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synced 2025-03-10 19:34:52 +01:00
482 lines
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482 lines
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#pragma once
#include <framework/bit_field_new.hpp>
#include <framework/formats.hpp>
#include <range/v3/algorithm/max.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/transform.hpp>
#include <boost/endian/arithmetic.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/define_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/mp11.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
namespace FileFormat {
using namespace boost::endian;
// Strong typedef of the given argument type to represent a media unit (0x200 bytes)
template<typename T>
struct MediaUnit {
(T, raw)
// TODO: Static assert this is representable
uint64_t ToBytes() const {
return uint64_t{raw} * 0x200;
static MediaUnit FromBytes(uint64_t bytes) {
return { static_cast<T>(bytes / 0x200) };
using MediaUnit32 = MediaUnit<uint32_t>;
using Bytes32 = uint32_t;
struct NCCHHeader {
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x100>, signature), // RSA-2048 signature
(std::array<uint8_t, 4>, magic), // always "NCCH"
(MediaUnit32, content_size), // total size of this file
(uint64_t, partition_id), // Always the same as the title id?
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x8>, unknown),
(uint64_t, program_id), // Always the same as the title id?
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x10>, unknown2a),
// Only since system version 5.0 (TODO: Is there some indicator for the presence of this field?)
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x20>, logo_sha256),
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x10>, unknown2b),
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x20>, exheader_sha256),
// Reduced size of the extended header: Only refers to System Control Info and Access Control Info
(Bytes32, exheader_size),
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x7>, unknown3),
// If non-zero, an additional layer of encryption is used for RomFS and parts of ExeFS
(uint8_t, crypto_method),
// 1 = Old3DS, 2 = New3DS
(uint8_t, platform),
// 1 = data, 2 = executable, 4 = system update, 8 = manual, 0x10 = trial
(uint8_t, type_mask),
// logarithmic unit size in MediaUnits: unit_size_bytes = 0x200 * 2^unit_size_log2
(uint8_t, unit_size_log2),
// 1 = fixed encryption key, 2 = don't mount the romfs, 4 = no content encryption, 0x20 = use 9.6.0 keyY generator
(uint8_t, flags),
(MediaUnit32, plain_data_offset), // Unencrypted plain data
(MediaUnit32, plain_data_size),
(MediaUnit32, logo_offset), // logo (introduced in 5.0.0, it seems?)
(MediaUnit32, logo_size),
(MediaUnit32, exefs_offset), // offset from the start of this file
(MediaUnit32, exefs_size),
(MediaUnit32, exefs_hash_message_size),
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x4>, unknown4),
(MediaUnit32, romfs_offset), // offset from the start of this file
(MediaUnit32, romfs_size),
(MediaUnit32, romfs_hash_message_size),
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x4>, unknown5),
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x20>, exefs_sha256),
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x20>, romfs_sha256)
struct Tags : expected_size_tag<0x200> {};
// Followed by:
// ExHeader (optional?); 3dbrew erratum: it seems the "access descriptor" that was documented to follow the exheader is already part of this exheader
// plaintext binary region (optional, CXI only)
// plaintext logo region (optional, CXI only)
// ExeFS (optional)
// RomFS (optional)
// Extended Header
struct ExHeader {
struct CodeSetInfo {
(uint32_t, address),
(uint32_t, size_pages),
(uint32_t, size_bytes)
struct Flags {
(uint8_t, storage)
using Fields = v2::BitField::Fields<uint8_t>;
/// If set, the ExeFS:/.code section is compressed with a LZ77 variant
auto compress_exefs_code() const { return Fields::MakeOn<0, 1>(this); }
/// Flags for AccessControlInfo
struct ACIFlags {
(uint32_t, storage)
using Fields = v2::BitField::Fields<uint32_t>;
* @note flag1 bits in the primary ACI may be set only if the secondary ACI has them set
auto flag1() const { return Fields::MakeOn<0, 8>(this); }
auto flag2() const { return Fields::MakeOn<8, 8>(this); }
auto flag0() const { return Fields::MakeOn<16, 8>(this); }
auto ideal_processor() const { return Fields::MakeOn<16, 2>(this); }
* Thread priority
* @todo Figure out whether this is the "default" thread priority
* or just the priority of the main thread
auto priority() const { return Fields::MakeOn<24, 8>(this); }
* Descriptor for some kernel capability: There are a number of different
* descriptor types, each of which has their own structure and fields.
* The descriptor type is determined by the number of leading ones in
* the bit pattern of the raw descriptor value.
