mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 01:39:21 +01:00
795 lines
35 KiB
795 lines
35 KiB
#include "fs_common.hpp"
#include "pxi.hpp"
#include "cryptopp/aes.h"
#include "cryptopp/modes.h"
#include "os.hpp"
#include <framework/formats.hpp>
#include <framework/exceptions.hpp>
#include "platform/crypto.hpp"
#include "platform/file_formats/ncch.hpp"
#include "platform/pxi.hpp"
#include "pxi_fs.hpp"
#include "framework/meta_tools.hpp"
#include <range/v3/algorithm/copy.hpp>
#include <range/v3/algorithm/find.hpp>
#include <range/v3/algorithm/find_first_of.hpp>
#include <charconv>
#include <filesystem>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
std::vector<uint64_t>* nand_titles = nullptr;
namespace std {
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Platform::PXI::PM::ProgramInfo& info) {
os << fmt::format("(title id {:#x}, media type {})",
info.program_id, info.media_type == 0 ? "NAND" : info.media_type == 1 ? "SD" : info.media_type == 2 ? "Game card" : "Unknown");
return os;
} // namespace std
namespace HLE {
// namespace OS {
namespace PXI {
using Result = OS::Result;
using Thread = OS::Thread;
using FakeThread = OS::FakeThread;
using WrappedFakeThread = OS::WrappedFakeThread;
using ThreadPrinter = OS::ThreadPrinter;
using OSImpl = OS::OS;
static const auto RESULT_OK = OS::RESULT_OK;
struct HLETitle {
const char* name; // module name specified in the original NCCH
std::vector<uint64_t> dependencies = {};
const std::unordered_map<uint64_t, HLETitle> hle_titles = {
{ 0x4003000008a02, { "ErrDisp" } },
{ 0x4013000001002, { "sm" } },
{ 0x4013000001102, { "fs" } },
{ 0x4013000001402, { "pxi" } },
{ 0x4013000001502, { "am" } },
{ 0x4013000001602, { "cam" } },
{ 0x4013000001702, { "cfg", { 0x4013000003102 } } },
{ 0x4013000001802, { "cdc", { 0x4013000001f02, 0x4013000002102 } } },
{ 0x4013000001a02, { "dsp" } },
{ 0x4013000001b02, { "gpio" } },
// { 0x4013000001c02, { "gsp", { 0x4013000003502 } } }, // NEWS Hack
{ 0x4013000001d02, { "hid" } },
{ 0x4013000001e02, { "i2c" } },
{ 0x4013000001f02, { "mcu", { 0x4013000001e02 } } },
{ 0x4013000002002, { "mic" } },
{ 0x4013000002102, { "pdn" } },
{ 0x4013000002202, { "ptm", { 0x4013000001e02, 0x4013000001f02, 0x4013000002102 } } },
{ 0x4013000002402, { "ac", { 0x4013000002e02 } } },
{ 0x4013000002602, { "cecd", { 0x4013000003202 } } },
{ 0x4013000002702, { "csnd" } },
{ 0x4013000002802, { "dlp" } },
{ 0x4013000002902, { "http", { 0x4013000002e02 } } },
{ 0x4013000002a02, { "mp" } },
{ 0x4013000002b02, { "ndm", { 0x4013000002402, 0x4013000003202, 0x4013000003402 } } },
{ 0x4013000002c02, { "nim", { 0x4013000002402 } } },
{ 0x4013000002d02, { "nwm", { 0x4013000001f02 } } },
{ 0x4013000002e02, { "socket" } },
{ 0x4013000002f02, { "ssl", { 0x4013000002e02 } } },
{ 0x4013000003102, { "ps", { 0x4013000001f02 } } },
{ 0x4013000003202, { "friends", { 0x4013000002402, 0x4013000002e02 } } },
{ 0x4013000003302, { "ir", { 0x4013000001e02 } } },
{ 0x4013000003402, { "boss", { 0x4013000002402, 0x4013000003202 } } },
{ 0x4013000003502, { "news", { 0x4013000003202, 0x4013000003402 } } },
{ 0x4013000003702, { "ro" } },
{ 0x4013000003802, { "act" } },
{ 0x4013000004002, { "nfc" } },
{ 0x4013000008002, { "ns" } },
std::optional<const char*> GetHLEModuleName(uint64_t title_id) {
auto it = hle_titles.find(title_id);
if (it == hle_titles.end()) {
return std::nullopt;
return it->second.name;
FakePXI::FakePXI(FakeThread& thread)
: os(thread.GetOS()),
logger(*thread.GetLogger()) {
thread.name = "PxiFS0Thread";
Context context;
// Search for installed NAND titles
