diff --git a/src/citra/config.cpp b/src/citra/config.cpp
index 2bf0dff35..1ebe74941 100644
--- a/src/citra/config.cpp
+++ b/src/citra/config.cpp
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ void Config::ReadValues() {
     Settings::values.pad_sright_key = glfw_config->GetInteger("Controls", "pad_sright", GLFW_KEY_RIGHT);
     // Core
-    Settings::values.cpu_core = glfw_config->GetInteger("Core", "cpu_core", Core::CPU_Interpreter);
     Settings::values.gpu_refresh_rate = glfw_config->GetInteger("Core", "gpu_refresh_rate", 30);
     Settings::values.frame_skip = glfw_config->GetInteger("Core", "frame_skip", 0);
diff --git a/src/citra/default_ini.h b/src/citra/default_ini.h
index ebe2e9767..3f523857f 100644
--- a/src/citra/default_ini.h
+++ b/src/citra/default_ini.h
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ pad_sleft =
 pad_sright =
-cpu_core = ## 0: Interpreter (default), 1: OldInterpreter (may work better, soon to be deprecated)
 gpu_refresh_rate = ## 30 (default)
 frame_skip = ## 0: No frameskip (default), 1 : 2x frameskip, 2 : 4x frameskip, etc.
diff --git a/src/citra_qt/config.cpp b/src/citra_qt/config.cpp
index 1596c08d7..955c8a4e0 100644
--- a/src/citra_qt/config.cpp
+++ b/src/citra_qt/config.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ void Config::ReadValues() {
-    Settings::values.cpu_core = qt_config->value("cpu_core", Core::CPU_Interpreter).toInt();
     Settings::values.gpu_refresh_rate = qt_config->value("gpu_refresh_rate", 30).toInt();
     Settings::values.frame_skip = qt_config->value("frame_skip", 0).toInt();
@@ -79,7 +78,6 @@ void Config::SaveValues() {
-    qt_config->setValue("cpu_core", Settings::values.cpu_core);
     qt_config->setValue("gpu_refresh_rate", Settings::values.gpu_refresh_rate);
     qt_config->setValue("frame_skip", Settings::values.frame_skip);
diff --git a/src/core/CMakeLists.txt b/src/core/CMakeLists.txt
index 2168d9959..ac173c486 100644
--- a/src/core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,13 +6,9 @@ set(SRCS
-            arm/interpreter/arm_interpreter.cpp
-            arm/interpreter/armemu.cpp
-            arm/interpreter/armvirt.cpp
-            arm/interpreter/thumbemu.cpp
@@ -108,7 +104,6 @@ set(HEADERS
-            arm/interpreter/arm_interpreter.h
diff --git a/src/core/arm/dyncom/arm_dyncom_interpreter.cpp b/src/core/arm/dyncom/arm_dyncom_interpreter.cpp
index 4e569fd9a..96d71cd50 100644
--- a/src/core/arm/dyncom/arm_dyncom_interpreter.cpp
+++ b/src/core/arm/dyncom/arm_dyncom_interpreter.cpp
@@ -34,10 +34,6 @@ enum {
     THUMB           = (1 << 7)
-#undef BITS
-#undef BIT
-#define BITS(s, a, b) ((s << ((sizeof(s) * 8 - 1) - b)) >> (sizeof(s) * 8 - b + a - 1))
-#define BIT(s, n) ((s >> (n)) & 1)
 #define RM    BITS(sht_oper, 0, 3)
 #define RS    BITS(sht_oper, 8, 11)
diff --git a/src/core/arm/interpreter/arm_interpreter.cpp b/src/core/arm/interpreter/arm_interpreter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c76d371a2..000000000
--- a/src/core/arm/interpreter/arm_interpreter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 Citra Emulator Project
-// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
-// Refer to the license.txt file included.
-#include "core/arm/interpreter/arm_interpreter.h"
-#include "core/core.h"
-const static cpu_config_t arm11_cpu_info = {
-    "armv6", "arm11", 0x0007b000, 0x0007f000, NONCACHE
-ARM_Interpreter::ARM_Interpreter()  {
-    state = new ARMul_State;
-    ARMul_EmulateInit();
-    memset(state, 0, sizeof(ARMul_State));
-    ARMul_NewState(state);
-    state->abort_model = 0;
-    state->cpu = (cpu_config_t*)&arm11_cpu_info;
-    state->bigendSig = LOW;
-    ARMul_SelectProcessor(state, ARM_v6_Prop | ARM_v5_Prop | ARM_v5e_Prop);
-    state->lateabtSig = LOW;
-    // Reset the core to initial state
-    ARMul_CoProInit(state);
-    ARMul_Reset(state);
-    state->NextInstr = RESUME; // NOTE: This will be overwritten by LoadContext
-    state->Emulate = 3;
-    state->pc = state->Reg[15] = 0x00000000;
-    state->Reg[13] = 0x10000000; // Set stack pointer to the top of the stack
-    state->servaddr = 0xFFFF0000;
-ARM_Interpreter::~ARM_Interpreter() {
-    delete state;
-void ARM_Interpreter::SetPC(u32 pc) {
-    state->pc = state->Reg[15] = pc;
-u32 ARM_Interpreter::GetPC() const {
-    return state->pc;
-u32 ARM_Interpreter::GetReg(int index) const {
-    return state->Reg[index];
-void ARM_Interpreter::SetReg(int index, u32 value) {
-    state->Reg[index] = value;
-u32 ARM_Interpreter::GetCPSR() const {
-    return state->Cpsr;
-void ARM_Interpreter::SetCPSR(u32 cpsr) {
-    state->Cpsr = cpsr;
-u64 ARM_Interpreter::GetTicks() const {
-    return state->NumInstrs;
-void ARM_Interpreter::AddTicks(u64 ticks) {
-    state->NumInstrs += ticks;
-void ARM_Interpreter::ExecuteInstructions(int num_instructions) {
-    state->NumInstrsToExecute = num_instructions - 1;
-    ARMul_Emulate32(state);
-void ARM_Interpreter::SaveContext(Core::ThreadContext& ctx) {
-    memcpy(ctx.cpu_registers, state->Reg, sizeof(ctx.cpu_registers));
-    memcpy(ctx.fpu_registers, state->ExtReg, sizeof(ctx.fpu_registers));
-    ctx.sp = state->Reg[13];
-    ctx.lr = state->Reg[14];
-    ctx.pc = state->pc;
-    ctx.cpsr = state->Cpsr;
-    ctx.fpscr = state->VFP[1];
-    ctx.fpexc = state->VFP[2];
-    ctx.reg_15 = state->Reg[15];
-    ctx.mode = state->NextInstr;
-void ARM_Interpreter::LoadContext(const Core::ThreadContext& ctx) {
-    memcpy(state->Reg, ctx.cpu_registers, sizeof(ctx.cpu_registers));
-    memcpy(state->ExtReg, ctx.fpu_registers, sizeof(ctx.fpu_registers));
-    state->Reg[13] = ctx.sp;
-    state->Reg[14] = ctx.lr;
-    state->pc = ctx.pc;
-    state->Cpsr = ctx.cpsr;
-    state->VFP[1] = ctx.fpscr;
-    state->VFP[2] = ctx.fpexc;
-    state->Reg[15] = ctx.reg_15;
-    state->NextInstr = ctx.mode;
-void ARM_Interpreter::PrepareReschedule() {
-    state->NumInstrsToExecute = 0;
diff --git a/src/core/arm/interpreter/arm_interpreter.h b/src/core/arm/interpreter/arm_interpreter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e5ecc69c2..000000000
--- a/src/core/arm/interpreter/arm_interpreter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 Citra Emulator Project
-// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
-// Refer to the license.txt file included.
-#pragma once
-#include "common/common.h"
-#include "core/arm/arm_interface.h"
-#include "core/arm/skyeye_common/armdefs.h"
-#include "core/arm/skyeye_common/armemu.h"
-class ARM_Interpreter final : virtual public ARM_Interface {
-    ARM_Interpreter();
-    ~ARM_Interpreter();
-    /**
-     * Set the Program Counter to an address
-     * @param pc Address to set PC to
-     */
-    void SetPC(u32 pc) override;
-    /*
-     * Get the current Program Counter
-     * @return Returns current PC
-     */
-    u32 GetPC() const override;
-    /**
-     * Get an ARM register
-     * @param index Register index (0-15)
-     * @return Returns the value in the register
-     */
-    u32 GetReg(int index) const override;
-    /**
-     * Set an ARM register
-     * @param index Register index (0-15)
-     * @param value Value to set register to
-     */
-    void SetReg(int index, u32 value) override;
-    /**
-     * Get the current CPSR register
-     * @return Returns the value of the CPSR register
-     */
-    u32 GetCPSR() const override;
-    /**
-     * Set the current CPSR register
-     * @param cpsr Value to set CPSR to
-     */
-    void SetCPSR(u32 cpsr) override;
-    /**
-     * Returns the number of clock ticks since the last reset
-     * @return Returns number of clock ticks
-     */
-    u64 GetTicks() const override;
-    /**
-    * Advance the CPU core by the specified number of ticks (e.g. to simulate CPU execution time)
-    * @param ticks Number of ticks to advance the CPU core
-    */
-    void AddTicks(u64 ticks) override;
-    /**
-     * Saves the current CPU context
-     * @param ctx Thread context to save
-     */
-    void SaveContext(Core::ThreadContext& ctx) override;
-    /**
-     * Loads a CPU context
-     * @param ctx Thread context to load
-     */
-    void LoadContext(const Core::ThreadContext& ctx) override;
-    /// Prepare core for thread reschedule (if needed to correctly handle state)
-    void PrepareReschedule() override;
-    /**
-     * Executes the given number of instructions
-     * @param num_instructions Number of instructions to executes
-     */
-    void ExecuteInstructions(int num_instructions) override;
-    ARMul_State* state;
diff --git a/src/core/arm/interpreter/armcopro.cpp b/src/core/arm/interpreter/armcopro.cpp
index b4ddc3d96..bb9ca98fe 100644
--- a/src/core/arm/interpreter/armcopro.cpp
+++ b/src/core/arm/interpreter/armcopro.cpp
@@ -19,213 +19,45 @@
 #include "core/arm/skyeye_common/armemu.h"
 #include "core/arm/skyeye_common/vfp/vfp.h"
-//chy 2005-07-08
-//#include "ansidecl.h"
-//chy -------
-//#include "iwmmxt.h"
+// Dummy Co-processors.
-/* Dummy Co-processors.  */
-static unsigned
-NoCoPro3R(ARMul_State * state,
-unsigned a, ARMword b)
+static unsigned int NoCoPro3R(ARMul_State* state, unsigned int a, ARMword b)
     return ARMul_CANT;
-static unsigned
-NoCoPro4R(ARMul_State * state,
-unsigned a,
-ARMword b, ARMword c)
+static unsigned int NoCoPro4R(ARMul_State* state, unsigned int a, ARMword b, ARMword c)
     return ARMul_CANT;
-static unsigned
-NoCoPro4W(ARMul_State * state,
-unsigned a,
-ARMword b, ARMword * c)
+static unsigned int NoCoPro4W(ARMul_State* state, unsigned int a, ARMword b, ARMword* c)
     return ARMul_CANT;
-static unsigned
-NoCoPro5R(ARMul_State * state,
-unsigned a,
-ARMword b,
-ARMword c, ARMword d)
+static unsigned int NoCoPro5R(ARMul_State* state, unsigned int a, ARMword b, ARMword c, ARMword d)
     return ARMul_CANT;
-static unsigned
-NoCoPro5W(ARMul_State * state,
-unsigned a,
-ARMword b,
-ARMword * c, ARMword * d)
+static unsigned int NoCoPro5W(ARMul_State* state, unsigned int a, ARMword b, ARMword* c, ARMword* d)
     return ARMul_CANT;
-/* The XScale Co-processors.  */
-/* Coprocessor 15:  System Control.  */
-static void write_cp14_reg(unsigned, ARMword);
-static ARMword read_cp14_reg(unsigned);
-/* Check an access to a register.  */
-static unsigned
-check_cp15_access(ARMul_State * state,
-unsigned reg,
-unsigned CRm, unsigned opcode_1, unsigned opcode_2)
+// Install co-processor instruction handlers in this routine.
+unsigned int ARMul_CoProInit(ARMul_State* state)
-    /* Do not allow access to these register in USER mode.  */
-    //chy 2006-02-16 , should not consider system mode, don't conside 26bit mode
-    if (state->Mode == USER26MODE || state->Mode == USER32MODE)
-        return ARMul_CANT;
-    /* Opcode_1should be zero.  */
-    if (opcode_1 != 0)
-        return ARMul_CANT;
-    /* Different register have different access requirements.  */
-    switch (reg) {
-    case 0:
-    case 1:
-        /* CRm must be 0.  Opcode_2 can be anything.  */
-        if (CRm != 0)
-            return ARMul_CANT;
-        break;
-    case 2:
-    case 3:
-        /* CRm must be 0.  Opcode_2 must be zero.  */
-        if ((CRm != 0) || (opcode_2 != 0))
-            return ARMul_CANT;
-        break;
-    case 4:
-        /* Access not allowed.  */
-        return ARMul_CANT;
-    case 5:
-    case 6:
-        /* Opcode_2 must be zero.  CRm must be 0.  */
-        if ((CRm != 0) || (opcode_2 != 0))
-            return ARMul_CANT;
-        break;
-    case 7:
-        /* Permissable combinations:
-        Opcode_2  CRm
-        0       5
-        0       6
-        0       7
-        1       5
-        1       6
-        1      10
-        4      10
-        5       2
-        6       5  */
-        switch (opcode_2) {
-        default:
-            return ARMul_CANT;
-        case 6:
-            if (CRm != 5)
-                return ARMul_CANT;
-            break;
-        case 5:
-            if (CRm != 2)
-                return ARMul_CANT;
-            break;
-        case 4:
-            if (CRm != 10)
-                return ARMul_CANT;
-            break;
-        case 1:
-            if ((CRm != 5) && (CRm != 6) && (CRm != 10))
-                return ARMul_CANT;
-            break;
-        case 0:
-            if ((CRm < 5) || (CRm > 7))
-                return ARMul_CANT;
-            break;
-        }
-        break;
-    case 8:
-        /* Permissable combinations:
-        Opcode_2  CRm
-        0       5
-        0       6
-        0       7
-        1       5
-        1       6  */
-        if (opcode_2 > 1)
-            return ARMul_CANT;
-        if ((CRm < 5) || (CRm > 7))
-            return ARMul_CANT;
-        if (opcode_2 == 1 && CRm == 7)
-            return ARMul_CANT;
-        break;
-    case 9:
-        /* Opcode_2 must be zero or one.  CRm must be 1 or 2.  */
-        if (((CRm != 0) && (CRm != 1))
-            || ((opcode_2 != 1) && (opcode_2 != 2)))
-            return ARMul_CANT;
-        break;
-    case 10:
-        /* Opcode_2 must be zero or one.  CRm must be 4 or 8.  */
-        if (((CRm != 0) && (CRm != 1))
-            || ((opcode_2 != 4) && (opcode_2 != 8)))
-            return ARMul_CANT;
-        break;
-    case 11:
-        /* Access not allowed.  */
-        return ARMul_CANT;
-    case 12:
-        /* Access not allowed.  */
-        return ARMul_CANT;
-    case 13:
-        /* Opcode_2 must be zero.  CRm must be 0.  */
-        if ((CRm != 0) || (opcode_2 != 0))
-            return ARMul_CANT;
-        break;
-    case 14:
-        /* Opcode_2 must be 0.  CRm must be 0, 3, 4, 8 or 9.  */
-        if (opcode_2 != 0)
-            return ARMul_CANT;
-        if ((CRm != 0) && (CRm != 3) && (CRm != 4) && (CRm != 8)
-            && (CRm != 9))
-            return ARMul_CANT;
-        break;
-    case 15:
-        /* Opcode_2 must be zero.  CRm must be 1.  */
-        if ((CRm != 1) || (opcode_2 != 0))
-            return ARMul_CANT;
-        break;
-    default:
-        /* Should never happen.  */
-        return ARMul_CANT;
-    }
-    return ARMul_DONE;
-/* Install co-processor instruction handlers in this routine.  */
-ARMul_CoProInit(ARMul_State * state)
-    unsigned int i;
-    /* Initialise tham all first.  */
-    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+    // Initialise tham all first.
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
         ARMul_CoProDetach(state, i);
-    /* Install CoPro Instruction handlers here.
-    The format is:
-    ARMul_CoProAttach (state, CP Number, Init routine, Exit routine
-    LDC routine, STC routine, MRC routine, MCR routine,
-    CDP routine, Read Reg routine, Write Reg routine).  */
+    // Install CoPro Instruction handlers here.
+    // The format is:
+    // ARMul_CoProAttach (state, CP Number, Init routine, Exit routine
+    // LDC routine, STC routine, MRC routine, MCR routine,
+    // CDP routine, Read Reg routine, Write Reg routine).
     if (state->is_v6) {
         ARMul_CoProAttach(state, 10, VFPInit, NULL, VFPLDC, VFPSTC,
@@ -235,57 +67,44 @@ ARMul_CoProInit(ARMul_State * state)
         /*ARMul_CoProAttach (state, 15, MMUInit, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-    //chy 2003-09-03 do it in future!!!!????
-#if 0
-    if (state->is_iWMMXt) {
-        ARMul_CoProAttach(state, 0, NULL, NULL, IwmmxtLDC, IwmmxtSTC,
-            NULL, NULL, IwmmxtCDP, NULL, NULL);
-        ARMul_CoProAttach(state, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-            IwmmxtMRC, IwmmxtMCR, IwmmxtCDP, NULL,
-            NULL);
-    }
-    /* No handlers below here.  */
+    // No handlers below here.
-    /* Call all the initialisation routines.  */
-    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+    // Call all the initialisation routines.
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
         if (state->CPInit[i])
             (state->CPInit[i]) (state);
     return TRUE;
-/* Install co-processor finalisation routines in this routine.  */
-ARMul_CoProExit(ARMul_State * state)
+// Install co-processor finalisation routines in this routine.
+void ARMul_CoProExit(ARMul_State * state)
-    register unsigned i;
-    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
         if (state->CPExit[i])
             (state->CPExit[i]) (state);
-    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)	/* Detach all handlers.  */
+    // Detach all handlers.
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
         ARMul_CoProDetach(state, i);
-/* Routines to hook Co-processors into ARMulator.  */
+// Routines to hook Co-processors into ARMulator.
-ARMul_CoProAttach(ARMul_State * state,
+ARMul_CoProAttach(ARMul_State* state,
 unsigned number,
-ARMul_CPInits * init,
-ARMul_CPExits * exit,
-ARMul_LDCs * ldc,
-ARMul_STCs * stc,
-ARMul_MRCs * mrc,
-ARMul_MCRs * mcr,
-ARMul_MRRCs * mrrc,
-ARMul_MCRRs * mcrr,
-ARMul_CDPs * cdp,
-ARMul_CPReads * read, ARMul_CPWrites * write)
+ARMul_CPInits* init,
+ARMul_CPExits* exit,
+ARMul_LDCs* ldc,
+ARMul_STCs* stc,
+ARMul_MRCs* mrc,
+ARMul_MCRs* mcr,
+ARMul_MRRCs* mrrc,
+ARMul_MCRRs* mcrr,
+ARMul_CDPs* cdp,
+ARMul_CPReads* read, ARMul_CPWrites* write)
     if (init != NULL)
         state->CPInit[number] = init;
@@ -311,8 +130,7 @@ ARMul_CPReads * read, ARMul_CPWrites * write)
         state->CPWrite[number] = write;
-ARMul_CoProDetach(ARMul_State * state, unsigned number)
+void ARMul_CoProDetach(ARMul_State* state, unsigned number)
     ARMul_CoProAttach(state, number, NULL, NULL,
         NoCoPro4R, NoCoPro4W, NoCoPro4W, NoCoPro4R,
diff --git a/src/core/arm/interpreter/armemu.cpp b/src/core/arm/interpreter/armemu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7114313d6..000000000
--- a/src/core/arm/interpreter/armemu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5648 +0,0 @@
-/*  armemu.c -- Main instruction emulation:  ARM7 Instruction Emulator.
-    Copyright (C) 1994 Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.
-    Modifications to add arch. v4 support by <jsmith@cygnus.com>.
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
-#include "core/arm/skyeye_common/arm_regformat.h"
-#include "core/arm/skyeye_common/armdefs.h"
-#include "core/arm/skyeye_common/armemu.h"
-#include "core/hle/hle.h"
-static ARMword GetDPRegRHS (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-static ARMword GetDPSRegRHS (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-static void WriteR15 (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-static void WriteSR15 (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-static void WriteR15Branch (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-static ARMword GetLSRegRHS (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-static ARMword GetLS7RHS (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-static unsigned LoadWord (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword);
-static unsigned LoadHalfWord (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword, int);
-static unsigned LoadByte (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword, int);
-static unsigned StoreWord (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword);
-static unsigned StoreHalfWord (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword);
-static unsigned StoreByte (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword);
-static void LoadMult (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword, ARMword);
-static void StoreMult (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword, ARMword);
-static void LoadSMult (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword, ARMword);
-static void StoreSMult (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword, ARMword);
-static unsigned Multiply64 (ARMul_State *, ARMword, int, int);
-static unsigned MultiplyAdd64 (ARMul_State *, ARMword, int, int);
-static void Handle_Load_Double (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-static void Handle_Store_Double (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-static int handle_v6_insn (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr);
-#define LUNSIGNED (0)		/* unsigned operation */
-#define LSIGNED   (1)		/* signed operation */
-#define LDEFAULT  (0)		/* default : do nothing */
-#define LSCC      (1)		/* set condition codes on result */
-/* Short-hand macros for LDR/STR.  */
-/* Store post decrement writeback.  */
-#define SHDOWNWB()                                      \
-  lhs = LHS ;                                           \
-  if (StoreHalfWord (state, instr, lhs))                \
-     LSBase = lhs - GetLS7RHS (state, instr);
-/* Store post increment writeback.  */
-#define SHUPWB()                                        \
-  lhs = LHS ;                                           \
-  if (StoreHalfWord (state, instr, lhs))                \
-     LSBase = lhs + GetLS7RHS (state, instr);
-/* Store pre decrement.  */
-#define SHPREDOWN()                                     \
-  (void)StoreHalfWord (state, instr, LHS - GetLS7RHS (state, instr));
-/* Store pre decrement writeback.  */
-#define SHPREDOWNWB()                                   \
-  temp = LHS - GetLS7RHS (state, instr);                \
-  if (StoreHalfWord (state, instr, temp))               \
-     LSBase = temp;
-/* Store pre increment.  */
-#define SHPREUP()                                       \
-  (void)StoreHalfWord (state, instr, LHS + GetLS7RHS (state, instr));
-/* Store pre increment writeback.  */
-#define SHPREUPWB()                                     \
-  temp = LHS + GetLS7RHS (state, instr);                \
-  if (StoreHalfWord (state, instr, temp))               \
-     LSBase = temp;
-/* Load post decrement writeback.  */
-#define LHPOSTDOWN()                                    \
-{                                                       \
-  int done = 1;                                        	\
-  lhs = LHS;						\
-  temp = lhs - GetLS7RHS (state, instr);		\
-  							\
-  switch (BITS (5, 6))					\
-    {                                  			\
-    case 1: /* H */                                     \
-      if (LoadHalfWord (state, instr, lhs, LUNSIGNED))  \
-         LSBase = temp;        				\
-      break;                                           	\
-    case 2: /* SB */                                    \
-      if (LoadByte (state, instr, lhs, LSIGNED))        \
-         LSBase = temp;        				\
-      break;                                           	\
-    case 3: /* SH */                                    \
-      if (LoadHalfWord (state, instr, lhs, LSIGNED))    \
-         LSBase = temp;        				\
-      break;                                           	\
-    case 0: /* SWP handled elsewhere.  */               \
-    default:                                            \
-      done = 0;                                        	\
-      break;                                           	\
-    }                                                   \
-  if (done)                                             \
-     break;                                            	\
-/* Load post increment writeback.  */
-#define LHPOSTUP()                                      \
-{                                                       \
-  int done = 1;                                        	\
-  lhs = LHS;                                           	\
-  temp = lhs + GetLS7RHS (state, instr);		\
-  							\
-  switch (BITS (5, 6))					\
-    {                                  			\
-    case 1: /* H */                                     \
-      if (LoadHalfWord (state, instr, lhs, LUNSIGNED))  \
-         LSBase = temp;        				\
-      break;                                           	\
-    case 2: /* SB */                                    \
-      if (LoadByte (state, instr, lhs, LSIGNED))        \
-         LSBase = temp;        				\
-      break;                                           	\
-    case 3: /* SH */                                    \
-      if (LoadHalfWord (state, instr, lhs, LSIGNED))    \
-         LSBase = temp;        				\
-      break;                                           	\
-    case 0: /* SWP handled elsewhere.  */               \
-    default:                                            \
-      done = 0;                                        	\
-      break;                                           	\
-    }                                                   \
-  if (done)                                             \
-     break;                                            	\
-/* Load pre decrement.  */
-#define LHPREDOWN()                                     	\
-{                                                       	\
-  int done = 1;                                        		\
-								\
-  temp = LHS - GetLS7RHS (state, instr);                 	\
-  switch (BITS (5, 6))						\
-    {                                  				\
-    case 1: /* H */                                     	\
-      (void) LoadHalfWord (state, instr, temp, LUNSIGNED);  	\
-      break;                                           		\
-    case 2: /* SB */                                    	\
-      (void) LoadByte (state, instr, temp, LSIGNED);        	\
-      break;                                           		\
-    case 3: /* SH */                                    	\
-      (void) LoadHalfWord (state, instr, temp, LSIGNED);    	\
-      break;                                           		\
-    case 0:							\
-      /* SWP handled elsewhere.  */                 		\
-    default:                                            	\
-      done = 0;                                        		\
-      break;                                           		\
-    }                                                   	\
-  if (done)                                             	\
-     break;                                            		\
-/* Load pre decrement writeback.  */
-#define LHPREDOWNWB()                                   	\
-{                                                       	\
-  int done = 1;                                        		\
-								\
-  temp = LHS - GetLS7RHS (state, instr);                	\
-  switch (BITS (5, 6))						\
-    {                                  				\
-    case 1: /* H */                                     	\
-      if (LoadHalfWord (state, instr, temp, LUNSIGNED))     	\
-         LSBase = temp;                                		\
-      break;                                           		\
-    case 2: /* SB */                                    	\
-      if (LoadByte (state, instr, temp, LSIGNED))           	\
-         LSBase = temp;                                		\
-      break;                                           		\
-    case 3: /* SH */                                    	\
-      if (LoadHalfWord (state, instr, temp, LSIGNED))       	\
-         LSBase = temp;                                		\
-      break;                                           		\
-    case 0:							\
-      /* SWP handled elsewhere.  */                 		\
-    default:                                            	\
-      done = 0;                                        		\
-      break;                                           		\
-    }                                                   	\
-  if (done)                                             	\
-     break;                                            		\
-/* Load pre increment.  */
-#define LHPREUP()                                       	\
-{                                                       	\
-  int done = 1;                                        		\
-								\
-  temp = LHS + GetLS7RHS (state, instr);                 	\
-  switch (BITS (5, 6))						\
-    {                                  				\
-    case 1: /* H */                                     	\
-      (void) LoadHalfWord (state, instr, temp, LUNSIGNED);  	\
-      break;                                           		\
-    case 2: /* SB */                                    	\
-      (void) LoadByte (state, instr, temp, LSIGNED);        	\
-      break;                                           		\
-    case 3: /* SH */                                    	\
-      (void) LoadHalfWord (state, instr, temp, LSIGNED);    	\
-      break;                                           		\
-    case 0:							\
-      /* SWP handled elsewhere.  */                 		\
-    default:                                            	\
-      done = 0;                                        		\
-      break;                                           		\
-    }                                                   	\
-  if (done)                                             	\
-     break;                                            		\
-/* Load pre increment writeback.  */
-#define LHPREUPWB()                                     	\
-{                                                       	\
-  int done = 1;                                        		\
-								\
-  temp = LHS + GetLS7RHS (state, instr);                	\
-  switch (BITS (5, 6))						\
-    {                                  				\
-    case 1: /* H */                                     	\
-      if (LoadHalfWord (state, instr, temp, LUNSIGNED))     	\
-	LSBase = temp;                                		\
-      break;                                           		\
-    case 2: /* SB */                                    	\
-      if (LoadByte (state, instr, temp, LSIGNED))           	\
-	LSBase = temp;                                		\
-      break;                                           		\
-    case 3: /* SH */                                    	\
-      if (LoadHalfWord (state, instr, temp, LSIGNED))       	\
-	LSBase = temp;                                		\
-      break;                                           		\
-    case 0:							\
-      /* SWP handled elsewhere.  */                 		\
-    default:                                            	\
-      done = 0;                                        		\
-      break;                                           		\
-    }                                                   	\
-  if (done)                                             	\
-     break;                                            		\
-/* EMULATION of ARM6.  */
-int ARMul_ICE_debug(ARMul_State *state,ARMword instr,ARMword addr);
-#ifdef MODE32
-//chy 2006-04-12, for ICE debug
-int ARMul_ICE_debug(ARMul_State *state,ARMword instr,ARMword addr)
-    return 0;
-ARMword ARMul_Debug(ARMul_State * state, ARMword pc, ARMword instr)
-    return 0;
-ARMword ARMul_Emulate32(ARMul_State* state)
-ARMword ARMul_Emulate26(ARMul_State* state)
-    /* The PC pipeline value depends on whether ARM
-    or Thumb instructions are being
-    d.  */
-    ARMword isize;
-    ARMword instr;		/* The current instruction.  */
-    ARMword dest = 0;	/* Almost the DestBus.  */
-    ARMword temp;		/* Ubiquitous third hand.  */
-    ARMword pc = 0;		/* The address of the current instruction.  */
-    ARMword lhs;		/* Almost the ABus and BBus.  */
-    ARMword rhs;
-    ARMword decoded = 0;	/* Instruction pipeline.  */
-    ARMword loaded = 0;
-    ARMword decoded_addr=0;
-    ARMword loaded_addr=0;
-    ARMword have_bp=0;
-    /* Execute the next instruction.  */
-    if (state->NextInstr < PRIMEPIPE) {
-        decoded = state->decoded;
-        loaded = state->loaded;
-        pc = state->pc;
-        //chy 2006-04-12, for ICE debug
-        decoded_addr=state->decoded_addr;
-        loaded_addr=state->loaded_addr;
-    }
-    do {
-        //print_func_name(state->pc);
-        /* Just keep going.  */
-        isize = INSN_SIZE;
-        switch (state->NextInstr) {
-        case SEQ:
-            /* Advance the pipeline, and an S cycle.  */
-            state->Reg[15] += isize;
-            pc += isize;
-            instr = decoded;
-            //chy 2006-04-12, for ICE debug
-            have_bp = ARMul_ICE_debug(state,instr,decoded_addr);
-            decoded = loaded;
-            decoded_addr=loaded_addr;
-            //loaded = ARMul_LoadInstrS (state, pc + (isize * 2),
-            //			   isize);
-            loaded_addr=pc + (isize * 2);
-            if (have_bp) goto  TEST_EMULATE;
-            break;
-        case NONSEQ:
-            /* Advance the pipeline, and an N cycle.  */
-            state->Reg[15] += isize;
-            pc += isize;
-            instr = decoded;
-            //chy 2006-04-12, for ICE debug
-            have_bp=ARMul_ICE_debug(state,instr,decoded_addr);
-            decoded = loaded;
-            decoded_addr=loaded_addr;
-            //loaded = ARMul_LoadInstrN (state, pc + (isize * 2),
-            //			   isize);
-            loaded_addr=pc + (isize * 2);
-            NORMALCYCLE;
-            if (have_bp) goto  TEST_EMULATE;
-            break;
-        case PCINCEDSEQ:
-            /* Program counter advanced, and an S cycle.  */
-            pc += isize;
-            instr = decoded;
-            //chy 2006-04-12, for ICE debug
-            have_bp=ARMul_ICE_debug(state,instr,decoded_addr);
-            decoded = loaded;
-            decoded_addr=loaded_addr;
-            //loaded = ARMul_LoadInstrS (state, pc + (isize * 2),
-            //			   isize);
-            loaded_addr=pc + (isize * 2);
-            NORMALCYCLE;
-            if (have_bp) goto  TEST_EMULATE;
-            break;
-        case PCINCEDNONSEQ:
-            /* Program counter advanced, and an N cycle.  */
-            pc += isize;
-            instr = decoded;
-            //chy 2006-04-12, for ICE debug
-            have_bp=ARMul_ICE_debug(state,instr,decoded_addr);
-            decoded = loaded;
-            decoded_addr=loaded_addr;
-            //loaded = ARMul_LoadInstrN (state, pc + (isize * 2),
-            //			   isize);
-            loaded_addr=pc + (isize * 2);
-            NORMALCYCLE;
-            if (have_bp) goto  TEST_EMULATE;
-            break;
-        case RESUME:
-            /* The program counter has been changed.  */
-            pc = state->Reg[15];
-#ifndef MODE32
-            pc = pc & R15PCBITS;
-            state->Reg[15] = pc + (isize * 2);
-            state->Aborted = 0;
-            //chy 2004-05-25, fix bug provided by Carl van Schaik<cvansch@cse.unsw.EDU.AU>
-            state->AbortAddr = 1;
-            instr = ARMul_LoadInstrN (state, pc, isize);
-            //instr = ARMul_ReLoadInstr (state, pc, isize);
-            //chy 2006-04-12, for ICE debug
-            have_bp=ARMul_ICE_debug(state,instr,pc);
-            //decoded =
-            //	ARMul_ReLoadInstr (state, pc + isize, isize);
-            decoded_addr=pc+isize;
-            //loaded = ARMul_ReLoadInstr (state, pc + isize * 2,
-            //			    isize);
-            loaded_addr=pc + isize * 2;
-            NORMALCYCLE;
-            if (have_bp) goto  TEST_EMULATE;
-            break;
-        default:
-            /* The program counter has been changed.  */
-            pc = state->Reg[15];
-#ifndef MODE32
-            pc = pc & R15PCBITS;
-            state->Reg[15] = pc + (isize * 2);
-            state->Aborted = 0;
-            //chy 2004-05-25, fix bug provided by Carl van Schaik<cvansch@cse.unsw.EDU.AU>
-            state->AbortAddr = 1;
-            instr = ARMul_LoadInstrN (state, pc, isize);
-            //chy 2006-04-12, for ICE debug
-            have_bp=ARMul_ICE_debug(state,instr,pc);
-            decoded_addr=pc+isize;
-            loaded_addr=pc + isize * 2;
-            NORMALCYCLE;
-            if (have_bp) goto  TEST_EMULATE;
-            break;
-        }
-        instr = ARMul_LoadInstrN (state, pc, isize);
-        state->last_instr = state->CurrInstr;
-        state->CurrInstr = instr;
-        ARMul_Debug(state, pc, instr);
-        /* Any exceptions ?  */
