_WINDOW_VULKAN; std::unique_ptr window(SDL_CreateWindow(app_name, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, window_width, window_height, sdl_window_flags), SDL_DestroyWindow); if (!window) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create window"); } int actual_window_width, actual_window_height; SDL_GetWindowSize(&*window, &actual_window_width, &actual_window_height); std::array layouts; if (enable_fullscreen) { // Stretch top screen image by an integral factor; hide the bottom screen // TODO: Allow for unhiding the bottom screen! unsigned factor = std::min(actual_window_width / 400, actual_window_height / 480); unsigned usable_window_width = factor * 400; unsigned usable_window_height = factor * 240; // NOTE: For recording, make sure the screen positions are aligned by 16 layouts = {{ // { true, 0/*(actual_window_width - usable_window_width) / 2*/, 0, static_cast(usable_window_width), static_cast(usable_window_width * 240 / 400) }, // { false, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, //// { false, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // { true, static_cast(usable_window_width) * 40 / 400, (actual_window_height - usable_window_height), static_cast(usable_window_width) * 320 / 400, static_cast(usable_window_width * 240 / 400) }, { true, 28, /*40*/ 180, 400 * 3, 240 * 3 }, { false, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // { false, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // { true, 1920 - 640 - 35 + 3, 1080 - 300 - 480 + 4, 640, 480 }, // vertically-centered bottom screen { true, 1920 - 640 - 28 + 3, 180, 640, 480 }, // top-aligned bottom screen }}; } else { unsigned usable_window_width = actual_window_width; unsigned usable_window_height = actual_window_height; unsigned bottom_width = usable_window_width * 320 / 400; unsigned bottom_height = bottom_width * 240 / 320; if (bottom_height * 2 > (unsigned)usable_window_height) { bottom_height = usable_window_height / 2; bottom_width = bottom_height * 320 / 240; usable_window_width = bottom_width * 400 / 320; } layouts = {{ { true, (actual_window_width - usable_window_width) / 2, 0, static_cast(usable_window_width), static_cast(bottom_width * 240 / 320) }, { false, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { true, (actual_window_width - bottom_width) / 2, static_cast(bottom_width * 240 / 320), static_cast(bottom_width), static_cast(bottom_width * 240 / 320) }, // { true, 0, 0, 400, 240 }, // { false, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // { true, 400, 120, 320, 240 }, }}; } if (settings.get()) { throw std::runtime_error("Frame dumping not implemented"); } auto display = std::make_unique(frontend_logger, *window, layouts); std::thread emuthread; std::exception_ptr emuthread_exception = nullptr; std::unique_ptr session; try { for (auto key_index : ranges::views::indexes(keydb.aes_slots)) { auto& aes_slot = keydb.aes_slots[key_index]; for (auto key_type : { 'X', 'Y', 'N' }) { auto& key = key_type == 'X' ? aes_slot.x : key_type == 'Y' ? aes_slot.y : aes_slot.n; if (key.has_value()) { frontend_logger->info("Parsed key{} for slot {:#4x}", key_type, key_index); } } } for (auto key_index : ranges::views::indexes(keydb.common_y)) { auto& key = keydb.common_y[key_index]; if (key.has_value()) { frontend_logger->info("Parsed common{}", key_index); } } auto gamecard = LoadGameCard(*frontend_logger, settings); session = std::make_unique(*log_manager, settings, *audio_frontend, *display, *display, keydb, std::move(gamecard)); emuthread = std::thread { [&emuthread_exception, &session]() { try { session->Run(); } catch (...) { emuthread_exception = std::current_exception(); } } }; bool background = false; auto& input = session->input; auto& circle_pad = session->circle_pad; // std::array active_images { }; // std::array active_images { true, false, true }; std::array active_images { true, true, true }; // Application loop for (;;) { // Process event queue SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: switch (event.window.event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED: frontend_logger->error("SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED"); // SDL_RenderClear(renderer.get()); // SDL_RenderPresent(renderer.get()); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE: frontend_logger->error("SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE"); goto quit_application_loop; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED: frontend_logger->error("SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED"); break; default: break; } break; case SDL_QUIT: frontend_logger->error("SDL_QUIT"); goto quit_application_loop; case SDL_APP_WILLENTERBACKGROUND: frontend_logger->error("About to enter background, destroying swapchain"); display->ResetSwapchainResources(); background = true; break; case SDL_APP_DIDENTERFOREGROUND: frontend_logger->error("Entered foreground, recreating swapchain"); display->CreateSwapchain(); background = false; break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: { if (event.button.button != SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { break; } float x = (event.button.x - layouts[2].x) / static_cast(layouts[2].width); float