;* SIMD optimized non-power-of-two MDCT functions
;* Copyright (C) 2017 Rostislav Pehlivanov <atomnuker@gmail.com>
;* This file is part of FFmpeg.
;* FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;* FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;* Lesser General Public License for more details.
;* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;* License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
;* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

%include "libavutil/x86/x86util.asm"


perm_neg: dd 2, 5, 3, 4, 6, 1, 7, 0
perm_pos: dd 0, 7, 1, 6, 4, 3, 5, 2
sign_adjust_r: times 4 dd 0x80000000, 0x00000000

sign_adjust_5: dd 0x00000000, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x00000000


%if ARCH_X86_64

;void ff_fft15_avx(FFTComplex *out, FFTComplex *in, FFTComplex *exptab, ptrdiff_t stride);
%macro FFT5 3 ; %1 - in_offset, %2 - dst1 (64bit used), %3 - dst2
    VBROADCASTSD m0, [inq + %1]         ; in[ 0].re, in[ 0].im, in[ 0].re, in[ 0].im
    movsd   xm1, [inq + 1*16 +  8 + %1] ; in[ 3].re, in[ 3].im,         0,         0
    movsd   xm4, [inq + 6*16 +  0 + %1] ; in[12].re, in[12].im,         0,         0
    movhps  xm1, [inq + 3*16 +  0 + %1] ; in[ 3].re, in[ 3].im, in[ 6].re, in[ 6].im
    movhps  xm4, [inq + 4*16 +  8 + %1] ; in[12].re, in[12].im, in[ 9].re, in[ 9].im

    subps       xm2,  xm1, xm4          ; t[2].im, t[2].re, t[3].im, t[3].re
    addps       xm1,  xm4               ; t[0].re, t[0].im, t[1].re, t[1].im

    movhlps     %2,   xm1               ; t[0].re, t[1].re, t[0].im, t[1].im
    addps       %2,   xm1
    addps       %2,   xm0               ; DC[0].re, DC[0].im, junk...
    movlhps     %2,   %2                ; DC[0].re, DC[0].im, DC[0].re, DC[0].im

    shufps      xm3,  xm1, xm2, q0110   ; t[0].re, t[0].im, t[2].re, t[2].im
    shufps      xm1,  xm2, q2332        ; t[1].re, t[1].im, t[3].re, t[3].im

    mulps       xm%3, xm1, xm5
    mulps       xm4,  xm3, xm6
    mulps       xm1,  xm6

    xorps       xm1,  xm7
    mulps       xm3,  xm5
    addsubps    xm3,  xm1               ; t[0].re, t[0].im, t[2].re, t[2].im
    subps       xm%3, xm4               ; t[4].re, t[4].im, t[5].re, t[5].im

    movhlps     xm2, xm%3, xm3          ; t[2].re, t[2].im, t[5].re, t[5].im
    movlhps     xm3, xm%3               ; t[0].re, t[0].im, t[4].re, t[4].im

    xorps       xm2,  xm7
    addps       xm%3, xm2, xm3
    subps       xm3,  xm2

    shufps      xm3,  xm3, q1032
    vinsertf128 m%3,  m%3, xm3, 1       ; All ACs (tmp[1] through to tmp[4])
    addps       m%3,  m%3,  m0          ; Finally offset with DCs

%macro BUTTERFLIES_DC 1 ; %1 - exptab_offset
    mulps xm0,  xm9, [exptabq + %1 + 16*0]
    mulps xm1, xm10, [exptabq + %1 + 16*1]

    haddps  xm0,  xm1
    movhlps xm1,  xm0                   ; t[0].re, t[1].re, t[0].im, t[1].im

    addps   xm0,  xm1
    addps   xm0,  xm8

    movsd [outq], xm0

%macro BUTTERFLIES_AC 1 ; %1 - exptab_offset
    mulps  m0, m12, [exptabq + 64*0 + 0*mmsize + %1]
    mulps  m1, m12, [exptabq + 64*0 + 1*mmsize + %1]
    mulps  m2, m13, [exptabq + 64*1 + 0*mmsize + %1]
    mulps  m3, m13, [exptabq + 64*1 + 1*mmsize + %1]

    addps  m0, m0, m2
    addps  m1, m1, m3
    addps  m0, m0, m11

    shufps m1, m1, m1, q2301
    addps  m0, m0, m1

    vextractf128 xm1, m0, 1

    movlps [outq + strideq*1], xm0
    movhps [outq + strideq*2], xm0
    movlps [outq +  stride3q], xm1
    movhps [outq + strideq*4], xm1

cglobal fft15, 4, 5, 14, out, in, exptab, stride, stride5
    shl strideq, 3

    movaps xm5, [exptabq + 480 + 16*0]
    movaps xm6, [exptabq + 480 + 16*1]
    movaps xm7, [sign_adjust_5]