-        if (state->NresetSig == LOW) {
-            ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_ResetV);
-            break;
-        } else if (!state->NfiqSig && !FFLAG) {
-            ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_FIQV);
-            break;
-        } else if (!state->NirqSig && !IFLAG) {
-            ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_IRQV);
-            break;
-        }
-        if (state->Emulate < ONCE) {
-            state->NextInstr = RESUME;
-            break;
-        }
-        state->NumInstrs++;
-#ifdef MODET
-        /* Provide Thumb instruction decoding. If the processor is in Thumb
-           mode, then we can simply decode the Thumb instruction, and map it
-           to the corresponding ARM instruction (by directly loading the
-           instr variable, and letting the normal ARM simulator
-           execute). There are some caveats to ensure that the correct
-           pipelined PC value is used when executing Thumb code, and also for
-           dealing with the BL instruction.  */
-        if (TFLAG) {
-            ARMword armOp = 0;
-            /* Check if in Thumb mode.  */
-            switch (ARMul_ThumbDecode(state, pc, instr, &armOp)) {
-            case t_undefined:
-                /* This is a Thumb instruction.  */
-                ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                goto donext;
-            case t_branch:
-                /* Already processed.  */
-                //pc = state->Reg[15] - 2;
-                //state->pc = state->Reg[15] - 2; //ichfly why do I need that
-                goto donext;
-            case t_decoded:
-                /* ARM instruction available.  */
-                //printf("t decode %04lx -> %08lx\n", instr & 0xffff, armOp);
-                if (armOp == 0xDEADC0DE) {
-                    LOG_ERROR(Core_ARM11, "Failed to decode thumb opcode %04X at %08X", instr, pc);
-                }
-                instr = armOp;
-                /* So continue instruction decoding.  */
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        /* Check the condition codes.  */
-        if ((temp = TOPBITS (28)) == AL) {
-            /* Vile deed in the need for speed. */
-            goto mainswitch;
-        }
-        /* Check the condition code. */
-        switch ((int) TOPBITS (28)) {
-        case AL:
-            temp = TRUE;
-            break;
-        case NV:
-            /* shenoubang add for armv7 instr dmb 2012-3-11 */
-            if (state->is_v7) {
-                if ((instr & 0x0fffff00) == 0x057ff000) {
-                    switch((instr >> 4) & 0xf) {
-                    case 4: /* dsb */
-                    case 5: /* dmb */
-                    case 6: /* isb */
-                        // TODO: do no implemented thes instr
-                        goto donext;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            /* dyf add for armv6 instruct CPS 2010.9.17 */
-            if (state->is_v6) {
-                /* clrex do nothing here temporary */
-                if (instr == 0xf57ff01f) {
-                    //printf("clrex \n");
-                    /* shenoubang 2012-3-14 refer the dyncom_interpreter */
-                    state->exclusive_tag_array[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-                    state->exclusive_access_state = 0;
-                    goto donext;
-                }
-                if (BITS(20, 27) == 0x10) {
-                    if (BIT(19)) {
-                        if (BIT(8)) {
-                            if (BIT(18))
-                                state->Cpsr |= 1<<8;
-                            else
-                                state->Cpsr &= ~(1<<8);
-                        }
-                        if (BIT(7)) {
-                            if (BIT(18))
-                                state->Cpsr |= 1<<7;
-                            else
-                                state->Cpsr &= ~(1<<7);
-                            ASSIGNINT (state->Cpsr & INTBITS);
-                        }
-                        if (BIT(6)) {
-                            if (BIT(18))
-                                state->Cpsr |= 1<<6;
-                            else
-                                state->Cpsr &= ~(1<<6);
-                            ASSIGNINT (state->Cpsr & INTBITS);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (BIT(17)) {
-                        state->Cpsr |= BITS(0, 4);
-                        printf("skyeye test state->Mode\n");
-                        if (state->Mode != (state->Cpsr & MODEBITS)) {
-                            state->Mode = ARMul_SwitchMode (state, state->Mode, state->Cpsr & MODEBITS);
-                            state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    goto donext;
-                }
-            }
-            if (state->is_v5) {
-                if (BITS (25, 27) == 5) {	/* BLX(1) */
-                    ARMword dest;
-                    state->Reg[14] = pc + 4;
-                    /* Force entry into Thumb mode.  */
-                    dest = pc + 8 + 1;
-                    if (BIT (23))
-                        dest += (NEGBRANCH +
-                                 (BIT (24) << 1));
-                    else
-                        dest += POSBRANCH +
-                                (BIT (24) << 1);
-                    WriteR15Branch (state, dest);
-                    goto donext;
-                } else if ((instr & 0xFC70F000) == 0xF450F000) {
-                    /* The PLD instruction.  Ignored.  */
-                    goto donext;
-                } else if (((instr & 0xfe500f00) == 0xfc100100)
-                           || ((instr & 0xfe500f00) ==
-                               0xfc000100)) {
-                    /* wldrw and wstrw are unconditional.  */
-                    goto mainswitch;
-                } else {
-                    /* UNDEFINED in v5, UNPREDICTABLE in v3, v4, non executed in v1, v2.  */
-                    ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                }
-            }
-            temp = FALSE;
-            break;
-        case EQ:
-            temp = ZFLAG;
-            break;
-        case NE:
-            temp = !ZFLAG;
-            break;
-        case VS:
-            temp = VFLAG;
-            break;
-        case VC:
-            temp = !VFLAG;
-            break;
-        case MI:
-            temp = NFLAG;
-            break;
-        case PL:
-            temp = !NFLAG;
-            break;
-        case CS:
-            temp = CFLAG;
-            break;
-        case CC:
-            temp = !CFLAG;
-            break;
-        case HI:
-            temp = (CFLAG && !ZFLAG);
-            break;
-        case LS:
-            temp = (!CFLAG || ZFLAG);
-            break;
-        case GE:
-            temp = ((!NFLAG && !VFLAG) || (NFLAG && VFLAG));
-            break;
-        case LT:
-            temp = ((NFLAG && !VFLAG) || (!NFLAG && VFLAG));
-            break;
-        case GT:
-            temp = ((!NFLAG && !VFLAG && !ZFLAG)
-                    || (NFLAG && VFLAG && !ZFLAG));
-            break;
-        case LE:
-            temp = ((NFLAG && !VFLAG) || (!NFLAG && VFLAG))
-                   || ZFLAG;
-            break;
-        }		/* cc check */
-//chy 2003-08-24 now #if 0 .... #endif  process cp14, cp15.reg14, I disable it...
-        /* Actual execution of instructions begins here.  */
-        /* If the condition codes don't match, stop here.  */
-        if (temp) {
-            /* shenoubang sbfx and ubfx instr 2012-3-16 */
-            if (state->is_v6) {
-                unsigned int m, lsb, width, Rd, Rn, data;
-                Rd = Rn = lsb = width = data = m = 0;
-                //printf("helloworld\n");
-                if ((((int) BITS (21, 27)) == 0x3f) && (((int) BITS (4, 6)) == 0x5)) {
-                    m = (unsigned)BITS(7, 11);
-                    width = (unsigned)BITS(16, 20);
-                    Rd = (unsigned)BITS(12, 15);
-                    Rn = (unsigned)BITS(0, 3);
-                    if ((Rd == 15) || (Rn == 15)) {
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                    } else if ((m + width) < 32) {
-                        data = state->Reg[Rn];
-                        state->Reg[Rd] ^= state->Reg[Rd];
-                        state->Reg[Rd] = ((ARMword)(data << (31 -(m + width))) >> ((31 - (m + width)) + (m)));
-                        //SKYEYE_LOG_IN_CLR(RED, "UBFX: In %s, line = %d, Reg_src[%d] = 0x%x, Reg_d[%d] = 0x%x, m = %d, width = %d, Rd = %d, Rn = %d\n",
-                        //		__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, Rn, data, Rd, state->Reg[Rd], m, width + 1, Rd, Rn);
-                        goto donext;
-                    }
-                } // ubfx instr
-                else if ((((int) BITS (21, 27)) == 0x3d) && (((int) BITS (4, 6)) == 0x5)) {
-                    int tmp = 0;
-                    Rd = BITS(12, 15);
-                    Rn = BITS(0, 3);
-                    lsb = BITS(7, 11);
-                    width = BITS(16, 20);
-                    if ((Rd == 15) || (Rn == 15)) {
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                    } else if ((lsb + width) < 32) {
-                        state->Reg[Rd] ^= state->Reg[Rd];
-                        data = state->Reg[Rn];
-                        tmp = (data << (32 - (lsb + width + 1)));
-                        state->Reg[Rd] = (tmp >> (32 - (lsb + width + 1)));
-                        //SKYEYE_LOG_IN_CLR(RED, "sbfx: In %s, line = %d, pc = 0x%x, instr = 0x%x,Rd = 0x%x, Rn = 0x%x, lsb = %d, width = %d, Rs[%d] = 0x%x, Rd[%d] = 0x%x\n",
-                        //		__func__, __LINE__, pc, instr, Rd, Rn, lsb, width + 1, Rn, state->Reg[Rn], Rd, state->Reg[Rd]);
-                        goto donext;
-                    }
-                } // sbfx instr
-                else if ((((int)BITS(21, 27)) == 0x3e) && ((int)BITS(4, 6) == 0x1)) {
-                    //(ARMword)(instr<<(31-(n))) >> ((31-(n))+(m))
-                    unsigned msb ,tmp_rn, tmp_rd, dst;
-                    tmp_rd = tmp_rn = dst = 0;
-                    Rd = BITS(12, 15);
-                    Rn = BITS(0, 3);
-                    lsb = BITS(7, 11);
-                    msb = BITS(16, 20); //-V519
-                    if (Rd == 15) {
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                    } else if (Rn == 15) {
-                        data = state->Reg[Rd];
-                        tmp_rd = ((ARMword)(data << (31 - lsb)) >> (31 - lsb));
-                        dst = ((data >> msb) << (msb - lsb));
-                        dst = (dst << lsb) | tmp_rd;
-                        goto donext;
-                    } // bfc instr
-                    else if (((msb >= lsb) && (msb < 32))) {
-                        data = state->Reg[Rn];
-                        tmp_rn = ((ARMword)(data << (31 - (msb - lsb))) >> (31 - (msb - lsb)));
-                        data = state->Reg[Rd];
-                        tmp_rd = ((ARMword)(data << (31 - lsb)) >> (31 - lsb));
-                        dst = ((data >> msb) << (msb - lsb)) | tmp_rn;
-                        dst = (dst << lsb) | tmp_rd;
-                        goto donext;
-                    } // bfi instr
-                }
-            }
-            switch ((int) BITS (20, 27)) {
-            /* Data Processing Register RHS Instructions.  */
-            case 0x00:	/* AND reg and MUL */
-#ifdef MODET
-                if (BITS (4, 11) == 0xB) {
-                    /* STRH register offset, no write-back, down, post indexed.  */
-                    SHDOWNWB ();
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xD) {
-                    Handle_Load_Double (state, instr);
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xF) {
-                    Handle_Store_Double (state, instr);
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (BITS (4, 7) == 9) {
-                    /* MUL */
-                    rhs = state->Reg[MULRHSReg];
-                    //if (MULLHSReg == MULDESTReg) {
-                    if(0) { /* For armv6, the restriction is removed */
-                        UNDEF_MULDestEQOp1;
-                        state->Reg[MULDESTReg] = 0;
-                    } else if (MULDESTReg != 15)
-                        state->Reg[MULDESTReg] = state->Reg[MULLHSReg] * rhs;
-                    else
-                        UNDEF_MULPCDest;
-                    for (dest = 0, temp = 0; dest < 32;
-                            dest++)
-                        if (rhs & (1L << dest))
-                            temp = dest;
-                    /* Mult takes this many/2 I cycles.  */
-                    ARMul_Icycles (state, ARMul_MultTable[temp], 0L);
-                } else {
-                    /* AND reg.  */
-                    rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                    dest = LHS & rhs;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                }
-                break;
-            case 0x01:	/* ANDS reg and MULS */
-#ifdef MODET
-                if ((BITS (4, 11) & 0xF9) == 0x9)
-                    /* LDR register offset, no write-back, down, post indexed.  */
-                    LHPOSTDOWN ();
-                /* Fall through to rest of decoding.  */
-                if (BITS (4, 7) == 9) {
-                    /* MULS */
-                    rhs = state->Reg[MULRHSReg];
-                    //if (MULLHSReg == MULDESTReg) {
-                    if(0) {
-                        printf("Something in %d line\n", __LINE__);
-                        UNDEF_WARNING;
-                        UNDEF_MULDestEQOp1;
-                        state->Reg[MULDESTReg] = 0;
-                        CLEARN;
-                        SETZ;
-                    } else if (MULDESTReg != 15) {
-                        dest = state->Reg[MULLHSReg] * rhs;
-                        ARMul_NegZero (state, dest);
-                        state->Reg[MULDESTReg] = dest;
-                    } else
-                        UNDEF_MULPCDest;
-                    for (dest = 0, temp = 0; dest < 32;
-                            dest++)
-                        if (rhs & (1L << dest))
-                            temp = dest;
-                    /* Mult takes this many/2 I cycles.  */
-                    ARMul_Icycles (state, ARMul_MultTable[temp], 0L);
-                } else {
-                    /* ANDS reg.  */
-                    rhs = DPSRegRHS;
-                    dest = LHS & rhs;
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                }
-                break;
-            case 0x02:	/* EOR reg and MLA */
-#ifdef MODET
-                if (BITS (4, 11) == 0xB) {
-                    /* STRH register offset, write-back, down, post indexed.  */
-                    SHDOWNWB ();
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (BITS (4, 7) == 9) {	/* MLA */
-                    rhs = state->Reg[MULRHSReg];
-#if 0
-                    if (MULLHSReg == MULDESTReg) {
-                        UNDEF_MULDestEQOp1;
-                        state->Reg[MULDESTReg] = state->Reg[MULACCReg];
-                    } else if (MULDESTReg != 15) {
-                        if (MULDESTReg != 15) {
-                            state->Reg[MULDESTReg] = state->Reg[MULLHSReg] * rhs + state->Reg[MULACCReg];
-                        } else
-                            UNDEF_MULPCDest;
-                        for (dest = 0, temp = 0; dest < 32;
-                                dest++)
-                            if (rhs & (1L << dest))
-                                temp = dest;
-                        /* Mult takes this many/2 I cycles.  */
-                        ARMul_Icycles (state, ARMul_MultTable[temp], 0L);
-                    } else {
-                        rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                        dest = LHS ^ rhs;
-                        WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 0x03:	/* EORS reg and MLAS */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if ((BITS (4, 11) & 0xF9) == 0x9)
-                        /* LDR register offset, write-back, down, post-indexed.  */
-                        LHPOSTDOWN ();
-                    /* Fall through to rest of the decoding.  */
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 9) {
-                        /* MLAS */
-                        rhs = state->Reg[MULRHSReg];
-                        //if (MULLHSReg == MULDESTReg) {
-                        if (0) {
-                            UNDEF_MULDestEQOp1;
-                            dest = state->Reg[MULACCReg];
-                            ARMul_NegZero (state, dest);
-                            state->Reg[MULDESTReg] = dest;
-                        } else if (MULDESTReg != 15) {
-                            dest = state->Reg[MULLHSReg] * rhs + state->Reg[MULACCReg];
-                            ARMul_NegZero (state, dest);
-                            state->Reg[MULDESTReg] = dest;
-                        } else
-                            UNDEF_MULPCDest;
-                        for (dest = 0, temp = 0; dest < 32;
-                                dest++)
-                            if (rhs & (1L << dest))
-                                temp = dest;
-                        /* Mult takes this many/2 I cycles.  */
-                        ARMul_Icycles (state, ARMul_MultTable[temp], 0L);
-                    } else {
-                        /* EORS Reg.  */
-                        rhs = DPSRegRHS;
-                        dest = LHS ^ rhs;
-                        WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 0x04: /* SUB reg */
-                    // Signifies UMAAL
-                    if (state->is_v6 && BITS(4, 7) == 0x09) {
-                        if (handle_v6_insn(state, instr))
-                            break;
-                    }
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xB) {
-                        /* STRH immediate offset, no write-back, down, post indexed.  */
-                        SHDOWNWB ();
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xD) {
-                        Handle_Load_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xF) {
-                        Handle_Store_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                    dest = LHS - rhs;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x05:	/* SUBS reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if ((BITS (4, 7) & 0x9) == 0x9)
-                        /* LDR immediate offset, no write-back, down, post indexed.  */
-                        LHPOSTDOWN ();
-                    /* Fall through to the rest of the instruction decoding.  */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                    dest = lhs - rhs;
-                    if ((lhs >= rhs) || ((rhs | lhs) >> 31)) {
-                        ARMul_SubCarry (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                        ARMul_SubOverflow (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                    } else {
-                        CLEARC;
-                        CLEARV;
-                    }
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x06:	/* RSB reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xB) {
-                        /* STRH immediate offset, write-back, down, post indexed.  */
-                        SHDOWNWB ();
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                    dest = rhs - LHS;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x07:	/* RSBS reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if ((BITS (4, 7) & 0x9) == 0x9)
-                        /* LDR immediate offset, write-back, down, post indexed.  */
-                        LHPOSTDOWN ();
-                    /* Fall through to remainder of instruction decoding.  */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                    dest = rhs - lhs;
-                    if ((rhs >= lhs) || ((rhs | lhs) >> 31)) {
-                        ARMul_SubCarry (state, rhs, lhs, dest);
-                        ARMul_SubOverflow (state, rhs, lhs, dest);
-                    } else {
-                        CLEARC;
-                        CLEARV;
-                    }
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x08:	/* ADD reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if (BITS (4, 11) == 0xB) {
-                        /* STRH register offset, no write-back, up, post indexed.  */
-                        SHUPWB ();
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xD) {
-                        Handle_Load_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xF) {
-                        Handle_Store_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0x9) {
-                        /* MULL */
-                        /* 32x32 = 64 */
-                        ARMul_Icycles (state, Multiply64 (state, instr, LUNSIGNED, LDEFAULT), 0L);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                    dest = LHS + rhs;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x09:	/* ADDS reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if ((BITS (4, 11) & 0xF9) == 0x9)
-                        /* LDR register offset, no write-back, up, post indexed.  */
-                        LHPOSTUP ();
-                    /* Fall through to remaining instruction decoding.  */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0x9) {
-                        /* MULL */
-                        /* 32x32=64 */
-                        ARMul_Icycles (state, Multiply64 (state, instr, LUNSIGNED, LSCC), 0L);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                    dest = lhs + rhs;
-                    ASSIGNZ (dest == 0);
-                    if ((lhs | rhs) >> 30) {
-                        /* Possible C,V,N to set.  */
-                        ASSIGNN (NEG (dest));
-                        ARMul_AddCarry (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                        ARMul_AddOverflow (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                    } else {
-                        CLEARN;
-                        CLEARC;
-                        CLEARV;
-                    }
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x0a:	/* ADC reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if (BITS (4, 11) == 0xB) {
-                        /* STRH register offset, write-back, up, post-indexed.  */
-                        SHUPWB ();
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0x9) {
-                        /* MULL */
-                        /* 32x32=64 */
-                        ARMul_Icycles (state, MultiplyAdd64 (state, instr, LUNSIGNED, LDEFAULT), 0L);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                    dest = LHS + rhs + CFLAG;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x0b:	/* ADCS reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if ((BITS (4, 11) & 0xF9) == 0x9)
-                        /* LDR register offset, write-back, up, post indexed.  */
-                        LHPOSTUP ();
-                    /* Fall through to remaining instruction decoding.  */
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0x9) {
-                        /* MULL */
-                        /* 32x32=64 */
-                        ARMul_Icycles (state, MultiplyAdd64 (state, instr, LUNSIGNED, LSCC), 0L);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                    dest = lhs + rhs + CFLAG;
-                    ASSIGNZ (dest == 0);
-                    if ((lhs | rhs) >> 30) {
-                        /* Possible C,V,N to set.  */
-                        ASSIGNN (NEG (dest));
-                        ARMul_AddCarry (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                        ARMul_AddOverflow (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                    } else {
-                        CLEARN;
-                        CLEARC;
-                        CLEARV;
-                    }
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x0c:	/* SBC reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xB) {
-                        /* STRH immediate offset, no write-back, up post indexed.  */
-                        SHUPWB ();
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xD) {
-                        Handle_Load_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xF) {
-                        Handle_Store_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0x9) {
-                        /* MULL */
-                        /* 32x32=64 */
-                        ARMul_Icycles (state, Multiply64 (state, instr, LSIGNED, LDEFAULT), 0L);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                    dest = LHS - rhs - !CFLAG;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x0d:	/* SBCS reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if ((BITS (4, 7) & 0x9) == 0x9)
-                        /* LDR immediate offset, no write-back, up, post indexed.  */
-                        LHPOSTUP ();
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0x9) {
-                        /* MULL */
-                        /* 32x32=64 */
-                        ARMul_Icycles (state, Multiply64 (state, instr, LSIGNED, LSCC), 0L);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                    dest = lhs - rhs - !CFLAG;
-                    if ((lhs >= rhs) || ((rhs | lhs) >> 31)) {
-                        ARMul_SubCarry (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                        ARMul_SubOverflow (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                    } else {
-                        CLEARC;
-                        CLEARV;
-                    }
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x0e:	/* RSC reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xB) {
-                        /* STRH immediate offset, write-back, up, post indexed.  */
-                        SHUPWB ();
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0x9) {
-                        /* MULL */
-                        /* 32x32=64 */
-                        ARMul_Icycles (state, MultiplyAdd64 (state, instr, LSIGNED, LDEFAULT), 0L);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                    dest = rhs - LHS - !CFLAG;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x0f:	/* RSCS reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if ((BITS (4, 7) & 0x9) == 0x9)
-                        /* LDR immediate offset, write-back, up, post indexed.  */
-                        LHPOSTUP ();
-                    /* Fall through to remaining instruction decoding.  */
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0x9) {
-                        /* MULL */
-                        /* 32x32=64 */
-                        ARMul_Icycles (state, MultiplyAdd64 (state, instr, LSIGNED, LSCC), 0L);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                    dest = rhs - lhs - !CFLAG;
-                    if ((rhs >= lhs) || ((rhs | lhs) >> 31)) {
-                        ARMul_SubCarry (state, rhs, lhs, dest);
-                        ARMul_SubOverflow (state, rhs, lhs, dest);
-                    } else {
-                        CLEARC;
-                        CLEARV;
-                    }
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x10:	/* TST reg and MRS CPSR and SWP word.  */
-                    if (state->is_v5e) {
-                        if (BIT (4) == 0 && BIT (7) == 1) {
-                            /* ElSegundo SMLAxy insn.  */
-                            ARMword op1 = state->Reg[BITS (0, 3)];
-                            ARMword op2 = state->Reg[BITS (8, 11)];
-                            ARMword Rn = state->Reg[BITS (12, 15)];
-                            if (BIT (5))
-                                op1 >>= 16;
-                            if (BIT (6))
-                                op2 >>= 16;
-                            op1 &= 0xFFFF;
-                            op2 &= 0xFFFF;
-                            if (op1 & 0x8000)
-                                op1 -= 65536;
-                            if (op2 & 0x8000)
-                                op2 -= 65536;
-                            op1 *= op2;
-                            //printf("SMLA_INST:BB,op1=0x%x, op2=0x%x. Rn=0x%x\n", op1, op2, Rn);
-                            if (AddOverflow(op1, Rn, op1 + Rn))
-                                SETQ;
-                            state->Reg[BITS (16, 19)] = op1 + Rn;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        if (BITS (4, 11) == 5) {
-                            /* ElSegundo QADD insn.  */
-                            ARMword op1 = state->Reg[BITS (0, 3)];
-                            ARMword op2 = state->Reg[BITS (16, 19)];
-                            ARMword result = op1 + op2;
-                            if (AddOverflow(op1, op2, result)) {
-                                result = POS (result) ? 0x80000000 : 0x7fffffff;
-                                SETQ;
-                            }
-                            state->Reg[BITS (12, 15)] = result;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if (BITS (4, 11) == 0xB) {
-                        /* STRH register offset, no write-back, down, pre indexed.  */
-                        SHPREDOWN ();
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xD) {
-                        Handle_Load_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xF) {
-                        Handle_Store_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 11) == 9) {
-                        /* SWP */
-                        UNDEF_SWPPC;
-                        temp = LHS;
-                        BUSUSEDINCPCS;
-#ifndef MODE32
-                        if (VECTORACCESS (temp) || ADDREXCEPT (temp)) {
-                            INTERNALABORT (temp);
-                            (void) ARMul_LoadWordN (state, temp);
-                            (void) ARMul_LoadWordN (state, temp);
-                        } else
-                            dest = ARMul_SwapWord (state, temp, state->Reg[RHSReg]);
-                        if (temp & 3)
-                            DEST = ARMul_Align (state, temp, dest);
-                        else
-                            DEST = dest;
-                        if (state->abortSig || state->Aborted)
-                            TAKEABORT;
-                    } else if ((BITS (0, 11) == 0) && (LHSReg == 15)) {	/* MRS CPSR */
-                        UNDEF_MRSPC;
-                        DEST = ARMul_GetCPSR(state);
-                    } else {
-                        UNDEF_Test;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 0x11:	/* TSTP reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if ((BITS (4, 11) & 0xF9) == 0x9)
-                        /* LDR register offset, no write-back, down, pre indexed.  */
-                        LHPREDOWN ();
-                    /* Continue with remaining instruction decode.  */
-                    if (DESTReg == 15) {
-                        /* TSTP reg */
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        //chy 2006-02-15 if in user mode, can not set cpsr 0:23
-                        //from p165 of ARMARM book
-                        state->Cpsr = GETSPSR (state->Bank);
-                        ARMul_CPSRAltered (state);
-                        rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                        temp = LHS & rhs;
-                        SETR15PSR (temp);
-                    } else {
-                        /* TST reg */
-                        rhs = DPSRegRHS;
-                        dest = LHS & rhs;
-                        ARMul_NegZero (state, dest);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 0x12:	/* TEQ reg and MSR reg to CPSR (ARM6).  */
-                    if (state->is_v5) {
-                        if (BITS (4, 7) == 3) {
-                            /* BLX(2) */
-                            ARMword temp;
-                            if (TFLAG)
-                                temp = (pc + 2) | 1;
-                            else
-                                temp = pc + 4;
-                            WriteR15Branch (state, state->Reg[RHSReg]);
-                            state->Reg[14] = temp;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (state->is_v5e) {
-                        if (BIT (4) == 0 && BIT (7) == 1 && (BIT (5) == 0 || BITS (12, 15) == 0)) {
-                            /* ElSegundo SMLAWy/SMULWy insn.  */
-                            unsigned long long op1 = state->Reg[BITS (0, 3)];
-                            unsigned long long op2 = state->Reg[BITS (8, 11)];
-                            unsigned long long result;
-                            if (BIT (6))
-                                op2 >>= 16;
-                            if (op1 & 0x80000000)
-                                op1 -= 1ULL << 32;
-                            op2 &= 0xFFFF;
-                            if (op2 & 0x8000)
-                                op2 -= 65536;
-                            result = (op1 * op2) >> 16;
-                            if (BIT (5) == 0) {
-                                ARMword Rn = state->Reg[BITS(12, 15)];
-                                if (AddOverflow((ARMword)result, Rn, (ARMword)(result + Rn)))
-                                    SETQ;
-                                result += Rn;
-                            }
-                            state->Reg[BITS (16, 19)] = (ARMword)result;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        if (BITS (4, 11) == 5) {
-                            /* ElSegundo QSUB insn.  */
-                            ARMword op1 = state->Reg[BITS (0, 3)];
-                            ARMword op2 = state->Reg[BITS (16, 19)];
-                            ARMword result = op1 - op2;
-                            if (SubOverflow
-                                    (op1, op2, result)) {
-                                result = POS (result) ? 0x80000000 : 0x7fffffff;
-                                SETQ;
-                            }
-                            state->Reg[BITS (12, 15)] = result;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if (BITS (4, 11) == 0xB) {
-                        /* STRH register offset, write-back, down, pre indexed.  */
-                        SHPREDOWNWB ();
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 27) == 0x12FFF1) {
-                        /* BX */
-                        WriteR15Branch (state, state->Reg[RHSReg]);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xD) {
-                        Handle_Load_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xF) {
-                        Handle_Store_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (state->is_v5) {
-                        if (BITS (4, 7) == 0x7) {
-                            //ARMword value;
-                            //extern int SWI_vector_installed;
-                            /* Hardware is allowed to optionally override this
-                               instruction and treat it as a breakpoint.  Since
-                               this is a simulator not hardware, we take the position
-                               that if a SWI vector was not installed, then an Abort
-                               vector was probably not installed either, and so
