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#pragma once
#include "../bit_field.h"
#include <boost/mp11.hpp>
#include <cstdint>
namespace Platform {
namespace IPC {
using BitField::v1::BitField;
union CommandHeader {
uint32_t raw;
BitField< 0, 6, uint32_t> size_translate_params; // in words
BitField< 6, 6, uint32_t> num_normal_params;
BitField<16, 16, uint32_t> command_id;
static CommandHeader Make(uint32_t command_id, uint32_t num_normal_params, uint32_t size_translate_params) {
CommandHeader command = { 0 };
command.command_id = command_id;
command.num_normal_params = num_normal_params;
command.size_translate_params = size_translate_params;
return command;
union TranslationDescriptor {
uint32_t raw;
enum Type : uint32_t {
Handles = 0,
StaticBuffer = 1,
PXIBuffer = 2,
PXIConstBuffer = 3,
// Technically this is a mapping request, but it will be rejected with a kernel panic
MapInvalid = 4,
MapReadOnly = 5,
MapWriteOnly = 6,
MapReadWrite = 7
enum MapAccessLevel : uint32_t {
Invalid = 0,
Read = 1,
Write = 2,
ReadWrite = 3
BitField<1, 3, Type> type;
union {
// Close client handle
BitField< 4, 1, uint32_t> close_handle;
// Fill the following words with the process id
BitField< 5, 1, uint32_t> fill_process_id;
BitField<26, 6, uint32_t> num_handles_minus_one;
uint32_t NumHandles() const {
return num_handles_minus_one + 1;
} handles;
union {
// buffer id for the destination process to store data in
BitField< 10, 4, uint32_t> id;
// number of bytes to store in the destination process buffer
BitField< 14, 18, uint32_t> size; // TODO: Maximal size unconfirmed
} static_buffer;
union {
BitField<1, 1, uint32_t> read_only;
// NOTE: The actual size of this field is unknown
BitField<4, 4, uint32_t> id;
// NOTE: The actual size of this field is unknown
BitField<8, 24, uint32_t> size;
} pxi_buffer;
union {
// Permissions for the mapped buffer in the target process
BitField< 1, 2, MapAccessLevel> permissions;
// number of bytes to store in the destination process buffer
BitField< 4, 27, uint32_t> size; // TODO: Maximal size unknown
// If this field is set, the buffer will be unmapped from the sending process instead of mapped in the target process
BitField<31, 1, uint32_t> unmap;
} map_buffer;
static TranslationDescriptor MakeHandles(uint32_t num_handles, bool close = false) {
TranslationDescriptor desc = { 0 };
desc.type = Type::Handles;
desc.handles.num_handles_minus_one = num_handles - 1;
desc.handles.close_handle = close;
return desc;
static TranslationDescriptor MakeProcessHandle() {
TranslationDescriptor desc = { 0 };
desc.type = Type::Handles;
desc.handles.fill_process_id = true;
return desc;
static TranslationDescriptor MakeStaticBuffer(uint32_t id, uint32_t num_bytes) {
TranslationDescriptor desc = { 0 };
desc.type = Type::StaticBuffer;
desc.static_buffer.id = id;
desc.static_buffer.size = num_bytes;
return desc;
static TranslationDescriptor MakePXIBuffer(uint32_t id, uint32_t num_bytes) {
TranslationDescriptor desc = { 0 };
desc.type = Type::PXIBuffer;
desc.pxi_buffer.id = id;
desc.pxi_buffer.size = num_bytes;
return desc;
static TranslationDescriptor MakePXIConstBuffer(uint32_t id, uint32_t num_bytes) {
TranslationDescriptor desc = { 0 };
desc.type = Type::PXIConstBuffer;
desc.pxi_buffer.id = id;
desc.pxi_buffer.size = num_bytes;
return desc;
static TranslationDescriptor UnmapBuffer(uint32_t num_bytes) {
TranslationDescriptor desc = { 0 };
desc.type = Type::MapReadOnly; // Not sure whether the permissions matter at all for unmapping
desc.map_buffer.size = num_bytes;
return desc;
static TranslationDescriptor MapBuffer(uint32_t num_bytes, MapAccessLevel access) {
TranslationDescriptor desc = { 0 };
desc.type = Type::MapInvalid; // Proper type is set through "access".