// TODO: Move titles to ./data/title
std::filesystem::path base_path = GetRootDataDirectory(os.settings);
auto parse_title_id_part = [](const std::string& filename) -> std::optional<uint32_t> {
// Expect an 8-digit zero-padded hexadecimal number
if (filename.size() != 8) {
return std::nullopt;
uint32_t title_id_word = 0;
auto result = std::from_chars(filename.data(), filename.data() + 8, title_id_word, 16);
if (result.ptr != filename.data() + 8) {
return std::nullopt;
return title_id_word;
for (const auto& dir : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(base_path)) {
if (auto title_id_high = parse_title_id_part(dir.path().filename().string())) {
for (const auto& subdir : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(dir)) {
if (auto title_id_low = parse_title_id_part(subdir.path().filename().string())) {
context.nand_titles.push_back((uint64_t { *title_id_high } << 32) | *title_id_low);
nand_titles = &context.nand_titles;
auto pxifs1_thread = std::make_shared<WrappedFakeThread>(thread.GetParentProcess(), [this,&context](FakeThread& thread) { return FSThread(thread, context, "PxiFS1"); });
pxifs1_thread->name = "PxiFS1Thread";
auto pxifsb_thread = std::make_shared<WrappedFakeThread>(thread.GetParentProcess(), [this,&context](FakeThread& thread) { return FSThread(thread, context, "PxiFSB"); });
pxifsb_thread->name = "PxiFSBThread";
auto pxifsr_thread = std::make_shared<WrappedFakeThread>(thread.GetParentProcess(), [this,&context](FakeThread& thread) { return FSThread(thread, context, "PxiFSR"); });
pxifsr_thread->name = "PxiFSRThread";
auto pxipm_thread = std::make_shared<WrappedFakeThread>(thread.GetParentProcess(), [this,&context](FakeThread& thread) { return PMThread(thread, context); });
pxipm_thread->name = "PxiPMThread";
auto pxips_thread = std::make_shared<WrappedFakeThread>(thread.GetParentProcess(), [this,&context](FakeThread& thread) { return PSThread(thread, context); });
pxips_thread->name = "PxiPSThread";
auto new_thread = std::make_shared<WrappedFakeThread>(thread.GetParentProcess(), [this,&context](FakeThread& thread) { return MCThread(thread, context); });
new_thread->name = "PxiMCThread";
auto new_thread = std::make_shared<WrappedFakeThread>(thread.GetParentProcess(), [this,&context](FakeThread& thread) { return AMThread(thread, context); });
new_thread->name = "PxiAMThread";
FSThread(thread, context, "PxiFS0");
namespace PM = Platform::PXI::PM;
FileFormat::ExHeader GetExtendedHeader(FS::FileContext& file_context, const KeyDatabase& keydb, HLE::PXI::FS::File& ncch_file) {
std::array<uint8_t, FileFormat::NCCHHeader::Tags::expected_serialized_size> ncch_raw;
auto [result, bytes_read] = ncch_file.Read(file_context, 0, sizeof(ncch_raw), FS::FileBufferInHostMemory(ncch_raw.data(), sizeof(ncch_raw)));
assert(result == RESULT_OK && bytes_read == sizeof(ncch_raw));
std::array<uint8_t, FileFormat::ExHeader::Tags::expected_serialized_size> exheader_raw;
std::tie(result, bytes_read) = ncch_file.Read(file_context, FileFormat::NCCHHeader::Tags::expected_serialized_size, sizeof(exheader_raw), FS::FileBufferInHostMemory(exheader_raw.data(), sizeof(exheader_raw)));
assert(result == RESULT_OK && bytes_read == sizeof(exheader_raw));
auto ncch_data_stream = FileFormat::MakeStreamInFromContainer(ncch_raw.begin(), ncch_raw.end());
auto ncch_header = FileFormat::Load<FileFormat::NCCHHeader>(ncch_data_stream);
auto exheader_data_stream = FileFormat::MakeStreamInFromContainer(exheader_raw.begin(), exheader_raw.end());
auto exheader = FileFormat::Load<FileFormat::ExHeader>(exheader_data_stream);