* We expose this structure using a visitor pattern: The visit() method
* checks the descriptor type according to the raw storage value,
* constructs an appropriate strongly-typed descriptor (see children of the
* DescriptorTypeBase structure), and calls (an appropriate overload of)
* the given function object with this descriptor.
struct ARM11KernelCapabilityDescriptor {
(uint32_t, storage)
using Fields = v2::BitField::Fields<uint32_t>;
template<typename CRTP, size_t IdentifierPos>
struct DescriptorTypeBase {
uint32_t storage;
static_assert(IdentifierPos < 32, "Invalid identifying field position: Must be smaller than 32");
constexpr auto id_field() const { return BitField::v3::MakeFieldOn<IdentifierPos, 32 - IdentifierPos>(static_cast<const CRTP*>(this)); }
static constexpr auto id_field_ref() { return CRTP{}.id_field().MaxValue() - 1; }
static CRTP Make() {
return CRTP{}.id_field().Set(id_field_ref());
operator ARM11KernelCapabilityDescriptor() const {
return { storage };
/// A group of these make up a mask of SVCs that are accessible to the application
struct SVCMaskTableEntry : DescriptorTypeBase<SVCMaskTableEntry, 27> {
auto entry_index() const { return Fields::MakeOn<24, 3>(this); }
auto mask() const { return Fields::MakeOn<0, 24>(this); }
struct HandleTableInfo : DescriptorTypeBase<HandleTableInfo, 24> {
// TODO: Verify this is given in terms of handles rather than bytes
auto num_handles() const { return Fields::MakeOn<0, 19>(this); }
struct MappedMemoryPage : DescriptorTypeBase<MappedMemoryPage, 20> {
auto page_index() const { return Fields::MakeOn<0, 20>(this); }
struct MappedMemoryRange : DescriptorTypeBase<MappedMemoryRange, 22> {
// TODO: What about bit 21 within storage? Does it need always need to be 0? (it does according to 3dbrew!)
auto page_index() const { return Fields::MakeOn<0, 20>(this); }
// TODO: Verify this field...
auto read_only() const { return Fields::MakeOn<20, 1>(this); }
struct KernelFlags : DescriptorTypeBase<KernelFlags, 23> {
/// Allow this application to be debugged (TODO: Verify)
auto allow_debug() const { return Fields::MakeOn<0, 1>(this); }
/// Force other applications to be debugged even if they don't have "allow_debug" set (TODO: Verify)
auto force_debug() const { return Fields::MakeOn<1, 1>(this); }
/// "Allow non-alphanum" according to 3dbrew?
auto unknown2() const { return Fields::MakeOn<2, 1>(this); }
/// If set, the shared page will be mapped with write-permissions into this process
auto shared_page_writeable() const { return Fields::MakeOn<3, 1>(this); }
/// "privilege priority" according to 3dbrew?
auto unknown4() const { return Fields::MakeOn<4, 1>(this); }
/// "allow main args" according to 3dbrew?
auto unknown5() const { return Fields::MakeOn<5, 1>(this); }
/// "shared device memory" according to 3dbrew?
auto unknown6() const { return Fields::MakeOn<6, 1>(this); }
/// "Runnable on sleep" according to 3dbrew?
auto unknown7() const { return Fields::MakeOn<7, 1>(this); }
* System/Memory/Base
* @todo Verify that this does really occupy 4 bits
* @todo Use the kernel MemoryType enum for this
auto memory_type() const { return Fields::MakeOn<8, 4>(this); }
* If set, the application code is mapped to a virtual memory
* address specified in the exheader. Otherwise, the standard
* starting address 0x00100000 is used.
auto nonstandard_code_address() const { return Fields::MakeOn<12, 1>(this); }
/// Enable access to the second CPU core (New3DS only)
auto enable_second_cpu_core() const { return Fields::MakeOn<13, 1>(this); }
template<typename F>
struct CheckDescriptorType {
uint32_t descriptor;
F& visitor;
/// Set to true if we found at least one match
bool match_found = false;
template<typename T>
void operator()(boost::mp11::mp_identity<T>) {
T typed_descriptor = { descriptor };
auto actual_field = typed_descriptor.id_field()();
if (actual_field != typed_descriptor.id_field_ref())
match_found = true;
T ret;
ret.storage = descriptor;
* Determines the type of this descriptor, constructs a strongly-typed
* variant of it (see children of DescriptorTypeBase), and calls the
* given visitor with it.
* If no known strongly-typed descriptor exists (or the raw descriptor
* is just an invalid descriptor in the first place), the visitor is
* called with the raw uint32_t descriptor value.
template<typename F>
auto visit(F&& visitor) {
using namespace boost::mp11;
// TODO: Order these by increasing number of leading zeroes
using all_types = mp_transform<mp_identity, mp_list<SVCMaskTableEntry, HandleTableInfo, MappedMemoryPage, MappedMemoryRange, KernelFlags>>;
auto checker = CheckDescriptorType<F>{storage, visitor};
auto checker2 = boost::mp11::mp_for_each<all_types>(checker);
if (!checker2.match_found)
return visitor(storage);
struct AccessControlInfo {
// "ARM11 Local System Capabilities"
(uint64_t, program_id),
// Checked against the lower word in the FIRM title id?