y = (event.button.y - layouts[2].y) / static_cast(layouts[2].height); if (x >= 0.f && x <= 1.f && y >= 0.f && y <= 1.f) { input.SetTouch(x, y); } break; } // NOTE: SDL provides a separate event type for touch events, but // (at least on Android) it dispatches both touch events and // mouse events upon touch input. Hence, we only need to // handle mouse events case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: { if ((event.motion.state & SDL_BUTTON_LMASK) == 0) { break; } float x = (event.button.x - layouts[2].x) / static_cast(layouts[2].width); float y = (event.button.y - layouts[2].y) / static_cast(layouts[2].height); if (x >= 0.f && x <= 1.f && y >= 0.f && y <= 1.f) { input.SetTouch(x, y); } else { // NOTE: If the user keeps holding the mouse button when // moving the mouse outside the emulated screen area, // they presumably do not intend to stop the touch // gesture, yet } break; } case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: if (event.button.button != SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { break; } input.EndTouch(); break; // TODO: Need a way for the emulator to acknowledge key presses! // Otherwise, we might process a KEYDOWN event followed by // KEYUP before the emulator core provides the next content // frame case SDL_KEYDOWN: case SDL_KEYUP: { // Ignore repeats if (event.key.repeat) { // TODO: Does this actually occur in practice? break; } bool pressed = (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN); // TODO: For the default key mappings, use scancodes (physical key positions in QWERTY layout) and map them to key codes (the key actually pressed as seen by the user) switch (event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_LEFT: input.SetPressedY(pressed); break; case SDLK_UP: input.SetPressedX(pressed); break; case SDLK_DOWN: input.SetPressedB(pressed); break; case SDLK_RIGHT: input.SetPressedA(pressed); break; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: input.SetPressedHome(pressed); break; case SDLK_q: case SDLK_VOLUMEUP: input.SetPressedL(pressed); break; case SDLK_e: case SDLK_VOLUMEDOWN: input.SetPressedR(pressed); break; case SDLK_RETURN: input.SetPressedStart(pressed); break; case SDLK_a: circle_pad.first -= 1.0f * (pressed ? 1.0 : -1.0); input.SetCirclePad(circle_pad.first, circle_pad.second); break; case SDLK_d: circle_pad.first += 1.0f * (pressed ? 1.0 : -1.0); input.SetCirclePad(circle_pad.first, circle_pad.second); break; case SDLK_w: circle_pad.second += 1.0f * (pressed ? 1.0 : -1.0); input.SetCirclePad(circle_pad.first, circle_pad.second); break; case SDLK_s: circle_pad.second -= 1.0f * (pressed ? 1.0 : -1.0); input.SetCirclePad(circle_pad.first, circle_pad.second); break; case SDLK_j: input.SetPressedDigiLeft(pressed); break; case SDLK_l: input.SetPressedDigiRight(pressed); break; case SDLK_i: input.SetPressedDigiUp(pressed); break; case SDLK_k: input.SetPressedDigiDown(pressed); break; case SDLK_7: if (settings.get() == Settings::Renderer::Vulkan) { settings.set(Settings::Renderer::Software); } else { settings.set(Settings::Renderer::Vulkan); } break; case SDLK_AC_BACK: if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { goto quit_application_loop; } break; } break; } case CustomEvents::CirclePadPosition: { float x, y; memcpy(&x, &event.user.data1, sizeof(x)); memcpy(&y, reinterpret_cast(&event.user.data1) + sizeof(x), sizeof(y)); input.SetCirclePad(x, y); break; } default: break; } } if (background) { continue; } // Limit to ~60 FPS. This avoids starving the emulation thread when locking g_vulkan_queue_mutex std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds { 15 }); // Process next frame from the emulation core, if any (and do so three times for each screen id... TODO: Find a nicer way of doing this) display->BeginFrame(); // Repeat until at least one image is active static int loll = 0; loll++; // TODO: Proper time keeping display->SeekTo(loll * 3); // TODO: If recording via renderdoc, wait for all active images to arrive //std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds { 20 }); //std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds { 30 }); for (auto stream_id : { EmuDisplay::DataStreamId::TopScreenLeftEye, EmuDisplay::DataStreamId::TopScreenRightEye, EmuDisplay::DataStreamId::BottomScreen }) { // TODO: If capturing with renderdoc, sync presentation to rendering // while (stream_id == EmuDisplay::DataStreamId::TopScreenLeftEye && display->ready_frames[Meta::to_underlying(stream_id)].empty()) { // display->SeekTo(loll * 3); // std::this_thread::yield(); // } // TODO: Add EmuDisplay interface if (display->ready_frames[Meta::to_underlying(stream_id)].empty()) { continue; } auto& frame = display->GetCurrent(stream_id); // fprintf(stderr, "Processing frame %lu\n", frame.timestamp); display->ProcessDataSource(frame, stream_id); } #if 0 // TODO: Port entire logic over auto begin_frame_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); for (std::array has_new_image { }; true;) { #ifdef RENDERDOC_WORKAROUND if (!has_new_image[0] && !has_new_image[2]) { dumb_lock = true; } #endif if (!has_new_image[0]) { has_new_image[0] = display->initial_stage->TryToDisplayNextDataSource(EmuDisplay::DataStreamId::TopScreenLeftEye); } if (!has_new_image[1]) { has_new_image[1] = display->initial_stage->TryToDisplayNextDataSource(EmuDisplay::DataStreamId::TopScreenRightEye); } if (!has_new_image[2]) { has_new_image[2] = display->initial_stage->TryToDisplayNextDataSource(EmuDisplay::DataStreamId::BottomScreen); } // If any image has been submitted, wait until at least one top screen and one bottom screen image have arrived. Otherwise, we'd artificially limit ourselves to 30 fps (on a 60 Hz display) by pulling the two images in separate frames since since the images don't arrive simultaneously if (emuthread_exception) { break; } // Infer screen activity information from MMIO instead using namespace std::chrono_literals; // Check if any new images have become active if (!ranges::equal(has_new_image, active_images, std::less_equal{})) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < std::size(active_images); ++i) { active_images[i] |= has_new_image[i]; } if (ranges::find(active_images, false) != std::end(active_images)) { // Wait a bit in case others become active too so that we // avoid displaying the images in separate host frames. std::this_thread::sleep_for(3ms); continue; } else { break; } } // Wait until *any* image is active if (ranges::find(active_images, true) == ranges::end(active_images)) { std::this_thread::yield(); continue; } // Wait until all images have been submitted that have been found to be active if (has_new_image[0] == active_images[0] && has_new_image[1] == active_images[1] && has_new_image[2] == active_images[2]) { break; } // Move frames to "inactive" state if no new image is received for more than one host frame interval if (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - begin_frame_time > 17ms) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < std::size(active_images); ++i) { active_images[i] &= has_new_image[i]; } break; } std::this_thread::yield(); } #endif { std::unique_lock lock(g_vulkan_queue_mutex); display->EndFrame(); } #ifdef RENDERDOC_WORKAROUND dumb_lock = true; #endif auto metrics = session->profiler.Freeze(); auto print_metrics = [&frontend_logger](std::string indent, Profiler::FrozenMetrics& frozen, auto& cont) -> void { frontend_logger->info("{}{}: {} ms", indent, frozen.activity.GetName(), frozen.metric.total.count() / 1000.f); indent += " "; auto misc_activity = std::accumulate(frozen.sub_metrics.begin(), frozen.sub_metrics.end(), frozen.metric.total, [](auto& dur, auto& frozen) { return dur - frozen.metric.total; }); if (misc_activity.count() < 0) { // TODO // throw std::runtime_error("Negative misc activity?"); } // Don't print misc activity if there are any sub activities to begin with, or if the relative difference is negligible if (!frozen.sub_metrics.empty() && misc_activity >= frozen.metric.total * 0.03 ) { frontend_logger->info("{}Misc: {} ms", indent, misc_activity.count() / 1000.f); } for (auto& sub_activity : frozen.sub_metrics) { cont(indent, sub_activity, cont); } }; // frontend_logger->info("PROFILE:"); // print_metrics("", metrics, print_metrics); // TODO: Have the emu thread post an SDL event about this instead of checking every frame if (emuthread_exception) { std::rethrow_exception(emuthread_exception); } } } catch (std::exception& err) { // TODO: On Android, the "back" button doesn't do anything while this is displayed frontend_logger->error(err.what()); SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, "Emulation error", err.what(), nullptr); goto quit_application_loop; } catch (...) { auto message = "Unhandled exception!\n"; frontend_logger->error(message); // TODO: On Android, the "back" button doesn't do anything while this is displayed SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, "Emulation error", "Unknown exception", nullptr); goto quit_application_loop; } quit_application_loop: frontend_logger->info("Initiating emulator shutdown..."); if (session) { display->exit_requested = true; if (session->setup->os) { session->setup->os->RequestStop(); } // Wait for emulation thread (OS) to shut down. // This may be in one of these blocking states: // * OS scheduler stuck in an infinite idle loop // * An internal flag set by RequestStop() is checked here // * Attempting to push frame data when no queue slot is available // * Display::exit_requested is checked here // * CPU emulation stuck in a loop (e.g. due to the emulated app waiting on external events using a spinlock) // * This is handled indirectly by regular preemption frontend_logger->info("Waiting for emulation thread..."); emuthread.join(); // Wait for the host GPU to catch up now that no more work will be pushed frontend_logger->info("Waiting for host GPU to be idle..."); display->graphics_queue.waitIdle(); display->present_queue.waitIdle(); display->device->waitIdle(); session.reset(); } frontend_logger->info("Clearing display resources..."); display->ClearResources(); frontend_logger->info("Clearing remaining resources..."); } frontend_logger->info("... done. Have a nice day!"); // NOTE: This function isn't actually the true main(), since SDL overrides // it. Hence we must explicitly return 0 here (whereas usually 0 is // implicitly returned from main) return 0; }