bool is_encrypted = !(ncch_header.flags & 4);
if (is_encrypted && exheader.aci.program_id == ncch_header.program_id) {
// ExHeader is not actually encrypted => override encryption state
is_encrypted = false;
if (is_encrypted) {
fprintf(stderr, "DECRYPTING EXHEADER: %c%c%c%c\n", ncch_header.magic[0], ncch_header.magic[1], ncch_header.magic[2], ncch_header.magic[3]);
std::array<uint8_t, 16> GenerateAESKey(const std::array<uint8_t, 16>& key_x, const std::array<uint8_t, 16>& key_y);
// 0x2c key slot
const std::array<uint8_t, 16>& key_x = keydb.aes_slots[0x2c].x.value();
std::array<uint8_t, 16> key_y;
memcpy(key_y.data(), &ncch_header, sizeof(key_y));
auto key = GenerateAESKey(key_x, key_y);
std::array<uint8_t, 16> iv {};
// First 8 bytes are the partition id interpreted as big-endian
memcpy(iv.data(), &ncch_header.partition_id, sizeof(ncch_header.partition_id));
std::reverse(iv.begin(), iv.begin() + 8);
iv[8] = 1;
CryptoPP::CTR_Mode<CryptoPP::AES>::Decryption dec;
dec.SetKeyWithIV(key.data(), sizeof(key), iv.data());
dec.ProcessData(reinterpret_cast<CryptoPP::byte*>(&exheader), reinterpret_cast<const CryptoPP::byte*>(&exheader), sizeof(exheader));
return exheader;
FileFormat::ExHeader GetExtendedHeader(Thread& thread, const Platform::FS::ProgramInfo& title_info) {
const auto& keydb = thread.GetParentProcess().interpreter_setup.keydb;
if (title_info.media_type == 0) {
for (auto& [title_id, module_info] : hle_titles) {
// If this module is HLE-ed, return a dummy exheader
if (title_id != title_info.program_id || !thread.GetOS().ShouldHLEProcess(module_info.name)) {
// Return a dummy exheader with minimal code segments. A virtual ExeFS is provided along with this.
FileFormat::ExHeader ret {};
strcpy((char*)ret.application_title.data(), module_info.name);
ret.section_text = { 0x100000, 1, 0x1000 };
ret.section_ro = { 0x101000, 1, 0x1000 };
ret.section_data = { 0x102000, 1, 0x1000 };
ret.aci.program_id = title_id;
ret.aci.version = 2; // constant for all titles
ranges::copy(module_info.dependencies, ret.dependencies.begin());
using KernelFlags = FileFormat::ExHeader::ARM11KernelCapabilityDescriptor::KernelFlags;
ret.aci.arm11_kernel_capabilities[0] = KernelFlags::Make().memory_type()(2);
ret.flags = ret.flags.compress_exefs_code()(false);
return ret;
// TODO: The following should perhaps be done in the PXIFS subsystem instead
// TODO: The content ID is hardcoded currently.
uint32_t content_id = 0;
const std::string filename = Meta::invoke([&] {
std::stringstream filename;
filename << GetRootDataDirectory(thread.GetOS().settings).string();
filename << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << (title_info.program_id >> 32);
filename << "/";
filename << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << (title_info.program_id & 0xFFFFFFFF);
filename << "/content/";
filename << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << content_id;
filename << ".cxi";
return filename.str();
thread.GetLogger()->info("{}Opening \"{}\" to get the extended header", ThreadPrinter{thread}, filename);
std::ifstream input_file;
input_file.exceptions(std::ifstream::badbit | std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::eofbit);
try {
input_file.open(filename, std::ios::binary);
} catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {
if ((title_info.program_id & 0xf0000000) == 0x20000000) {
// // Trying to launch N3DS dependency on O3DS => non-critical error
// // Some games (e.g. Retro City Rampage DX) run into this
throw IPC::IPCError { 0, 0xc8804465 }; // TODO: Which error code to return?
