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synced 2025-03-27 19:50:20 +01:00
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#pragma once
#include "bit_field.h"
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>
namespace ARM {
using BitField::v1::ViewBitField;
using BitField::v1::BitField;
namespace Regs {
enum {
LR = 14,
PC = 15,
enum class ProcessorMode {
User = 0b10000,
FIQ = 0b10001,
IRQ = 0b10010,
Supervisor = 0b10011,
Abort = 0b10111,
Undefined = 0b11011,
System = 0b11111,
// More convenient internal storage
enum class InternalProcessorMode : uint32_t {
Invalid = NumModes // Reserved for actually invalid (or "reserved") processor modes
static constexpr size_t NumInternalProcessorModes = static_cast<size_t>(InternalProcessorMode::NumModes);
inline InternalProcessorMode MakeInternal(ProcessorMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case ProcessorMode::User: return InternalProcessorMode::User;
case ProcessorMode::FIQ: return InternalProcessorMode::FIQ;
case ProcessorMode::IRQ: return InternalProcessorMode::IRQ;
case ProcessorMode::Supervisor: return InternalProcessorMode::Supervisor;
case ProcessorMode::Abort: return InternalProcessorMode::Abort;
case ProcessorMode::Undefined: return InternalProcessorMode::Undefined;
case ProcessorMode::System: return InternalProcessorMode::System;
default: return InternalProcessorMode::Invalid;
inline ProcessorMode MakeNative(InternalProcessorMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case InternalProcessorMode::User: return ProcessorMode::User;
case InternalProcessorMode::FIQ: return ProcessorMode::FIQ;
case InternalProcessorMode::IRQ: return ProcessorMode::IRQ;
case InternalProcessorMode::Supervisor: return ProcessorMode::Supervisor;
case InternalProcessorMode::Abort: return ProcessorMode::Abort;
case InternalProcessorMode::Undefined: return ProcessorMode::Undefined;
case InternalProcessorMode::System: return ProcessorMode::System;
default: throw std::runtime_error("Invalid internal processor mode");
enum class AddressingShift : uint32_t {
LSL = 0,
LSR = 1,
ASR = 2,
struct DoublePrecisionRegister {
uint32_t raw_low;
uint32_t raw_high;
struct State {
std::array<uint32_t,16> reg;
// VFP (floating point) registers
// TODO: Current usage of this union is not compatible with strict aliasing rules!
union {
std::array<float, 32> fpreg;
std::array<double, 16> dpreg;
std::array<DoublePrecisionRegister, 16> dpreg_raw;
// FP Status and Control Register
union {
uint32_t raw;
BitField<28, 1, uint32_t> unordered; // aka V
BitField<29, 1, uint32_t> greater_equal_unordered; // aka C
BitField<30, 1, uint32_t> equal; // aka Z
BitField<31, 1, uint32_t> less; // aka N
} fpscr;
// Current Program Status Register
union ProgramStatusRegister {
* Copies the given PSR into *this, as if a memcpy() had been performed.
void RawCopyFrom(const ProgramStatusRegister& psr) {
reinterpret_cast<uint32_t&>(*this) = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t&>(psr);
// Processor Mode ("M"): Guaranteed to be one of the values defined in #InternalProcessorMode
BitField< 0, 5, InternalProcessorMode> mode; // "M"
// BitField< 0, 5, ProcessorMode> native_mode; // Used only for accessing within MSR. Do not use outside of that!
BitField< 5, 1, uint32_t> thumb; // "T"
BitField< 6, 1, uint32_t> F; // disable FIQ interrupts
BitField< 7, 1, uint32_t> I; // disable IRQ interrupts
BitField< 8, 1, uint32_t> A; // disable imprecise data aborts
BitField<16, 4, uint32_t> ge;
BitField<16, 2, uint32_t> ge10;
BitField<18, 2, uint32_t> ge32;
BitField<16, 1, uint32_t> ge0;
BitField<17, 1, uint32_t> ge1;
BitField<18, 1, uint32_t> ge2;
BitField<19, 1, uint32_t> ge3;
BitField<27, 1, uint32_t> q; // overflow or saturation in saturated integer arithmetic
BitField<28, 1, uint32_t> overflow; // "V"
BitField<29, 1, uint32_t> carry; // "C"
BitField<30, 1, uint32_t> zero; // "Z", "equal"
BitField<31, 1, uint32_t> neg; // "N"
bool InPrivilegedMode() const {
return (mode != InternalProcessorMode::User);
* Fill PSR contents using the given value.