-                               normally this instruction would be ignored, even if an
-                               Abort is generated.  This is a bad thing, since GDB
-                               uses this instruction for its breakpoints (at least in
-                               Thumb mode it does).  So intercept the instruction here
-                               and generate a breakpoint SWI instead.  */
-                            /* Force the next instruction to be refetched.  */
-                            state->NextInstr = RESUME;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (DESTReg == 15) {
-                        /* MSR reg to CPSR.  */
-                        UNDEF_MSRPC;
-                        temp = DPRegRHS;
-#ifdef MODET
-                        /* Don't allow TBIT to be set by MSR.  */
-                        temp &= ~TBIT;
-                        ARMul_FixCPSR (state, instr, temp);
-                    } else
-                        UNDEF_Test;
-                    break;
-                case 0x13:	/* TEQP reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if ((BITS (4, 11) & 0xF9) == 0x9)
-                        /* LDR register offset, write-back, down, pre indexed.  */
-                        LHPREDOWNWB ();
-                    /* Continue with remaining instruction decode.  */
-                    if (DESTReg == 15) {
-                        /* TEQP reg */
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        state->Cpsr = GETSPSR (state->Bank);
-                        ARMul_CPSRAltered (state);
-                        rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                        temp = LHS ^ rhs;
-                        SETR15PSR (temp);
-                    } else {
-                        /* TEQ Reg.  */
-                        rhs = DPSRegRHS;
-                        dest = LHS ^ rhs;
-                        ARMul_NegZero (state, dest);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 0x14:	/* CMP reg and MRS SPSR and SWP byte.  */
-                    if (state->is_v5e) {
-                        if (BIT (4) == 0 && BIT (7) == 1) {
-                            /* ElSegundo SMLALxy insn.  */
-                            unsigned long long op1 = state->Reg[BITS (0, 3)];
-                            unsigned long long op2 = state->Reg[BITS (8, 11)];
-                            unsigned long long dest;
-                            //unsigned long long result;
-                            if (BIT (5))
-                                op1 >>= 16;
-                            if (BIT (6))
-                                op2 >>= 16;
-                            op1 &= 0xFFFF;
-                            if (op1 & 0x8000)
-                                op1 -= 65536;
-                            op2 &= 0xFFFF;
-                            if (op2 & 0x8000)
-                                op2 -= 65536;
-                            dest = (unsigned long long) state->Reg[BITS (16, 19)] << 32;
-                            dest |= state->Reg[BITS (12, 15)];
-                            dest += op1 * op2;
-                            state->Reg[BITS(12, 15)] = (ARMword)dest;
-                            state->Reg[BITS(16, 19)] = (ARMword)(dest >> 32);
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        if (BITS (4, 11) == 5) {
-                            /* ElSegundo QDADD insn.  */
-                            ARMword op1 = state->Reg[BITS (0, 3)];
-                            ARMword op2 = state->Reg[BITS (16, 19)];
-                            ARMword op2d = op2 + op2;
-                            ARMword result;
-                            if (AddOverflow
-                                    (op2, op2, op2d)) {
-                                SETQ;
-                                op2d = POS (op2d) ? 0x80000000 : 0x7fffffff;
-                            }
-                            result = op1 + op2d;
-                            if (AddOverflow(op1, op2d, result)) {
-                                SETQ;
-                                result = POS (result) ? 0x80000000 : 0x7fffffff;
-                            }
-                            state->Reg[BITS (12, 15)] = result;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xB) {
-                        /* STRH immediate offset, no write-back, down, pre indexed.  */
-                        SHPREDOWN ();
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xD) {
-                        Handle_Load_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xF) {
-                        Handle_Store_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 11) == 9) {
-                        /* SWP */
-                        UNDEF_SWPPC;
-                        temp = LHS;
-                        BUSUSEDINCPCS;
-#ifndef MODE32
-                        if (VECTORACCESS (temp) || ADDREXCEPT (temp)) {
-                            INTERNALABORT (temp);
-                            (void) ARMul_LoadByte (state, temp);
-                            (void) ARMul_LoadByte (state, temp);
-                        } else
-                            DEST = ARMul_SwapByte (state, temp, state->Reg[RHSReg]);
-                        if (state->abortSig || state->Aborted)
-                            TAKEABORT;
-                    } else if ((BITS (0, 11) == 0)
-                               && (LHSReg == 15)) {
-                        /* MRS SPSR */
-                        UNDEF_MRSPC;
-                        DEST = GETSPSR (state->Bank);
-                    } else
-                        UNDEF_Test;
-                    break;
-                case 0x15:	/* CMPP reg.  */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if ((BITS (4, 7) & 0x9) == 0x9)
-                        /* LDR immediate offset, no write-back, down, pre indexed.  */
-                        LHPREDOWN ();
-                    /* Continue with remaining instruction decode.  */
-                    if (DESTReg == 15) {
-                        /* CMPP reg.  */
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        state->Cpsr = GETSPSR (state->Bank);
-                        ARMul_CPSRAltered (state);
-                        rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                        temp = LHS - rhs;
-                        SETR15PSR (temp);
-                    } else {
-                        /* CMP reg.  */
-                        lhs = LHS;
-                        rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                        dest = lhs - rhs;
-                        ARMul_NegZero (state, dest);
-                        if ((lhs >= rhs)
-                                || ((rhs | lhs) >> 31)) {
-                            ARMul_SubCarry (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                            ARMul_SubOverflow (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                        } else {
-                            CLEARC;
-                            CLEARV;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 0x16:	/* CMN reg and MSR reg to SPSR */
-                    if (state->is_v5e) {
-                        if (BIT (4) == 0 && BIT (7) == 1 && BITS (12, 15) == 0) {
-                            /* ElSegundo SMULxy insn.  */
-                            ARMword op1 = state->Reg[BITS (0, 3)];
-                            ARMword op2 = state->Reg[BITS (8, 11)];
-                            ARMword Rn = state->Reg[BITS (12, 15)];
-                            if (BIT (5))
-                                op1 >>= 16;
-                            if (BIT (6))
-                                op2 >>= 16;
-                            op1 &= 0xFFFF;
-                            op2 &= 0xFFFF;
-                            if (op1 & 0x8000)
-                                op1 -= 65536;
-                            if (op2 & 0x8000)
-                                op2 -= 65536;
-                            state->Reg[BITS (16, 19)] = op1 * op2;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        if (BITS (4, 11) == 5) {
-                            /* ElSegundo QDSUB insn.  */
-                            ARMword op1 = state->Reg[BITS (0, 3)];
-                            ARMword op2 = state->Reg[BITS (16, 19)];
-                            ARMword op2d = op2 + op2;
-                            ARMword result;
-                            if (AddOverflow(op2, op2, op2d)) {
-                                SETQ;
-                                op2d = POS (op2d) ? 0x80000000 : 0x7fffffff;
-                            }
-                            result = op1 - op2d;
-                            if (SubOverflow(op1, op2d, result)) {
-                                SETQ;
-                                result = POS (result) ? 0x80000000 : 0x7fffffff;
-                            }
-                            state->Reg[BITS (12, 15)] = result;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (state->is_v5) {
-                        if (BITS (4, 11) == 0xF1
-                                && BITS (16, 19) == 0xF) {
-                            /* ARM5 CLZ insn.  */
-                            ARMword op1 = state->Reg[BITS (0, 3)];
-                            int result = 32;
-                            if (op1)
-                                for (result = 0; (op1 & 0x80000000) == 0; op1 <<= 1)
-                                    result++;
-                            state->Reg[BITS (12, 15)] = result;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xB) {
-                        /* STRH immediate offset, write-back, down, pre indexed.  */
-                        SHPREDOWNWB ();
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xD) {
-                        Handle_Load_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xF) {
-                        Handle_Store_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (DESTReg == 15) {
-                        /* MSR */
-                        UNDEF_MSRPC;
-                        /*ARMul_FixSPSR (state, instr,
-                        	       DPRegRHS);*/
-                    } else {
-                        UNDEF_Test;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 0x17:	/* CMNP reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if ((BITS (4, 7) & 0x9) == 0x9)
-                        /* LDR immediate offset, write-back, down, pre indexed.  */
-                        LHPREDOWNWB ();
-                    /* Continue with remaining instruction decoding.  */
-                    if (DESTReg == 15) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        state->Cpsr = GETSPSR (state->Bank);
-                        ARMul_CPSRAltered (state);
-                        rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                        temp = LHS + rhs;
-                        SETR15PSR (temp);
-                        break;
-                    } else {
-                        /* CMN reg.  */
-                        lhs = LHS;
-                        rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                        dest = lhs + rhs;
-                        ASSIGNZ (dest == 0);
-                        if ((lhs | rhs) >> 30) {
-                            /* Possible C,V,N to set.  */
-                            ASSIGNN (NEG (dest));
-                            ARMul_AddCarry (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                            ARMul_AddOverflow (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                        } else {
-                            CLEARN;
-                            CLEARC;
-                            CLEARV;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 0x18:	/* ORR reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    /* dyf add armv6 instr strex  2010.9.17 */
-                    if (state->is_v6) {
-                        if (BITS (4, 7) == 0x9)
-                            if (handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                                break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 11) == 0xB) {
-                        /* STRH register offset, no write-back, up, pre indexed.  */
-                        SHPREUP ();
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xD) {
-                        Handle_Load_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xF) {
-                        Handle_Store_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                    dest = LHS | rhs;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x19:	/* ORRS reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    /* dyf add armv6 instr ldrex */
-                    if (state->is_v6) {
-                        if (BITS (4, 7) == 0x9) {
-                            if (handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                                break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if ((BITS (4, 11) & 0xF9) == 0x9)
-                        /* LDR register offset, no write-back, up, pre indexed.  */
-                        LHPREUP ();
-                    /* Continue with remaining instruction decoding.  */
-                    rhs = DPSRegRHS;
-                    dest = LHS | rhs;
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x1a:	/* MOV reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if (BITS (4, 11) == 0xB) {
-                        /* STRH register offset, write-back, up, pre indexed.  */
-                        SHPREUPWB ();
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xD) {
-                        Handle_Load_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xF) {
-                        Handle_Store_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS(4, 11) == 0xF9) { //strexd
-                        u32 l = LHSReg;
-                        bool enter = false;
-                        if (state->currentexval == (u32)ARMul_ReadWord(state, state->currentexaddr)&&
-                                state->currentexvald == (u32)ARMul_ReadWord(state, state->currentexaddr + 4))
-                            enter = true;
-                        //todo bug this and STREXD and LDREXD http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0360e/CHDGJGGC.html
-                        if (enter) {
-                            ARMul_StoreWordN(state, LHS, state->Reg[RHSReg]);
-                            ARMul_StoreWordN(state,LHS + 4 , state->Reg[RHSReg + 1]);
-                            state->Reg[DESTReg] = 0;
-                        } else {
-                            state->Reg[DESTReg] = 1;
-                        }
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    dest = DPRegRHS;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x1B:	/* MOVS reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    /* ldrexd ichfly */
-                    if (BITS(0, 11) == 0xF9F) { //strexd
-                        lhs = LHS;
-                        state->currentexaddr = lhs;
-                        state->currentexval = (u32)ARMul_ReadWord(state, lhs);
-                        state->currentexvald = (u32)ARMul_ReadWord(state, lhs + 4);
-                        state->Reg[DESTReg] = ARMul_LoadWordN(state, lhs);
-                        state->Reg[DESTReg] = ARMul_LoadWordN(state, lhs + 4);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if ((BITS (4, 11) & 0xF9) == 0x9)
-                        /* LDR register offset, write-back, up, pre indexed.  */
-                        LHPREUPWB ();
-                    /* Continue with remaining instruction decoding.  */
-                    dest = DPSRegRHS;
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x1c:	/* BIC reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    /* dyf add for STREXB */
-                    if (state->is_v6) {
-                        if (BITS (4, 7) == 0x9) {
-                            if (handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                                break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xB) {
-                        /* STRH immediate offset, no write-back, up, pre indexed.  */
-                        SHPREUP ();
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xD) {
-                        Handle_Load_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    } else if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xF) {
-                        Handle_Store_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    rhs = DPRegRHS;
-                    dest = LHS & ~rhs;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x1d:	/* BICS reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    /* ladsh P=1 U=1 W=0 L=1 S=1 H=1 */
-                    if (BITS(4, 7) == 0xF) {
-                        temp = LHS + GetLS7RHS (state, instr);
-                        LoadHalfWord (state, instr, temp, LSIGNED);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xb) {
-                        /* LDRH immediate offset, no write-back, up, pre indexed.  */
-                        temp = LHS + GetLS7RHS (state, instr);
-                        LoadHalfWord (state, instr, temp, LUNSIGNED);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xd) {
-                        // alex-ykl fix: 2011-07-20 missing ldrsb instruction
-                        temp = LHS + GetLS7RHS (state, instr);
-                        LoadByte (state, instr, temp, LSIGNED);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    /* Continue with instruction decoding.  */
-                    /*if ((BITS (4, 7) & 0x9) == 0x9) */
-                    if ((BITS (4, 7)) == 0x9) {
-                        /* ldrexb */
-                        if (state->is_v6) {
-                            if (handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                                break;
-                        }
-                        /* LDR immediate offset, no write-back, up, pre indexed.  */
-                        LHPREUP ();
-                    }
-                    rhs = DPSRegRHS;
-                    dest = LHS & ~rhs;
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x1e:	/* MVN reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if ((instr & 0x00000FF0) == 0x00000F90) { //if ((instr & 0x0FF00FF0) == 0x01e00f90) { //todo make that better ichfly
-                        /* strexh ichfly */
-                        u32 l = LHSReg;
-                        u32 r = RHSReg;
-                        lhs = LHS;
-                        bool enter = false;
-                        if (state->currentexval == (u32)ARMul_LoadHalfWord(state, state->currentexaddr))enter = true;
-                        //StoreWord(state, lhs, RHS)
-                        if (state->Aborted) {
-                            TAKEABORT;
-                        }
-                        if (enter) {
-                            ARMul_StoreHalfWord(state, lhs, RHS);
-                            state->Reg[DESTReg] = 0;
-                        } else {
-                            state->Reg[DESTReg] = 1;
-                        }
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xB) {
-                        /* STRH immediate offset, write-back, up, pre indexed.  */
-                        SHPREUPWB ();
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xD) {
-                        Handle_Load_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (BITS (4, 7) == 0xF) {
-                        Handle_Store_Double (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    dest = ~DPRegRHS;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x1f:	/* MVNS reg */
-#ifdef MODET
-                    if ((instr & 0x00000FF0) == 0x00000F90) { //(instr & 0x0FF00FF0) == 0x01f00f90)//if ((instr & 0x0FF00FF0) == 0x01f00f90) {
-                        /* ldrexh ichfly */
-                        lhs = LHS;
-                        state->currentexaddr = lhs;
-                        state->currentexval = (u32)ARMul_LoadHalfWord(state, lhs);
-                        LoadHalfWord(state, instr, lhs,0);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if ((BITS (4, 7) & 0x9) == 0x9)
-                        /* LDR immediate offset, write-back, up, pre indexed.  */
-                        LHPREUPWB ();
-                    /* Continue instruction decoding.  */
-                    dest = ~DPSRegRHS;
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                /* Data Processing Immediate RHS Instructions.  */
-                case 0x20:	/* AND immed */
-                    dest = LHS & DPImmRHS;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x21:	/* ANDS immed */
-                    DPSImmRHS;
-                    dest = LHS & rhs;
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x22:	/* EOR immed */
-                    dest = LHS ^ DPImmRHS;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x23:	/* EORS immed */
-                    DPSImmRHS;
-                    dest = LHS ^ rhs;
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x24:	/* SUB immed */
-                    dest = LHS - DPImmRHS;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x25:	/* SUBS immed */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    rhs = DPImmRHS;
-                    dest = lhs - rhs;
-                    if ((lhs >= rhs) || ((rhs | lhs) >> 31)) {
-                        ARMul_SubCarry (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                        ARMul_SubOverflow (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                    } else {
-                        CLEARC;
-                        CLEARV;
-                    }
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x26:	/* RSB immed */
-                    dest = DPImmRHS - LHS;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x27:	/* RSBS immed */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    rhs = DPImmRHS;
-                    dest = rhs - lhs;
-                    if ((rhs >= lhs) || ((rhs | lhs) >> 31)) {
-                        ARMul_SubCarry (state, rhs, lhs, dest);
-                        ARMul_SubOverflow (state, rhs, lhs, dest);
-                    } else {
-                        CLEARC;
-                        CLEARV;
-                    }
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x28:	/* ADD immed */
-                    dest = LHS + DPImmRHS;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x29:	/* ADDS immed */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    rhs = DPImmRHS;
-                    dest = lhs + rhs;
-                    ASSIGNZ (dest == 0);
-                    if ((lhs | rhs) >> 30) {
-                        /* Possible C,V,N to set.  */
-                        ASSIGNN (NEG (dest));
-                        ARMul_AddCarry (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                        ARMul_AddOverflow (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                    } else {
-                        CLEARN;
-                        CLEARC;
-                        CLEARV;
-                    }
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x2a:	/* ADC immed */
-                    dest = LHS + DPImmRHS + CFLAG;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x2b:	/* ADCS immed */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    rhs = DPImmRHS;
-                    dest = lhs + rhs + CFLAG;
-                    ASSIGNZ (dest == 0);
-                    if ((lhs | rhs) >> 30) {
-                        /* Possible C,V,N to set.  */
-                        ASSIGNN (NEG (dest));
-                        ARMul_AddCarry (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                        ARMul_AddOverflow (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                    } else {
-                        CLEARN;
-                        CLEARC;
-                        CLEARV;
-                    }
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x2c:	/* SBC immed */
-                    dest = LHS - DPImmRHS - !CFLAG;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x2d:	/* SBCS immed */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    rhs = DPImmRHS;
-                    dest = lhs - rhs - !CFLAG;
-                    if ((lhs >= rhs) || ((rhs | lhs) >> 31)) {
-                        ARMul_SubCarry (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                        ARMul_SubOverflow (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                    } else {
-                        CLEARC;
-                        CLEARV;
-                    }
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x2e:	/* RSC immed */
-                    dest = DPImmRHS - LHS - !CFLAG;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x2f:	/* RSCS immed */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    rhs = DPImmRHS;
-                    dest = rhs - lhs - !CFLAG;
-                    if ((rhs >= lhs) || ((rhs | lhs) >> 31)) {
-                        ARMul_SubCarry (state, rhs, lhs, dest);
-                        ARMul_SubOverflow (state, rhs, lhs, dest);
-                    } else {
-                        CLEARC;
-                        CLEARV;
-                    }
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x30:	/* TST immed */
-                    /* shenoubang 2012-3-14*/
-                    if (state->is_v6) { /* movw, ARMV6, ARMv7 */
-                        dest ^= dest;
-                        dest = BITS(16, 19);
-                        dest = ((dest<<12) | BITS(0, 11));
-                        WRITEDEST(dest);
-                        break;
-                    } else {
-                        UNDEF_Test;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                case 0x31:	/* TSTP immed */
-                    if (DESTReg == 15) {
-                        /* TSTP immed.  */
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        state->Cpsr = GETSPSR (state->Bank);
-                        ARMul_CPSRAltered (state);
-                        temp = LHS & DPImmRHS;
-                        SETR15PSR (temp);
-                    } else {
-                        /* TST immed.  */
-                        DPSImmRHS;
-                        dest = LHS & rhs;
-                        ARMul_NegZero (state, dest);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 0x32:	/* TEQ immed and MSR immed to CPSR */
-                    if (DESTReg == 15)
-                        /* MSR immed to CPSR.  */
-                        ARMul_FixCPSR (state, instr,
-                                       DPImmRHS);
-                    else
-                        UNDEF_Test;
-                    break;
-                case 0x33:	/* TEQP immed */
-                    if (DESTReg == 15) {
-                        /* TEQP immed.  */
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        state->Cpsr = GETSPSR (state->Bank);
-                        ARMul_CPSRAltered (state);
-                        temp = LHS ^ DPImmRHS;
-                        SETR15PSR (temp);
-                    } else {
-                        DPSImmRHS;	/* TEQ immed */
-                        dest = LHS ^ rhs;
-                        ARMul_NegZero (state, dest);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 0x34:	/* CMP immed */
-                    UNDEF_Test;
-                    break;
-                case 0x35:	/* CMPP immed */
-                    if (DESTReg == 15) {
-                        /* CMPP immed.  */
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        state->Cpsr = GETSPSR (state->Bank);
-                        ARMul_CPSRAltered (state);
-                        temp = LHS - DPImmRHS;
-                        SETR15PSR (temp);
-                        break;
-                    } else {
-                        /* CMP immed.  */
-                        lhs = LHS;
-                        rhs = DPImmRHS;
-                        dest = lhs - rhs;
-                        ARMul_NegZero (state, dest);
-                        if ((lhs >= rhs) || ((rhs | lhs) >> 31)) {
-                            ARMul_SubCarry (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                            ARMul_SubOverflow (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                        } else {
-                            CLEARC;
-                            CLEARV;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 0x36:	/* CMN immed and MSR immed to SPSR */
-                    //if (DESTReg == 15)
-                    /*ARMul0_FixSPSR (state, instr,
-                    	       DPImmRHS);*/
-                    //else
-                    UNDEF_Test;
-                    break;
-                case 0x37:	/* CMNP immed.  */
-                    if (DESTReg == 15) {
-                        /* CMNP immed.  */
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        state->Cpsr = GETSPSR (state->Bank);
-                        ARMul_CPSRAltered (state);
-                        temp = LHS + DPImmRHS;
-                        SETR15PSR (temp);
-                        break;
-                    } else {
-                        /* CMN immed.  */
-                        lhs = LHS;
-                        rhs = DPImmRHS;
-                        dest = lhs + rhs;
-                        ASSIGNZ (dest == 0);
-                        if ((lhs | rhs) >> 30) {
-                            /* Possible C,V,N to set.  */
-                            ASSIGNN (NEG (dest));
-                            ARMul_AddCarry (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                            ARMul_AddOverflow (state, lhs, rhs, dest);
-                        } else {
-                            CLEARN;
-                            CLEARC;
-                            CLEARV;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 0x38:	/* ORR immed.  */
-                    dest = LHS | DPImmRHS;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x39:	/* ORRS immed.  */
-                    DPSImmRHS;
-                    dest = LHS | rhs;
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x3a:	/* MOV immed.  */
-                    dest = DPImmRHS;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x3b:	/* MOVS immed.  */
-                    DPSImmRHS;
-                    WRITESDEST (rhs);
-                    break;
-                case 0x3c:	/* BIC immed.  */
-                    dest = LHS & ~DPImmRHS;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x3d:	/* BICS immed.  */
-                    DPSImmRHS;
-                    dest = LHS & ~rhs;
-                    WRITESDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x3e:	/* MVN immed.  */
-                    dest = ~DPImmRHS;
-                    WRITEDEST (dest);
-                    break;
-                case 0x3f:	/* MVNS immed.  */
-                    DPSImmRHS;
-                    WRITESDEST (~rhs);
-                    break;
-                /* Single Data Transfer Immediate RHS Instructions.  */
-                case 0x40:	/* Store Word, No WriteBack, Post Dec, Immed.  */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    if (StoreWord (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs - LSImmRHS;
-                    break;
-                case 0x41:	/* Load Word, No WriteBack, Post Dec, Immed.  */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    if (LoadWord (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs - LSImmRHS;
-                    break;
-                case 0x42:	/* Store Word, WriteBack, Post Dec, Immed.  */
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    temp = lhs - LSImmRHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = LOW;
-                    if (StoreWord (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                    break;
-                case 0x43:	/* Load Word, WriteBack, Post Dec, Immed.  */
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = LOW;
-                    if (LoadWord (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs - LSImmRHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                    break;
-                case 0x44:	/* Store Byte, No WriteBack, Post Dec, Immed.  */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    if (StoreByte (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs - LSImmRHS;
-                    break;
-                case 0x45:	/* Load Byte, No WriteBack, Post Dec, Immed.  */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    if (LoadByte (state, instr, lhs, LUNSIGNED))
-                        LSBase = lhs - LSImmRHS;
-                    break;
-                case 0x46:	/* Store Byte, WriteBack, Post Dec, Immed.  */
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = LOW;
-                    if (StoreByte (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs - LSImmRHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                    break;
-                case 0x47:	/* Load Byte, WriteBack, Post Dec, Immed.  */
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = LOW;
-                    if (LoadByte (state, instr, lhs, LUNSIGNED))
-                        LSBase = lhs - LSImmRHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                    break;
-                case 0x48:	/* Store Word, No WriteBack, Post Inc, Immed.  */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    if (StoreWord (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs + LSImmRHS;
-                    break;
-                case 0x49:	/* Load Word, No WriteBack, Post Inc, Immed.  */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    if (LoadWord (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs + LSImmRHS;
-                    break;
-                case 0x4a:	/* Store Word, WriteBack, Post Inc, Immed.  */
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = LOW;
-                    if (StoreWord (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs + LSImmRHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                    break;
-                case 0x4b:	/* Load Word, WriteBack, Post Inc, Immed.  */
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = LOW;
-                    if (LoadWord (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs + LSImmRHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                    break;
-                case 0x4c:	/* Store Byte, No WriteBack, Post Inc, Immed.  */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    if (StoreByte (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs + LSImmRHS;
-                    break;
-                case 0x4d:	/* Load Byte, No WriteBack, Post Inc, Immed.  */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    if (LoadByte (state, instr, lhs, LUNSIGNED))
-                        LSBase = lhs + LSImmRHS;
-                    break;
-                case 0x4e:	/* Store Byte, WriteBack, Post Inc, Immed.  */
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = LOW;
-                    if (StoreByte (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs + LSImmRHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                    break;
-                case 0x4f:	/* Load Byte, WriteBack, Post Inc, Immed.  */
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = LOW;
-                    if (LoadByte (state, instr, lhs, LUNSIGNED))