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format( "Tried to launch non-existing title {:#x} from emulated NAND.\n\nPlease dump the title from your 3DS and install it manually to this path:\n{}",
title_info.program_id, filename));
auto ncch_begin = static_cast<uint64_t>(input_file.tellg());
auto exheader_begin = ncch_begin + FileFormat::NCCHHeader::Tags::expected_serialized_size;
auto exheader = FileFormat::Load<FileFormat::ExHeader>(reinterpret_cast<std::istream&>(input_file));
input_file.seekg(ncch_begin + 0x188 + 7);
uint8_t encryption_flags;
input_file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&encryption_flags), sizeof(encryption_flags));
bool is_encrypted = !(encryption_flags & 4);
// TODO: read full exheader
//if (is_encrypted && exheader.aci.program_id == ncch_header.program_id) {
// // ExHeader is not actually encrypted => override encryption state
// is_encrypted = false;
if (is_encrypted) {
fprintf(stderr, "DECRYPTING EXHEADER\n");
std::array<uint8_t, 16> GenerateAESKey(const std::array<uint8_t, 16>& key_x, const std::array<uint8_t, 16>& key_y);
// 0x2c key slot
const std::array<uint8_t, 16>& key_x = keydb.aes_slots[0x2c].x.value();
std::array<uint8_t, 16> key_y;
input_file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(key_y.data()), sizeof(key_y));
auto key = GenerateAESKey(key_x, key_y);
std::array<uint8_t, 16> iv {};
// First 8 bytes are the partition id interpreted as big-endian
input_file.seekg(ncch_begin + 0x108);
input_file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(iv.data()), 8);
std::reverse(iv.begin(), iv.begin() + 8);
iv[8] = 1;
CryptoPP::CTR_Mode<CryptoPP::AES>::Decryption dec;
dec.SetKeyWithIV(key.data(), sizeof(key), iv.data());
dec.ProcessData(reinterpret_cast<CryptoPP::byte*>(&exheader), reinterpret_cast<const CryptoPP::byte*>(&exheader), sizeof(exheader));
return exheader;
} else if (title_info.media_type == 2) {
auto&& ncch = thread.GetOS().setup.gamecard->GetPartitionFromId(Loader::NCSDPartitionId::Executable);
FS::FileContext file_context { *thread.GetLogger() };
return GetExtendedHeader(file_context, keydb, **ncch);
} else {
// TODO: Implement support for SD titles (mediatype 1)
if (title_info.program_id >> 32 == 0x4000e) {
// This is a patch title. NS::LaunchApplication will attempt to load these before loading the application itself.
throw IPC::IPCError { 0, 0xc8804471 }; // TODO: Which error code to return?
} else {
throw Mikage::Exceptions::NotImplemented( "{}Trying to load a title with media info {:#x}, which is currently not supported",
ThreadPrinter{thread}, title_info.media_type);
static std::tuple<Result> PMGetExtendedHeader(FakeThread& thread, Context& context, PMProgramHandle program_handle, const PXI::PXIBuffer& exheader_buffer) {
thread.GetLogger()->info("{}received GetExtendedHeader with internal program handle {:#x}",
ThreadPrinter{thread}, program_handle.value);
auto program_infos = context.programs.find(program_handle);
if (program_infos == context.programs.end()) {
thread.GetLogger()->error("{}Unknown program handle", ThreadPrinter{thread});
thread.CallSVC(&OSImpl::SVCBreak, OSImpl::BreakReason::Panic);
PM::ProgramInfo title_info, update_info;
std::tie(title_info, update_info) = program_infos->second;
thread.GetLogger()->info("{}Getting extended header for title id {:#x} (media type {:#x})", ThreadPrinter{thread}, title_info.program_id, title_info.media_type);
auto exheader = GetExtendedHeader(thread, title_info);
// TODO: Serialize only the SCI and ACI, but for that we need to regroup the members in the ExHeader definition...
uint32_t buffer_offset = 0;
thread.GetLogger()->info("{}Writing ExHeader data...", ThreadPrinter{thread});
auto write_buffer_data = [&](char* data, size_t size) {
for (auto data_ptr = data; data_ptr - data < size; ++data_ptr) {
// TODO: Don't hardcode this size... but either way, we shouldn't
// need to outright abort here, either, but we currently do
// this because our serialization code currently operates on
// the entire exheader rather than only on the sci and aci.