* This is required to make sure the processor mode field is converted to InternalProcessorMode properly.
static ProgramStatusRegister FromNativeRaw32(uint32_t val) {
ProgramStatusRegister psr;
reinterpret_cast<uint32_t&>(psr) = val;
psr.mode = MakeInternal(ViewBitField<0, 5, ProcessorMode>(val));
return psr;
* Return the raw uint32_t value expected by the ARM ISA.
* This is required to make sure the processor mode field is converted to ProcessorMode properly.
uint32_t ToNativeRaw32() const {
uint32_t val = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t&>(*this);
ViewBitField<0, 5, ProcessorMode>(val).Assign(MakeNative(mode));
return val;
ProgramStatusRegister cpsr;
ProgramStatusRegister spsr[NumInternalProcessorModes]; // The SPSRs for User and System are just dummies!
bool InPrivilegedMode() const {
return cpsr.InPrivilegedMode();
bool HasSPSR() const {
return (cpsr.mode != InternalProcessorMode::User && cpsr.mode != InternalProcessorMode::System);
ProgramStatusRegister& GetSPSR(InternalProcessorMode mode) {
return spsr[static_cast<uint32_t>(mode)];
std::array<uint32_t,7> banked_regs_user; // r8-r14 (virtual bank used whenever another mode has its registers banked in; shared with System mode)
std::array<uint32_t,8> banked_regs_fiq; // r8-r14 + SPSR_fiq
std::array<uint32_t,3> banked_regs_svc; // r13 + r14 + SPSR_fiq
std::array<uint32_t,3> banked_regs_abt; // r13 + r14 + SPSR_abt
std::array<uint32_t,3> banked_regs_irq; // r13 + r14 + SPSR_irq
std::array<uint32_t,3> banked_regs_und; // r13 + r14 + SPSR_und
* Move the given PSR to the CPSR register, performing a mode switch and other handling if necessary
void ReplaceCPSR(ProgramStatusRegister psr) {
if (cpsr.mode == psr.mode) {
// Bank out current registers
switch (cpsr.mode) {
case InternalProcessorMode::User:
case InternalProcessorMode::System:
std::copy(®[8], ®[15], banked_regs_user.begin());
case InternalProcessorMode::FIQ:
std::copy(®[8], ®[15], banked_regs_fiq.begin());
case InternalProcessorMode::IRQ:
std::copy(®[13], ®[15], banked_regs_irq.begin());
case InternalProcessorMode::Supervisor:
std::copy(®[13], ®[15], banked_regs_svc.begin());
case InternalProcessorMode::Abort:
std::copy(®[13], ®[15], banked_regs_abt.begin());
case InternalProcessorMode::Undefined:
std::copy(®[13], ®[15], banked_regs_und.begin());
// It should not be possible to set cpsr.mode to this value
case InternalProcessorMode::Invalid:
// Bank in new registers
switch (cpsr.mode) {
case InternalProcessorMode::User:
case InternalProcessorMode::System:
std::copy(banked_regs_user.begin(), banked_regs_user.end(), ®[8]);
case InternalProcessorMode::FIQ:
std::copy(banked_regs_fiq.begin(), banked_regs_fiq.end(), ®[8]);
case InternalProcessorMode::IRQ:
std::copy(banked_regs_irq.begin(), banked_regs_irq.end(), ®[13]);
case InternalProcessorMode::Supervisor:
std::copy(banked_regs_svc.begin(), banked_regs_svc.end(), ®[13]);
case InternalProcessorMode::Abort:
std::copy(banked_regs_abt.begin(), banked_regs_abt.end(), ®[13]);
case InternalProcessorMode::Undefined:
std::copy(banked_regs_und.begin(), banked_regs_und.end(), ®[13]);
// It should not be possible to set cpsr.mode to this value
case InternalProcessorMode::Invalid:
uint32_t& LR() {
return reg[14];
uint32_t& PC() {
return reg[15];
uint32_t FetchReg(unsigned index) {
if (index == 15)
return PC() + 8;
return reg[index];
union {
// NOTE: The internal mapping from "raw" to any of the getter functions below is arbitrary.