-                        LSBase = lhs + LSImmRHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                    break;
-                case 0x50:	/* Store Word, No WriteBack, Pre Dec, Immed.  */
-                    (void) StoreWord (state, instr, LHS - LSImmRHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0x51:	/* Load Word, No WriteBack, Pre Dec, Immed.  */
-                    (void) LoadWord (state, instr, LHS - LSImmRHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0x52:	/* Store Word, WriteBack, Pre Dec, Immed.  */
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    temp = LHS - LSImmRHS;
-                    if (StoreWord (state, instr, temp))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x53:	/* Load Word, WriteBack, Pre Dec, Immed.  */
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    temp = LHS - LSImmRHS;
-                    if (LoadWord (state, instr, temp))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x54:	/* Store Byte, No WriteBack, Pre Dec, Immed.  */
-                    (void) StoreByte (state, instr, LHS - LSImmRHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0x55:	/* Load Byte, No WriteBack, Pre Dec, Immed.  */
-                    (void) LoadByte (state, instr, LHS - LSImmRHS, LUNSIGNED);
-                    break;
-                case 0x56:	/* Store Byte, WriteBack, Pre Dec, Immed.  */
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    temp = LHS - LSImmRHS;
-                    if (StoreByte (state, instr, temp))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x57:	/* Load Byte, WriteBack, Pre Dec, Immed.  */
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    temp = LHS - LSImmRHS;
-                    if (LoadByte (state, instr, temp, LUNSIGNED))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x58:	/* Store Word, No WriteBack, Pre Inc, Immed.  */
-                    (void) StoreWord (state, instr, LHS + LSImmRHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0x59:	/* Load Word, No WriteBack, Pre Inc, Immed.  */
-                    (void) LoadWord (state, instr, LHS + LSImmRHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0x5a:	/* Store Word, WriteBack, Pre Inc, Immed.  */
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    temp = LHS + LSImmRHS;
-                    if (StoreWord (state, instr, temp))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x5b:	/* Load Word, WriteBack, Pre Inc, Immed.  */
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    temp = LHS + LSImmRHS;
-                    if (LoadWord (state, instr, temp))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x5c:	/* Store Byte, No WriteBack, Pre Inc, Immed.  */
-                    (void) StoreByte (state, instr, LHS + LSImmRHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0x5d:	/* Load Byte, No WriteBack, Pre Inc, Immed.  */
-                    (void) LoadByte (state, instr, LHS + LSImmRHS, LUNSIGNED);
-                    break;
-                case 0x5e:	/* Store Byte, WriteBack, Pre Inc, Immed.  */
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    temp = LHS + LSImmRHS;
-                    if (StoreByte (state, instr, temp))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x5f:	/* Load Byte, WriteBack, Pre Inc, Immed.  */
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    temp = LHS + LSImmRHS;
-                    if (LoadByte (state, instr, temp, LUNSIGNED))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                /* Single Data Transfer Register RHS Instructions.  */
-                case 0x60:	/* Store Word, No WriteBack, Post Dec, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    if (StoreWord (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs - LSRegRHS;
-                    break;
-                case 0x61:	/* Load Word, No WriteBack, Post Dec, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6 && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    temp = lhs - LSRegRHS;
-                    if (LoadWord (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x62:	/* Store Word, WriteBack, Post Dec, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6 && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = LOW;
-                    if (StoreWord (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs - LSRegRHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                    break;
-                case 0x63:	/* Load Word, WriteBack, Post Dec, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6 && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    temp = lhs - LSRegRHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = LOW;
-                    if (LoadWord (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                    break;
-                case 0x64:	/* Store Byte, No WriteBack, Post Dec, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    if (StoreByte (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs - LSRegRHS;
-                    break;
-                case 0x65:	/* Load Byte, No WriteBack, Post Dec, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6 && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    temp = lhs - LSRegRHS;
-                    if (LoadByte (state, instr, lhs, LUNSIGNED))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x66:	/* Store Byte, WriteBack, Post Dec, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6 && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = LOW;
-                    if (StoreByte (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs - LSRegRHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                    break;
-                case 0x67:	/* Load Byte, WriteBack, Post Dec, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6
-                                && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    temp = lhs - LSRegRHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = LOW;
-                    if (LoadByte (state, instr, lhs, LUNSIGNED))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                    break;
-                case 0x68:	/* Store Word, No WriteBack, Post Inc, Reg.  */
-                    if ((instr & 0x70) == 0x10) { //pkhbt
-                        u8 idest = BITS(12, 15);
-                        u8 rfis = BITS(16, 19);
-                        u8 rlast = BITS(0, 3);
-                        u8 ishi = BITS(7,11);
-                        state->Reg[idest] = (state->Reg[rfis] & 0xFFFF) | ((state->Reg[rlast] << ishi) & 0xFFFF0000);
-                        break;
-                    } else if ((instr & 0x70) == 0x50) { //pkhtb
-                        u8 rd_idx = BITS(12, 15);
-                        u8 rn_idx = BITS(16, 19);
-                        u8 rm_idx = BITS(0, 3);
-                        u8 imm5 = BITS(7, 11) ? BITS(7, 11) : 31;
-                        state->Reg[rd_idx] = ((static_cast<s32>(state->Reg[rm_idx]) >> imm5) & 0xFFFF) | ((state->Reg[rn_idx]) & 0xFFFF0000);
-                        break;
-                    } else if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6
-                                && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    if (StoreWord (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs + LSRegRHS;
-                    break;
-                case 0x69:	/* Load Word, No WriteBack, Post Inc, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    temp = lhs + LSRegRHS;
-                    if (LoadWord (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x6a:	/* Store Word, WriteBack, Post Inc, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6
-                                && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = LOW;
-                    if (StoreWord (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs + LSRegRHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                    break;
-                case 0x6b:	/* Load Word, WriteBack, Post Inc, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6
-                                && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    temp = lhs + LSRegRHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = LOW;
-                    if (LoadWord (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                    break;
-                case 0x6c:	/* Store Byte, No WriteBack, Post Inc, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6
-                                && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    if (StoreByte (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs + LSRegRHS;
-                    break;
-                case 0x6d:	/* Load Byte, No WriteBack, Post Inc, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    temp = lhs + LSRegRHS;
-                    if (LoadByte (state, instr, lhs, LUNSIGNED))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x6e:	/* Store Byte, WriteBack, Post Inc, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6
-                                && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = LOW;
-                    if (StoreByte (state, instr, lhs))
-                        LSBase = lhs + LSRegRHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                    break;
-                case 0x6f:	/* Load Byte, WriteBack, Post Inc, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6
-                                && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    temp = lhs + LSRegRHS;
-                    state->NtransSig = LOW;
-                    if (LoadByte (state, instr, lhs, LUNSIGNED))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-                    break;
-                case 0x70:	/* Store Word, No WriteBack, Pre Dec, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6 && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    (void) StoreWord (state, instr, LHS - LSRegRHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0x71:	/* Load Word, No WriteBack, Pre Dec, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    (void) LoadWord (state, instr, LHS - LSRegRHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0x72:	/* Store Word, WriteBack, Pre Dec, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    temp = LHS - LSRegRHS;
-                    if (StoreWord (state, instr, temp))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x73:	/* Load Word, WriteBack, Pre Dec, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    temp = LHS - LSRegRHS;
-                    if (LoadWord (state, instr, temp))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x74:	/* Store Byte, No WriteBack, Pre Dec, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6 && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    (void) StoreByte (state, instr, LHS - LSRegRHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0x75:	/* Load Byte, No WriteBack, Pre Dec, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6 && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    (void) LoadByte (state, instr, LHS - LSRegRHS, LUNSIGNED);
-                    break;
-                case 0x76:	/* Store Byte, WriteBack, Pre Dec, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    temp = LHS - LSRegRHS;
-                    if (StoreByte (state, instr, temp))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x77:	/* Load Byte, WriteBack, Pre Dec, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    temp = LHS - LSRegRHS;
-                    if (LoadByte (state, instr, temp, LUNSIGNED))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x78:	/* Store Word, No WriteBack, Pre Inc, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6 && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    (void) StoreWord (state, instr, LHS + LSRegRHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0x79:	/* Load Word, No WriteBack, Pre Inc, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    (void) LoadWord (state, instr, LHS + LSRegRHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0x7a:	/* Store Word, WriteBack, Pre Inc, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6 && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    temp = LHS + LSRegRHS;
-                    if (StoreWord (state, instr, temp))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x7b:	/* Load Word, WriteBack, Pre Inc, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    temp = LHS + LSRegRHS;
-                    if (LoadWord (state, instr, temp))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x7c:	/* Store Byte, No WriteBack, Pre Inc, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-                        if (state->is_v6 && handle_v6_insn (state, instr))
-                            break;
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    (void) StoreByte (state, instr, LHS + LSRegRHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0x7d:	/* Load Byte, No WriteBack, Pre Inc, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    (void) LoadByte (state, instr, LHS + LSRegRHS, LUNSIGNED);
-                    break;
-                case 0x7e:	/* Store Byte, WriteBack, Pre Inc, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-                        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    temp = LHS + LSRegRHS;
-                    if (StoreByte (state, instr, temp))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                case 0x7f:	/* Load Byte, WriteBack, Pre Inc, Reg.  */
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-                        LOG_DEBUG(Core_ARM11, "got unhandled special breakpoint");
-                        return 1;
-                    }
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb;
-                    UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb;
-                    temp = LHS + LSRegRHS;
-                    if (LoadByte (state, instr, temp, LUNSIGNED))
-                        LSBase = temp;
-                    break;
-                /* Multiple Data Transfer Instructions.  */
-                case 0x80:	/* Store, No WriteBack, Post Dec.  */
-                    STOREMULT (instr, LSBase - LSMNumRegs + 4L, 0L);
-                    break;
-                case 0x81:	/* Load, No WriteBack, Post Dec.  */
-                    LOADMULT (instr, LSBase - LSMNumRegs + 4L, 0L);
-                    break;
-                case 0x82:	/* Store, WriteBack, Post Dec.  */
-                    temp = LSBase - LSMNumRegs;
-                    STOREMULT (instr, temp + 4L, temp);
-                    break;
-                case 0x83:	/* Load, WriteBack, Post Dec.  */
-                    temp = LSBase - LSMNumRegs;
-                    LOADMULT (instr, temp + 4L, temp);
-                    break;
-                case 0x84:	/* Store, Flags, No WriteBack, Post Dec.  */
-                    STORESMULT (instr, LSBase - LSMNumRegs + 4L, 0L);
-                    break;
-                case 0x85:	/* Load, Flags, No WriteBack, Post Dec.  */
-                    LOADSMULT (instr, LSBase - LSMNumRegs + 4L, 0L);
-                    break;
-                case 0x86:	/* Store, Flags, WriteBack, Post Dec.  */
-                    temp = LSBase - LSMNumRegs;
-                    STORESMULT (instr, temp + 4L, temp);
-                    break;
-                case 0x87:	/* Load, Flags, WriteBack, Post Dec.  */
-                    temp = LSBase - LSMNumRegs;
-                    LOADSMULT (instr, temp + 4L, temp);
-                    break;
-                case 0x88:	/* Store, No WriteBack, Post Inc.  */
-                    STOREMULT (instr, LSBase, 0L);
-                    break;
-                case 0x89:	/* Load, No WriteBack, Post Inc.  */
-                    LOADMULT (instr, LSBase, 0L);
-                    break;
-                case 0x8a:	/* Store, WriteBack, Post Inc.  */
-                    temp = LSBase;
-                    STOREMULT (instr, temp, temp + LSMNumRegs);
-                    break;
-                case 0x8b:	/* Load, WriteBack, Post Inc.  */
-                    temp = LSBase;
-                    LOADMULT (instr, temp, temp + LSMNumRegs);
-                    break;
-                case 0x8c:	/* Store, Flags, No WriteBack, Post Inc.  */
-                    STORESMULT (instr, LSBase, 0L);
-                    break;
-                case 0x8d:	/* Load, Flags, No WriteBack, Post Inc.  */
-                    LOADSMULT (instr, LSBase, 0L);
-                    break;
-                case 0x8e:	/* Store, Flags, WriteBack, Post Inc.  */
-                    temp = LSBase;
-                    STORESMULT (instr, temp, temp + LSMNumRegs);
-                    break;
-                case 0x8f:	/* Load, Flags, WriteBack, Post Inc.  */
-                    temp = LSBase;
-                    LOADSMULT (instr, temp, temp + LSMNumRegs);
-                    break;
-                case 0x90:	/* Store, No WriteBack, Pre Dec.  */
-                    STOREMULT (instr, LSBase - LSMNumRegs, 0L);
-                    break;
-                case 0x91:	/* Load, No WriteBack, Pre Dec.  */
-                    LOADMULT (instr, LSBase - LSMNumRegs, 0L);
-                    break;
-                case 0x92:	/* Store, WriteBack, Pre Dec.  */
-                    temp = LSBase - LSMNumRegs;
-                    STOREMULT (instr, temp, temp);
-                    break;
-                case 0x93:	/* Load, WriteBack, Pre Dec.  */
-                    temp = LSBase - LSMNumRegs;
-                    LOADMULT (instr, temp, temp);
-                    break;
-                case 0x94:	/* Store, Flags, No WriteBack, Pre Dec.  */
-                    STORESMULT (instr, LSBase - LSMNumRegs, 0L);
-                    break;
-                case 0x95:	/* Load, Flags, No WriteBack, Pre Dec.  */
-                    LOADSMULT (instr, LSBase - LSMNumRegs, 0L);
-                    break;
-                case 0x96:	/* Store, Flags, WriteBack, Pre Dec.  */
-                    temp = LSBase - LSMNumRegs;
-                    STORESMULT (instr, temp, temp);
-                    break;
-                case 0x97:	/* Load, Flags, WriteBack, Pre Dec.  */
-                    temp = LSBase - LSMNumRegs;
-                    LOADSMULT (instr, temp, temp);
-                    break;
-                case 0x98:	/* Store, No WriteBack, Pre Inc.  */
-                    STOREMULT (instr, LSBase + 4L, 0L);
-                    break;
-                case 0x99:	/* Load, No WriteBack, Pre Inc.  */
-                    LOADMULT (instr, LSBase + 4L, 0L);
-                    break;
-                case 0x9a:	/* Store, WriteBack, Pre Inc.  */
-                    temp = LSBase;
-                    STOREMULT (instr, temp + 4L, temp + LSMNumRegs);
-                    break;
-                case 0x9b:	/* Load, WriteBack, Pre Inc.  */
-                    temp = LSBase;
-                    LOADMULT (instr, temp + 4L, temp + LSMNumRegs);
-                    break;
-                case 0x9c:	/* Store, Flags, No WriteBack, Pre Inc.  */
-                    STORESMULT (instr, LSBase + 4L, 0L);
-                    break;
-                case 0x9d:	/* Load, Flags, No WriteBack, Pre Inc.  */
-                    LOADSMULT (instr, LSBase + 4L, 0L);
-                    break;
-                case 0x9e:	/* Store, Flags, WriteBack, Pre Inc.  */
-                    temp = LSBase;
-                    STORESMULT (instr, temp + 4L, temp + LSMNumRegs);
-                    break;
-                case 0x9f:	/* Load, Flags, WriteBack, Pre Inc.  */
-                    temp = LSBase;
-                    LOADSMULT (instr, temp + 4L, temp + LSMNumRegs);
-                    break;
-                /* Branch forward.  */
-                case 0xa0:
-                case 0xa1:
-                case 0xa2:
-                case 0xa3:
-                case 0xa4:
-                case 0xa5:
-                case 0xa6:
-                case 0xa7:
-                    state->Reg[15] = pc + 8 + POSBRANCH;
-                    FLUSHPIPE;
-                    break;
-                /* Branch backward.  */
-                case 0xa8:
-                case 0xa9:
-                case 0xaa:
-                case 0xab:
-                case 0xac:
-                case 0xad:
-                case 0xae:
-                case 0xaf:
-                    state->Reg[15] = pc + 8 + NEGBRANCH;
-                    FLUSHPIPE;
-                    break;
-                /* Branch and Link forward.  */
-                case 0xb0:
-                case 0xb1:
-                case 0xb2:
-                case 0xb3:
-                case 0xb4:
-                case 0xb5:
-                case 0xb6:
-                case 0xb7:
-                    /* Put PC into Link.  */
-#ifdef MODE32
-                    state->Reg[14] = pc + 4;
-                    state->Reg[14] = (pc + 4) | ECC | ER15INT | EMODE;
-                    state->Reg[15] = pc + 8 + POSBRANCH;
-                    FLUSHPIPE;
-                    break;
-                /* Branch and Link backward.  */
-                case 0xb8:
-                case 0xb9:
-                case 0xba:
-                case 0xbb:
-                case 0xbc:
-                case 0xbd:
-                case 0xbe:
-                case 0xbf:
-                    /* Put PC into Link.  */
-#ifdef MODE32
-                    state->Reg[14] = pc + 4;
-                    state->Reg[14] = (pc + 4) | ECC | ER15INT | EMODE;
-                    state->Reg[15] = pc + 8 + NEGBRANCH;
-                    FLUSHPIPE;
-                    break;
-                /* Co-Processor Data Transfers.  */
-                case 0xc4:
-                    if ((instr & 0x0FF00FF0) == 0xC400B10) { //vmov BIT(0-3), BIT(12-15), BIT(16-20),  vmov d0, r0, r0
-                        state->ExtReg[BITS(0, 3) << 1] = state->Reg[BITS(12, 15)];
-                        state->ExtReg[(BITS(0, 3) << 1) + 1] = state->Reg[BITS(16, 20)];
-                        break;
-                    } else if (state->is_v5) {
-                        /* Reading from R15 is UNPREDICTABLE.  */
-                        if (BITS (12, 15) == 15 || BITS (16, 19) == 15)
-                            ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        /* Is access to coprocessor 0 allowed ?  */
-                        else if (!CP_ACCESS_ALLOWED(state, CPNum))
-                            ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        else {
-                            /* MCRR, ARMv5TE and up */
-                            ARMul_MCRR (state, instr, DEST, state->Reg[LHSReg]);
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                /* Drop through.  */
-                case 0xc0:	/* Store , No WriteBack , Post Dec.  */
-                    ARMul_STC (state, instr, LHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0xc5:
-                    if ((instr & 0x00000FF0) == 0xB10) { //vmov BIT(12-15), BIT(16-20), BIT(0-3) vmov r0, r0, d0
-                        state->Reg[BITS(12, 15)] = state->ExtReg[BITS(0, 3) << 1];
-                        state->Reg[BITS(16, 19)] = state->ExtReg[(BITS(0, 3) << 1) + 1];
-                        break;
-                    } else if (state->is_v5) {
-                        /* Writes to R15 are UNPREDICATABLE.  */
-                        if (DESTReg == 15 || LHSReg == 15)
-                            ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                        /* Is access to the coprocessor allowed ?  */
-                        else if (!CP_ACCESS_ALLOWED(state, CPNum)) {
-                            ARMul_UndefInstr(state, instr);
-                        } else {
-                            /* MRRC, ARMv5TE and up */
-                            ARMul_MRRC (state, instr, &DEST, &(state->Reg[LHSReg]));
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                /* Drop through.  */
-                case 0xc1:	/* Load , No WriteBack , Post Dec.  */
-                    ARMul_LDC (state, instr, LHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0xc2:
-                case 0xc6:	/* Store , WriteBack , Post Dec.  */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    state->Base = lhs - LSCOff;
-                    ARMul_STC (state, instr, lhs);
-                    break;
-                case 0xc3:
-                case 0xc7:	/* Load , WriteBack , Post Dec.  */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    state->Base = lhs - LSCOff;
-                    ARMul_LDC (state, instr, lhs);
-                    break;
-                case 0xc8:
-                case 0xcc:	/* Store , No WriteBack , Post Inc.  */
-                    ARMul_STC (state, instr, LHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0xc9:
-                case 0xcd:	/* Load , No WriteBack , Post Inc.  */
-                    ARMul_LDC (state, instr, LHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0xca:
-                case 0xce:	/* Store , WriteBack , Post Inc.  */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    state->Base = lhs + LSCOff;
-                    ARMul_STC (state, instr, LHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0xcb:
-                case 0xcf:	/* Load , WriteBack , Post Inc.  */
-                    lhs = LHS;
-                    state->Base = lhs + LSCOff;
-                    ARMul_LDC (state, instr, LHS);
-                    break;
-                case 0xd0:
-                case 0xd4:	/* Store , No WriteBack , Pre Dec.  */
-                    ARMul_STC (state, instr, LHS - LSCOff);
-                    break;
-                case 0xd1:
-                case 0xd5:	/* Load , No WriteBack , Pre Dec.  */
-                    ARMul_LDC (state, instr, LHS - LSCOff);
-                    break;
-                case 0xd2:
-                case 0xd6:	/* Store , WriteBack , Pre Dec.  */
-                    lhs = LHS - LSCOff;
-                    state->Base = lhs;
-                    ARMul_STC (state, instr, lhs);
-                    break;
-                case 0xd3:
-                case 0xd7:	/* Load , WriteBack , Pre Dec.  */
-                    lhs = LHS - LSCOff;
-                    state->Base = lhs;
-                    ARMul_LDC (state, instr, lhs);
-                    break;
-                case 0xd8:
-                case 0xdc:	/* Store , No WriteBack , Pre Inc.  */
-                    ARMul_STC (state, instr, LHS + LSCOff);
-                    break;
-                case 0xd9:
-                case 0xdd:	/* Load , No WriteBack , Pre Inc.  */
-                    ARMul_LDC (state, instr, LHS + LSCOff);
-                    break;
-                case 0xda:
-                case 0xde:	/* Store , WriteBack , Pre Inc.  */
-                    lhs = LHS + LSCOff;
-                    state->Base = lhs;
-                    ARMul_STC (state, instr, lhs);
-                    break;
-                case 0xdb:
-                case 0xdf:	/* Load , WriteBack , Pre Inc.  */
-                    lhs = LHS + LSCOff;
-                    state->Base = lhs;
-                    ARMul_LDC (state, instr, lhs);
-                    break;
-                /* Co-Processor Register Transfers (MCR) and Data Ops.  */
-                case 0xe2:
-                /*if (!CP_ACCESS_ALLOWED (state, CPNum)) {
-                    ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-                    break;
-                }*/
-                case 0xe0:
-                case 0xe4:
-                case 0xe6:
-                case 0xe8:
-                case 0xea:
-                case 0xec:
-                case 0xee:
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-                        /* MCR.  */
-                        if (DESTReg == 15) {
-                            UNDEF_MCRPC;
-#ifdef MODE32
-                            ARMul_MCR (state, instr, state->Reg[15] + isize);
-                            ARMul_MCR (state, instr, ECC | ER15INT | EMODE | ((state->Reg[15] + isize) & R15PCBITS));
-                        } else
-                            ARMul_MCR (state, instr, DEST);
-                    } else
-                        /* CDP Part 1.  */
-                        ARMul_CDP (state, instr);
-                    break;
-                /* Co-Processor Register Transfers (MRC) and Data Ops.  */
-                case 0xe1:
-                case 0xe3:
-                case 0xe5:
-                case 0xe7:
-                case 0xe9:
-                case 0xeb:
-                case 0xed:
-                case 0xef:
-                    if (BIT (4)) {
-                        /* MRC */
-                        temp = ARMul_MRC (state, instr);
-                        if (DESTReg == 15) {
-                            ASSIGNN ((temp & NBIT) != 0);
-                            ASSIGNZ ((temp & ZBIT) != 0);
-                            ASSIGNC ((temp & CBIT) != 0);
-                            ASSIGNV ((temp & VBIT) != 0);
-                        } else
-                            DEST = temp;
-                    } else
-                        /* CDP Part 2.  */
-                        ARMul_CDP (state, instr);
-                    break;
-                /* SWI instruction.  */
-                case 0xf0:
-                case 0xf1:
-                case 0xf2:
-                case 0xf3:
-                case 0xf4:
-                case 0xf5:
-                case 0xf6:
-                case 0xf7:
-                case 0xf8:
-                case 0xf9:
-                case 0xfa:
-                case 0xfb:
-                case 0xfc:
-                case 0xfd:
-                case 0xfe:
-                case 0xff:
-                    //svc_Execute(state, BITS(0, 23));
-                    HLE::CallSVC(instr);
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-#ifdef MODET
-            state->pc = pc;
-            /* jump out every time */
-            //state->EndCondition = 0;
-            //state->Emulate = STOP;
-//chy 2006-04-12 for ICE debug
-            if (state->Emulate == ONCE)
-                state->Emulate = STOP;
-            else if (state->Emulate != RUN)
-                break;
-    }
-        while (state->NumInstrsToExecute);
-        state->decoded = decoded;
-        state->loaded = loaded;
-        state->pc = pc;
-        //chy 2006-04-12, for ICE debug
-        state->decoded_addr=decoded_addr;
-        state->loaded_addr=loaded_addr;
-        return pc;
-    }
-    static volatile void (*gen_func) (void);
-    static volatile uint32_t tmp_st;
-    static volatile uint32_t save_st;
-    static volatile uint32_t save_T0;
-    static volatile uint32_t save_T1;
-    static volatile uint32_t save_T2;
-    /* This routine evaluates most Data Processing register RHS's with the S
-       bit clear.  It is intended to be called from the macro DPRegRHS, which
-       filters the common case of an unshifted register with in line code.  */
-    static ARMword
-    GetDPRegRHS (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr) {
-        ARMword shamt, base;
-        base = RHSReg;
-        if (BIT (4)) {
-            /* Shift amount in a register.  */
-            UNDEF_Shift;
-            INCPC;
-#ifndef MODE32
-            if (base == 15)
-                base = ECC | ER15INT | R15PC | EMODE;
-            else
-                base = state->Reg[base];
-            ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0L);
-            shamt = state->Reg[BITS (8, 11)] & 0xff;
-            switch ((int) BITS (5, 6)) {
-            case LSL:
-                if (shamt == 0)
-                    return (base);
-                else if (shamt >= 32)
-                    return (0);
-                else
-                    return (base << shamt);
-            case LSR:
-                if (shamt == 0)
-                    return (base);
-                else if (shamt >= 32)
-                    return (0);
-                else
-                    return (base >> shamt);
-            case ASR:
-                if (shamt == 0)
-                    return (base);
-                else if (shamt >= 32)
-                    return ((ARMword) ((int) base >> 31L));
-                else
-                    return ((ARMword)
-                            (( int) base >> (int) shamt));
-            case ROR:
-                shamt &= 0x1f;
-                if (shamt == 0)
-                    return (base);
-                else
-                    return ((base << (32 - shamt)) |
-                            (base >> shamt));
-            }
-        } else {
-            /* Shift amount is a constant.  */
-#ifndef MODE32
-            if (base == 15)
-                base = ECC | ER15INT | R15PC | EMODE;
-            else
-                base = state->Reg[base];
-            shamt = BITS (7, 11);
-            switch ((int) BITS (5, 6)) {
-            case LSL:
-                return (base << shamt);
-            case LSR:
-                if (shamt == 0)
-                    return (0);
-                else
-                    return (base >> shamt);
-            case ASR:
-                if (shamt == 0)
-                    return ((ARMword) (( int) base >> 31L));
-                else
-                    return ((ARMword)
-                            (( int) base >> (int) shamt));
-            case ROR:
-                if (shamt == 0)
-                    /* It's an RRX.  */
-                    return ((base >> 1) | (CFLAG << 31));
-                else
-                    return ((base << (32 - shamt)) |
-                            (base >> shamt));
-            }
-        }
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /* This routine evaluates most Logical Data Processing register RHS's
-       with the S bit set.  It is intended to be called from the macro
-       DPSRegRHS, which filters the common case of an unshifted register
-       with in line code.  */
-    static ARMword
-    GetDPSRegRHS (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr) {
-        ARMword shamt, base;
-        base = RHSReg;
-        if (BIT (4)) {
-            /* Shift amount in a register.  */
-            UNDEF_Shift;
-            INCPC;
-#ifndef MODE32
-            if (base == 15)
-                base = ECC | ER15INT | R15PC | EMODE;
-            else
-                base = state->Reg[base];
-            ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0L);
-            shamt = state->Reg[BITS (8, 11)] & 0xff;
-            switch ((int) BITS (5, 6)) {
-            case LSL:
-                if (shamt == 0)
-                    return (base);
-                else if (shamt == 32) {
-                    ASSIGNC (base & 1);
-                    return (0);
-                } else if (shamt > 32) {
-                    CLEARC;
-                    return (0);
-                } else {
-                    ASSIGNC ((base >> (32 - shamt)) & 1);
-                    return (base << shamt);
-                }
-            case LSR:
-                if (shamt == 0)
-                    return (base);
-                else if (shamt == 32) {
-                    ASSIGNC (base >> 31);
-                    return (0);
-                } else if (shamt > 32) {
-                    CLEARC;
-                    return (0);
-                } else {
-                    ASSIGNC ((base >> (shamt - 1)) & 1);
-                    return (base >> shamt);
-                }
-            case ASR:
-                if (shamt == 0)
-                    return (base);
-                else if (shamt >= 32) {
-                    ASSIGNC (base >> 31L);