if (buffer_offset >= 0x400)
if (buffer_offset + size > 0x400) {
throw std::runtime_error("Data corruption here :(");
exheader_buffer.Write<uint8_t>(thread, buffer_offset++, *data_ptr);
FileFormat::SerializationInterface<decltype(exheader)>::Save(exheader, write_buffer_data);
thread.GetLogger()->info("{}... done", ThreadPrinter{thread});
return std::make_tuple(RESULT_OK);
static std::tuple<Result, PMProgramHandle> PMRegisterProgram(FakeThread& thread, Context& context, PM::ProgramInfo title_info, PM::ProgramInfo update_info) {
thread.GetLogger()->info("{}received RegisterProgram with title_info={}, update_info={}; attempting to assign internal program handle {:#x}",
ThreadPrinter{thread}, title_info, update_info, context.next_program_handle.value);
for (auto& entries : context.programs) {
if (entries.second.first.program_id == title_info.program_id) {
throw Mikage::Exceptions::Invalid("Tried to re-register title {:#x} with PxiPM", title_info.program_id);
auto map_entry = context.programs.emplace(std::make_pair(context.next_program_handle, std::make_pair(title_info, update_info)));
if (!map_entry.second)
thread.CallSVC(&OSImpl::SVCBreak, OSImpl::BreakReason::Panic);
return std::make_tuple(RESULT_OK, map_entry.first->first);
static std::tuple<Result> PMUnregisterProgram(FakeThread& thread, Context& context, PMProgramHandle program_handle) {
thread.GetLogger()->info("{}received UnregisterProgram with program_handle={}",
ThreadPrinter{thread}, program_handle.value);
auto program_it = context.programs.find(program_handle);
if (program_it == context.programs.end()) {
throw Mikage::Exceptions::Invalid("Attempted to unregister unknown program handle");
return std::make_tuple(RESULT_OK);
static void PXIPMCommandHandler(FakeThread& thread, Context& context, const IPC::CommandHeader& header) try {
switch (header.command_id) {
case PM::GetExtendedHeader::id:
return IPC::HandleIPCCommand<PM::GetExtendedHeader>(PMGetExtendedHeader, thread, thread, context);
case PM::RegisterProgram::id:
return IPC::HandleIPCCommand<PM::RegisterProgram>(PMRegisterProgram, thread, thread, context);
case PM::UnregisterProgram::id:
return IPC::HandleIPCCommand<PM::UnregisterProgram>(PMUnregisterProgram, thread, thread, context);
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Unknown PxiPM service command with header {:#010x}", header.raw));
} catch (const IPC::IPCError& exc) {
thread.WriteTLS(0x80, IPC::CommandHeader::Make(header.command_id, 1, 0).raw);
thread.WriteTLS(0x84, exc.result);
void FakePXI::PMThread(FakeThread& thread, Context& context) {
// NOTE: Actually, there should be four of these buffers!
for (unsigned buffer_index = 0; buffer_index < 1; ++buffer_index) {
const auto buffer_size = 0x1000;
thread.WriteTLS(0x180 + 8 * buffer_index, IPC::TranslationDescriptor::MakeStaticBuffer(0, buffer_size).raw);
Result result;
uint32_t buffer_addr;
std::tie(result, buffer_addr) = thread.CallSVC(&OSImpl::SVCControlMemory, 0, 0, 0x1000, 3 /* COMMIT */, 3 /* RW */);
thread.WriteTLS(0x184 + 8 * buffer_index, buffer_addr);
OS::ServiceUtil service(thread, "PxiPM", 1);
OS::Handle last_signalled = OS::HANDLE_INVALID;
for (;;) {
Result result;
int32_t index;
std::tie(result,index) = service.ReplyAndReceive(thread, last_signalled);
last_signalled = OS::HANDLE_INVALID;
if (result != RESULT_OK)
os.SVCBreak(thread, OSImpl::BreakReason::Panic);
if (index == 0) {
// ServerPort: Incoming client connection
int32_t session_index;
std::tie(result,session_index) = service.AcceptSession(thread, index);
if (result != RESULT_OK) {
auto session = service.GetObject<OS::ServerSession>(session_index);
if (!session) {
logger.error("{}Failed to accept session.", ThreadPrinter{thread});
os.SVCBreak(thread, OSImpl::BreakReason::Panic);
auto session_handle = service.GetHandle(session_index);
logger.warn("{}Failed to accept session. Maximal number of sessions exhausted? Closing session handle {}",
ThreadPrinter{thread}, OS::HandlePrinter{thread,session_handle});
os.SVCCloseHandle(thread, session_handle);
} else {
// server_session: Incoming IPC command from the indexed client
logger.info("{}received IPC request", ThreadPrinter{thread});
logger.info("{}received IPC request, {:#08x}, {:#08x}, {:#08x}, {:#08x}", ThreadPrinter{thread}, thread.ReadTLS(0x80), thread.ReadTLS(0x84), thread.ReadTLS(0x88), thread.ReadTLS(0x8c));
Platform::IPC::CommandHeader header = { thread.ReadTLS(0x80) };
auto signalled_handle = service.GetHandle(index);
PXIPMCommandHandler(thread, context, header);
last_signalled = signalled_handle;
static std::tuple<Result> PSVerifyRsaSha256(FakeThread& thread, Context& context, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t,
uint32_t, uint32_t, const PXI::PXIBuffer&, const PXI::PXIBuffer&) {
thread.GetLogger()->info("{}received VerifyRsaSha256 (stub)", ThreadPrinter{thread});
return std::make_tuple(RESULT_OK);
static auto PXIPSCommandHandler(FakeThread& thread, Context& context, const IPC::CommandHeader& header) try {
namespace PXIPS = Platform::PXI::PS;
switch (header.command_id) {
case PXIPS::VerifyRsaSha256::id:
IPC::HandleIPCCommand<PXIPS::VerifyRsaSha256>(PSVerifyRsaSha256, thread, thread, context);
throw IPC::IPCError{header.raw, 0xdeadbef1};
return OS::ServiceHelper::SendReply;
} catch (const IPC::IPCError& err) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Unknown pxi:ps9 service command with header {:#010x}", err.header));
void FakePXI::PSThread(FakeThread& thread, Context& context) {
// NOTE: Actually, there should be four of these buffers!
