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synced 2025-03-19 15:50:16 +01:00
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#pragma once
#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <exception>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/mp11/algorithm.hpp>
#include <boost/mp11/list.hpp>
namespace Profiler {
using TimePoint = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock>;
using Duration = std::chrono::microseconds;
* A DurationMeasure measures the time from a fixed starting point in time to
* later moments in time.
class DurationMeasure {
TimePoint begin;
DurationMeasure(TimePoint begin) : begin(begin) {
Duration TimePassedUntil(TimePoint) const;
struct Metric {
/// Total time spend on the given task
/// TODO: Should use an atomic for this!
Duration total;
class Accumulator {
friend class Activity;
Accumulator(const Accumulator&) = delete;
Accumulator& operator=(const Accumulator&) = delete;
Metric& metric;
DurationMeasure measure;
bool paused = false;
Accumulator(Metric& metric, TimePoint begin) : metric(metric), measure(begin) {
~Accumulator() {
void Interrupt(TimePoint end) {
metric.total += measure.TimePassedUntil(end);
paused = true;
/// Resume after prior interruption
void Resume(TimePoint begin) {
measure = DurationMeasure(begin);
paused = false;
bool IsPaused() const {
return paused;
* Returns metrics for the given TimePoint.
* @note If the given time point is earlier than begin, it is assumed that
* measuring has been interrupted throughout the entire time between
* the two TimePoints.
* Thread-safe.
Metric SnapshotFor(TimePoint) const;
class Activity;
struct FrozenMetrics {
const Activity& activity;
Metric metric;
std::vector<FrozenMetrics> sub_metrics;
* The life time of these should last until the end of the program so that references are guaranteed to be stable.
class Activity {
public: // TODO: Iteration interface!
std::string name;
Metric metric = {};
// Parent activity, or nullptr for the root activity
Activity* parent = nullptr;
// Using std::list here because we need stable references when appending new activities.
// TODO: Use something that has more efficient iteration, and random-access for compile-time-specified activities!
// We also need thread-safe iteration while adding new elements at the end of the list.
// Invariant: Not more than one of these IsMeasuring at any point in time.
// Invariant: !IsMeasuring implies no sub activity IsMeasuring.
// NOTE: The first entries are occupied by compile-time activities
// std::list<Activity> sub_activities;
std::list<Activity> sub_activities;
// @pre: Only active if parent->accumulator is active
// TODO: Why is this a unique_ptr again?
std::unique_ptr<Accumulator> accumulator;
/// Creates the root activity in the measuring state
Activity() : name("root") {
accumulator = std::make_unique<Accumulator>(metric, std::chrono::steady_clock::now());
friend class Profiler;
bool IsMeasuring() const {
return accumulator && !accumulator->IsPaused();
void InterruptAt(TimePoint);
void ResumeFrom(TimePoint);
/// Creates the activity in the stopped state
Activity(Activity& parent, std::string_view name) : name(name), parent(&parent) {
* Look up or create new sub task with the given name
Activity& GetSubActivity(std::string_view name);
* Interrupt all measurements in this activity, including any subactivities
void Interrupt();
* Starts measurement after construction or resumes measurements on this activity after a prior call to Interrupt().
* Resumption propagates to all parent activities up to the root.
void Resume();
void SwitchSubActivity(std::string_view from, std::string_view to);
// Get a snapshot of the metrics for this and all child activities
// Thread-safe.