-                    return ((ARMword) (( int) base >> 31L));
-                } else {
-                    ASSIGNC ((ARMword)
-                             (( int) base >>
-                              (int) (shamt - 1)) & 1);
-                    return ((ARMword)
-                            ((int) base >> (int) shamt));
-                }
-            case ROR:
-                if (shamt == 0)
-                    return (base);
-                shamt &= 0x1f;
-                if (shamt == 0) {
-                    ASSIGNC (base >> 31);
-                    return (base);
-                } else {
-                    ASSIGNC ((base >> (shamt - 1)) & 1);
-                    return ((base << (32 - shamt)) |
-                            (base >> shamt));
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            /* Shift amount is a constant.  */
-#ifndef MODE32
-            if (base == 15)
-                base = ECC | ER15INT | R15PC | EMODE;
-            else
-                base = state->Reg[base];
-            shamt = BITS (7, 11);
-            switch ((int) BITS (5, 6)) {
-            case LSL:
-                ASSIGNC ((base >> (32 - shamt)) & 1);
-                return (base << shamt);
-            case LSR:
-                if (shamt == 0) {
-                    ASSIGNC (base >> 31);
-                    return (0);
-                } else {
-                    ASSIGNC ((base >> (shamt - 1)) & 1);
-                    return (base >> shamt);
-                }
-            case ASR:
-                if (shamt == 0) {
-                    ASSIGNC (base >> 31L);
-                    return ((ARMword) ((int) base >> 31L));
-                } else {
-                    ASSIGNC ((ARMword)
-                             ((int) base >>
-                              (int) (shamt - 1)) & 1);
-                    return ((ARMword)
-                            (( int) base >> (int) shamt));
-                }
-            case ROR:
-                if (shamt == 0) {
-                    /* It's an RRX.  */
-                    shamt = CFLAG;
-                    ASSIGNC (base & 1);
-                    return ((base >> 1) | (shamt << 31));
-                } else {
-                    ASSIGNC ((base >> (shamt - 1)) & 1);
-                    return ((base << (32 - shamt)) |
-                            (base >> shamt));
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /* This routine handles writes to register 15 when the S bit is not set.  */
-    static void
-    WriteR15 (ARMul_State * state, ARMword src) {
-        /* The ARM documentation states that the two least significant bits
-           are discarded when setting PC, except in the cases handled by
-           WriteR15Branch() below.  It's probably an oversight: in THUMB
-           mode, the second least significant bit should probably not be
-           discarded.  */
-#ifdef MODET
-        if (TFLAG)
-            src &= 0xfffffffe;
-        else
-            src &= 0xfffffffc;
-#ifdef MODE32
-        state->Reg[15] = src & PCBITS;
-        state->Reg[15] = (src & R15PCBITS) | ECC | ER15INT | EMODE;
-        ARMul_R15Altered (state);
-        FLUSHPIPE;
-    }
-    /* This routine handles writes to register 15 when the S bit is set.  */
-    static void
-    WriteSR15 (ARMul_State * state, ARMword src) {
-#ifdef MODE32
-        if (state->Bank > 0) {
-            state->Cpsr = state->Spsr[state->Bank];
-            ARMul_CPSRAltered (state);
-        }
-#ifdef MODET
-        if (TFLAG)
-            src &= 0xfffffffe;
-        else
-            src &= 0xfffffffc;
-        state->Reg[15] = src & PCBITS;
-#ifdef MODET
-        if (TFLAG)
-            /* ARMul_R15Altered would have to support it.  */
-            abort ();
-        else
-            src &= 0xfffffffc;
-        if (state->Bank == USERBANK)
-            state->Reg[15] =
-                (src & (CCBITS | R15PCBITS)) | ER15INT | EMODE;
-        else
-            state->Reg[15] = src;
-        ARMul_R15Altered (state);
-        FLUSHPIPE;
-    }
-    /* In machines capable of running in Thumb mode, BX, BLX, LDR and LDM
-       will switch to Thumb mode if the least significant bit is set.  */
-    static void
-    WriteR15Branch (ARMul_State * state, ARMword src) {
-#ifdef MODET
-        if (src & 1) {
-            /* Thumb bit.  */
-            SETT;
-            state->Reg[15] = src & 0xfffffffe;
-        } else {
-            CLEART;
-            state->Reg[15] = src & 0xfffffffc;
-        }
-        state->Cpsr = ARMul_GetCPSR (state);
-        FLUSHPIPE;
-        WriteR15 (state, src);
-    }
-    /* This routine evaluates most Load and Store register RHS's.  It is
-       intended to be called from the macro LSRegRHS, which filters the
-       common case of an unshifted register with in line code.  */
-    static ARMword
-    GetLSRegRHS (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr) {
-        ARMword shamt, base;
-        base = RHSReg;
-#ifndef MODE32
-        if (base == 15)
-            /* Now forbidden, but ...  */
-            base = ECC | ER15INT | R15PC | EMODE;
-        else
-            base = state->Reg[base];
-        shamt = BITS (7, 11);
-        switch ((int) BITS (5, 6)) {
-        case LSL:
-            return (base << shamt);
-        case LSR:
-            if (shamt == 0)
-                return (0);
-            else
-                return (base >> shamt);
-        case ASR:
-            if (shamt == 0)
-                return ((ARMword) (( int) base >> 31L));
-            else
-                return ((ARMword) (( int) base >> (int) shamt));
-        case ROR:
-            if (shamt == 0)
-                /* It's an RRX.  */
-                return ((base >> 1) | (CFLAG << 31));
-            else
-                return ((base << (32 - shamt)) | (base >> shamt));
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /* This routine evaluates the ARM7T halfword and signed transfer RHS's.  */
-    static ARMword
-    GetLS7RHS (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr) {
-        if (BIT (22) == 0) {
-            /* Register.  */
-#ifndef MODE32
-            if (RHSReg == 15)
-                /* Now forbidden, but ...  */
-                return ECC | ER15INT | R15PC | EMODE;
-            return state->Reg[RHSReg];
-        }
-        /* Immediate.  */
-        return BITS (0, 3) | (BITS (8, 11) << 4);
-    }
-    static unsigned
-    LoadWord (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr, ARMword address) {
-        ARMword dest;
-#ifndef MODE32
-        if (ADDREXCEPT (address))
-            INTERNALABORT (address);
-        dest = ARMul_LoadWordN (state, address);
-        if (state->Aborted) {
-            TAKEABORT;
-            return state->lateabtSig;
-        }
-        if (address & 3)
-            dest = ARMul_Align (state, address, dest);
-        WRITEDESTB (dest);
-        ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0L);
-        return (DESTReg != LHSReg);
-    }
-#ifdef MODET
-    /* This function does the work of loading a halfword.  */
-    static unsigned
-    LoadHalfWord (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr, ARMword address,
-                  int signextend) {
-        ARMword dest;
-#ifndef MODE32
-        if (ADDREXCEPT (address))
-            INTERNALABORT (address);
-        dest = ARMul_LoadHalfWord (state, address);
-        if (state->Aborted) {
-            TAKEABORT;
-            return state->lateabtSig;
-        }
-        UNDEF_LSRBPC;
-        if (signextend)
-            if (dest & 1 << (16 - 1))
-                dest = (dest & ((1 << 16) - 1)) - (1 << 16);
-        WRITEDEST (dest);
-        ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0L);
-        return (DESTReg != LHSReg);
-    }
-#endif /* MODET */
-    /* This function does the work of loading a byte for a LDRB instruction.  */
-    static unsigned
-    LoadByte (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr, ARMword address, int signextend) {
-        ARMword dest;
-#ifndef MODE32
-        if (ADDREXCEPT (address))
-            INTERNALABORT (address);
-        dest = ARMul_LoadByte (state, address);
-        if (state->Aborted) {
-            TAKEABORT;
-            return state->lateabtSig;
-        }
-        UNDEF_LSRBPC;
-        if (signextend)
-            if (dest & 1 << (8 - 1))
-                dest = (dest & ((1 << 8) - 1)) - (1 << 8);
-        WRITEDEST (dest);
-        ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0L);
-        return (DESTReg != LHSReg);
-    }
-    /* This function does the work of loading two words for a LDRD instruction.  */
-    static void
-    Handle_Load_Double (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr) {
-        ARMword dest_reg;
-        ARMword addr_reg;
-        ARMword write_back = BIT (21);
-        ARMword immediate = BIT (22);
-        ARMword add_to_base = BIT (23);
-        ARMword pre_indexed = BIT (24);
-        ARMword offset;
-        ARMword addr;
-        ARMword sum;
-        ARMword base;
-        ARMword value1;
-        ARMword value2;
-        /* If the writeback bit is set, the pre-index bit must be clear.  */
-        if (write_back && !pre_indexed) {
-            ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-            return;
-        }
-        /* Extract the base address register.  */
-        addr_reg = LHSReg;
-        /* Extract the destination register and check it.  */
-        dest_reg = DESTReg;
-        /* Destination register must be even.  */
-        if ((dest_reg & 1)
-                /* Destination register cannot be LR.  */
-                || (dest_reg == 14)) {
-            ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-            return;
-        }
-        /* Compute the base address.  */
-        base = state->Reg[addr_reg];
-        /* Compute the offset.  */
-        offset = immediate ? ((BITS (8, 11) << 4) | BITS (0, 3)) : state->
-                 Reg[RHSReg];
-        /* Compute the sum of the two.  */
-        if (add_to_base)
-            sum = base + offset;
-        else
-            sum = base - offset;
-        /* If this is a pre-indexed mode use the sum.  */
-        if (pre_indexed)
-            addr = sum;
-        else
-            addr = base;
-        /* The address must be aligned on a 8 byte boundary.  */
-        /*if (addr & 0x7) {
-        #ifdef ABORTS
-            ARMul_DATAABORT (addr);
-        #else
-            ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-        #endif
-            return;
-        }*/
-        /* Lets just forcibly align it for now */
-        //addr = (addr + 7) & ~7;
-        /* For pre indexed or post indexed addressing modes,
-           check that the destination registers do not overlap
-           the address registers.  */
-        if ((!pre_indexed || write_back)
-                && (addr_reg == dest_reg || addr_reg == dest_reg + 1)) {
-            ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-            return;
-        }
-        /* Load the words.  */
-        value1 = ARMul_LoadWordN (state, addr);
-        value2 = ARMul_LoadWordN (state, addr + 4);
-        /* Check for data aborts.  */
-        if (state->Aborted) {
-            TAKEABORT;
-            return;
-        }
-        ARMul_Icycles (state, 2, 0L);
-        /* Store the values.  */
-        state->Reg[dest_reg] = value1;
-        state->Reg[dest_reg + 1] = value2;
-        /* Do the post addressing and writeback.  */
-        if (!pre_indexed)
-            addr = sum;
-        if (!pre_indexed || write_back)
-            state->Reg[addr_reg] = addr;
-    }
-    /* This function does the work of storing two words for a STRD instruction.  */
-    static void
-    Handle_Store_Double (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr) {
-        ARMword src_reg;
-        ARMword addr_reg;
-        ARMword write_back = BIT (21);
-        ARMword immediate = BIT (22);
-        ARMword add_to_base = BIT (23);
-        ARMword pre_indexed = BIT (24);
-        ARMword offset;
-        ARMword addr;
-        ARMword sum;
-        ARMword base;
-        /* If the writeback bit is set, the pre-index bit must be clear.  */
-        if (write_back && !pre_indexed) {
-            ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-            return;
-        }
-        /* Extract the base address register.  */
-        addr_reg = LHSReg;
-        /* Base register cannot be PC.  */
-        if (addr_reg == 15) {
-            ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-            return;
-        }
-        /* Extract the source register.  */
-        src_reg = DESTReg;
-        /* Source register must be even.  */
-        if (src_reg & 1) {
-            ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-            return;
-        }
-        /* Compute the base address.  */
-        base = state->Reg[addr_reg];
-        /* Compute the offset.  */
-        offset = immediate ? ((BITS (8, 11) << 4) | BITS (0, 3)) : state->
-                 Reg[RHSReg];
-        /* Compute the sum of the two.  */
-        if (add_to_base)
-            sum = base + offset;
-        else
-            sum = base - offset;
-        /* If this is a pre-indexed mode use the sum.  */
-        if (pre_indexed)
-            addr = sum;
-        else
-            addr = base;
-        /* The address must be aligned on a 8 byte boundary.  */
-        /*if (addr & 0x7) {
-        #ifdef ABORTS
-            ARMul_DATAABORT (addr);
-        #else
-            ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-        #endif
-            return;
-        }*/
-        /* Lets just forcibly align it for now */
-        //addr = (addr + 7) & ~7;
-        /* For pre indexed or post indexed addressing modes,
-           check that the destination registers do not overlap
-           the address registers.  */
-        if ((!pre_indexed || write_back)
-                && (addr_reg == src_reg || addr_reg == src_reg + 1)) {
-            ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-            return;
-        }
-        /* Load the words.  */
-        ARMul_StoreWordN (state, addr, state->Reg[src_reg]);
-        ARMul_StoreWordN (state, addr + 4, state->Reg[src_reg + 1]);
-        if (state->Aborted) {
-            TAKEABORT;
-            return;
-        }
-        /* Do the post addressing and writeback.  */
-        if (!pre_indexed)
-            addr = sum;
-        if (!pre_indexed || write_back)
-            state->Reg[addr_reg] = addr;
-    }
-    /* This function does the work of storing a word from a STR instruction.  */
-    static unsigned
-    StoreWord (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr, ARMword address) {
-#ifndef MODE32
-        if (DESTReg == 15)
-            state->Reg[15] = ECC | ER15INT | R15PC | EMODE;
-#ifdef MODE32
-        ARMul_StoreWordN (state, address, DEST);
-        if (VECTORACCESS (address) || ADDREXCEPT (address)) {
-            INTERNALABORT (address);
-            (void) ARMul_LoadWordN (state, address);
-        } else
-            ARMul_StoreWordN (state, address, DEST);
-        if (state->Aborted) {
-            TAKEABORT;
-            return state->lateabtSig;
-        }
-        return TRUE;
-    }
-#ifdef MODET
-    /* This function does the work of storing a byte for a STRH instruction.  */
-    static unsigned
-    StoreHalfWord (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr, ARMword address) {
-#ifndef MODE32
-        if (DESTReg == 15)
-            state->Reg[15] = ECC | ER15INT | R15PC | EMODE;
-#ifdef MODE32
-        ARMul_StoreHalfWord (state, address, DEST);
-        if (VECTORACCESS (address) || ADDREXCEPT (address)) {
-            INTERNALABORT (address);
-            (void) ARMul_LoadHalfWord (state, address);
-        } else
-            ARMul_StoreHalfWord (state, address, DEST);
-        if (state->Aborted) {
-            TAKEABORT;
-            return state->lateabtSig;
-        }
-        return TRUE;
-    }
-#endif /* MODET */
-    /* This function does the work of storing a byte for a STRB instruction.  */
-    static unsigned
-    StoreByte (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr, ARMword address) {
-#ifndef MODE32
-        if (DESTReg == 15)
-            state->Reg[15] = ECC | ER15INT | R15PC | EMODE;
-#ifdef MODE32
-        ARMul_StoreByte (state, address, DEST);
-        if (VECTORACCESS (address) || ADDREXCEPT (address)) {
-            INTERNALABORT (address);
-            (void) ARMul_LoadByte (state, address);
-        } else
-            ARMul_StoreByte (state, address, DEST);
-        if (state->Aborted) {
-            TAKEABORT;
-            return state->lateabtSig;
-        }
-        //UNDEF_LSRBPC;
-        return TRUE;
-    }
-    /* This function does the work of loading the registers listed in an LDM
-       instruction, when the S bit is clear.  The code here is always increment
-       after, it's up to the caller to get the input address correct and to
-       handle base register modification.  */
-    static void
-    LoadMult (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr, ARMword address, ARMword WBBase) {
-        ARMword dest, temp;
-        //UNDEF_LSMNoRegs;
-        //UNDEF_LSMPCBase;
-        //UNDEF_LSMBaseInListWb;
-#ifndef MODE32
-        if (ADDREXCEPT (address))
-            INTERNALABORT (address);
-        /*chy 2004-05-23 may write twice
-          if (BIT (21) && LHSReg != 15)
-            LSBase = WBBase;
-        */
-        /* N cycle first.  */
-        for (temp = 0; !BIT (temp); temp++);
-        dest = ARMul_LoadWordN (state, address);
-        if (!state->abortSig && !state->Aborted)
-            state->Reg[temp++] = dest;
-        else if (!state->Aborted) {
-            //XScale_set_fsr_far (state, ARMul_CP15_R5_ST_ALIGN, address);
-            state->Aborted = ARMul_DataAbortV;
-        }
-        /*chy 2004-05-23 chy goto end*/
-        if (state->Aborted)
-            goto L_ldm_makeabort;
-        /* S cycles from here on.  */
-        for (; temp < 16; temp++)
-            if (BIT (temp)) {
-                /* Load this register.  */
-                address += 4;
-                dest = ARMul_LoadWordS (state, address);
-                if (!state->abortSig && !state->Aborted)
-                    state->Reg[temp] = dest;
-                else if (!state->Aborted) {
-                    /*XScale_set_fsr_far (state,
-                    		    ARMul_CP15_R5_ST_ALIGN,
-                    		    address);*/
-                    state->Aborted = ARMul_DataAbortV;
-                }
-                /*chy 2004-05-23 chy goto end */
-                if (state->Aborted)
-                    goto L_ldm_makeabort;
-            }
-        if (BIT (15) && !state->Aborted)
-            /* PC is in the reg list.  */
-            WriteR15Branch (state, PC);
-        /* To write back the final register.  */
-        /*  ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0L);*/
-        /*chy 2004-05-23, see below
-          if (state->Aborted)
-            {
-              if (BIT (21) && LHSReg != 15)
-                LSBase = WBBase;
-              TAKEABORT;
-            }
-        */
-        /*chy 2004-05-23 should compare the Abort Models*/
-        /* To write back the final register.  */
-        ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0L);
-        /* chy 2005-11-24, bug found by benjl@cse.unsw.edu.au, etc */
-        /*
-           if (state->Aborted)
-           {
-           if (BIT (21) && LHSReg != 15)
-           if (!(state->abortSig && state->Aborted && state->lateabtSig == LOW))
-           LSBase = WBBase;
-           TAKEABORT;
-           }else if (BIT (21) && LHSReg != 15)
-           LSBase = WBBase;
-         */
-        if (state->Aborted) {
-            if (BIT (21) && LHSReg != 15) {
-                if (!(state->abortSig)) {
-                }
-            }
-            TAKEABORT;
-        } else if (BIT (21) && LHSReg != 15) {
-            LSBase = WBBase;
-        }
-        /* chy 2005-11-24, over */
-    }
-    /* This function does the work of loading the registers listed in an LDM
-       instruction, when the S bit is set. The code here is always increment
-       after, it's up to the caller to get the input address correct and to
-       handle base register modification.  */
-    static void
-    LoadSMult (ARMul_State * state,
-               ARMword instr, ARMword address, ARMword WBBase) {
-        ARMword dest, temp;
-        //UNDEF_LSMNoRegs;
-        //UNDEF_LSMPCBase;
-        //UNDEF_LSMBaseInListWb;
-#ifndef MODE32
-        if (ADDREXCEPT (address))
-            INTERNALABORT (address);
-        /* chy 2004-05-23, may write twice
-          if (BIT (21) && LHSReg != 15)
-            LSBase = WBBase;
-        */
-        if (!BIT (15) && state->Bank != USERBANK) {
-            /* Temporary reg bank switch.  */
-            (void) ARMul_SwitchMode (state, state->Mode, USER26MODE);
-            UNDEF_LSMUserBankWb;
-        }
-        /* N cycle first.  */
-        for (temp = 0; !BIT (temp); temp++);
-        dest = ARMul_LoadWordN (state, address);
-        if (!state->abortSig)
-            state->Reg[temp++] = dest;
-        else if (!state->Aborted) {
-            //XScale_set_fsr_far (state, ARMul_CP15_R5_ST_ALIGN, address);
-            state->Aborted = ARMul_DataAbortV;
-        }
-        /*chy 2004-05-23 chy goto end*/
-        if (state->Aborted)
-            goto L_ldm_s_makeabort;
-        /* S cycles from here on.  */
-        for (; temp < 16; temp++)
-            if (BIT (temp)) {
-                /* Load this register.  */
-                address += 4;
-                dest = ARMul_LoadWordS (state, address);
-                if (!state->abortSig && !state->Aborted)
-                    state->Reg[temp] = dest;
-                else if (!state->Aborted) {
-                    /*XScale_set_fsr_far (state,
-                    		    ARMul_CP15_R5_ST_ALIGN,
-                    		    address);*/
-                    state->Aborted = ARMul_DataAbortV;
-                }
-                /*chy 2004-05-23 chy goto end */
-                if (state->Aborted)
-                    goto L_ldm_s_makeabort;
-            }
-        /*chy 2004-05-23 label of ldm_s_makeabort*/
-        /*chy 2004-06-06 LSBase process should be here, not in the end of this function. Because ARMul_CPSRAltered maybe change R13(SP) R14(lr). If not, simulate INSTR  ldmia sp!,[....pc]^ error.*/
-        /*chy 2004-05-23 should compare the Abort Models*/
-        if (state->Aborted) {
-            if (BIT (21) && LHSReg != 15)
-                if (!
-                        (state->abortSig && state->Aborted
-                         && state->lateabtSig == LOW))
-                    LSBase = WBBase;
-            TAKEABORT;
-        } else if (BIT (21) && LHSReg != 15)
-            LSBase = WBBase;
-        if (BIT (15) && !state->Aborted) {
-            /* PC is in the reg list.  */
-#ifdef MODE32
-            //chy 2006-02-16 , should not consider system mode, don't conside 26bit mode
-            if (state->Mode != USER26MODE && state->Mode != USER32MODE ) {
-                state->Cpsr = GETSPSR (state->Bank);
-                ARMul_CPSRAltered (state);
-            }
-            WriteR15 (state, PC);
-            //chy 2006-02-16 , should not consider system mode, don't conside 26bit mode
-            if (state->Mode == USER26MODE || state->Mode == USER32MODE ) {
-                /* Protect bits in user mode.  */
-                ASSIGNN ((state->Reg[15] & NBIT) != 0);
-                ASSIGNZ ((state->Reg[15] & ZBIT) != 0);
-                ASSIGNC ((state->Reg[15] & CBIT) != 0);
-                ASSIGNV ((state->Reg[15] & VBIT) != 0);
-            } else
-                ARMul_R15Altered (state);
-            FLUSHPIPE;
-        }
-        //chy 2006-02-16 , should not consider system mode, don't conside 26bit mode
-        if (!BIT (15) && state->Mode != USER26MODE
-                && state->Mode != USER32MODE )
-            /* Restore the correct bank.  */
-            (void) ARMul_SwitchMode (state, USER26MODE, state->Mode);
-        /* To write back the final register.  */
-        ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0L);
-        /* chy 2004-05-23, see below
-          if (state->Aborted)
-            {
-              if (BIT (21) && LHSReg != 15)
-                LSBase = WBBase;
-              TAKEABORT;
-            }
-        */
-    }
-    /* This function does the work of storing the registers listed in an STM
-       instruction, when the S bit is clear.  The code here is always increment
-       after, it's up to the caller to get the input address correct and to
-       handle base register modification.  */
-    static void
-    StoreMult (ARMul_State * state,
-               ARMword instr, ARMword address, ARMword WBBase) {
-        ARMword temp;
-        UNDEF_LSMNoRegs;
-        UNDEF_LSMPCBase;
-        UNDEF_LSMBaseInListWb;
-        if (!TFLAG)
-            /* N-cycle, increment the PC and update the NextInstr state.  */
-            BUSUSEDINCPCN;
-#ifndef MODE32
-        if (VECTORACCESS (address) || ADDREXCEPT (address))
-            INTERNALABORT (address);
-        if (BIT (15))
-            PATCHR15;
-        /* N cycle first.  */
-        for (temp = 0; !BIT (temp); temp++);
-#ifdef MODE32
-        ARMul_StoreWordN (state, address, state->Reg[temp++]);
-        if (state->Aborted) {
-            (void) ARMul_LoadWordN (state, address);
-            /* Fake the Stores as Loads.  */
-            for (; temp < 16; temp++)
-                if (BIT (temp)) {
-                    /* Save this register.  */
-                    address += 4;
-                    (void) ARMul_LoadWordS (state, address);
-                }
-            if (BIT (21) && LHSReg != 15)
-                LSBase = WBBase;
-            TAKEABORT;
-            return;
-        } else
-            ARMul_StoreWordN (state, address, state->Reg[temp++]);
-        if (state->abortSig && !state->Aborted) {
-            //XScale_set_fsr_far (state, ARMul_CP15_R5_ST_ALIGN, address);
-            state->Aborted = ARMul_DataAbortV;
-        }
-//chy 2004-05-23, needn't store other when aborted
-        if (state->Aborted)
-            goto L_stm_takeabort;
-        /* S cycles from here on.  */
-        for (; temp < 16; temp++)
-            if (BIT (temp)) {
-                /* Save this register.  */
-                address += 4;
-                ARMul_StoreWordS (state, address, state->Reg[temp]);
-                if (state->abortSig && !state->Aborted) {
-                    /*XScale_set_fsr_far (state,
-                    		    ARMul_CP15_R5_ST_ALIGN,
-                    		    address);*/
-                    state->Aborted = ARMul_DataAbortV;
-                }
-                //chy 2004-05-23, needn't store other when aborted
-                if (state->Aborted)
-                    goto L_stm_takeabort;
-            }
-//chy 2004-05-23,should compare the Abort Models
-        if (BIT (21) && LHSReg != 15) {
-            if (!
-                    (state->abortSig && state->Aborted
-                     && state->lateabtSig == LOW))
-                LSBase = WBBase;
-        }
-        if (state->Aborted)
-            TAKEABORT;
-    }
-    /* This function does the work of storing the registers listed in an STM
-       instruction when the S bit is set.  The code here is always increment
-       after, it's up to the caller to get the input address correct and to
-       handle base register modification.  */
-    static void
-    StoreSMult (ARMul_State * state,
-                ARMword instr, ARMword address, ARMword WBBase) {
-        ARMword temp;
-        UNDEF_LSMNoRegs;
-        UNDEF_LSMPCBase;
-        UNDEF_LSMBaseInListWb;
-#ifndef MODE32
-        if (VECTORACCESS (address) || ADDREXCEPT (address))
-            INTERNALABORT (address);
-        if (BIT (15))
-            PATCHR15;
-        if (state->Bank != USERBANK) {
-            /* Force User Bank.  */
-            (void) ARMul_SwitchMode (state, state->Mode, USER26MODE);
-            UNDEF_LSMUserBankWb;
-        }
-        for (temp = 0; !BIT (temp); temp++);	/* N cycle first.  */
-#ifdef MODE32
-        ARMul_StoreWordN (state, address, state->Reg[temp++]);
-        if (state->Aborted) {
-            (void) ARMul_LoadWordN (state, address);
-            for (; temp < 16; temp++)
-                /* Fake the Stores as Loads.  */
-                if (BIT (temp)) {
-                    /* Save this register.  */
-                    address += 4;
-                    (void) ARMul_LoadWordS (state, address);
-                }
-            if (BIT (21) && LHSReg != 15)
-                LSBase = WBBase;
-            TAKEABORT;
-            return;
-        } else
-            ARMul_StoreWordN (state, address, state->Reg[temp++]);
-        if (state->abortSig && !state->Aborted) {
-            //XScale_set_fsr_far (state, ARMul_CP15_R5_ST_ALIGN, address);
-            state->Aborted = ARMul_DataAbortV;
-        }
-//chy 2004-05-23, needn't store other when aborted
-        if (state->Aborted)
-            goto L_stm_s_takeabort;
-        /* S cycles from here on.  */
-        for (; temp < 16; temp++)
-            if (BIT (temp)) {
-                /* Save this register.  */
-                address += 4;
-                ARMul_StoreWordS (state, address, state->Reg[temp]);
-                if (state->abortSig && !state->Aborted) {
-                    /*XScale_set_fsr_far (state,
-                    		    ARMul_CP15_R5_ST_ALIGN,
-                    		    address);*/
-                    state->Aborted = ARMul_DataAbortV;
-                }
-                //chy 2004-05-23, needn't store other when aborted
-                if (state->Aborted)
-                    goto L_stm_s_takeabort;
-            }
-        //chy 2006-02-16 , should not consider system mode, don't conside 26bit mode
-        if (state->Mode != USER26MODE && state->Mode != USER32MODE )
-            /* Restore the correct bank.  */
-            (void) ARMul_SwitchMode (state, USER26MODE, state->Mode);
-//chy 2004-05-23,should compare the Abort Models
-        if (BIT (21) && LHSReg != 15) {
-            if (!
-                    (state->abortSig && state->Aborted
-                     && state->lateabtSig == LOW))
-                LSBase = WBBase;
-        }
-        if (state->Aborted)
-            TAKEABORT;
-    }
-    /* This function does the work of adding two 32bit values
-       together, and calculating if a carry has occurred.  */
-    static ARMword
-    Add32 (ARMword a1, ARMword a2, int *carry) {
-        ARMword result = (a1 + a2);
-        unsigned int uresult = (unsigned int) result;
-        unsigned int ua1 = (unsigned int) a1;
-        /* If (result == RdLo) and (state->Reg[nRdLo] == 0),
-           or (result > RdLo) then we have no carry.  */
-        if ((uresult == ua1) ? (a2 != 0) : (uresult < ua1))
-            *carry = 1;
-        else
-            *carry = 0;
-        return result;
-    }
-    /* This function does the work of multiplying
-       two 32bit values to give a 64bit result.  */
-    static unsigned
-    Multiply64 (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr, int msigned, int scc) {
-        /* Operand register numbers.  */
-        int nRdHi, nRdLo, nRs, nRm;
-        ARMword RdHi = 0, RdLo = 0, Rm;
-        /* Cycle count.  */
-        int scount;
-        nRdHi = BITS (16, 19);
-        nRdLo = BITS (12, 15);
-        nRs = BITS (8, 11);
-        nRm = BITS (0, 3);
-        /* Needed to calculate the cycle count.  */
-        Rm = state->Reg[nRm];
-        /* Check for illegal operand combinations first.  */
-        if (nRdHi != 15
-                && nRdLo != 15
-                && nRs != 15
-                //&& nRm != 15 && nRdHi != nRdLo && nRdHi != nRm && nRdLo != nRm) {
-                && nRm != 15 && nRdHi != nRdLo ) {
-            /* Intermediate results.  */
-            ARMword lo, mid1, mid2, hi;
-            int carry;
-            ARMword Rs = state->Reg[nRs];
-            int sign = 0;
-            if (msigned) {
-                /* Compute sign of result and adjust operands if necessary.  */
-                sign = (Rm ^ Rs) & 0x80000000;
-                if (((signed int) Rm) < 0)
-                    Rm = -Rm;
-                if (((signed int) Rs) < 0)
-                    Rs = -Rs;
-            }
-            /* We can split the 32x32 into four 16x16 operations. This
-               ensures that we do not lose precision on 32bit only hosts.  */
-            lo = ((Rs & 0xFFFF) * (Rm & 0xFFFF));
-            mid1 = ((Rs & 0xFFFF) * ((Rm >> 16) & 0xFFFF));
-            mid2 = (((Rs >> 16) & 0xFFFF) * (Rm & 0xFFFF));
-            hi = (((Rs >> 16) & 0xFFFF) * ((Rm >> 16) & 0xFFFF));
-            /* We now need to add all of these results together, taking
-               care to propogate the carries from the additions.  */
-            RdLo = Add32 (lo, (mid1 << 16), &carry);
-            RdHi = carry;
-            RdLo = Add32 (RdLo, (mid2 << 16), &carry);
-            RdHi += (carry + ((mid1 >> 16) & 0xFFFF) +
-                     ((mid2 >> 16) & 0xFFFF) + hi);
-            if (sign) {
-                /* Negate result if necessary.  */
-                RdLo = ~RdLo;
-                RdHi = ~RdHi;
-                if (RdLo == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
-                    RdLo = 0;
-                    RdHi += 1;
-                } else
-                    RdLo += 1;
-            }
-            state->Reg[nRdLo] = RdLo;
-            state->Reg[nRdHi] = RdHi;
-        } else {
-            fprintf (stderr, "sim: MULTIPLY64 - INVALID ARGUMENTS, instr=0x%x\n", instr);
-        }
-        if (scc)
-            /* Ensure that both RdHi and RdLo are used to compute Z,
-               but don't let RdLo's sign bit make it to N.  */
-            ARMul_NegZero (state, RdHi | (RdLo >> 16) | (RdLo & 0xFFFF));
-        /* The cycle count depends on whether the instruction is a signed or
-           unsigned multiply, and what bits are clear in the multiplier.  */
-        if (msigned && (Rm & ((unsigned) 1 << 31)))
-            /* Invert the bits to make the check against zero.  */
-            Rm = ~Rm;
-        if ((Rm & 0xFFFFFF00) == 0)
-            scount = 1;
-        else if ((Rm & 0xFFFF0000) == 0)
-            scount = 2;
-        else if ((Rm & 0xFF000000) == 0)
-            scount = 3;
-        else
-            scount = 4;
-        return 2 + scount;
-    }
-    /* This function does the work of multiplying two 32bit
-       values and adding a 64bit value to give a 64bit result.  */
-    static unsigned
-    MultiplyAdd64 (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr, int msigned, int scc) {
-        unsigned scount;
-        ARMword RdLo, RdHi;
-        int nRdHi, nRdLo;
-        int carry = 0;
-        nRdHi = BITS (16, 19);
-        nRdLo = BITS (12, 15);
-        RdHi = state->Reg[nRdHi];
-        RdLo = state->Reg[nRdLo];
-        scount = Multiply64 (state, instr, msigned, LDEFAULT);
-        RdLo = Add32 (RdLo, state->Reg[nRdLo], &carry);
-        RdHi = (RdHi + state->Reg[nRdHi]) + carry;
-        state->Reg[nRdLo] = RdLo;
-        state->Reg[nRdHi] = RdHi;
-        if (scc)
-            /* Ensure that both RdHi and RdLo are used to compute Z,
-               but don't let RdLo's sign bit make it to N.  */
-            ARMul_NegZero (state, RdHi | (RdLo >> 16) | (RdLo & 0xFFFF));
-        /* Extra cycle for addition.  */
-        return scount + 1;
-    }
-    /* Attempt to emulate an ARMv6 instruction.