for (unsigned buffer_index = 0; buffer_index < 2; ++buffer_index) {
const auto buffer_size = 0x1000;
thread.WriteTLS(0x180 + 8 * buffer_index, IPC::TranslationDescriptor::MakeStaticBuffer(0, buffer_size).raw);
Result result;
uint32_t buffer_addr;
std::tie(result, buffer_addr) = thread.CallSVC(&OSImpl::SVCControlMemory, 0, 0, 0x1000, 3 /* COMMIT */, 3 /* RW */);
thread.WriteTLS(0x184 + 8 * buffer_index, buffer_addr);
OS::ServiceHelper service;
service.Append(OS::ServiceUtil::SetupService(thread, "pxi:ps9", 1));
auto InvokeCommandHandler = [&context](FakeThread& thread, uint32_t /* index of signalled handle */) {
Platform::IPC::CommandHeader header = { thread.ReadTLS(0x80) };
return PXIPSCommandHandler(thread, context, header);
service.Run(thread, std::move(InvokeCommandHandler));
static std::tuple<Result> MCHandleUnknown0x1(FakeThread& thread, Context& context, uint32_t arg1) {
thread.GetLogger()->info("{}received stubbed command 0x1 with argument {:#x}",
ThreadPrinter{thread}, arg1);
return std::make_tuple(RESULT_OK);
static std::tuple<Result> MCHandleUnknown0xa(FakeThread& thread, Context& context, uint32_t arg1, uint32_t arg2, uint32_t arg3) {
thread.GetLogger()->info("{}received stubbed command 0xa with arguments {:#x}, {:#x}, and {:#x}",
ThreadPrinter{thread}, arg1, arg2, arg3);
return std::make_tuple(RESULT_OK);
static void PXIMCCommandHandler(FakeThread& thread, Context& context, const IPC::CommandHeader& header) try {
namespace PXIMC = Platform::PXI::MC;
switch (header.command_id) {
// case PXIMC::Unknown0x1::id:
// return IPC::HandleIPCCommand<PXIMC::Unknown0x1>(MCHandleUnknown0x1, thread, thread, context);
// case PXIMC::Unknown0x2::id:
// return IPC::HandleIPCCommand<PXIMC::Unknown0x2>(MCHandleUnknown0x2, thread, thread, context);
// case PXIMC::Unknown0xa::id:
// return IPC::HandleIPCCommand<PXIMC::Unknown0xa>(MCHandleUnknown0xa, thread, thread, context);
throw IPC::IPCError{header.raw, 0xdeadbef2};
} catch (const IPC::IPCError& err) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Unknown pxi:mc service command with header {:#010x}", err.header));
void FakePXI::MCThread(FakeThread& thread, Context& context) {
OS::ServiceUtil service(thread, "pxi:mc", 1);
OS::Handle last_signalled = OS::HANDLE_INVALID;
for (;;) {
Result result;
int32_t index;
std::tie(result,index) = service.ReplyAndReceive(thread, last_signalled);
last_signalled = OS::HANDLE_INVALID;
if (result != RESULT_OK)
os.SVCBreak(thread, OSImpl::BreakReason::Panic);
if (index == 0) {
// ServerPort: Incoming client connection
int32_t session_index;
std::tie(result,session_index) = service.AcceptSession(thread, index);
if (result != RESULT_OK) {
auto session = service.GetObject<OS::ServerSession>(session_index);
if (!session) {
logger.error("{}Failed to accept session.", ThreadPrinter{thread});
os.SVCBreak(thread, OSImpl::BreakReason::Panic);
auto session_handle = service.GetHandle(session_index);
logger.warn("{}Failed to accept session. Maximal number of sessions exhausted? Closing session handle {}",
ThreadPrinter{thread}, OS::HandlePrinter{thread,session_handle});
os.SVCCloseHandle(thread, session_handle);
} else {
// server_session: Incoming IPC command from the indexed client
logger.info("{}received IPC request, {:#08x}, {:#08x}, {:#08x}, {:#08x}", ThreadPrinter{thread}, thread.ReadTLS(0x80), thread.ReadTLS(0x84), thread.ReadTLS(0x88), thread.ReadTLS(0x8c));
Platform::IPC::CommandHeader header = { thread.ReadTLS(0x80) };