(uint32_t, version),
(ACIFlags, flags),
// Resource limit descriptors + storage info
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x40>, unknown5),
(std::array<std::array<uint8_t, 8>, 0x20>, service_access_list),
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x20>, unknown6),
(std::array<ARM11KernelCapabilityDescriptor, 28>, arm11_kernel_capabilities),
// "ARM9 access control"
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x20>, unknown7)
struct Tags : expected_size_tag<0x200> {};
// Begin of "System Control Info"
(std::array<unsigned char, 8>, application_title),
(std::array<unsigned char, 5>, unknown),
(Flags, flags),
(uint16_t, remaster_version), // ???
(CodeSetInfo, section_text),
(uint32_t, stack_size),
(CodeSetInfo, section_ro),
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x4>, unknown3),
// data section information is exclusive of bss
(CodeSetInfo, section_data),
(uint32_t, bss_size),
// Title IDs of dependencies (0 if entry unused)
(std::array<uint64_t, 0x30>, dependencies),
(uint64_t, save_data_size),
(uint64_t, jump_id), // Seems to be some sort of title id???
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x30>, unknown4),
// End of "System Control Info"
* Primary ACI. Specifies the actual parameters that are used for
* access control, while the secondary ACI (see below) restricts the
* set of valid parameters specified in the primary one. This scheme
* allows game developers to choose what privileges to give to their
* applications while keeping the console vendor in control over the
* maximum set of privileges they can possibly have.
(AccessControlInfo, aci),
/// RSA2048-SHA256 signature covering ncch_sig_pub_key and aci_limits
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x100>, subsignature),
/// Public key for use in NCCH RSA2048-SHA256 signatures
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x100>, ncch_sig_pub_key),
* The secondary ACI, signed by Nintendo (signature given above) as a
* limitation to the first ACI; if the first ACI does not match the
* contents of the second, the system will refuse to boot this title.
* For retail applications, there is not much point in this since the
* entity who signed the ExHeader will likely be the same as the one
* who signed the second ACI. However, for debug unit builds (where
* game developers can self-sign their titles), the second ACI can
* not be changed without breaking the signature, hence it keeps
* developers from requesting privileges for the application that
* they should not be using on retail units.
* @todo Figure out and document what specifically "limitation" means here
(AccessControlInfo, aci_limits)
struct Tags : expected_size_tag<0x800> {};
struct ExeFSHeader {
struct FileHeader {
(std::array<uint8_t, 8>, name), // ".code", "logo", "banner", or "icon"
(uint32_t, offset), // byte offset starting after the ExeFS header
(uint32_t, size_bytes)
// TODO: Confirm that 10 files is indeed the maximum
(std::array<FileHeader, 10>, files),
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x20>, unknown),
// Hashes for each ExeFS file; stored in reverse order, i.e. the last hashes element corresponds to the first file
(std::array<std::array<uint8_t, 0x20>, 10>, hashes)
uint64_t GetExeFSSize() const {
using ranges::v3::max;
using ranges::v3::view::transform;
auto end_offset = [](auto& file) { return file.offset + file.size_bytes; };
// TODO: Don't hardcode the header size!
return 0x200 + max(files | transform(end_offset));
struct Tags : expected_size_tag<0x200> {};
static constexpr const char code_section_name[8] = ".code\0\0";
struct RomFSLevel3Header {
(uint32_t, header_size), // in bytes
// Offsets and sizes are measured in bytes.
// Offsets are all from start of this header.
(uint32_t, dir_hash_offset),
(uint32_t, dir_hash_size),
(uint32_t, dir_metadata_offset),
(uint32_t, dir_metadata_size),
(uint32_t, file_hash_offset),
(uint32_t, file_hash_size),
(uint32_t, file_metadata_offset),
(uint32_t, file_metadata_size),
(uint32_t, file_data_offset)
struct Tags : expected_size_tag<0x28> {};
struct RomFSFileMetadata {
// Offsets and sizes are all measured in bytes.
(uint32_t, parent_dir_index), // index within directory metadata table
(uint32_t, unknown2),
(uint64_t, data_offset), // from start of file data section
(uint64_t, data_size),
(uint32_t, unknown5),
(uint32_t, name_size) // length of name in bytes (NOTE: Actual filename data size is aligned to 4 bytes)
struct Tags : expected_size_tag<0x20> {};
struct NCSDHeader {
struct Partition {
(MediaUnit32, offset), // from start of file
(MediaUnit32, size)
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x100>, signature), // RSA-2048 SHA-256 signature of this header (starting from magic?)
(std::array<uint8_t, 4>, magic), // always "NCSD"
(MediaUnit32, size), // total NCSD size
(std::array<uint8_t, 0x18>, unknown),
(std::array<Partition, 8>, partition_table),
(std::array<uint8_t, 0xa0>, unknown2)
struct Tags : expected_size_tag<0x200> {};
} // namespace FileFormat