uint32_t raw[6];
auto& CPUId() {
union Type {
uint32_t raw;
BitField< 0, 4, uint32_t> CPUID;
BitField< 4, 4, uint32_t> reserved1; // SBZ
BitField< 8, 4, uint32_t> ClusterID;
BitField<12, 20, uint32_t> reserved2; // SBZ
return reinterpret_cast<Type&>(raw[2]);
auto& Control() {
union Type {
uint32_t raw;
BitField< 0, 1, uint32_t> M; // MMU enable
BitField< 1, 1, uint32_t> A; // strict alignment fault checking enable
BitField< 2, 1, uint32_t> C; // data cache enable
BitField< 3, 4, uint32_t> reserved1; // Should Be One
BitField< 7, 1, uint32_t> reserved2; // Should Be Zero
BitField< 8, 1, uint32_t> S; // System protection (deprecated)
BitField< 9, 1, uint32_t> R; // ROM protection (deprecated)
BitField<10, 1, uint32_t> reserved3; // Should Be Zero
BitField<11, 1, uint32_t> Z; // program flow prediction enable
BitField<12, 1, uint32_t> I; // L1 instruction cache enable
BitField<13, 1, uint32_t> V; // location of exception vectors: 0=normal(0x00000000), 1=high(0xFFFF0000)
BitField<14, 1, uint32_t> reserved4; // Read As One/Should Be One
BitField<15, 1, uint32_t> L4; // If zero, loads to PC will set the T bit (otherwise, they won't)
BitField<16, 6, uint32_t> reserved5; // Read As 0b000101
BitField<22, 1, uint32_t> U; // unaligned data access operation enable (including support for mixed-endianness data)
BitField<23, 1, uint32_t> XP; // hardware page translation: subpage AP bits enable
BitField<24, 1, uint32_t> reserved6; // SBZ/RAZ
BitField<25, 1, uint32_t> EE; // Value is copied to the E bit of CPSR when taking an exception
BitField<26, 1, uint32_t> reserved7; // SBZ/RAZ
BitField<27, 1, uint32_t> NMFI; // If one, FIQs behave as NMFIs (otherwise, they have normal behavior)
BitField<28, 1, uint32_t> TEX_remap; // TEX remap enable
BitField<29, 1, uint32_t> force_AP; // Force AP enable
BitField<30, 2, uint32_t> reserved8; // SBZ/RAZ
return reinterpret_cast<Type&>(raw[0]);
auto& AuxiliaryControl() {
union Type {
uint32_t raw;
BitField<0, 1, uint32_t> RS; // Return stack enable (set on reset)
BitField<1, 1, uint32_t> DB; // Dynamic branch prediction enable (set on reset)
BitField<2, 1, uint32_t> SB; // Static branch prediction enable (set on reset)
BitField<3, 1, uint32_t> F; // Instruction folding enable
BitField<4, 1, uint32_t> EXCL; // 0 = L1 and L2 caches are inclusive, 1 = caches are exclusive
BitField<5, 1, uint32_t> SMP; // 0 = AMP (no coherency), 1 = SMP (coherency)
BitField<6, 1, uint32_t> L1_parity_checking; // L1 parity checking enable
BitField<7, 25, uint32_t> reserved; // Should be preserved
return reinterpret_cast<Type&>(raw[1]);
// privileged modes, only
auto& TranslationTableBase0() {
union Type {
uint32_t raw;
BitField< 3, 2, uint32_t> RGN; // Out cachable attributes for page table walking
BitField< 1, 1, uint32_t> S; // Page table walk to shared (S=1) or nonshared (S=0) memory
// Bits 13-ttbc.N:5 UNP/SBZ.
/*template<typename TTBC>
uint32_t GetTTB0(const TTBC& ttbc) const {
// return 18-N uppermost bits
return BitFieldView<14, 18, uint32_t>(raw) >> ttbc.N;
return reinterpret_cast<Type&>(raw[3]);
// TODO: TranslationTableBase1
// privileged modes, only
auto& TranslationTableBaseControl() {
union Type {
uint32_t raw;
// NOTE: Reading this register (or specifically, "N") returns the size of the page table boundary for TTBR0. SBZ_UNP should be zero then.