    FFT5  0,  xm8, 11
    FFT5  8,  xm9, 12
    FFT5 16, xm10, 13

%define stride3q inq
    lea stride3q, [strideq + strideq*2]
    lea stride5q, [strideq + strideq*4]

    BUTTERFLIES_DC (8*6 + 4*0)*2*4
    BUTTERFLIES_AC (8*0 + 0*0)*2*4

    add outq, stride5q
    BUTTERFLIES_DC (8*6 + 4*1)*2*4
    BUTTERFLIES_AC (8*2 + 0*0)*2*4

    add outq, stride5q
    BUTTERFLIES_DC (8*6 + 4*2)*2*4
    BUTTERFLIES_AC (8*4 + 0*0)*2*4


%endif ; ARCH_X86_64

;void ff_mdct15_postreindex(FFTComplex *out, FFTComplex *in, FFTComplex *exp, int *lut, ptrdiff_t len8);
%macro LUT_LOAD_4D 3
    mov      r4d, [lutq + %3q*4 +  0]
    movsd  xmm%1, [inq +  r4q*8]
    mov      r4d, [lutq + %3q*4 +  4]
    movhps xmm%1, [inq +  r4q*8]
%if cpuflag(avx2)
    mov      r4d, [lutq + %3q*4 +  8]
    movsd     %2, [inq +  r4q*8]
    mov      r4d, [lutq + %3q*4 + 12]
    movhps    %2, [inq +  r4q*8]
    vinsertf128 %1, %1, %2, 1

cglobal mdct15_postreindex, 5, 7, 8 + cpuflag(avx2)*2, out, in, exp, lut, len8, offset_p, offset_n

    xor offset_nq, offset_nq
    lea offset_pq, [len8q*2 - %1]

    movaps m7,  [sign_adjust_r]

%if cpuflag(avx2)
    movaps   m8, [perm_pos]
    movaps   m9, [perm_neg]

    movups m0, [expq + offset_pq*8]     ; exp[p0].re, exp[p0].im, exp[p1].re, exp[p1].im, exp[p2].re, exp[p2].im, exp[p3].re, exp[p3].im
    movups m1, [expq + offset_nq*8]     ; exp[n3].re, exp[n3].im, exp[n2].re, exp[n2].im, exp[n1].re, exp[n1].im, exp[n0].re, exp[n0].im

    LUT_LOAD_4D m3, xm4, offset_p       ; in[p0].re, in[p0].im, in[p1].re, in[p1].im, in[p2].re, in[p2].im, in[p3].re, in[p3].im
    LUT_LOAD_4D m4, xm5, offset_n       ; in[n3].re, in[n3].im, in[n2].re, in[n2].im, in[n1].re, in[n1].im, in[n0].re, in[n0].im

    mulps  m5, m3, m0                   ; in[p].reim * exp[p].reim
    mulps  m6, m4, m1                   ; in[n].reim * exp[n].reim

    xorps  m5, m7                       ; in[p].re *= -1, in[p].im *= 1
    xorps  m6, m7                       ; in[n].re *= -1, in[n].im *= 1

    shufps m3, m3, m3, q2301            ; in[p].imre
    shufps m4, m4, m4, q2301            ; in[n].imre

    mulps  m3, m0                       ; in[p].imre * exp[p].reim
    mulps  m4, m1                       ; in[n].imre * exp[n].reim

    haddps m3, m6                       ; out[n0].im, out[n1].im, out[n3].re, out[n2].re, out[n2].im, out[n3].im, out[n1].re, out[n0].re
    haddps m5, m4                       ; out[p0].re, out[p1].re, out[p3].im, out[p2].im, out[p2].re, out[p3].re, out[p1].im, out[p0].im

%if cpuflag(avx2)
    vpermps m3, m9, m3                  ; out[n3].im, out[n3].re, out[n2].im, out[n2].re, out[n1].im, out[n1].re, out[n0].im, out[n0].re
    vpermps m5, m8, m5                  ; out[p0].re, out[p0].im, out[p1].re, out[p1].im, out[p2].re, out[p2].im, out[p3].re, out[p3].im
    shufps m3, m3, m3, q0312
    shufps m5, m5, m5, q2130

    movups [outq + offset_nq*8], m3
    movups [outq + offset_pq*8], m5

    sub offset_pq, %1
    add offset_nq, %1
    cmp offset_nq, offset_pq
    jle .loop