desc.map_buffer.permissions = access;
desc.map_buffer.size = num_bytes;
return desc;
enum class HandleType {
namespace detail {
template<typename T, typename = std::void_t<>>
struct has_ipc_serialize : std::false_type {};
template<typename T>
struct has_ipc_serialize<T, std::void_t<decltype(T::IPCSerialize(std::declval<T>()))>> : std::true_type {};
template<typename T, typename = std::void_t<>>
struct has_ipc_deserialize : std::false_type {};
template<typename T>
struct has_ipc_deserialize<T, std::void_t<decltype(std::apply(T::IPCDeserialize, T::IPCSerialize(std::declval<T>())))>> : std::true_type {};
template<typename T>
auto Serialize(const T& data) {
if constexpr (std::is_enum_v<T>) {
using underlying = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
static_assert( std::is_same_v<underlying, uint32_t>,
"Only 32-bit enums are supported currently");
return std::make_tuple(static_cast<underlying>(data));
} else {
static_assert( has_ipc_serialize<T>::value,
"T cannot be used in IPC commands because it does not define IPCSerialize");
return T::IPCSerialize(data);
template<typename T>
T EnumDeserialize(uint32_t data) {
return T { data };
template<typename T>
auto GetDeserializer() {
if constexpr (std::is_enum_v<T>) {
static_assert( std::is_same_v<std::underlying_type_t<T>, uint32_t>,
"Only 32-bit enums are supported currently");
return EnumDeserialize<T>;
} else {
static_assert( has_ipc_deserialize<T>::value,
"T cannot be used in IPC commands because it does not define IPCDeserialize");
return T::IPCDeserialize;
} // namespace detail
/// Collection of tags used to describe each parameter in an IPC request
namespace CommandTags {
template<size_t num_words>
struct tag { static constexpr size_t size = num_words; };
struct uint32_tag : tag<1> {};
struct uint64_tag : tag<2> {};
* Specifically describes the command result as a tag; technically, this
* could be described using uint32_t, but some implementations may want to
* treat the result separately. In particular, ctrulib 3DS homebrew treats
* the result code as a signed int32_t value.
struct result_tag : tag<1> {};
/// Copy one or more kernel object handles between processes
template<HandleType Type, size_t num = 1>
struct handle_tag : tag<1 + num> {};
/// Move one or more kernel object handles between processes
template<HandleType Type, size_t num = 1>
struct handle_close_tag : tag<1 + num> {};
struct process_id_tag : tag<2> {};
// TODO: Not sure whether to encode the static buffer id in this tag or not
//template<unsigned id>
struct static_buffer_tag : tag<2> { /*static_assert(id < 16, "Static buffer id must be smaller than 16"); */ };
template<bool read_only>
struct pxi_buffer_tag : tag<2> { /*static_assert(id < 16, "Target static buffer id must be smaller than 16"); */ };
// Separates "request data" from "response data"
struct response_tag : tag<2> {};
struct map_buffer_r_tag : tag<2> {};
struct map_buffer_w_tag : tag<2> {};
struct map_buffer_rw_tag : tag<2> {};
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
constexpr std::size_t IPCSizeForType();
template<typename T>
struct size_of_tag_for_type : std::integral_constant<size_t, IPCSizeForType<T>()> {};
template<typename T>
constexpr std::size_t IPCSizeForType() {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, uint32_t>) {
return 1;
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, uint64_t>) {
return 2;
} else if constexpr (std::is_enum_v<T>) {
using underlying = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
static_assert((sizeof(underlying) % 4) == 0, "Enum size must be a multiple of 4");
return sizeof(underlying) / 4;
} else {
using constitutent_types = std::invoke_result_t<decltype(Platform::IPC::detail::Serialize<T>), T>;
return boost::mp11::mp_fold<
boost::mp11::mp_transform<size_of_tag_for_type, constitutent_types>,
} // namespace detail
/// Serialized C++ structure into a list of consecutive normal parameters
template<typename T>
struct serialized_tag : tag<detail::IPCSizeForType<T>()> {};
// Size of the corresponding data in TLS memory
template<typename Tag>
struct data_size : boost::mp11::mp_size_t<Tag::size> {
namespace detail {
/// Convenience typedef for the empty type list (TODO: This is redundant now!)