// This is probably equivalent to just returning the value of N, though...
BitField< 0, 3, uint32_t> N; // 0=Use Translation Table Base Register 0; otherwise=Consider TTBR1
BitField< 3, 29, uint32_t> SBZ_UNP; // Should Be Zero or Unpredictable
return reinterpret_cast<Type&>(raw[4]);
// Accessible from all modes
auto& ThreadLocalStorage() {
union Type {
// TODO: Double-check that this does not contain any other fields
uint32_t virtual_addr;
return reinterpret_cast<Type&>(raw[5]);
} cp15;
uint64_t cycle_count;
static_assert(std::is_pod<State>::value, "State is not a POD type");
enum class OperandShifterMode : uint32_t {
LSL = 0, // Logical Shift Left
LSR = 1, // Logical Shift Right
ASR = 2, // Arithmetic Shift Right
ROR_RRX = 3, // ROtate Right or Rotate Right with Extend
union ARMInstr {
uint32_t raw;
BitField<28, 4, uint32_t> cond;
BitField<24, 4, uint32_t> opcode_prim;
BitField< 4, 20, uint32_t> identifier_4_23;
BitField<20, 8, uint32_t> identifier_20_27;
BitField< 0, 24, int32_t> branch_target;
BitField< 0, 8, uint32_t> immed_8;
BitField<22, 1, uint32_t> R;
BitField<25, 1, uint32_t> msr_I;
BitField<16, 4, uint32_t> msr_field_mask;
uint32_t ExpandMSRFieldMask() const {
return (msr_field_mask & 0x8) * (0xFF << 21)
| (msr_field_mask & 0x4) * (0xFF << 14)
| (msr_field_mask & 0x2) * (0xFF << 7)
| (msr_field_mask & 0x1) * 0xFF;
// Addressing Mode 1
BitField< 5, 2, OperandShifterMode> addr1_shift;
BitField< 7, 5, uint32_t> addr1_shift_imm;
BitField< 8, 4, uint32_t> rotate_imm;
BitField<20, 1, uint32_t> addr1_S; // update CPSR flags
BitField< 0, 4, uint32_t> addr3_immed_lo;
BitField< 8, 4, uint32_t> addr3_immed_hi;
// The HLS bits are weird: Originally they were used to configure
// signed/unsigned (S), load/store (L), and halfword/byte (H).
// However, certain configurations are invalid or have a different meaning:
// S=0, H=0 is a different instruction
// S=1, L=0 is used to define double-word access
BitField< 5, 1, uint32_t> addr3_H;
BitField< 6, 1, uint32_t> addr3_S;
BitField<20, 1, uint32_t> addr3_L;
// Addressing Mode 4 - Load/Store Multiple
BitField< 0, 16, uint32_t> addr4_registers;
BitField<20, 1, uint32_t> addr4_L; // 0=Store, 1=Load
BitField<21, 1, uint32_t> addr4_W; // Update base register after the transfer
BitField<22, 1, uint32_t> addr4_S; // ??
BitField<23, 1, uint32_t> addr4_U; // 0=Decrement address, 1=Increment address
BitField<24, 1, uint32_t> addr4_P; // 0=Change address after transfer, 1=Change address before transfer
// NOTE: Despite their name, these are generic to all adressing modes, it seems.