auto signalled_handle = service.GetHandle(index);
PXIMCCommandHandler(thread, context, header);
last_signalled = signalled_handle;
static std::tuple<Result, uint32_t> AMHandleGetTitleCount(FakeThread& thread, Context& context, uint32_t media_type) {
thread.GetLogger()->info("{}received stubbed GetTitleCount with media_type {:#x}",
ThreadPrinter{thread}, media_type);
// Only the lowest byte of the media type is used
media_type &= 0xff;
if (media_type == 0) {
return std::make_tuple(RESULT_OK, context.nand_titles.size());
} else if (media_type == 2) {
return std::make_tuple(RESULT_OK, uint32_t { thread.GetOS().setup.gamecard != nullptr });
} else {
return std::make_tuple(RESULT_OK, uint32_t{0});
// throw Mikage::Exceptions::NotImplemented("Unsupported media type");
static std::tuple<Result, uint32_t> AMHandleGetTitleList(FakeThread& thread, Context& context, uint32_t num_titles, uint32_t media_type, const PXI::PXIBuffer& output) {
thread.GetLogger()->info("{}received stubbed GetTitleList for {:#x} titles with media_type {:#x}",
ThreadPrinter{thread}, num_titles, media_type);
// Only the lowest byte of the media type and of the title count are used
media_type &= 0xff;
// TODO: Validate buffer size
if (media_type == 0) {
// NOTE: In recent system versions (>= 9.0.0), HOME Menu always uses num_titles = 0x1c00
if (num_titles > context.nand_titles.size()) {
// throw Mikage::Exceptions::Invalid("Invalid number of titles queried");
// thread.GetOS().SVCBreak(thread, OSImpl::BreakReason::Panic);
num_titles = context.nand_titles.size();
for (uint32_t title_index = 0; title_index < num_titles; ++title_index) {
output.Write<uint64_t>(thread, title_index * sizeof(uint64_t), context.nand_titles[title_index]);
return std::make_tuple(RESULT_OK, num_titles);
} else if (media_type == 2) {
if (num_titles > (thread.GetOS().setup.gamecard ? 1 : 0))
thread.GetOS().SVCBreak(thread, OSImpl::BreakReason::Panic);
if (thread.GetOS().setup.gamecard) {
// TODO: Do we need to return any actual data for this?
output.Write<uint64_t>(thread, 0, 0);
return std::make_tuple(RESULT_OK, uint32_t { thread.GetOS().setup.gamecard != nullptr });
} else if (media_type == 1) {
// No titles installed to the SD card
return std::make_tuple(RESULT_OK, uint32_t { 0 });
} else {
throw Mikage::Exceptions::NotImplemented("Unsupported media type");
static std::tuple<Result> AMHandleGetTitleInfos(FakeThread& thread, Context& context, uint32_t media_type, uint32_t num_titles, const PXI::PXIBuffer& title_ids, const PXI::PXIBuffer& infos) {
thread.GetLogger()->info("{}received stubbed GetTitleInfos for {:#x} titles with media_type {:#x}",
ThreadPrinter{thread}, num_titles, media_type);
// Only the lowest byte of the media type is used
media_type &= 0xff;
// TODO: Validate buffer size
if (media_type == 0) {
if (num_titles > context.nand_titles.size())
thread.GetOS().SVCBreak(thread, OSImpl::BreakReason::Panic);
for (uint32_t title_index = 0; title_index < num_titles; ++title_index) {
auto title_id = title_ids.Read<uint64_t>(thread, title_index * sizeof(uint64_t));
auto title_it = ranges::find(context.nand_titles, title_id);
if (title_it == context.nand_titles.end()) {
// throw Mikage::Exceptions::Invalid("Queried title info for unknown NAND title id {:#x}", title_id);
// Selecting the "Game Notes" icon in HOME Menu makes the menu query for possibly non-existing title IDs to check for New3DS-specific manuals
infos.Write<uint64_t>(thread, title_index * 24, 0);
// TODO: What data should be returned here?