using empty_tuple = boost::mp11::mp_list<>;
/// Convenience template for constructing a single-element type list (TODO: This is redundant now!)
template<typename T>
using singleton_tuple = boost::mp11::mp_list<T>;
/// Convenience template for appending a type to a type list (TODO: This is redundant now!)
template<typename List, typename Type>
using append = boost::mp11::mp_push_back<List, Type>;
} // namespace detail
template<template<unsigned, typename, typename, typename, typename> class Base,
unsigned id,
typename RequestNormalList = detail::empty_tuple,
typename RequestTranslateList = detail::empty_tuple,
typename ResponseNormalList = detail::empty_tuple,
typename ResponseTranslateList = detail::empty_tuple>
struct IPCCommandBuilder;
* Specialization of IPCCommandBuilder used when only request normal parameters
* have been given thus far: Adding request translate parameters or starting
* the response list will move to the next specialization and thus prevent
* further request normal parameters from being added.
* This enforces IPC parameters to be specified in a well-defined order.
template<template<unsigned, typename A, typename B = detail::empty_tuple, typename C = detail::empty_tuple, typename D = detail::empty_tuple> class Base, unsigned id, typename RequestNormalList>
struct IPCCommandBuilder<Base, id, RequestNormalList> {
using add_uint32 = Base<id, detail::append<RequestNormalList, CommandTags::uint32_tag>>;
using add_uint64 = Base<id, detail::append<RequestNormalList, CommandTags::uint64_tag>>;
// TODO: Rename to simply "add"
template<typename T>
using add_serialized = Base<id, detail::append<RequestNormalList, CommandTags::serialized_tag<T>>>;
template<typename NewTag>
using AddTranslateParam = Base<id, RequestNormalList, detail::singleton_tuple<NewTag>>;
template<HandleType Type>
using add_handle = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::handle_tag<Type>>;
template<HandleType Type, size_t num>
using add_handles = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::handle_tag<Type, num>>;
template<HandleType Type>
using add_and_close_handle = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::handle_close_tag<Type>>;
template<HandleType Type, size_t num>
using add_and_close_handles = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::handle_close_tag<Type, num>>;
using add_process_id = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::process_id_tag>;
using add_static_buffer = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::static_buffer_tag>;
using add_pxi_buffer = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::pxi_buffer_tag<false>>;
using add_pxi_buffer_r = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::pxi_buffer_tag<true>>;
using add_buffer_mapping_read = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::map_buffer_r_tag>;
using add_buffer_mapping_write = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::map_buffer_w_tag>;
using add_buffer_mapping_read_write = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::map_buffer_rw_tag>;
using response = Base<id, RequestNormalList, detail::empty_tuple, detail::singleton_tuple<CommandTags::result_tag>>;
* Specialization of IPCCommandBuilder used when request translate parameters
* are being given: It's not possible to add further request normal parameters
* in this specialization. Furthermore, starting the response list will move
* to the next specialization and thus prevent any further request parameters
* from being added.
* This enforces IPC parameters to be specified in a well-defined order.
template<template<unsigned, typename A, typename B, typename C = detail::empty_tuple, typename D = detail::empty_tuple> class Base, unsigned id, typename RequestNormalList, typename RequestTranslateList>
struct IPCCommandBuilder<Base, id, RequestNormalList, RequestTranslateList> {
template<typename NewTag>
using AddTranslateParam = Base<id, RequestNormalList, detail::append<RequestTranslateList, NewTag>>;
template<HandleType Type>
using add_handle = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::handle_tag<Type>>;
template<HandleType Type, size_t num>
using add_handles = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::handle_tag<Type, num>>;
template<HandleType Type>
using add_and_close_handle = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::handle_close_tag<Type>>;
template<HandleType Type, size_t num>
using add_and_close_handles = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::handle_close_tag<Type, num>>;
using add_process_id = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::process_id_tag>;
using add_static_buffer = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::static_buffer_tag>;
using add_pxi_buffer = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::pxi_buffer_tag<false>>;
using add_pxi_buffer_r = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::pxi_buffer_tag<true>>;
using add_buffer_mapping_read = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::map_buffer_r_tag>;
using add_buffer_mapping_write = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::map_buffer_w_tag>;
using add_buffer_mapping_read_write = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::map_buffer_rw_tag>;
using response = Base<id, RequestNormalList, RequestTranslateList, detail::singleton_tuple<CommandTags::result_tag>>;
* Specialization of IPCCommandBuilder used when response normal parameters
* are being given: It's not possible to add further request parameters in this
* specialization. Furthermore, adding any response translate parameters
* will move to the next specialization and thus prevent any further request
* normal parameters from being added.
