#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later # # This file is provided under the Apache License 2.0, or the # GNU General Public License v2.0 or later. # # ********** # Apache License 2.0: # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ********** # # ********** # GNU General Public License v2.0 or later: # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # ********** # # Purpose # # Comments and uncomments #define lines in the given header file and optionally # sets their value or can get the value. This is to provide scripting control of # what preprocessor symbols, and therefore what build time configuration flags # are set in the 'config.h' file. # # Usage: config.pl [-f <file> | --file <file>] [-o | --force] # [set <symbol> <value> | unset <symbol> | get <symbol> | # full | realfull] # # Full usage description provided below. # # The following options are disabled instead of enabled with "full". # # * Options that require additional build dependencies or unusual hardware. # * Options that make testing less effective. # * Options that are incompatible with other options, or more generally that # interact with other parts of the code in such a way that a bulk enabling # is not a good way to test them. # * Options that remove features. # # The baremetal configuration excludes options that require a library or # operating system feature that is typically not present on bare metal # systems. Features that are excluded from "full" won't be in "baremetal" # either. use warnings; use strict; my $config_file = "include/mbedtls/config.h"; my $usage = <<EOU; $0 [-f <file> | --file <file>] [-o | --force] [set <symbol> <value> | unset <symbol> | get <symbol> | full | realfull | baremetal] Commands set <symbol> [<value>] - Uncomments or adds a #define for the <symbol> to the configuration file, and optionally making it of <value>. If the symbol isn't present in the file an error is returned. unset <symbol> - Comments out the #define for the given symbol if present in the configuration file. get <symbol> - Finds the #define for the given symbol, returning an exitcode of 0 if the symbol is found, and 1 if not. The value of the symbol is output if one is specified in the configuration file. full - Uncomments all #define's in the configuration file excluding some reserved symbols, until the 'Module configuration options' section realfull - Uncomments all #define's with no exclusions baremetal - Sets full configuration suitable for baremetal build. Options -f | --file <filename> - The file or file path for the configuration file to edit. When omitted, the following default is used: $config_file -o | --force - If the symbol isn't present in the configuration file when setting its value, a #define is appended to the end of the file. EOU my @excluded = qw( MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_USE_128_BIT_KEY MBEDTLS_DEPRECATED_REMOVED MBEDTLS_DEPRECATED_WARNING MBEDTLS_ECP_NO_INTERNAL_RNG MBEDTLS_HAVE_SSE2 MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BACKTRACE MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BUFFER_ALLOC_C MBEDTLS_MEMORY_DEBUG MBEDTLS_NO_64BIT_MULTIPLICATION MBEDTLS_NO_DEFAULT_ENTROPY_SOURCES MBEDTLS_NO_PLATFORM_ENTROPY MBEDTLS_NO_UDBL_DIVISION MBEDTLS_PKCS11_C MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_NO_STD_FUNCTIONS MBEDTLS_REMOVE_3DES_CIPHERSUITES MBEDTLS_REMOVE_ARC4_CIPHERSUITES MBEDTLS_RSA_NO_CRT MBEDTLS_SSL_HW_RECORD_ACCEL MBEDTLS_TEST_CONSTANT_FLOW_MEMSAN MBEDTLS_TEST_CONSTANT_FLOW_VALGRIND MBEDTLS_TEST_NULL_ENTROPY MBEDTLS_X509_ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_CRITICAL_EXTENSION MBEDTLS_ZLIB_SUPPORT _ALT\s*$ ); # Things that should be disabled in "baremetal" my @excluded_baremetal = qw( MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED MBEDTLS_FS_IO MBEDTLS_HAVEGE_C MBEDTLS_HAVE_TIME MBEDTLS_HAVE_TIME_DATE MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BACKTRACE MBEDTLS_MEMORY_BUFFER_ALLOC_C MBEDTLS_NET_C MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_FPRINTF_ALT MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_NV_SEED_ALT MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_TIME_ALT MBEDTLS_THREADING_C MBEDTLS_THREADING_PTHREAD MBEDTLS_TIMING_C ); # Things that should be enabled in "full" even if they match @excluded. # Platform ALTs enable global variables that allow configuring the behavior # but default to the default behavior, except for PLATFORM_SETUP_TEARDOWN_ALT # which requires the application to provide relevant functions like # non-platform ALTs. my @non_excluded = qw( PLATFORM_(?!SETUP_TEARDOWN_)[A-Z_0-9]+_ALT ); # Things that should be enabled in "baremetal" my @non_excluded_baremetal = qw( MBEDTLS_NO_PLATFORM_ENTROPY ); # Process the command line arguments my $force_option = 0; my ($arg, $name, $value, $action); while ($arg = shift) { # Check if the argument is an option if ($arg eq "-f" || $arg eq "--file") { $config_file = shift; -f $config_file or die "No such file: $config_file\n"; } elsif ($arg eq "-o" || $arg eq "--force") { $force_option = 1; } else { # ...else assume it's a command $action = $arg; if ($action eq "full" || $action eq "realfull" || $action eq "baremetal" ) { # No additional parameters die $usage if @ARGV; } elsif ($action eq "unset" || $action eq "get") { die $usage unless @ARGV; $name = shift; } elsif ($action eq "set") { die $usage unless @ARGV; $name = shift; $value = shift if @ARGV; } else { die "Command '$action' not recognised.\n\n".$usage; } } } # If no command was specified, exit... if ( not defined($action) ){ die $usage; } # Check the config file is present if (! -f $config_file) { chdir '..' or die; # Confirm this is the project root directory and try again if ( !(-d 'scripts' && -d 'include' && -d 'library' && -f $config_file) ) { die "If no file specified, must be run from the project root or scripts directory.\n"; } } # Now read the file and process the contents open my $config_read, '<', $config_file or die "read $config_file: $!\n"; my @config_lines = <$config_read>; close $config_read; # Add required baremetal symbols to the list that is included. if ( $action eq "baremetal" ) { @non_excluded = ( @non_excluded, @non_excluded_baremetal ); } my ($exclude_re, $no_exclude_re, $exclude_baremetal_re); if ($action eq "realfull") { $exclude_re = qr/^$/; $no_exclude_re = qr/./; } else { $exclude_re = join '|', @excluded; $no_exclude_re = join '|', @non_excluded; } if ( $action eq "baremetal" ) { $exclude_baremetal_re = join '|', @excluded_baremetal; } my $config_write = undef; if ($action ne "get") { open $config_write, '>', $config_file or die "write $config_file: $!\n"; } my $done; for my $line (@config_lines) { if ($action eq "full" || $action eq "realfull" || $action eq "baremetal" ) { if ($line =~ /name SECTION: Module configuration options/) { $done = 1; } if (!$done && $line =~ m!^//\s?#define! && ( $line !~ /$exclude_re/ || $line =~ /$no_exclude_re/ ) && ( $action ne "baremetal" || ( $line !~ /$exclude_baremetal_re/ ) ) ) { $line =~ s!^//\s?!!; } if (!$done && $line =~ m!^\s?#define! && ! ( ( $line !~ /$exclude_re/ || $line =~ /$no_exclude_re/ ) && ( $action ne "baremetal" || ( $line !~ /$exclude_baremetal_re/ ) ) ) ) { $line =~ s!^!//!; } } elsif ($action eq "unset") { if (!$done && $line =~ /^\s*#define\s*$name\b/) { $line = '//' . $line; $done = 1; } } elsif (!$done && $action eq "set") { if ($line =~ m!^(?://)?\s*#define\s*$name\b!) { $line = "#define $name"; $line .= " $value" if defined $value && $value ne ""; $line .= "\n"; $done = 1; } } elsif (!$done && $action eq "get") { if ($line =~ /^\s*#define\s*$name(?:\s+(.*?))\s*(?:$|\/\*|\/\/)/) { $value = $1; $done = 1; } } if (defined $config_write) { print $config_write $line or die "write $config_file: $!\n"; } } # Did the set command work? if ($action eq "set" && $force_option && !$done) { # If the force option was set, append the symbol to the end of the file my $line = "#define $name"; $line .= " $value" if defined $value && $value ne ""; $line .= "\n"; $done = 1; print $config_write $line or die "write $config_file: $!\n"; } if (defined $config_write) { close $config_write or die "close $config_file: $!\n"; } if ($action eq "get") { if ($done) { if ($value ne '') { print "$value\n"; } exit 0; } else { # If the symbol was not found, return an error exit 1; } } if ($action eq "full" && !$done) { die "Configuration section was not found in $config_file\n"; } if ($action ne "full" && $action ne "unset" && !$done) { die "A #define for the symbol $name was not found in $config_file\n"; } __END__