-       Returns non-zero upon success.  */
-    static int handle_v6_insn(ARMul_State* state, ARMword instr) {
-        switch (BITS(20, 27)) {
-        case 0x03:
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: ldr\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x04: // UMAAL
-            {
-                const u8 rm_idx = BITS(8, 11);
-                const u8 rn_idx = BITS(0, 3);
-                const u8 rd_lo_idx = BITS(12, 15);
-                const u8 rd_hi_idx = BITS(16, 19);
-                const u32 rm_val = state->Reg[rm_idx];
-                const u32 rn_val = state->Reg[rn_idx];
-                const u32 rd_lo_val = state->Reg[rd_lo_idx];
-                const u32 rd_hi_val = state->Reg[rd_hi_idx];
-                const u64 result = (rn_val * rm_val) + rd_lo_val + rd_hi_val;
-                state->Reg[rd_lo_idx] = (result & 0xFFFFFFFF);
-                state->Reg[rd_hi_idx] = ((result >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
-                return 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 0x06:
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: mls/str\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x16:
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: smi\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x18:
-			if (BITS(4, 7) == 0x9) {
-				/* strex */
-				u32 l = LHSReg;
-				u32 r = RHSReg;
-				u32 lhs = LHS;
-				bool enter = false;
-				if (state->currentexval == (u32)ARMul_ReadWord(state, state->currentexaddr))enter = true;
-				//StoreWord(state, lhs, RHS)
-				if (state->Aborted) {
-				}
-				if (enter) {
-					ARMul_StoreWordS(state, lhs, RHS);
-					state->Reg[DESTReg] = 0;
-				}
-				else {
-					state->Reg[DESTReg] = 1;
-				}
-				return 1;
-			}
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: strex\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x19:
-			/* ldrex */
-			if (BITS(4, 7) == 0x9) {
-				u32 lhs = LHS;
-				state->currentexaddr = lhs;
-				state->currentexval = ARMul_ReadWord(state, lhs);
-				LoadWord(state, instr, lhs);
-				return 1;
-			}
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: ldrex\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x1a:
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: strexd\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x1b:
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: ldrexd\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x1c:
-			if (BITS(4, 7) == 0x9) {
-				/* strexb */
-				u32 lhs = LHS;
-				bool enter = false;
-				if (state->currentexval == (u32)ARMul_ReadByte(state, state->currentexaddr))enter = true;
-				if (state->Aborted) {
-				}
-				if (enter) {
-					ARMul_StoreByte(state, lhs, RHS);
-					state->Reg[DESTReg] = 0;
-				}
-				else {
-					state->Reg[DESTReg] = 1;
-				}
-				//printf("In %s, strexb not implemented\n", __FUNCTION__);
-				/* WRITESDEST (dest); */
-				return 1;
-			}
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: strexb\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x1d:
-			if ((BITS(4, 7)) == 0x9) {
-				/* ldrexb */
-				u32 lhs = LHS;
-				LoadByte(state, instr, lhs, LUNSIGNED);
-				state->currentexaddr = lhs;
-				state->currentexval = (u32)ARMul_ReadByte(state, lhs);
-				//state->Reg[BITS(12, 15)] = ARMul_LoadByte(state, state->Reg[BITS(16, 19)]);
-				//printf("ldrexb\n");
-				//printf("instr is %x rm is %d\n", instr, BITS(16, 19));
-				//exit(-1);
-				//printf("In %s, ldrexb not implemented\n", __FUNCTION__);
-				return 1;
-			}
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: ldrexb\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x1e:
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: strexh\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x1f:
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: ldrexh\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x30:
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: movw\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x32:
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: nop/sev/wfe/wfi/yield\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x34:
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: movt\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x3f:
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: rbit\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x61: // SADD16, SASX, SSAX, and SSUB16
-            if ((instr & 0xFF0) == 0xf10 || (instr & 0xFF0) == 0xf30 ||
-                (instr & 0xFF0) == 0xf50 || (instr & 0xFF0) == 0xf70)
-            {
-                const u8 rd_idx = BITS(12, 15);
-                const u8 rm_idx = BITS(0, 3);
-                const u8 rn_idx = BITS(16, 19);
-                const s16 rn_lo = (state->Reg[rn_idx] & 0xFFFF);
-                const s16 rn_hi = ((state->Reg[rn_idx] >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
-                const s16 rm_lo = (state->Reg[rm_idx] & 0xFFFF);
-                const s16 rm_hi = ((state->Reg[rm_idx] >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
-                s32 lo_result;
-                s32 hi_result;
-                // SADD16
-                if ((instr & 0xFF0) == 0xf10) {
-                    lo_result = (rn_lo + rm_lo);
-                    hi_result = (rn_hi + rm_hi);
-                }
-                // SASX
-                else if ((instr & 0xFF0) == 0xf30) {
-                    lo_result = (rn_lo - rm_hi);
-                    hi_result = (rn_hi + rm_lo);
-                }
-                // SSAX
-                else if ((instr & 0xFF0) == 0xf50) {
-                    lo_result = (rn_lo + rm_hi);
-                    hi_result = (rn_hi - rm_lo);
-                }
-                // SSUB16
-                else {
-                    lo_result = (rn_lo - rm_lo);
-                    hi_result = (rn_hi - rm_hi);
-                }
-                state->Reg[rd_idx] = (lo_result & 0xFFFF) | ((hi_result & 0xFFFF) << 16);
-                if (lo_result >= 0) {
-                    state->GEFlag |= (1 << 16);
-                    state->GEFlag |= (1 << 17);
-                } else {
-                    state->GEFlag &= ~(1 << 16);
-                    state->GEFlag &= ~(1 << 17);
-                }
-                if (hi_result >= 0) {
-                    state->GEFlag |= (1 << 18);
-                    state->GEFlag |= (1 << 19);
-                } else {
-                    state->GEFlag &= ~(1 << 18);
-                    state->GEFlag &= ~(1 << 19);
-                }
-                return 1;
-            }
-            // SADD8/SSUB8
-            else  if ((instr & 0xFF0) == 0xf90 || (instr & 0xFF0) == 0xff0)
-            {
-                const u8 rd_idx = BITS(12, 15);
-                const u8 rm_idx = BITS(0, 3);
-                const u8 rn_idx = BITS(16, 19);
-                const u32 rm_val = state->Reg[rm_idx];
-                const u32 rn_val = state->Reg[rn_idx];
-                s32 lo_val1, lo_val2;
-                s32 hi_val1, hi_val2;
-                // SADD8
-                if ((instr & 0xFF0) == 0xf90) {
-                    lo_val1 = (s32)(s8)(rn_val & 0xFF) + (s32)(s8)(rm_val & 0xFF);
-                    lo_val2 = (s32)(s8)((rn_val >> 8) & 0xFF)  + (s32)(s8)((rm_val >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                    hi_val1 = (s32)(s8)((rn_val >> 16) & 0xFF) + (s32)(s8)((rm_val >> 16) & 0xFF);
-                    hi_val2 = (s32)(s8)((rn_val >> 24) & 0xFF) + (s32)(s8)((rm_val >> 24) & 0xFF);
-                }
-                // SSUB8
-                else {
-                    lo_val1 = (s32)(s8)(rn_val & 0xFF) - (s32)(s8)(rm_val & 0xFF);
-                    lo_val2 = (s32)(s8)((rn_val >> 8) & 0xFF)  - (s32)(s8)((rm_val >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                    hi_val1 = (s32)(s8)((rn_val >> 16) & 0xFF) - (s32)(s8)((rm_val >> 16) & 0xFF);
-                    hi_val2 = (s32)(s8)((rn_val >> 24) & 0xFF) - (s32)(s8)((rm_val >> 24) & 0xFF);
-                }
-                if (lo_val1 >= 0)
-                    state->GEFlag |= (1 << 16);
-                else
-                    state->GEFlag &= ~(1 << 16);
-                if (lo_val2 >= 0)
-                    state->GEFlag |= (1 << 17);
-                else
-                    state->GEFlag &= ~(1 << 17);
-                if (hi_val1 >= 0)
-                    state->GEFlag |= (1 << 18);
-                else
-                    state->GEFlag &= ~(1 << 18);
-                if (hi_val2 >= 0)
-                    state->GEFlag |= (1 << 19);
-                else
-                    state->GEFlag &= ~(1 << 19);
-                state->Reg[rd_idx] = ((lo_val1 & 0xFF) | ((lo_val2 & 0xFF) << 8) | ((hi_val1 & 0xFF) << 16) | ((hi_val2 & 0xFF) << 24));
-                return 1;
-            }
-            else {
-                printf("Unhandled v6 insn: %08x", instr);
-            }
-            break;
-        case 0x62: // QADD16, QASX, QSAX, QSUB16, QADD8, and QSUB8
-            {
-                const u8 op2 = BITS(5, 7);
-                const u8 rd_idx = BITS(12, 15);
-                const u8 rn_idx = BITS(16, 19);
-                const u8 rm_idx = BITS(0, 3);
-                const u16 rm_lo = (state->Reg[rm_idx] & 0xFFFF);
-                const u16 rm_hi = ((state->Reg[rm_idx] >> 0x10) & 0xFFFF);
-                const u16 rn_lo = (state->Reg[rn_idx] & 0xFFFF);
-                const u16 rn_hi = ((state->Reg[rn_idx] >> 0x10) & 0xFFFF);
-                u16 lo_result = 0;
-                u16 hi_result = 0;
-                // QADD16
-                if (op2 == 0x00) {
-                    lo_result = ARMul_SignedSaturatedAdd16(rn_lo, rm_lo);
-                    hi_result = ARMul_SignedSaturatedAdd16(rn_hi, rm_hi);
-                }
-                // QASX
-                else if (op2 == 0x01) {
-                    lo_result = ARMul_SignedSaturatedSub16(rn_lo, rm_hi);
-                    hi_result = ARMul_SignedSaturatedAdd16(rn_hi, rm_lo);
-                }
-                // QSAX
-                else if (op2 == 0x02) {
-                    lo_result = ARMul_SignedSaturatedAdd16(rn_lo, rm_hi);
-                    hi_result = ARMul_SignedSaturatedSub16(rn_hi, rm_lo);
-                }
-                // QSUB16
-                else if (op2 == 0x03) {
-                    lo_result = ARMul_SignedSaturatedSub16(rn_lo, rm_lo);
-                    hi_result = ARMul_SignedSaturatedSub16(rn_hi, rm_hi);
-                }
-                // QADD8
-                else if (op2 == 0x04) {
-                    lo_result = ARMul_SignedSaturatedAdd8(rn_lo & 0xFF, rm_lo & 0xFF) |
-                                ARMul_SignedSaturatedAdd8(rn_lo >> 8, rm_lo >> 8) << 8;
-                    hi_result = ARMul_SignedSaturatedAdd8(rn_hi & 0xFF, rm_hi & 0xFF) |
-                                ARMul_SignedSaturatedAdd8(rn_hi >> 8, rm_hi >> 8) << 8;
-                }
-                // QSUB8
-                else if (op2 == 0x07) {
-                    lo_result = ARMul_SignedSaturatedSub8(rn_lo & 0xFF, rm_lo & 0xFF) |
-                                ARMul_SignedSaturatedSub8(rn_lo >> 8, rm_lo >> 8) << 8;
-                    hi_result = ARMul_SignedSaturatedSub8(rn_hi & 0xFF, rm_hi & 0xFF) |
-                                ARMul_SignedSaturatedSub8(rn_hi >> 8, rm_hi >> 8) << 8;
-                }
-                state->Reg[rd_idx] = (lo_result & 0xFFFF) | ((hi_result & 0xFFFF) << 16);
-                return 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 0x63:
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: shadd/shsub\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x65:
-        {
-            u32 rd = (instr >> 12) & 0xF;
-            u32 rn = (instr >> 16) & 0xF;
-            u32 rm = (instr >> 0) & 0xF;
-            u32 from = state->Reg[rn];
-            u32 to = state->Reg[rm];
-            if ((instr & 0xFF0) == 0xF10 || (instr & 0xFF0) == 0xF70) { // UADD16/USUB16
-                u32 h1, h2;
-                state->Cpsr &= 0xfff0ffff;
-                if ((instr & 0x0F0) == 0x070) { // USUB16
-                    h1 = ((u16)from - (u16)to);
-                    h2 = ((u16)(from >> 16) - (u16)(to >> 16));
-                    if (!(h1 & 0xffff0000))
-                        state->GEFlag |= (3 << 16);
-                    else
-                        state->GEFlag &= ~(3 << 16);
-                    if (!(h2 & 0xffff0000))
-                        state->GEFlag |= (3 << 18);
-                    else
-                        state->GEFlag &= ~(3 << 18);
-                }
-                else { // UADD16
-                    h1 = ((u16)from + (u16)to);
-                    h2 = ((u16)(from >> 16) + (u16)(to >> 16));
-                    if (h1 & 0xffff0000)
-                        state->GEFlag |= (3 << 16);
-                    else
-                        state->GEFlag &= ~(3 << 16);
-                    if (h2 & 0xffff0000)
-                        state->GEFlag |= (3 << 18);
-                    else
-                        state->GEFlag &= ~(3 << 18);
-                }
-                state->Reg[rd] = (u32)((h1 & 0xffff) | ((h2 & 0xffff) << 16));
-                return 1;
-            }
-            else
-                if ((instr & 0xFF0) == 0xF90 || (instr & 0xFF0) == 0xFF0) { // UADD8/USUB8
-                    u32 b1, b2, b3, b4;
-                    state->Cpsr &= 0xfff0ffff;
-                    if ((instr & 0x0F0) == 0x0F0) { // USUB8
-                        b1 = ((u8)from - (u8)to);
-                        b2 = ((u8)(from >> 8) - (u8)(to >> 8));
-                        b3 = ((u8)(from >> 16) - (u8)(to >> 16));
-                        b4 = ((u8)(from >> 24) - (u8)(to >> 24));
-                        if (!(b1 & 0xffffff00))
-                            state->GEFlag |= (1 << 16);
-                        else
-                            state->GEFlag &= ~(1 << 16);
-                        if (!(b2 & 0xffffff00))
-                            state->GEFlag |= (1 << 17);
-                        else
-                            state->GEFlag &= ~(1 << 17);
-                        if (!(b3 & 0xffffff00))
-                            state->GEFlag |= (1 << 18);
-                        else
-                            state->GEFlag &= ~(1 << 18);
-                        if (!(b4 & 0xffffff00))
-                            state->GEFlag |= (1 << 19);
-                        else
-                            state->GEFlag &= ~(1 << 19);
-                    }
-                    else { // UADD8
-                        b1 = ((u8)from + (u8)to);
-                        b2 = ((u8)(from >> 8) + (u8)(to >> 8));
-                        b3 = ((u8)(from >> 16) + (u8)(to >> 16));
-                        b4 = ((u8)(from >> 24) + (u8)(to >> 24));
-                        if (b1 & 0xffffff00)
-                            state->GEFlag |= (1 << 16);
-                        else
-                            state->GEFlag &= ~(1 << 16);
-                        if (b2 & 0xffffff00)
-                            state->GEFlag |= (1 << 17);
-                        else
-                            state->GEFlag &= ~(1 << 17);
-                        if (b3 & 0xffffff00)
-                            state->GEFlag |= (1 << 18);
-                        else
-                            state->GEFlag &= ~(1 << 18);
-                        if (b4 & 0xffffff00)
-                            state->GEFlag |= (1 << 19);
-                        else
-                            state->GEFlag &= ~(1 << 19);
-                    }
-                    state->Reg[rd] = (u32)(b1 | (b2 & 0xff) << 8 | (b3 & 0xff) << 16 | (b4 & 0xff) << 24);
-                    return 1;
-                }
-        }
-            printf("Unhandled v6 insn: uasx/usax\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x66: // UQADD16, UQASX, UQSAX, UQSUB16, UQADD8, and UQSUB8
-            {
-                const u8 rd_idx = BITS(12, 15);
-                const u8 rm_idx = BITS(0, 3);
-                const u8 rn_idx = BITS(16, 19);
-                const u8 op2    = BITS(5, 7);
-                const u32 rm_val = state->Reg[rm_idx];
-                const u32 rn_val = state->Reg[rn_idx];
-                u16 lo_val = 0;
-                u16 hi_val = 0;
-                // UQADD16
-                if (op2 == 0x00) {
-                    lo_val = ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedAdd16(rn_val & 0xFFFF, rm_val & 0xFFFF);
-                    hi_val = ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedAdd16((rn_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF, (rm_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
-                }
-                // UQASX
-                else if (op2 == 0x01) {
-                    lo_val = ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedSub16(rn_val & 0xFFFF, (rm_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
-                    hi_val = ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedAdd16((rn_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF, rm_val & 0xFFFF);
-                }
-                // UQSAX
-                else if (op2 == 0x02) {
-                    lo_val = ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedAdd16(rn_val & 0xFFFF, (rm_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
-                    hi_val = ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedSub16((rn_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF, rm_val & 0xFFFF);
-                }
-                // UQSUB16
-                else if (op2 == 0x03) {
-                    lo_val = ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedSub16(rn_val & 0xFFFF, rm_val & 0xFFFF);
-                    hi_val = ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedSub16((rn_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF, (rm_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
-                }
-                // UQADD8
-                else if (op2 == 0x04) {
-                    lo_val = ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedAdd8(rn_val, rm_val) |
-                             ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedAdd8(rn_val >> 8,  rm_val >> 8) << 8;
-                    hi_val = ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedAdd8(rn_val >> 16, rm_val >> 16) |
-                             ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedAdd8(rn_val >> 24, rm_val >> 24) << 8;
-                }
-                // UQSUB8
-                else {
-                    lo_val = ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedSub8(rn_val, rm_val) |
-                             ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedSub8(rn_val >> 8,  rm_val >> 8) << 8;
-                    hi_val = ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedSub8(rn_val >> 16, rm_val >> 16) |
-                             ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedSub8(rn_val >> 24, rm_val >> 24) << 8;
-                }
-                state->Reg[rd_idx] = ((lo_val & 0xFFFF) | hi_val << 16);
-                return 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 0x67: // UHADD16, UHASX, UHSAX, UHSUB16, UHADD8, and UHSUB8.
-            {
-                const u8 op2 = BITS(5, 7);
-                const u8 rm_idx = BITS(0, 3);
-                const u8 rn_idx = BITS(16, 19);
-                const u8 rd_idx = BITS(12, 15);
-                const u32 rm_val = state->Reg[rm_idx];
-                const u32 rn_val = state->Reg[rn_idx];
-                if (op2 == 0x00 || op2 == 0x01 || op2 == 0x02 || op2 == 0x03)
-                {
-                    u32 lo_val = 0;
-                    u32 hi_val = 0;
-                    // UHADD16
-                    if (op2 == 0x00) {
-                        lo_val = (rn_val & 0xFFFF) + (rm_val & 0xFFFF);
-                        hi_val = ((rn_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF) + ((rm_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
-                    }
-                    // UHASX
-                    else if (op2 == 0x01) {
-                        lo_val = (rn_val & 0xFFFF) - ((rm_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
-                        hi_val = ((rn_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF) + (rm_val & 0xFFFF);
-                    }
-                    // UHSAX
-                    else if (op2 == 0x02) {
-                        lo_val = (rn_val & 0xFFFF) + ((rm_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
-                        hi_val = ((rn_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF) - (rm_val & 0xFFFF);
-                    }
-                    // UHSUB16
-                    else if (op2 == 0x03) {
-                        lo_val = (rn_val & 0xFFFF) - (rm_val & 0xFFFF);
-                        hi_val = ((rn_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF) - ((rm_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
-                    }
-                    lo_val >>= 1;
-                    hi_val >>= 1;
-                    state->Reg[rd_idx] = (lo_val & 0xFFFF) | ((hi_val & 0xFFFF) << 16);
-                    return 1;
-                }
-                else if (op2 == 0x04 || op2 == 0x07) {
-                    u32 sum1;
-                    u32 sum2;
-                    u32 sum3;
-                    u32 sum4;
-                    // UHADD8
-                    if (op2 == 0x04) {
-                        sum1 = (rn_val & 0xFF) + (rm_val & 0xFF);
-                        sum2 = ((rn_val >> 8) & 0xFF) + ((rm_val >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                        sum3 = ((rn_val >> 16) & 0xFF) + ((rm_val >> 16) & 0xFF);
-                        sum4 = ((rn_val >> 24) & 0xFF) + ((rm_val >> 24) & 0xFF);
-                    }
-                    // UHSUB8
-                    else {
-                        sum1 = (rn_val & 0xFF) - (rm_val & 0xFF);
-                        sum2 = ((rn_val >> 8) & 0xFF) - ((rm_val >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                        sum3 = ((rn_val >> 16) & 0xFF) - ((rm_val >> 16) & 0xFF);
-                        sum4 = ((rn_val >> 24) & 0xFF) - ((rm_val >> 24) & 0xFF);
-                    }
-                    sum1 >>= 1;
-                    sum2 >>= 1;
-                    sum3 >>= 1;
-                    sum4 >>= 1;
-                    state->Reg[rd_idx] = (sum1 & 0xFF) | ((sum2 & 0xFF) << 8) | ((sum3 & 0xFF) << 16) | ((sum4 & 0xFF) << 24);
-                    return 1;
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case 0x68:
-        {
-            u32 rd = (instr >> 12) & 0xF;
-            u32 rn = (instr >> 16) & 0xF;
-            u32 rm = (instr >> 0) & 0xF;
-            u32 from = state->Reg[rn];
-            u32 to = state->Reg[rm];
-            u32 cpsr = ARMul_GetCPSR(state);
-            if ((instr & 0xFF0) == 0xFB0) { // SEL
-                u32 result;
-                if (cpsr & (1 << 16))
-                    result = from & 0xff;
-                else
-                    result = to & 0xff;
-                if (cpsr & (1 << 17))
-                    result |= from & 0x0000ff00;
-                else
-                    result |= to & 0x0000ff00;
-                if (cpsr & (1 << 18))
-                    result |= from & 0x00ff0000;
-                else
-                    result |= to & 0x00ff0000;
-                if (cpsr & (1 << 19))
-                    result |= from & 0xff000000;
-                else
-                    result |= to & 0xff000000;
-                state->Reg[rd] = result;
-                return 1;
-            }
-        }
-        printf("Unhandled v6 insn: pkh/sxtab/selsxtb\n");
-        break;
-		case 0x6a: // SSAT, SSAT16, SXTB, and SXTAB
-		{
-			const u8 op2 = BITS(5, 7);
-			// SSAT16
-			if (op2 == 0x01) {
-				const u8 rd_idx = BITS(12, 15);
-				const u8 rn_idx = BITS(0, 3);
-				const u8 num_bits = BITS(16, 19) + 1;
-				const s16 min = -(0x8000 >> (16 - num_bits));
-				const s16 max = (0x7FFF >> (16 - num_bits));
-				s16 rn_lo = (state->Reg[rn_idx]);
-				s16 rn_hi = (state->Reg[rn_idx] >> 16);
-				if (rn_lo > max) {
-					rn_lo = max;
-					SETQ;
-				} else if (rn_lo < min) {
-					rn_lo = min;
-					SETQ;
-				}
-				if (rn_hi > max) {
-					rn_hi = max;
-					SETQ;
-				} else if (rn_hi < min) {
-					rn_hi = min;
-					SETQ;
-				}
-				state->Reg[rd_idx] = (rn_lo & 0xFFFF) | ((rn_hi & 0xFFFF) << 16);
-				return 1;
-			}
-			else if (op2 == 0x03) {
-				const u8 rotation = BITS(10, 11) * 8;
-				u32 rm = ((state->Reg[BITS(0, 3)] >> rotation) & 0xFF) | (((state->Reg[BITS(0, 3)] << (32 - rotation)) & 0xFF) & 0xFF);
-				if (rm & 0x80)
-					rm |= 0xffffff00;
-				// SXTB, otherwise SXTAB
-				if (BITS(16, 19) == 0xf)
-					state->Reg[BITS(12, 15)] = rm;
-				else
-					state->Reg[BITS(12, 15)] = state->Reg[BITS(16, 19)] + rm;
-				return 1;
-			}
-			else {
-				printf("Unimplemented op: SSAT");
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-		case 0x6b: // REV, REV16, SXTH, and SXTAH
-		{
-			const u8 op2 = BITS(5, 7);
-			// REV
-			if (op2 == 0x01) {
-				DEST = ((RHS & 0xFF) << 24) | ((RHS & 0xFF00)) << 8 | ((RHS & 0xFF0000) >> 8) | ((RHS & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
-				return 1;
-			}
-			// REV16
-			else if (op2 == 0x05) {
-				DEST = ((RHS & 0xFF) << 8) | ((RHS & 0xFF00)) >> 8 | ((RHS & 0xFF0000) << 8) | ((RHS & 0xFF000000) >> 8);
-				return 1;
-			}
-			else if (op2 == 0x03) {
-				const u8 rotate = BITS(10, 11) * 8;
-				u32 rm = ((state->Reg[BITS(0, 3)] >> rotate) & 0xFFFF) | (((state->Reg[BITS(0, 3)] << (32 - rotate)) & 0xFFFF) & 0xFFFF);
-				if (rm & 0x8000)
-					rm |= 0xffff0000;
-				// SXTH, otherwise SXTAH
-				if (BITS(16, 19) == 15)
-					state->Reg[BITS(12, 15)] = rm;
-				else
-					state->Reg[BITS(12, 15)] = state->Reg[BITS(16, 19)] + rm;
-				return 1;
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-		case 0x6c: // UXTB16 and UXTAB16
-			{
-				const u8 rm_idx = BITS(0, 3);
-				const u8 rn_idx = BITS(16, 19);
-				const u8 rd_idx = BITS(12, 15);
-				const u32 rm_val = state->Reg[rm_idx];
-				const u32 rn_val = state->Reg[rn_idx];
-				const u32 rotation = BITS(10, 11) * 8;
-				const u32 rotated_rm = ((rm_val << (32 - rotation)) | (rm_val >> rotation));
-				// UXTB16
-				if ((instr & 0xf03f0) == 0xf0070) {
-					state->Reg[rd_idx] = rotated_rm & 0x00FF00FF;
-				}
-				else { // UXTAB16
-					const u8 lo_rotated = (rotated_rm & 0xFF);
-					const u16 lo_result = (rn_val & 0xFFFF) + (u16)lo_rotated;
-					const u8 hi_rotated = (rotated_rm >> 16) & 0xFF;
-					const u16 hi_result = (rn_val >> 16) + (u16)hi_rotated;
-					state->Reg[rd_idx] = ((hi_result << 16) | (lo_result & 0xFFFF));
-				}
-				return 1;
-			}
-			break;
-		case 0x6e: // USAT, USAT16, UXTB, and UXTAB
-		{
-			const u8 op2 = BITS(5, 7);
-			// USAT16
-			if (op2 == 0x01) {
-				const u8 rd_idx = BITS(12, 15);
-				const u8 rn_idx = BITS(0, 3);
-				const u8 num_bits = BITS(16, 19);
-				const s16 max = 0xFFFF >> (16 - num_bits);
-				s16 rn_lo = (state->Reg[rn_idx]);
-				s16 rn_hi = (state->Reg[rn_idx] >> 16);
-				if (max < rn_lo) {
-					rn_lo = max;
-					SETQ;
-				} else if (rn_lo < 0) {
-					rn_lo = 0;
-					SETQ;
-				}
-				if (max < rn_hi) {
-					rn_hi = max;
-					SETQ;
-				} else if (rn_hi < 0) {
-					rn_hi = 0;
-					SETQ;
-				}
-				state->Reg[rd_idx] = (rn_lo & 0xFFFF) | ((rn_hi << 16) & 0xFFFF);
-				return 1;
-			}
-			else if (op2 == 0x03) {
-				const u8 rotate = BITS(10, 11) * 8;
-				const u32 rm = ((state->Reg[BITS(0, 3)] >> rotate) & 0xFF) | (((state->Reg[BITS(0, 3)] << (32 - rotate)) & 0xFF) & 0xFF);
-				if (BITS(16, 19) == 0xf)
-				/* UXTB */
-					state->Reg[BITS(12, 15)] = rm;
-				else
-				/* UXTAB */
-					state->Reg[BITS(12, 15)] = state->Reg[BITS(16, 19)] + rm;
-				return 1;
-			}
-			else {
-				printf("Unimplemented op: USAT");
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-		case 0x6f: // UXTH, UXTAH, and REVSH.