infos.Write<uint64_t>(thread, title_index * 24 + 0x8, 0);
infos.Write<uint32_t>(thread, title_index * 24 + 0x10, 0);
infos.Write<uint32_t>(thread, title_index * 24 + 0x14, 0);
infos.Write<uint64_t>(thread, title_index * 24, *title_it);
// TODO: What data should be returned here?
infos.Write<uint64_t>(thread, title_index * 24 + 0x8, 0x447000);
infos.Write<uint32_t>(thread, title_index * 24 + 0x10, 2055 );
infos.Write<uint32_t>(thread, title_index * 24 + 0x14, 0x1);
return std::make_tuple(RESULT_OK);
} else if (media_type == 2) {
if (num_titles > (thread.GetOS().setup.gamecard ? 1 : 0))
thread.GetOS().SVCBreak(thread, OSImpl::BreakReason::Panic);
if (thread.GetOS().setup.gamecard) {
// TODO: Do we need to return any actual data for this?
infos.Write<uint64_t>(thread, 0x0, 0);
infos.Write<uint64_t>(thread, 0x8, 0);
infos.Write<uint64_t>(thread, 0x10, 0);
return std::make_tuple(RESULT_OK);
} else {
throw Mikage::Exceptions::NotImplemented("Unsupported media type");
return std::make_tuple(RESULT_OK);
static auto PXIAMCommandHandler(FakeThread& thread, Context& context, const IPC::CommandHeader& header) try {
namespace PXIAM = Platform::PXI::AM;
switch (header.command_id) {
case PXIAM::GetTitleCount::id:
IPC::HandleIPCCommand<PXIAM::GetTitleCount>(AMHandleGetTitleCount, thread, thread, context);
case PXIAM::GetTitleList::id:
IPC::HandleIPCCommand<PXIAM::GetTitleList>(AMHandleGetTitleList, thread, thread, context);
case PXIAM::GetTitleInfos::id:
IPC::HandleIPCCommand<PXIAM::GetTitleInfos>(AMHandleGetTitleInfos, thread, thread, context);
// Takes a single input word (presumably a media_type)
case 0x3f:
// NOTE: This function is called by AM command 0x13 ("NeedsCleanup"),
// which returns a boolean, so my current guess is it just
// forwards that from this function. This needs to be verified,
// though!
thread.WriteTLS(0x80, IPC::CommandHeader::Make(0, 2, 0).raw);
thread.WriteTLS(0x84, RESULT_OK);
thread.WriteTLS(0x88, 0); // Does not need cleanup
throw IPC::IPCError{header.raw, 0xdeadbef3};
return OS::ServiceHelper::SendReply;
} catch (const IPC::IPCError& err) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Unknown pxi:am9 service command with header {:#010x}", err.header));
void FakePXI::AMThread(FakeThread& thread, Context& context) {
// NOTE: Actually, there should be four of these buffers!
for (unsigned buffer_index = 0; buffer_index < 2; ++buffer_index) {
const auto buffer_size = 0x1000;
thread.WriteTLS(0x180 + 8 * buffer_index, IPC::TranslationDescriptor::MakeStaticBuffer(0, buffer_size).raw);
Result result;
uint32_t buffer_addr;
std::tie(result, buffer_addr) = thread.CallSVC(&OSImpl::SVCControlMemory, 0, 0, 0x1000, 3 /* COMMIT */, 3 /* RW */);
thread.WriteTLS(0x184 + 8 * buffer_index, buffer_addr);
OS::ServiceHelper service;
service.Append(OS::ServiceUtil::SetupService(thread, "pxi:am9", 1));
auto InvokeCommandHandler = [&context](FakeThread& thread, uint32_t /* index of signalled handle */) {
Platform::IPC::CommandHeader header = { thread.ReadTLS(0x80) };
return PXIAMCommandHandler(thread, context, header);
service.Run(thread, std::move(InvokeCommandHandler));
} // namespace PXI
// } // namespace OS
} // namespace HLE