* This enforces IPC parameters to be specified in a well-defined order.
template<template<unsigned, typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D = detail::empty_tuple> class Base, unsigned id, typename RequestNormalList, typename RequestTranslateList, typename ResponseNormalList>
struct IPCCommandBuilder<Base, id, RequestNormalList, RequestTranslateList, ResponseNormalList> {
using add_uint32 = Base<id, RequestNormalList, RequestTranslateList, detail::append<ResponseNormalList, CommandTags::uint32_tag>>;
using add_uint64 = Base<id, RequestNormalList, RequestTranslateList, detail::append<ResponseNormalList, CommandTags::uint64_tag>>;
template<typename T>
using add_serialized = Base<id, RequestNormalList, RequestTranslateList, detail::append<ResponseNormalList, CommandTags::serialized_tag<T>>>;
template<typename NewTag>
using AddTranslateParam = Base<id, RequestNormalList, RequestTranslateList, ResponseNormalList, detail::singleton_tuple<NewTag>>;
template<HandleType Type>
using add_handle = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::handle_tag<Type>>;
template<HandleType Type, size_t num>
using add_handles = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::handle_tag<Type, num>>;
template<HandleType Type>
using add_and_close_handle = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::handle_close_tag<Type>>;
template<HandleType Type, size_t num>
using add_and_close_handles = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::handle_close_tag<Type, num>>;
using add_process_id = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::process_id_tag>;
using add_static_buffer = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::static_buffer_tag>;
using add_pxi_buffer = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::pxi_buffer_tag<false>>;
using add_pxi_buffer_r = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::pxi_buffer_tag<true>>;
// TODO: Rename these to "unmap" buffer because that's what they are used for in responses!
using add_buffer_mapping_read = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::map_buffer_r_tag>;
using add_buffer_mapping_write = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::map_buffer_w_tag>;
using add_buffer_mapping_read_write = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::map_buffer_rw_tag>;
* Base class for constructing IPCCommand types: IPCCommandBuilder takes care
* of ensuring that no invalid commands are constructed; for a command to be
* valid, all IPC command parameters must be given in order, starting with
* request normal parameters, followed by request translate parameters,
* response normal parameters, and finally response translate parameters.
* In the the default implementation of IPCCommandBuilder, used when response translate
* parameters are being given, it's not possible to add any request parameters
* or any further response normal parameters in this specialization.
* This enforces IPC parameters to be specified in a well-defined order.
template<template<unsigned, typename, typename, typename, typename> class Base, unsigned id, typename RequestNormalList, typename RequestTranslateList, typename ResponseNormalList, typename ResponseTranslateList>
struct IPCCommandBuilder {
template<typename NewTag>
using AddTranslateParam = Base<id, RequestNormalList, RequestTranslateList,
ResponseNormalList, detail::append<ResponseTranslateList, NewTag>>;
template<HandleType Type>
using add_handle = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::handle_tag<Type>>;
template<HandleType Type, size_t num>
using add_handles = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::handle_tag<Type, num>>;
template<HandleType Type>
using add_and_close_handle = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::handle_close_tag<Type>>;
template<HandleType Type, size_t num>
using add_and_close_handles = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::handle_close_tag<Type, num>>;
using add_process_id = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::process_id_tag>;
using add_static_buffer = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::static_buffer_tag>;
using add_pxi_buffer = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::pxi_buffer_tag<false>>;
using add_pxi_buffer_r = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::pxi_buffer_tag<true>>;
// TODO: Rename these to "unmap" buffer because that's what they are used for in responses!