-		{
-			const u8 op2 = BITS(5, 7);
-			// REVSH
-			if (op2 == 0x05) {
-				DEST = ((RHS & 0xFF) << 8) | ((RHS & 0xFF00) >> 8);
-				if (DEST & 0x8000)
-					DEST |= 0xffff0000;
-				return 1;
-			}
-			// UXTH and UXTAH
-			else if (op2 == 0x03) {
-				const u8 rotate = BITS(10, 11) * 8;
-				const ARMword rm = ((state->Reg[BITS(0, 3)] >> rotate) & 0xFFFF) | (((state->Reg[BITS(0, 3)] << (32 - rotate)) & 0xFFFF) & 0xFFFF);
-				// UXTH
-				if (BITS(16, 19) == 0xf) {
-					state->Reg[BITS(12, 15)] = rm;
-				}
-				// UXTAH
-				else {
-					state->Reg[BITS(12, 15)] = state->Reg[BITS(16, 19)] + rm;
-				}
-				return 1;
-			}
-		}
-        case 0x70:
-            // ichfly
-            // SMUAD, SMUSD, SMLAD, and SMLSD
-            if ((instr & 0xf0d0) == 0xf010 || (instr & 0xf0d0) == 0xf050 ||
-                (instr & 0xd0) == 0x10     || (instr & 0xd0) == 0x50)
-            {
-                const u8 rd_idx = BITS(16, 19);
-                const u8 rn_idx = BITS(0, 3);
-                const u8 rm_idx = BITS(8, 11);
-                const u8 ra_idx = BITS(12, 15);
-                const bool do_swap = (BIT(5) == 1);
-                u32 rm_val = state->Reg[rm_idx];
-                const u32 rn_val = state->Reg[rn_idx];
-                if (do_swap)
-                    rm_val = (((rm_val & 0xFFFF) << 16) | (rm_val >> 16));
-                const s16 rm_lo = (rm_val & 0xFFFF);
-                const s16 rm_hi = ((rm_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
-                const s16 rn_lo = (rn_val & 0xFFFF);
-                const s16 rn_hi = ((rn_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
-                const u32 product1 = (rn_lo * rm_lo);
-                const u32 product2 = (rn_hi * rm_hi);
-                // SMUAD and SMLAD
-                if (BIT(6) == 0) {
-                    state->Reg[rd_idx] = product1 + product2;
-                    if (BITS(12, 15) != 15) {
-                        state->Reg[rd_idx] += state->Reg[ra_idx];
-                        if (ARMul_AddOverflowQ(product1 + product2, state->Reg[ra_idx]))
-                            SETQ;
-                    }
-                    if (ARMul_AddOverflowQ(product1, product2))
-                        SETQ;
-                }
-                // SMUSD and SMLSD
-                else {
-                    state->Reg[rd_idx] = product1 - product2;
-                    if (BITS(12, 15) != 15) {
-                        state->Reg[rd_idx] += state->Reg[ra_idx];
-                        if (ARMul_AddOverflowQ(product1 - product2, state->Reg[ra_idx]))
-                            SETQ;
-                    }
-                }
-                return 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 0x74: // SMLALD and SMLSLD
-            {
-                const u8 rm_idx = BITS(8, 11);
-                const u8 rn_idx = BITS(0, 3);
-                const u8 rdlo_idx = BITS(12, 15);
-                const u8 rdhi_idx = BITS(16, 19);
-                const bool do_swap = (BIT(5) == 1);
-                const u32 rdlo_val = state->Reg[rdlo_idx];
-                const u32 rdhi_val = state->Reg[rdhi_idx];
-                const u32 rn_val   = state->Reg[rn_idx];
-                u32 rm_val         = state->Reg[rm_idx];
-                if (do_swap)
-                    rm_val = (((rm_val & 0xFFFF) << 16) | (rm_val >> 16));
-                const s32 product1 = (s16)(rn_val & 0xFFFF) * (s16)(rm_val & 0xFFFF);
-                const s32 product2 = (s16)((rn_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF) * (s16)((rm_val >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
-                s64 result;
-                // SMLALD
-                if (BIT(6) == 0) {
-                    result = (product1 + product2) + (s64)(rdlo_val | ((s64)rdhi_val << 32));
-                }
-                // SMLSLD
-                else {
-                    result = (product1 - product2) + (s64)(rdlo_val | ((s64)rdhi_val << 32));
-                }
-                state->Reg[rdlo_idx] = (result & 0xFFFFFFFF);
-                state->Reg[rdhi_idx] = ((result >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
-                return 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 0x75: // SMMLA, SMMUL, and SMMLS
-            {
-                const u8 rm_idx = BITS(8, 11);
-                const u8 rn_idx = BITS(0, 3);
-                const u8 ra_idx = BITS(12, 15);
-                const u8 rd_idx = BITS(16, 19);
-                const bool do_round = (BIT(5) == 1);
-                const u32 rm_val = state->Reg[rm_idx];
-                const u32 rn_val = state->Reg[rn_idx];
-                // Assume SMMUL by default.
-                s64 result = (s64)(s32)rn_val * (s64)(s32)rm_val;
-                if (ra_idx != 15) {
-                    const u32 ra_val = state->Reg[ra_idx];
-                    // SMMLA, otherwise SMMLS
-                    if (BIT(6) == 0)
-                        result += ((s64)ra_val << 32);
-                    else
-                        result = ((s64)ra_val << 32) - result;
-                }
-                if (do_round)
-                    result += 0x80000000;
-                state->Reg[rd_idx] = ((result >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
-                return 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 0x78:
-            if (BITS(20, 24) == 0x18)
-            {
-                const u8 rm_idx = BITS(8, 11);
-                const u8 rn_idx = BITS(0, 3);
-                const u8 rd_idx = BITS(16, 19);
-                const u32 rm_val = state->Reg[rm_idx];
-                const u32 rn_val = state->Reg[rn_idx];
-                const u8 diff1 = ARMul_UnsignedAbsoluteDifference(rn_val & 0xFF, rm_val & 0xFF);
-                const u8 diff2 = ARMul_UnsignedAbsoluteDifference((rn_val >> 8) & 0xFF, (rm_val >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                const u8 diff3 = ARMul_UnsignedAbsoluteDifference((rn_val >> 16) & 0xFF, (rm_val >> 16) & 0xFF);
-                const u8 diff4 = ARMul_UnsignedAbsoluteDifference((rn_val >> 24) & 0xFF, (rm_val >> 24) & 0xFF);
-                u32 finalDif = (diff1 + diff2 + diff3 + diff4);
-                // Op is USADA8 if true.
-                const u8 ra_idx = BITS(12, 15);
-                if (ra_idx != 15)
-                    finalDif += state->Reg[ra_idx];
-                state->Reg[rd_idx] = finalDif;
-                return 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 0x7a:
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: usbfx\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x7c:
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: bfc/bfi\n");
-            break;
-        case 0x84:
-            printf ("Unhandled v6 insn: srs\n");
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-        printf("Unhandled v6 insn: UNKNOWN: %08x %08X\n", instr, BITS(20, 27));
-        return 0;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/arm/interpreter/arminit.cpp b/src/core/arm/interpreter/arminit.cpp
index 8ab5ef160..a0e041fa0 100644
--- a/src/core/arm/interpreter/arminit.cpp
+++ b/src/core/arm/interpreter/arminit.cpp
@@ -25,24 +25,13 @@
 void ARMul_EmulateInit();
 ARMul_State* ARMul_NewState(ARMul_State* state);
 void ARMul_Reset (ARMul_State* state);
-ARMword ARMul_DoCycle(ARMul_State* state);
-unsigned ARMul_DoCoPro(ARMul_State* state);
-ARMword ARMul_DoProg(ARMul_State* state);
-ARMword ARMul_DoInstr(ARMul_State* state);
-void ARMul_Abort(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address);
 unsigned ARMul_MultTable[32] = {
     1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9,
     10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16
-ARMword ARMul_ImmedTable[4096]; /* immediate DP LHS values */
-char ARMul_BitList[256];        /* number of bits in a byte table */
-void arm_dyncom_Abort(ARMul_State * state, ARMword vector)
-    ARMul_Abort(state, vector);
+ARMword ARMul_ImmedTable[4096]; // immediate DP LHS values
+char ARMul_BitList[256];        // number of bits in a byte table
 *         Call this routine once to set up the emulator's tables.           *
@@ -51,18 +40,21 @@ void ARMul_EmulateInit()
     unsigned int i, j;
-    for (i = 0; i < 4096; i++) {	/* the values of 12 bit dp rhs's */
+    // the values of 12 bit dp rhs's
+    for (i = 0; i < 4096; i++) {
         ARMul_ImmedTable[i] = ROTATER (i & 0xffL, (i >> 7L) & 0x1eL);
-    for (i = 0; i < 256; ARMul_BitList[i++] = 0);	/* how many bits in LSM */
+    // how many bits in LSM
+    for (i = 0; i < 256; ARMul_BitList[i++] = 0);
     for (j = 1; j < 256; j <<= 1)
         for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
             if ((i & j) > 0)
+    // you always need 4 times these values
     for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-        ARMul_BitList[i] *= 4;	/* you always need 4 times these values */
+        ARMul_BitList[i] *= 4;
@@ -178,115 +170,3 @@ void ARMul_Reset(ARMul_State* state)
     state->NumCcycles = 0;
     state->NumFcycles = 0;
-* Emulate the execution of an entire program.  Start the correct emulator   *
-* (Emulate26 for a 26 bit ARM and Emulate32 for a 32 bit ARM), return the   *
-* address of the last instruction that is executed.                         *
-ARMword ARMul_DoProg(ARMul_State* state)
-    ARMword pc = 0;
-    state->Emulate = RUN;
-    while (state->Emulate != STOP) {
-        state->Emulate = RUN;
-        if (state->prog32Sig && ARMul_MODE32BIT) {
-            pc = ARMul_Emulate32 (state);
-        }
-        else {
-            //pc = ARMul_Emulate26 (state);
-        }
-    }
-    return pc;
-* Emulate the execution of one instruction.  Start the correct emulator     *
-* (Emulate26 for a 26 bit ARM and Emulate32 for a 32 bit ARM), return the   *
-* address of the instruction that is executed.                              *
-ARMword ARMul_DoInstr(ARMul_State* state)
-    ARMword pc = 0;
-    state->Emulate = ONCE;
-    if (state->prog32Sig && ARMul_MODE32BIT) {
-        pc = ARMul_Emulate32 (state);
-    }
-    return pc;
-* This routine causes an Abort to occur, including selecting the correct    *
-* mode, register bank, and the saving of registers.  Call with the          *
-* appropriate vector's memory address (0,4,8 ....)                          *
-void ARMul_Abort(ARMul_State* state, ARMword vector)
-    ARMword temp;
-    int isize = INSN_SIZE;
-    int esize = (TFLAG ? 0 : 4);
-    int e2size = (TFLAG ? -4 : 0);
-    state->Aborted = FALSE;
-    if (state->prog32Sig)
-        if (ARMul_MODE26BIT)
-            temp = R15PC;
-        else
-            temp = state->Reg[15];
-    else
-        temp = R15PC | ECC | ER15INT | EMODE;
-    switch (vector) {
-    case ARMul_ResetV:	/* RESET */
-        SETABORT (INTBITS, state->prog32Sig ? SVC32MODE : SVC26MODE,
-                  0);
-        break;
-    case ARMul_UndefinedInstrV:	/* Undefined Instruction */
-        SETABORT (IBIT, state->prog32Sig ? UNDEF32MODE : SVC26MODE,
-                  isize);
-        break;
-    case ARMul_SWIV:	/* Software Interrupt */
-        SETABORT (IBIT, state->prog32Sig ? SVC32MODE : SVC26MODE,
-                  isize);
-        break;
-    case ARMul_PrefetchAbortV:	/* Prefetch Abort */
-        state->AbortAddr = 1;
-        SETABORT (IBIT, state->prog32Sig ? ABORT32MODE : SVC26MODE,
-                  esize);
-        break;
-    case ARMul_DataAbortV:	/* Data Abort */
-        SETABORT (IBIT, state->prog32Sig ? ABORT32MODE : SVC26MODE,
-                  e2size);
-        break;
-    case ARMul_AddrExceptnV:	/* Address Exception */
-        SETABORT (IBIT, SVC26MODE, isize);
-        break;
-    case ARMul_IRQV:	/* IRQ */
-            SETABORT (IBIT,
-                      state->prog32Sig ? IRQ32MODE : IRQ26MODE,
-                      esize);
-        break;
-    case ARMul_FIQV:	/* FIQ */
-            SETABORT (INTBITS,
-                      state->prog32Sig ? FIQ32MODE : FIQ26MODE,
-                      esize);
-        break;
-    }
-    if (ARMul_MODE32BIT) {
-        /*if (state->mmu.control & CONTROL_VECTOR)
-          vector += 0xffff0000;	//for v4 high exception  address*/
-        if (state->vector_remap_flag)
-            vector += state->vector_remap_addr; /* support some remap function in LPC processor */
-        ARMul_SetR15 (state, vector);
-    } else
-        ARMul_SetR15 (state, R15CCINTMODE | vector);
diff --git a/src/core/arm/interpreter/armsupp.cpp b/src/core/arm/interpreter/armsupp.cpp
index 5a8f09b22..fd90fb0a4 100644
--- a/src/core/arm/interpreter/armsupp.cpp
+++ b/src/core/arm/interpreter/armsupp.cpp
@@ -20,395 +20,13 @@
 #include "core/arm/disassembler/arm_disasm.h"
 #include "core/mem_map.h"
-static ARMword ModeToBank (ARMword);
-/* This routine returns the value of a register from a mode.  */
-ARMul_GetReg (ARMul_State * state, unsigned mode, unsigned reg)
-    mode &= MODEBITS;
-    if (mode != state->Mode)
-        return (state->RegBank[ModeToBank ((ARMword) mode)][reg]);
-    else
-        return (state->Reg[reg]);
-/* This routine sets the value of a register for a mode.  */
-ARMul_SetReg (ARMul_State * state, unsigned mode, unsigned reg, ARMword value)
-    mode &= MODEBITS;
-    if (mode != state->Mode)
-        state->RegBank[ModeToBank ((ARMword) mode)][reg] = value;
-    else
-        state->Reg[reg] = value;
-/* This routine returns the value of the PC, mode independently.  */
-ARMul_GetPC (ARMul_State * state)
-    if (state->Mode > SVC26MODE)
-        return state->Reg[15];
-    else
-        return R15PC;
-/* This routine returns the value of the PC, mode independently.  */
-ARMul_GetNextPC (ARMul_State * state)
-    if (state->Mode > SVC26MODE)
-        return state->Reg[15] + INSN_SIZE;
-    else
-        return (state->Reg[15] + INSN_SIZE) & R15PCBITS;
-/* This routine sets the value of the PC.  */
-ARMul_SetPC (ARMul_State * state, ARMword value)
-    if (ARMul_MODE32BIT)
-        state->Reg[15] = value & PCBITS;
-    else
-        state->Reg[15] = R15CCINTMODE | (value & R15PCBITS);
-/* This routine returns the value of register 15, mode independently.  */
-ARMul_GetR15 (ARMul_State * state)
-    if (state->Mode > SVC26MODE)
-        return (state->Reg[15]);
-    else
-        return (R15PC | ECC | ER15INT | EMODE);
-/* This routine sets the value of Register 15.  */
-ARMul_SetR15 (ARMul_State * state, ARMword value)
-    if (ARMul_MODE32BIT)
-        state->Reg[15] = value & PCBITS;
-    else {
-        state->Reg[15] = value;
-        ARMul_R15Altered (state);
-    }
-/* This routine returns the value of the CPSR.  */
-ARMul_GetCPSR (ARMul_State * state)
-    //chy 2003-08-20: below is from gdb20030716, maybe isn't suitable for system simulator
-    //return (CPSR | state->Cpsr); for gdb20030716
-    return (CPSR);		//had be tested in old skyeye with gdb5.0-5.3
-/* This routine sets the value of the CPSR.  */
-ARMul_SetCPSR (ARMul_State * state, ARMword value)
-    state->Cpsr = value;
-    ARMul_CPSRAltered (state);
-/* This routine does all the nasty bits involved in a write to the CPSR,
-   including updating the register bank, given a MSR instruction.  */
-ARMul_FixCPSR (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr, ARMword rhs)
-    state->Cpsr = ARMul_GetCPSR (state);
-    //chy 2006-02-16 , should not consider system mode, don't conside 26bit mode
-    if (state->Mode != USER26MODE && state->Mode != USER32MODE ) {
-        /* In user mode, only write flags.  */
-        if (BIT (16))
-            SETPSR_C (state->Cpsr, rhs);
-        if (BIT (17))
-            SETPSR_X (state->Cpsr, rhs);
-        if (BIT (18))
-            SETPSR_S (state->Cpsr, rhs);
-    }
-    if (BIT (19))
-        SETPSR_F (state->Cpsr, rhs);
-    ARMul_CPSRAltered (state);
-/* Get an SPSR from the specified mode.  */
-ARMul_GetSPSR (ARMul_State * state, ARMword mode)
-    ARMword bank = ModeToBank (mode & MODEBITS);
-    if (!BANK_CAN_ACCESS_SPSR (bank))
-        return ARMul_GetCPSR (state);
-    return state->Spsr[bank];
-/* This routine does a write to an SPSR.  */
-ARMul_SetSPSR (ARMul_State * state, ARMword mode, ARMword value)
-    ARMword bank = ModeToBank (mode & MODEBITS);
-    if (BANK_CAN_ACCESS_SPSR (bank))
-        state->Spsr[bank] = value;
-/* This routine does a write to the current SPSR, given an MSR instruction.  */
-ARMul_FixSPSR (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr, ARMword rhs)
-    if (BANK_CAN_ACCESS_SPSR (state->Bank)) {
-        if (BIT (16))
-            SETPSR_C (state->Spsr[state->Bank], rhs);
-        if (BIT (17))
-            SETPSR_X (state->Spsr[state->Bank], rhs);
-        if (BIT (18))
-            SETPSR_S (state->Spsr[state->Bank], rhs);
-        if (BIT (19))
-            SETPSR_F (state->Spsr[state->Bank], rhs);
-    }
-/* This routine updates the state of the emulator after the Cpsr has been
-   changed.  Both the processor flags and register bank are updated.  */
-ARMul_CPSRAltered (ARMul_State * state)
-    ARMword oldmode;
-    if (state->prog32Sig == LOW)
-        state->Cpsr &= (CCBITS | INTBITS | R15MODEBITS);
-    oldmode = state->Mode;
-    /*if (state->Mode != (state->Cpsr & MODEBITS)) {
-    	state->Mode =
-    		ARMul_SwitchMode (state, state->Mode,
-    				  state->Cpsr & MODEBITS);
-    	state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-    }*/
-    //state->Cpsr &= ~MODEBITS;
-    ASSIGNINT (state->Cpsr & INTBITS);
-    //state->Cpsr &= ~INTBITS;
-    ASSIGNN ((state->Cpsr & NBIT) != 0);
-    //state->Cpsr &= ~NBIT;
-    ASSIGNZ ((state->Cpsr & ZBIT) != 0);
-    //state->Cpsr &= ~ZBIT;
-    ASSIGNC ((state->Cpsr & CBIT) != 0);
-    //state->Cpsr &= ~CBIT;
-    ASSIGNV ((state->Cpsr & VBIT) != 0);
-    //state->Cpsr &= ~VBIT;
-    ASSIGNQ ((state->Cpsr & QBIT) != 0);
-    //state->Cpsr &= ~QBIT;
-    state->GEFlag = (state->Cpsr & 0x000F0000);
-#ifdef MODET
-    ASSIGNT ((state->Cpsr & TBIT) != 0);
-    //state->Cpsr &= ~TBIT;
-    if (oldmode > SVC26MODE) {
-        if (state->Mode <= SVC26MODE) {
-            state->Emulate = CHANGEMODE;
-            state->Reg[15] = ECC | ER15INT | EMODE | R15PC;
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (state->Mode > SVC26MODE) {
-            state->Emulate = CHANGEMODE;
-            state->Reg[15] = R15PC;
-        } else
-            state->Reg[15] = ECC | ER15INT | EMODE | R15PC;
-    }
-/* This routine updates the state of the emulator after register 15 has
-   been changed.  Both the processor flags and register bank are updated.
-   This routine should only be called from a 26 bit mode.  */
-ARMul_R15Altered (ARMul_State * state)
-    if (state->Mode != R15MODE) {
-        state->Mode = ARMul_SwitchMode (state, state->Mode, R15MODE);
-        state->NtransSig = (state->Mode & 3) ? HIGH : LOW;
-    }
-    if (state->Mode > SVC26MODE)
-        state->Emulate = CHANGEMODE;
-    ASSIGNN ((state->Reg[15] & NBIT) != 0);
-    ASSIGNZ ((state->Reg[15] & ZBIT) != 0);
-    ASSIGNC ((state->Reg[15] & CBIT) != 0);
-    ASSIGNV ((state->Reg[15] & VBIT) != 0);
-/* This routine controls the saving and restoring of registers across mode
-   changes.  The regbank matrix is largely unused, only rows 13 and 14 are
-   used across all modes, 8 to 14 are used for FIQ, all others use the USER
-   column.  It's easier this way.  old and new parameter are modes numbers.
-   Notice the side effect of changing the Bank variable.  */
-ARMul_SwitchMode (ARMul_State * state, ARMword oldmode, ARMword newmode)
-    unsigned i;
-    ARMword oldbank;
-    ARMword newbank;
-    static int revision_value = 53;
-    oldbank = ModeToBank (oldmode);
-    newbank = state->Bank = ModeToBank (newmode);
-    /* Do we really need to do it?  */
-    if (oldbank != newbank) {
-        if (oldbank == 3 && newbank == 2) {
-            //printf("icounter is %d PC is %x MODE CHANGED : %d --> %d\n", state->NumInstrs, state->pc, oldbank, newbank);
-            if (state->NumInstrs >= 5832487) {
-//				printf("%d, ", state->NumInstrs + revision_value);
-//				printf("revision_value : %d\n", revision_value);
-                revision_value ++;
-            }
-        }
-        /* Save away the old registers.  */
-        switch (oldbank) {
-        case USERBANK:
-        case IRQBANK:
-        case SVCBANK:
-        case ABORTBANK:
-        case UNDEFBANK:
-            if (newbank == FIQBANK)
-                for (i = 8; i < 13; i++)
-                    state->RegBank[USERBANK][i] =
-                        state->Reg[i];
-            state->RegBank[oldbank][13] = state->Reg[13];
-            state->RegBank[oldbank][14] = state->Reg[14];
-            break;
-        case FIQBANK:
-            for (i = 8; i < 15; i++)
-                state->RegBank[FIQBANK][i] = state->Reg[i];
-            break;
-        case DUMMYBANK:
-            for (i = 8; i < 15; i++)
-                state->RegBank[DUMMYBANK][i] = 0;
-            break;
-        default:
-            abort ();
-        }
-        /* Restore the new registers.  */
-        switch (newbank) {
-        case USERBANK:
-        case IRQBANK:
-        case SVCBANK:
-        case ABORTBANK:
-        case UNDEFBANK:
-            if (oldbank == FIQBANK)
-                for (i = 8; i < 13; i++)
-                    state->Reg[i] =
-                        state->RegBank[USERBANK][i];
-            state->Reg[13] = state->RegBank[newbank][13];
-            state->Reg[14] = state->RegBank[newbank][14];
-            break;
-        case FIQBANK:
-            for (i = 8; i < 15; i++)
-                state->Reg[i] = state->RegBank[FIQBANK][i];
-            break;
-        case DUMMYBANK:
-            for (i = 8; i < 15; i++)
-                state->Reg[i] = 0;
-            break;
-        default:
-            abort ();
-        }
-    }
-    return newmode;
-/* Given a processor mode, this routine returns the
-   register bank that will be accessed in that mode.  */
-static ARMword
-ModeToBank (ARMword mode)
-    static ARMword bankofmode[] = {
-    };
-    if (mode >= (sizeof (bankofmode) / sizeof (bankofmode[0])))
-        return DUMMYBANK;
-    return bankofmode[mode];
-/* Returns the register number of the nth register in a reg list.  */
-ARMul_NthReg (ARMword instr, unsigned number)
-    unsigned bit, upto;
-    for (bit = 0, upto = 0; upto <= number; bit++)
-        if (BIT (bit))
-            upto++;
-    return (bit - 1);
-/* Unsigned sum of absolute difference */
+// Unsigned sum of absolute difference
 u8 ARMul_UnsignedAbsoluteDifference(u8 left, u8 right)
-	if (left > right)
-		return left - right;
+    if (left > right)
+        return left - right;
-	return right - left;
-/* Assigns the N and Z flags depending on the value of result.  */
-ARMul_NegZero (ARMul_State * state, ARMword result)
-    if (NEG (result)) {
-        SETN;
-        CLEARZ;
-    } else if (result == 0) {
-        CLEARN;
-        SETZ;
-    } else {
-        CLEARN;
-        CLEARZ;
-    }
+    return right - left;
 // Add with carry, indicates if a carry-out or signed overflow occurred.
@@ -441,23 +59,6 @@ bool SubOverflow(ARMword a, ARMword b, ARMword result)
             (POS(a) && NEG(b) && NEG(result)));
-/* Assigns the C flag after an addition of a and b to give result.  */
-ARMul_AddCarry (ARMul_State * state, ARMword a, ARMword b, ARMword result)
-    ASSIGNC ((NEG (a) && NEG (b)) ||
-             (NEG (a) && POS (result)) || (NEG (b) && POS (result)));
-/* Assigns the V flag after an addition of a and b to give result.  */
-ARMul_AddOverflow (ARMul_State * state, ARMword a, ARMword b, ARMword result)
-    ASSIGNV (AddOverflow (a, b, result));
 // Returns true if the Q flag should be set as a result of overflow.
 bool ARMul_AddOverflowQ(ARMword a, ARMword b)
@@ -468,24 +69,7 @@ bool ARMul_AddOverflowQ(ARMword a, ARMword b)
     return false;
-/* Assigns the C flag after an subtraction of a and b to give result.  */
-ARMul_SubCarry (ARMul_State * state, ARMword a, ARMword b, ARMword result)
-    ASSIGNC ((NEG (a) && POS (b)) ||
-             (NEG (a) && POS (result)) || (POS (b) && POS (result)));
-/* Assigns the V flag after an subtraction of a and b to give result.  */
-ARMul_SubOverflow (ARMul_State * state, ARMword a, ARMword b, ARMword result)
-    ASSIGNV (SubOverflow (a, b, result));
-/* 8-bit signed saturated addition */
+// 8-bit signed saturated addition
 u8 ARMul_SignedSaturatedAdd8(u8 left, u8 right)
     u8 result = left + right;
@@ -500,7 +84,7 @@ u8 ARMul_SignedSaturatedAdd8(u8 left, u8 right)
     return result;
-/* 8-bit signed saturated subtraction */
+// 8-bit signed saturated subtraction
 u8 ARMul_SignedSaturatedSub8(u8 left, u8 right)
     u8 result = left - right;
@@ -515,7 +99,7 @@ u8 ARMul_SignedSaturatedSub8(u8 left, u8 right)
     return result;
-/* 16-bit signed saturated addition */
+// 16-bit signed saturated addition
 u16 ARMul_SignedSaturatedAdd16(u16 left, u16 right)
     u16 result = left + right;
@@ -530,7 +114,7 @@ u16 ARMul_SignedSaturatedAdd16(u16 left, u16 right)
     return result;
-/* 16-bit signed saturated subtraction */
+// 16-bit signed saturated subtraction
 u16 ARMul_SignedSaturatedSub16(u16 left, u16 right)
     u16 result = left - right;
@@ -545,7 +129,7 @@ u16 ARMul_SignedSaturatedSub16(u16 left, u16 right)
     return result;
-/* 8-bit unsigned saturated addition */
+// 8-bit unsigned saturated addition
 u8 ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedAdd8(u8 left, u8 right)
     u8 result = left + right;
@@ -556,7 +140,7 @@ u8 ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedAdd8(u8 left, u8 right)
     return result;
-/* 16-bit unsigned saturated addition */
+// 16-bit unsigned saturated addition
 u16 ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedAdd16(u16 left, u16 right)
     u16 result = left + right;
@@ -567,7 +151,7 @@ u16 ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedAdd16(u16 left, u16 right)
     return result;
-/* 8-bit unsigned saturated subtraction */
+// 8-bit unsigned saturated subtraction
 u8 ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedSub8(u8 left, u8 right)
     if (left <= right)
@@ -576,7 +160,7 @@ u8 ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedSub8(u8 left, u8 right)
     return left - right;
-/* 16-bit unsigned saturated subtraction */
+// 16-bit unsigned saturated subtraction
 u16 ARMul_UnsignedSaturatedSub16(u16 left, u16 right)
     if (left <= right)
@@ -620,444 +204,3 @@ u32 ARMul_UnsignedSatQ(s32 value, u8 shift, bool* saturation_occurred)
     *saturation_occurred = false;
     return (u32)value;
-/* This function does the work of generating the addresses used in an
-   LDC instruction.  The code here is always post-indexed, it's up to the
-   caller to get the input address correct and to handle base register
-   modification. It also handles the Busy-Waiting.  */
-ARMul_LDC (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr, ARMword address)
-    unsigned cpab;
-    ARMword data;
-    //printf("SKYEYE ARMul_LDC, CPnum is %x, instr %x, addr %x\n",CPNum, instr, address);
-    /*chy 2004-05-23 should update this function in the future,should concern dataabort*/
-// chy 2004-05-25 , fix it now,so needn't printf
-//  printf("SKYEYE ARMul_LDC, should update this function!!!!!\n");
-    //exit(-1);
-    //if (!CP_ACCESS_ALLOWED (state, CPNum)) {
-    if (!state->LDC[CPNum]) {
-        /*
-           printf
-           ("SKYEYE ARMul_LDC,NOT ALLOW, underinstr, CPnum is %x, instr %x, addr %x\n",
-           CPNum, instr, address);
-         */
-        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*if (ADDREXCEPT (address))
-          INTERNALABORT (address);*/
-    cpab = (state->LDC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_FIRST, instr, 0);
-    while (cpab == ARMul_BUSY) {
-        ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0);
-        if (IntPending (state)) {
-            cpab = (state->LDC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_INTERRUPT,
-                                        instr, 0);
-            return;
-        } else
-            cpab = (state->LDC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_BUSY, instr,
-                                        0);
-    }
-    if (cpab == ARMul_CANT) {
-        /*
-           printf
-           ("SKYEYE ARMul_LDC,NOT CAN, underinstr, CPnum is %x, instr %x, addr %x\n",
-           CPNum, instr, address);
-         */
-        return;
-    }
-    cpab = (state->LDC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_TRANSFER, instr, 0);
-    data = ARMul_LoadWordN (state, address);
-    //chy 2004-05-25
-    if (state->abortSig || state->Aborted)
-        goto L_ldc_takeabort;
-//chy 2004-05-25
-    /*
-      if (BIT (21))
-        LSBase = state->Base;
-    */
-    cpab = (state->LDC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_DATA, instr, data);
-    while (cpab == ARMul_INC) {
-        address += 4;
-        data = ARMul_LoadWordN (state, address);
-        //chy 2004-05-25
-        if (state->abortSig || state->Aborted)
-            goto L_ldc_takeabort;
-        cpab = (state->LDC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_DATA, instr, data);
-    }
-//chy 2004-05-25
-    if (BIT (21)) {
-        if (!