FrozenMetrics GetMetricsAt(TimePoint) const;
std::string_view GetName() const {
return name;
/// Compile-time tag used for zero-cost lookup of activities with tags in the Activities namespace
template<typename ActivityTag>
struct TaggedActivity {
using SubTags = typename ActivityTag::tags;
Activity activity;
TaggedActivity() {
auto populate_activity = [](Activity& activity, auto tag, auto&& self) {
boost::mp11::mp_for_each<typename decltype(tag)::tags>([&activity, self](auto subtag) {
// activity.sub_activities.reserve(100);
auto& sub_activity = activity.GetSubActivity(subtag.name);
self(sub_activity, subtag, self);
//// // Trigger creation by activity lookup
//// static_cast<void>(activity.GetSubActivity(tag.name));
populate_activity(activity, ActivityTag{}, populate_activity);
// boost::mp11::mp_for_each<SubTags>([activity=&this->activity](auto tag) {
//// // Trigger creation by activity lookup
//// static_cast<void>(activity.GetSubActivity(tag.name));
// TaggedActivity<decltype(tag)> sub_activity;
// activity.sub_activities.emplace_back(std::move(sub_activity.activity));
// });
Activity& operator*() {
return activity;
Activity* operator->() {
return &activity;
const Activity& operator*() const {
return activity;
const Activity* operator->() const {
return &activity;
template<typename SubActivityTag>
TaggedActivity<SubActivityTag>& GetSubActivity() {
constexpr size_t index = boost::mp11::mp_find<SubTags, SubActivityTag>::value;
static_assert(index != boost::mp11::mp_size<SubTags>::value, "Given tag is not a child of this activity");
// reinterpret_cast here is (hopefully) fine since Activity is the only member in TaggedActivity
auto& result = *std::next(activity.sub_activities.begin(), index);
if (result.name != SubActivityTag::name) {
throw std::runtime_error("WTF? " + result.name + " <-> " + std::string{SubActivityTag::name});
return reinterpret_cast<TaggedActivity<SubActivityTag>&>(result);
// return reinterpret_cast<TaggedActivity<SubActivityTag>&>(*std::next(activity.sub_activities.begin(), index));
// template<typename FirstTag, typename SecondTag, typename... SubActivityTags>
// auto GetSubActivity() {
// auto& sub_activity = GetSubActivity<FirstTag>();
// return sub_activity.template GetSubActivity<SecondTag, SubActivityTags...>();
// }
Activity& GetSubActivity(std::string_view name) {
return activity.GetSubActivity(name);
namespace Activities {
using std::string_view_literals::operator""sv;
template<typename... SubActivities>
struct ActivityTag {
// subset of child activities that can be looked up at compile-time using their type rather than a runtime name
using tags = boost::mp11::mp_list<SubActivities...>;
struct OS : ActivityTag<> { static constexpr auto name = "OS"sv; };
struct Loader : ActivityTag<> { static constexpr auto name = "Loader"sv; };
struct Shader : ActivityTag<> { static constexpr auto name = "Shader"sv; };
struct InputAssembly : ActivityTag<> { static constexpr auto name = "InputAssembly"sv; };
struct VertexLoader : ActivityTag<Loader, Shader, InputAssembly> { static constexpr auto name = "VertexLoader"sv; };
struct SubmitBatch : ActivityTag<VertexLoader> { static constexpr auto name = "SubmitBatch"sv; };
struct GPU : ActivityTag<SubmitBatch> { static constexpr auto name = "GPU"sv; };
struct Root : ActivityTag<OS, GPU> { static constexpr auto name = "root"sv; };
} // namespace Activities
class Profiler {
struct Timeline {
// TODO: Keep list of events/tasks: std::vector<START, std::variant<Event, Task*>>
Task* active_task;
// TODO: Keep separate root Activity per thread!
// Activity root_activity;
TaggedActivity<Activities::Root> root_activity;
Profiler() {
Activity& GetActivity(std::string_view name) {
return root_activity->GetSubActivity(name);
// Get a snapshot of the metrics for all activities
// Thread-safe.
FrozenMetrics Freeze() const;
// TODO: Activity GetActive() => Should be able to dynamically add a sub activity for the current one!
// Resumes the subactivity for the current scope; at scope exit, the entire activity is interrupted
// This function may be called with multiple sub category strings, e.g. MeasureScope(activity, "SubTask", "SubSubTask")
template<typename... SubCategories>
inline auto MeasureScope(Activity& activity, SubCategories&&... subs) {
struct ScopeGuard {
Activity& activity;
~ScopeGuard() noexcept(false) {
// If there are uncaught exceptions, we probably end up in an unexpected category.
// Just abort profiling in this case hence
if (!std::uncaught_exceptions()) {
// Successively iterate into sub categories based on the given strings
Activity* sub_activity = &activity;
((sub_activity = &sub_activity->GetSubActivity(std::forward<SubCategories>(subs))), ...);
// On scope exit, interrupt the parent activity
return ScopeGuard { activity };
} // namespace Profiler