using add_buffer_mapping_read = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::map_buffer_r_tag>;
using add_buffer_mapping_write = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::map_buffer_w_tag>;
using add_buffer_mapping_read_write = AddTranslateParam<CommandTags::map_buffer_rw_tag>;
* Utility type used to encode IPC command descriptions in the type system:
* An IPC command is characterized by its request parameters and its response
* parameters. Both sets of these are subdivided into normal and translate
* parameters. The four resulting parameter subsets are specified in the order
* "request normal", "request translate", "response normal", "response translate".
* Types describing an IPC command are constructed iteratively using the "add_"
* type constructors inherited from IPCCommandBuilder, starting from the empty
* IPCCommand. IPCCommandBuilder ensures that the four parameter subsets are
* given in the correct order.
* Encoding IPC commands in the type system like this has various advantages:
* - IPC commands are defined explicitly in a declarative manner, as opposed to
* manually parsing/constructing IPC commands with hardcoded TLS offsets and
* parameter translation.
* - IPC command parameters can automatically be deserialized from thread-local
* storage and forwarded to a C++ handler function. This is not only
* very convenient, but also reduces potential for human error by implicitly
* checking the handler function and the command definition for
* compatibility.
* - IPC command parameters can automatically be serialized to thread-local
* storage, such that a generic interface can be created that makes
* IPC command submission look like standard C++ function calls.
namespace mp11 = boost::mp11;
namespace detail {
template<typename List, template<typename> class Proj = mp11::mp_identity_t, template<typename...> class Op = mp11::mp_plus>
static constexpr auto projected_fold = mp11::mp_fold<mp11::mp_transform<Proj, List>, std::integral_constant<size_t, 0>, Op>::value;
} // namespace detail
template<unsigned command_id,
typename RequestNormalList = detail::empty_tuple,
typename RequestTranslateList = detail::empty_tuple,
typename ResponseNormalList = detail::empty_tuple,
typename ResponseTranslateList = detail::empty_tuple>
struct IPCCommand : IPCCommandBuilder<IPCCommand, command_id, RequestNormalList, RequestTranslateList, ResponseNormalList, ResponseTranslateList> {
static constexpr auto id = command_id;
using request_normal_list = RequestNormalList;
using request_translate_list = RequestTranslateList;
using request_list = boost::mp11::mp_append<request_normal_list, request_translate_list>;
using response_normal_list = ResponseNormalList;
using response_translate_list = ResponseTranslateList;
using response_list = boost::mp11::mp_append<response_normal_list, response_translate_list>;
using request_normal_parameter_sizes = mp11::mp_transform<CommandTags::data_size, RequestNormalList>;
static constexpr auto size_request_normal_parameters = detail::projected_fold<request_normal_parameter_sizes>;
using response_normal_parameter_sizes = mp11::mp_transform<CommandTags::data_size, ResponseNormalList>;
static constexpr auto size_response_normal_parameters = detail::projected_fold<response_normal_parameter_sizes>;
using request_translate_parameter_sizes = mp11::mp_transform<CommandTags::data_size, RequestTranslateList>;
static constexpr auto size_request_translate_parameters = detail::projected_fold<request_translate_parameter_sizes>;
using response_translate_parameter_sizes = mp11::mp_transform<CommandTags::data_size, ResponseTranslateList>;
static constexpr auto size_response_translate_parameters = detail::projected_fold<response_translate_parameter_sizes>;
static constexpr uint32_t request_header = (static_cast<uint32_t>(id) << 16)
| (static_cast<uint32_t>(size_request_normal_parameters) << 6)
| static_cast<uint32_t>(size_request_translate_parameters);
// TODO: Which command id does this use? The actual one, or 0?
static constexpr uint32_t response_header = (static_cast<uint32_t>(id) << 16)
| (static_cast<uint32_t>(size_response_normal_parameters) << 6)
| static_cast<uint32_t>(size_response_translate_parameters);
} // namespace IPC
} // namespace Platform