// TODO: These are actually addressing mode 2/5 fields
BitField<21, 1, uint32_t> ldr_W;
BitField<23, 1, uint32_t> ldr_U;
BitField<24, 1, uint32_t> ldr_P;
BitField<25, 1, uint32_t> ldr_I;
// For VFP instructions, this bit is used to select a register index (D=0: bottom 16 registers, D=1: top 16 registers)
BitField< 0, 8, uint32_t> addr5_offset; // actual offset is obtained by multiplying with 4
BitField<20, 1, uint32_t> addr5_L; // 0=Store, 1=Load
BitField<22, 1, uint32_t> addr5_D;
BitField< 5, 2, OperandShifterMode> ldr_shift;
BitField< 7, 5, uint32_t> ldr_shift_imm;
BitField< 0, 12, uint32_t> ldr_offset;
BitField< 0, 4, uint32_t> idx_rm;
BitField< 8, 4, uint32_t> idx_rs;
BitField<12, 4, uint32_t> idx_rd;
BitField<16, 4, uint32_t> idx_rn;
BitField<16, 5, uint32_t> sat_imm;
BitField< 6, 1, uint32_t> cps_F;
BitField< 7, 1, uint32_t> cps_I;
BitField< 8, 1, uint32_t> cps_A;
BitField<19, 1, uint32_t> cps_imod_enable; // modify interrupt flags
BitField<18, 1, uint32_t> cps_imod_value; // new value for interrupt flags (used iff cps_imod_enable is true)
BitField<17, 1, uint32_t> cps_mmod; // modify processor mode
BitField< 0, 5, ProcessorMode> cps_mode;
BitField< 8, 4, uint32_t> coproc_id;
BitField<21, 3, uint32_t> coproc_opcode1;
BitField< 5, 3, uint32_t> coproc_opcode2;
BitField<10, 2, uint32_t> uxtb_rotate;
BitField< 5, 1, uint32_t> vfp_data_M;
BitField< 7, 1, uint32_t> vfp_data_N;
BitField< 6, 1, uint32_t> vfp_data_opcode_s;
BitField<20, 1, uint32_t> vfp_data_opcode_r;
BitField<21, 1, uint32_t> vfp_data_opcode_q;
BitField<23, 1, uint32_t> vfp_data_opcode_p;
enum class AddrMode1Encoding {
inline AddrMode1Encoding GetAddrMode1Encoding(const ARMInstr& instr) {
auto raw = instr.raw;
// Bits 26 and 27 must be zero
bool is_valid_addr_mode1_instruction = (0 == ViewBitField<26, 2, uint32_t>(raw));
if (!is_valid_addr_mode1_instruction)
return AddrMode1Encoding::Unknown;
auto is_immediate = ViewBitField<25, 1, uint32_t>(raw);
if (is_immediate)
return AddrMode1Encoding::Imm;
// Check whether this is a register shift or an immediate shift
auto is_register_shift = ViewBitField<4, 1, uint32_t>(raw);
if (!is_register_shift)
return AddrMode1Encoding::ShiftByImm;
// register shift encodings must have bit 7 set to zero to be valid.
auto is_valid_register_shift = (0 == ViewBitField<7, 1, uint32_t>(raw));
if (is_valid_register_shift)
return AddrMode1Encoding::ShiftByReg;
return AddrMode1Encoding::Unknown;
enum class AddrMode3AccessType {
// These three load a small value into a larger register, hence sign-extension may be wished
// These load values into equally-sized registers, hence sign-extension is not applicable
// Not an addressing mode 3 instruction
union ThumbInstr {
uint16_t raw;
BitField<13, 3, uint16_t> opcode_upper3;
BitField<12, 4, uint16_t> opcode_upper4;
BitField<11, 5, uint16_t> opcode_upper5;
BitField<10, 6, uint16_t> opcode_upper6;
BitField< 9, 7, uint16_t> opcode_upper7;
BitField< 8, 8, uint16_t> opcode_upper8;
BitField< 7, 9, uint16_t> opcode_upper9;
BitField< 6, 10, uint16_t> opcode_upper10;
BitField<0, 3, uint16_t> idx_rd_low;
BitField<3, 3, uint16_t> idx_rm;
BitField<6, 3, uint16_t> idx_rn;
BitField<8, 3, uint16_t> idx_rd_high;
BitField<6, 1, uint16_t> idx_rm_upperbit;
BitField<7, 1, uint16_t> idx_rd_upperbit;
BitField<6, 5, uint16_t> immed_mid_5;
BitField<6, 3, uint16_t> immed_mid_5_lower3;
BitField<9, 2, uint16_t> immed_mid_5_upper2;
BitField<0, 7, uint16_t> immed_low_7;
BitField<0, 8, uint16_t> immed_low_8;
BitField<0, 8, int16_t> signed_immed_low_8;
BitField<0, 11, int16_t> signed_immed_11;
BitField<0, 11, uint16_t> unsigned_immed_11;
// Conditional Branch
BitField<8, 4, uint16_t> cond;
// Push/Pop
BitField<0, 8, uint16_t> register_list;
} // namespace