-                ((state->abortSig || state->Aborted)
-                 && state->lateabtSig == LOW))
-            LSBase = state->Base;
-    }
-    if (state->abortSig || state->Aborted)
-        TAKEABORT;
-/* This function does the work of generating the addresses used in an
-   STC instruction.  The code here is always post-indexed, it's up to the
-   caller to get the input address correct and to handle base register
-   modification. It also handles the Busy-Waiting.  */
-ARMul_STC (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr, ARMword address)
-    unsigned cpab;
-    ARMword data;
-    //printf("SKYEYE ARMul_STC, CPnum is %x, instr %x, addr %x\n",CPNum, instr, address);
-    /*chy 2004-05-23 should update this function in the future,should concern dataabort */
-//  skyeye_instr_debug=0;printf("SKYEYE  debug end!!!!\n");
-// chy 2004-05-25 , fix it now,so needn't printf
-//  printf("SKYEYE ARMul_STC, should update this function!!!!!\n");
-    //exit(-1);
-    //if (!CP_ACCESS_ALLOWED (state, CPNum)) {
-    if (!state->STC[CPNum]) {
-        /*
-           printf
-           ("SKYEYE ARMul_STC,NOT ALLOW, undefinstr,  CPnum is %x, instr %x, addr %x\n",
-           CPNum, instr, address);
-         */
-        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*if (ADDREXCEPT (address) || VECTORACCESS (address))
-          INTERNALABORT (address);*/
-    cpab = (state->STC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_FIRST, instr, &data);
-    while (cpab == ARMul_BUSY) {
-        ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0);
-        if (IntPending (state)) {
-            cpab = (state->STC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_INTERRUPT,
-                                        instr, 0);
-            return;
-        } else
-            cpab = (state->STC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_BUSY, instr,
-                                        &data);
-    }
-    if (cpab == ARMul_CANT) {
-        /*
-           printf
-           ("SKYEYE ARMul_STC,CANT, undefinstr,  CPnum is %x, instr %x, addr %x\n",
-           CPNum, instr, address);
-         */
-        return;
-    }
-    /*#ifndef MODE32
-    	if (ADDREXCEPT (address) || VECTORACCESS (address))
-    		INTERNALABORT (address);
-                    #endif*/
-//chy 2004-05-25
-    /*
-      if (BIT (21))
-        LSBase = state->Base;
-    */
-    cpab = (state->STC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_DATA, instr, &data);
-    ARMul_StoreWordN (state, address, data);
-    //chy 2004-05-25
-    if (state->abortSig || state->Aborted)
-        goto L_stc_takeabort;
-    while (cpab == ARMul_INC) {
-        address += 4;
-        cpab = (state->STC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_DATA, instr, &data);
-        ARMul_StoreWordN (state, address, data);
-        //chy 2004-05-25
-        if (state->abortSig || state->Aborted)
-            goto L_stc_takeabort;
-    }
-//chy 2004-05-25
-    if (BIT (21)) {
-        if (!
-                ((state->abortSig || state->Aborted)
-                 && state->lateabtSig == LOW))
-            LSBase = state->Base;
-    }
-    if (state->abortSig || state->Aborted)
-        TAKEABORT;
-/* This function does the Busy-Waiting for an MCR instruction.  */
-ARMul_MCR (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr, ARMword source)
-    unsigned cpab;
-    int cm = BITS(0, 3) & 0xf;
-    int cp = BITS(5, 7) & 0x7;
-    int rd = BITS(12, 15) & 0xf;
-    int cn = BITS(16, 19) & 0xf;
-    int cpopc = BITS(21, 23) & 0x7;
-    if (CPNum == 15 && source == 0) //Cache flush
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    //printf("SKYEYE ARMul_MCR, CPnum is %x, source %x\n",CPNum, source);
-    //if (!CP_ACCESS_ALLOWED (state, CPNum)) {
-    if (!state->MCR[CPNum]) {
-        //chy 2004-07-19 should fix in the future ????!!!!
-        LOG_ERROR(Core_ARM11, "SKYEYE ARMul_MCR, ACCESS_not ALLOWed, UndefinedInstr  CPnum is %x, source %x",CPNum, source);
-        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-        return;
-    }
-    //DEBUG("SKYEYE ARMul_MCR p%d, %d, r%d, c%d, c%d, %d\n", CPNum, cpopc, rd, cn, cm, cp);
-    //DEBUG("plutoo: MCR not implemented\n");
-    //exit(1);
-    //return;
-    cpab = (state->MCR[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_FIRST, instr, source);
-    while (cpab == ARMul_BUSY) {
-        ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0);
-        if (IntPending (state)) {
-            cpab = (state->MCR[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_INTERRUPT,
-                                        instr, 0);
-            return;
-        } else
-            cpab = (state->MCR[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_BUSY, instr,
-                                        source);
-    }
-    if (cpab == ARMul_CANT) {
-        LOG_ERROR(Core_ARM11, "SKYEYE ARMul_MCR, CANT, UndefinedInstr %x CPnum is %x, source %x", instr, CPNum, source); //ichfly todo
-        //ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_UndefinedInstrV);
-    } else {
-        ARMul_Ccycles (state, 1, 0);
-    }
-/* This function does the Busy-Waiting for an MCRR instruction.  */
-ARMul_MCRR (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr, ARMword source1, ARMword source2)
-    unsigned cpab;
-    //if (!CP_ACCESS_ALLOWED (state, CPNum)) {
-    if (!state->MCRR[CPNum]) {
-        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-        return;
-    }
-    cpab = (state->MCRR[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_FIRST, instr, source1, source2);
-    while (cpab == ARMul_BUSY) {
-        ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0);
-        if (IntPending (state)) {
-            cpab = (state->MCRR[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_INTERRUPT,
-                                         instr, 0, 0);
-            return;
-        } else
-            cpab = (state->MCRR[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_BUSY, instr,
-                                         source1, source2);
-    }
-    if (cpab == ARMul_CANT) {
-        printf ("In %s, CoProcesscor returned CANT, CPnum is %x, instr %x, source %x %x\n", __FUNCTION__, CPNum, instr, source1, source2);
-        ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_UndefinedInstrV);
-    } else {
-        ARMul_Ccycles (state, 1, 0);
-    }
-/* This function does the Busy-Waiting for an MRC instruction.  */
-ARMword ARMul_MRC (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr)
-    int cm = BITS(0, 3) & 0xf;
-    int cp = BITS(5, 7) & 0x7;
-    int rd = BITS(12, 15) & 0xf;
-    int cn = BITS(16, 19) & 0xf;
-    int cpopc = BITS(21, 23) & 0x7;
-    if (cn == 13 && cm == 0 && cp == 3) { //c13,c0,3; returns CPU svc buffer
-	ARMword result = Memory::KERNEL_MEMORY_VADDR;
-	if (result != -1) {
-		return result;
-	}
-    }
-    //DEBUG("SKYEYE ARMul_MRC p%d, %d, r%d, c%d, c%d, %d\n", CPNum, cpopc, rd, cn, cm, cp);
-    //DEBUG("plutoo: MRC not implemented\n");
-    //return;
-    unsigned cpab;
-    ARMword result = 0;
-    //printf("SKYEYE ARMul_MRC, CPnum is %x, instr %x\n",CPNum, instr);
-    //if (!CP_ACCESS_ALLOWED (state, CPNum)) {
-    if (!state->MRC[CPNum]) {
-        //chy 2004-07-19 should fix in the future????!!!!
-        LOG_ERROR(Core_ARM11, "SKYEYE ARMul_MRC,NOT ALLOWed UndefInstr  CPnum is %x, instr %x", CPNum, instr);
-        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    cpab = (state->MRC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_FIRST, instr, &result);
-    while (cpab == ARMul_BUSY) {
-        ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0);
-        if (IntPending (state)) {
-            cpab = (state->MRC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_INTERRUPT,
-                                        instr, 0);
-            return (0);
-        } else
-            cpab = (state->MRC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_BUSY, instr,
-                                        &result);
-    }
-    if (cpab == ARMul_CANT) {
-        printf ("SKYEYE ARMul_MRC,CANT UndefInstr  CPnum is %x, instr %x\n", CPNum, instr);
-        ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_UndefinedInstrV);
-        /* Parent will destroy the flags otherwise.  */
-        result = ECC;
-    } else {
-        ARMul_Ccycles (state, 1, 0);
-        ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0);
-    }
-    return result;
-/* This function does the Busy-Waiting for an MRRC instruction. (to verify) */
-ARMul_MRRC (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr, ARMword * dest1, ARMword * dest2)
-    unsigned cpab;
-    ARMword result1 = 0;
-    ARMword result2 = 0;
-    //if (!CP_ACCESS_ALLOWED (state, CPNum)) {
-    if (!state->MRRC[CPNum]) {
-        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-        return;
-    }
-    cpab = (state->MRRC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_FIRST, instr, &result1, &result2);
-    while (cpab == ARMul_BUSY) {
-        ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0);
-        if (IntPending (state)) {
-            cpab = (state->MRRC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_INTERRUPT,
-                                         instr, 0, 0);
-            return;
-        } else
-            cpab = (state->MRRC[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_BUSY, instr,
-                                         &result1, &result2);
-    }
-    if (cpab == ARMul_CANT) {
-        printf ("In %s, CoProcesscor returned CANT, CPnum is %x, instr %x\n", __FUNCTION__, CPNum, instr);
-        ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_UndefinedInstrV);
-    } else {
-        ARMul_Ccycles (state, 1, 0);
-        ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0);
-    }
-    *dest1 = result1;
-    *dest2 = result2;
-/* This function does the Busy-Waiting for an CDP instruction.  */
-ARMul_CDP (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr)
-    unsigned cpab;
-    //if (!CP_ACCESS_ALLOWED (state, CPNum)) {
-    if (!state->CDP[CPNum]) {
-        ARMul_UndefInstr (state, instr);
-        return;
-    }
-    cpab = (state->CDP[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_FIRST, instr);
-    while (cpab == ARMul_BUSY) {
-        ARMul_Icycles (state, 1, 0);
-        if (IntPending (state)) {
-            cpab = (state->CDP[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_INTERRUPT,
-                                        instr);
-            return;
-        } else
-            cpab = (state->CDP[CPNum]) (state, ARMul_BUSY, instr);
-    }
-    if (cpab == ARMul_CANT)
-        ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_UndefinedInstrV);
-    else
-        BUSUSEDN;
-/* This function handles Undefined instructions, as CP isntruction.  */
-ARMul_UndefInstr (ARMul_State * state, ARMword instr)
-    std::string disasm = ARM_Disasm::Disassemble(state->pc, instr);
-    LOG_ERROR(Core_ARM11, "Undefined instruction!! Disasm: %s Opcode: 0x%x", disasm.c_str(), instr);
-    ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_UndefinedInstrV);
-/* Return TRUE if an interrupt is pending, FALSE otherwise.  */
-IntPending (ARMul_State * state)
-    /* Any exceptions.  */
-    if (state->NresetSig == LOW) {
-        ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_ResetV);
-        return TRUE;
-    } else if (!state->NfiqSig && !FFLAG) {
-        ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_FIQV);
-        return TRUE;
-    } else if (!state->NirqSig && !IFLAG) {
-        ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_IRQV);
-        return TRUE;
-    }
-    return FALSE;
-/* Align a word access to a non word boundary.  */
-ARMul_Align (ARMul_State* state, ARMword address, ARMword data)
-    /* This code assumes the address is really unaligned,
-       as a shift by 32 is undefined in C.  */
-    address = (address & 3) << 3;	/* Get the word address.  */
-    return ((data >> address) | (data << (32 - address)));	/* rot right */
diff --git a/src/core/arm/interpreter/armvirt.cpp b/src/core/arm/interpreter/armvirt.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7845d1042..000000000
--- a/src/core/arm/interpreter/armvirt.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-/*  armvirt.c -- ARMulator virtual memory interace:  ARM6 Instruction Emulator.
-    Copyright (C) 1994 Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* This file contains a complete ARMulator memory model, modelling a
-"virtual memory" system. A much simpler model can be found in armfast.c,
-and that model goes faster too, but has a fixed amount of memory. This
-model's memory has 64K pages, allocated on demand from a 64K entry page
-table. The routines PutWord and GetWord implement this. Pages are never
-freed as they might be needed again. A single area of memory may be
-defined to generate aborts. */
-#include "core/arm/skyeye_common/armdefs.h"
-#include "core/arm/skyeye_common/armemu.h"
-#include "core/mem_map.h"
-#define dumpstack 1
-#define dumpstacksize 0x10
-#define maxdmupaddr 0x0033a850
-/*ARMword ARMul_GetCPSR (ARMul_State * state) {
-return 0;
-ARMword ARMul_GetSPSR (ARMul_State * state, ARMword mode) {
-return 0;
-void ARMul_SetCPSR (ARMul_State * state, ARMword value) {
-void ARMul_SetSPSR (ARMul_State * state, ARMword mode, ARMword value) {
-void ARMul_Icycles(ARMul_State * state, unsigned number, ARMword address) {
-void ARMul_Ccycles(ARMul_State * state, unsigned number, ARMword address) {
-ARMword ARMul_LoadInstrS(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address, ARMword isize) {
-    state->NumScycles++;
-    if ((state->NumScycles & HOURGLASS_RATE) == 0) {
-        HOURGLASS;
-    }
-    if (isize == 2)
-        return (u16)Memory::Read16(address);
-    else
-        return (u32)Memory::Read32(address);
-ARMword ARMul_LoadInstrN(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address, ARMword isize) {
-    state->NumNcycles++;
-    if (isize == 2)
-        return (u16)Memory::Read16(address);
-    else
-        return (u32)Memory::Read32(address);
-ARMword ARMul_ReLoadInstr(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address, ARMword isize) {
-    ARMword data;
-    if ((isize == 2) && (address & 0x2)) {
-        ARMword lo;
-        lo = (u16)Memory::Read16(address);
-        return lo;
-    }
-    data = (u32)Memory::Read32(address);
-    return data;
-ARMword ARMul_ReadWord(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address) {
-    ARMword data;
-    data = Memory::Read32(address);
-    return data;
-ARMword ARMul_LoadWordS(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address) {
-    state->NumScycles++;
-    return ARMul_ReadWord(state, address);
-ARMword ARMul_LoadWordN(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address) {
-    state->NumNcycles++;
-    return ARMul_ReadWord(state, address);
-ARMword ARMul_LoadHalfWord(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address) {
-    state->NumNcycles++;
-    return (u16)Memory::Read16(address);;
-ARMword ARMul_ReadByte(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address) {
-    return (u8)Memory::Read8(address);
-ARMword ARMul_LoadByte(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address) {
-    state->NumNcycles++;
-    return ARMul_ReadByte(state, address);
-void ARMul_StoreHalfWord(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address, ARMword data) {
-    state->NumNcycles++;
-    Memory::Write16(address, data);
-void ARMul_StoreByte(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address, ARMword data) {
-    state->NumNcycles++;
-    ARMul_WriteByte(state, address, data);
-ARMword ARMul_SwapWord(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address, ARMword data) {
-    ARMword temp;
-    state->NumNcycles++;
-    temp = ARMul_ReadWord(state, address);
-    state->NumNcycles++;
-    Memory::Write32(address, data);
-    return temp;
-ARMword ARMul_SwapByte(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address, ARMword data) {
-    ARMword temp;
-    temp = ARMul_LoadByte(state, address);
-    Memory::Write8(address, data);
-    return temp;
-void ARMul_WriteWord(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address, ARMword data) {
-    Memory::Write32(address, data);
-void ARMul_WriteByte(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address, ARMword data)
-    Memory::Write8(address, data);
-void ARMul_StoreWordS(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address, ARMword data)
-    state->NumScycles++;
-    ARMul_WriteWord(state, address, data);
-void ARMul_StoreWordN(ARMul_State * state, ARMword address, ARMword data)
-    state->NumNcycles++;
-    ARMul_WriteWord(state, address, data);
diff --git a/src/core/arm/interpreter/thumbemu.cpp b/src/core/arm/interpreter/thumbemu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cf80672d..000000000
--- a/src/core/arm/interpreter/thumbemu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-/*  thumbemu.c -- Thumb instruction emulation.
-    Copyright (C) 1996, Cygnus Software Technologies Ltd.
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* We can provide simple Thumb simulation by decoding the Thumb
-instruction into its corresponding ARM instruction, and using the
-existing ARM simulator.  */
-#include "core/arm/skyeye_common/skyeye_defs.h"
-#ifndef MODET			/* required for the Thumb instruction support */
-#if 1
-#error "MODET needs to be defined for the Thumb world to work"
-#define MODET (1)
-#include "core/arm/skyeye_common/armdefs.h"
-#include "core/arm/skyeye_common/armemu.h"
-#include "core/arm/skyeye_common/armos.h"
-/* Decode a 16bit Thumb instruction.  The instruction is in the low
-   16-bits of the tinstr field, with the following Thumb instruction
-   held in the high 16-bits.  Passing in two Thumb instructions allows
-   easier simulation of the special dual BL instruction.  */
-ARMul_ThumbDecode (
-     ARMul_State *state,
-     ARMword pc,
-     ARMword tinstr,
-     ARMword *ainstr)
-	tdstate valid = t_decoded;	/* default assumes a valid instruction */
-	ARMword next_instr;
-	if (state->bigendSig) {
-		next_instr = tinstr & 0xFFFF;
-		tinstr >>= 16;
-	}
-	else {
-		next_instr = tinstr >> 16;
-		tinstr &= 0xFFFF;
-	}
-#if 1				/* debugging to catch non updates */
-	*ainstr = 0xDEADC0DE;
-	switch ((tinstr & 0xF800) >> 11) {
-	case 0:		/* LSL */
-	case 1:		/* LSR */
-	case 2:		/* ASR */
-		/* Format 1 */
-		*ainstr = 0xE1B00000	/* base opcode */
-			| ((tinstr & 0x1800) >> (11 - 5))	/* shift type */
-			|((tinstr & 0x07C0) << (7 - 6))	/* imm5 */
-			|((tinstr & 0x0038) >> 3)	/* Rs */
-			|((tinstr & 0x0007) << 12);	/* Rd */
-		break;
-	case 3:		/* ADD/SUB */
-		/* Format 2 */
-		{
-			ARMword subset[4] = {
-				0xE0900000,	/* ADDS Rd,Rs,Rn    */
-				0xE0500000,	/* SUBS Rd,Rs,Rn    */
-				0xE2900000,	/* ADDS Rd,Rs,#imm3 */
-				0xE2500000	/* SUBS Rd,Rs,#imm3 */
-			};
-			/* It is quicker indexing into a table, than performing switch
-			   or conditionals: */
-			*ainstr = subset[(tinstr & 0x0600) >> 9]	/* base opcode */
-				|((tinstr & 0x01C0) >> 6)	/* Rn or imm3 */
-				|((tinstr & 0x0038) << (16 - 3))	/* Rs */
-				|((tinstr & 0x0007) << (12 - 0));	/* Rd */
-		}
-		break;
-	case 4:		/* MOV */
-	case 5:		/* CMP */
-	case 6:		/* ADD */
-	case 7:		/* SUB */
-		/* Format 3 */
-		{
-			ARMword subset[4] = {
-				0xE3B00000,	/* MOVS Rd,#imm8    */
-				0xE3500000,	/* CMP  Rd,#imm8    */
-				0xE2900000,	/* ADDS Rd,Rd,#imm8 */
-				0xE2500000,	/* SUBS Rd,Rd,#imm8 */
-			};
-			*ainstr = subset[(tinstr & 0x1800) >> 11]	/* base opcode */
-				|((tinstr & 0x00FF) >> 0)	/* imm8 */
-				|((tinstr & 0x0700) << (16 - 8))	/* Rn */
-				|((tinstr & 0x0700) << (12 - 8));	/* Rd */
-		}
-		break;
-	case 8:		/* Arithmetic and high register transfers */
-		/* TODO: Since the subsets for both Format 4 and Format 5
-		   instructions are made up of different ARM encodings, we could
-		   save the following conditional, and just have one large
-		   subset. */
-		if ((tinstr & (1 << 10)) == 0) {
-			/* Format 4 */
-            enum OpcodeType { t_norm, t_shift, t_neg, t_mul };
-			struct ThumbOpcode {
-				ARMword opcode;
-                OpcodeType otype;
-            };
-            ThumbOpcode subset[16] = {
-				{
-				0xE0100000, t_norm},	/* ANDS Rd,Rd,Rs     */
-				{
-				0xE0300000, t_norm},	/* EORS Rd,Rd,Rs     */
-				{
-				0xE1B00010, t_shift},	/* MOVS Rd,Rd,LSL Rs */
-				{
-				0xE1B00030, t_shift},	/* MOVS Rd,Rd,LSR Rs */
-				{
-				0xE1B00050, t_shift},	/* MOVS Rd,Rd,ASR Rs */
-				{
-				0xE0B00000, t_norm},	/* ADCS Rd,Rd,Rs     */
-				{
-				0xE0D00000, t_norm},	/* SBCS Rd,Rd,Rs     */
-				{
-				0xE1B00070, t_shift},	/* MOVS Rd,Rd,ROR Rs */
-				{
-				0xE1100000, t_norm},	/* TST  Rd,Rs        */
-				{
-				0xE2700000, t_neg},	/* RSBS Rd,Rs,#0     */
-				{
-				0xE1500000, t_norm},	/* CMP  Rd,Rs        */
-				{
-				0xE1700000, t_norm},	/* CMN  Rd,Rs        */
-				{
-				0xE1900000, t_norm},	/* ORRS Rd,Rd,Rs     */
-				{
-				0xE0100090, t_mul},	/* MULS Rd,Rd,Rs     */
-				{
-				0xE1D00000, t_norm},	/* BICS Rd,Rd,Rs     */
-				{
-				0xE1F00000, t_norm}	/* MVNS Rd,Rs        */
-			};
-			*ainstr = subset[(tinstr & 0x03C0) >> 6].opcode;	/* base */
-			switch (subset[(tinstr & 0x03C0) >> 6].otype) {
-			case t_norm:
-				*ainstr |= ((tinstr & 0x0007) << 16)	/* Rn */
-					|((tinstr & 0x0007) << 12)	/* Rd */
-					|((tinstr & 0x0038) >> 3);	/* Rs */
-				break;
-			case t_shift:
-				*ainstr |= ((tinstr & 0x0007) << 12)	/* Rd */
-					|((tinstr & 0x0007) >> 0)	/* Rm */
-					|((tinstr & 0x0038) << (8 - 3));	/* Rs */
-				break;
-			case t_neg:
-				*ainstr |= ((tinstr & 0x0007) << 12)	/* Rd */
-					|((tinstr & 0x0038) << (16 - 3));	/* Rn */
-				break;
-			case t_mul:
-				*ainstr |= ((tinstr & 0x0007) << 16)	/* Rd */
-					|((tinstr & 0x0007) << 8)	/* Rs */
-					|((tinstr & 0x0038) >> 3);	/* Rm */
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			/* Format 5 */
-			ARMword Rd = ((tinstr & 0x0007) >> 0);
-			ARMword Rs = ((tinstr & 0x0038) >> 3);
-			if (tinstr & (1 << 7))
-				Rd += 8;
-			if (tinstr & (1 << 6))
-				Rs += 8;
-			switch ((tinstr & 0x03C0) >> 6) {
-			case 0x1:	/* ADD Rd,Rd,Hs */
-			case 0x2:	/* ADD Hd,Hd,Rs */
-			case 0x3:	/* ADD Hd,Hd,Hs */
-				*ainstr = 0xE0800000	/* base */
-					| (Rd << 16)	/* Rn */
-					|(Rd << 12)	/* Rd */
-					|(Rs << 0);	/* Rm */
-				break;
-			case 0x5:	/* CMP Rd,Hs */
-			case 0x6:	/* CMP Hd,Rs */
-			case 0x7:	/* CMP Hd,Hs */
-				*ainstr = 0xE1500000	/* base */
-					| (Rd << 16)	/* Rn */
-					|(Rd << 12)	/* Rd */
-					|(Rs << 0);	/* Rm */
-				break;
-			case 0x9:	/* MOV Rd,Hs */
-			case 0xA:	/* MOV Hd,Rs */
-			case 0xB:	/* MOV Hd,Hs */
-				*ainstr = 0xE1A00000	/* base */
-					| (Rd << 16)	/* Rn */
-					|(Rd << 12)	/* Rd */
-					|(Rs << 0);	/* Rm */
-				break;
-			case 0xC:	/* BX Rs */
-			case 0xD:	/* BX Hs */
-				*ainstr = 0xE12FFF10	/* base */
-					| ((tinstr & 0x0078) >> 3);	/* Rd */
-				break;
-			case 0x0:	/* UNDEFINED */
-			case 0x4:	/* UNDEFINED */
-			case 0x8:	/* UNDEFINED */
-				valid = t_undefined;
-				break;
-			case 0xE:	/* BLX */
-			case 0xF:	/* BLX */
-				if (state->is_v5) {
-					*ainstr = 0xE1200030	/* base */
-						|(Rs << 0);	/* Rm */
-				} else {
-					valid = t_undefined;
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-	case 9:		/* LDR Rd,[PC,#imm8] */
-		/* Format 6 */
-		*ainstr = 0xE59F0000	/* base */
-			| ((tinstr & 0x0700) << (12 - 8))	/* Rd */
-			|((tinstr & 0x00FF) << (2 - 0));	/* off8 */
-		break;
-	case 10:
-	case 11:
-		/* TODO: Format 7 and Format 8 perform the same ARM encoding, so
-		   the following could be merged into a single subset, saving on
-		   the following boolean: */
-		if ((tinstr & (1 << 9)) == 0) {
-			/* Format 7 */
-			ARMword subset[4] = {
-				0xE7800000,	/* STR  Rd,[Rb,Ro] */
-				0xE7C00000,	/* STRB Rd,[Rb,Ro] */
-				0xE7900000,	/* LDR  Rd,[Rb,Ro] */
-				0xE7D00000	/* LDRB Rd,[Rb,Ro] */
-			};
-			*ainstr = subset[(tinstr & 0x0C00) >> 10]	/* base */
-				|((tinstr & 0x0007) << (12 - 0))	/* Rd */
-				|((tinstr & 0x0038) << (16 - 3))	/* Rb */
-				|((tinstr & 0x01C0) >> 6);	/* Ro */
-		}
-		else {
-			/* Format 8 */
-			ARMword subset[4] = {
-				0xE18000B0,	/* STRH  Rd,[Rb,Ro] */
-				0xE19000D0,	/* LDRSB Rd,[Rb,Ro] */
-				0xE19000B0,	/* LDRH  Rd,[Rb,Ro] */
-				0xE19000F0	/* LDRSH Rd,[Rb,Ro] */
-			};
-			*ainstr = subset[(tinstr & 0x0C00) >> 10]	/* base */
-				|((tinstr & 0x0007) << (12 - 0))	/* Rd */
-				|((tinstr & 0x0038) << (16 - 3))	/* Rb */
-				|((tinstr & 0x01C0) >> 6);	/* Ro */
-		}
-		break;
-	case 12:		/* STR Rd,[Rb,#imm5] */
-	case 13:		/* LDR Rd,[Rb,#imm5] */
-	case 14:		/* STRB Rd,[Rb,#imm5] */
-	case 15:		/* LDRB Rd,[Rb,#imm5] */
-		/* Format 9 */
-		{
-			ARMword subset[4] = {
-				0xE5800000,	/* STR  Rd,[Rb,#imm5] */
-				0xE5900000,	/* LDR  Rd,[Rb,#imm5] */
-				0xE5C00000,	/* STRB Rd,[Rb,#imm5] */
-				0xE5D00000	/* LDRB Rd,[Rb,#imm5] */
-			};
-			/* The offset range defends on whether we are transferring a
-			   byte or word value: */
-			*ainstr = subset[(tinstr & 0x1800) >> 11]	/* base */
-				|((tinstr & 0x0007) << (12 - 0))	/* Rd */
-				|((tinstr & 0x0038) << (16 - 3))	/* Rb */
-				|((tinstr & 0x07C0) >> (6 - ((tinstr & (1 << 12)) ? 0 : 2)));	/* off5 */
-		}
-		break;
-	case 16:		/* STRH Rd,[Rb,#imm5] */
-	case 17:		/* LDRH Rd,[Rb,#imm5] */
-		/* Format 10 */
-		*ainstr = ((tinstr & (1 << 11))	/* base */
-			   ? 0xE1D000B0	/* LDRH */
-			   : 0xE1C000B0)	/* STRH */
-			|((tinstr & 0x0007) << (12 - 0))	/* Rd */
-			|((tinstr & 0x0038) << (16 - 3))	/* Rb */
-			|((tinstr & 0x01C0) >> (6 - 1))	/* off5, low nibble */
-			|((tinstr & 0x0600) >> (9 - 8));	/* off5, high nibble */
-		break;
-	case 18:		/* STR Rd,[SP,#imm8] */
-	case 19:		/* LDR Rd,[SP,#imm8] */
-		/* Format 11 */
-		*ainstr = ((tinstr & (1 << 11))	/* base */
-			   ? 0xE59D0000	/* LDR */
-			   : 0xE58D0000)	/* STR */
-			|((tinstr & 0x0700) << (12 - 8))	/* Rd */
-			|((tinstr & 0x00FF) << 2);	/* off8 */
-		break;
-	case 20:		/* ADD Rd,PC,#imm8 */
-	case 21:		/* ADD Rd,SP,#imm8 */
-		/* Format 12 */
-		if ((tinstr & (1 << 11)) == 0) {
-			/* NOTE: The PC value used here should by word aligned */
-			/* We encode shift-left-by-2 in the rotate immediate field,
-			   so no shift of off8 is needed.  */
-			*ainstr = 0xE28F0F00	/* base */
-				| ((tinstr & 0x0700) << (12 - 8))	/* Rd */
-				|(tinstr & 0x00FF);	/* off8 */
-		}
-		else {
-			/* We encode shift-left-by-2 in the rotate immediate field,
-			   so no shift of off8 is needed.  */
-			*ainstr = 0xE28D0F00	/* base */
-				| ((tinstr & 0x0700) << (12 - 8))	/* Rd */
-				|(tinstr & 0x00FF);	/* off8 */
-		}
-		break;
-	case 22:
-	case 23:
-		if ((tinstr & 0x0F00) == 0x0000) {
-			/* Format 13 */
-			/* NOTE: The instruction contains a shift left of 2
-			   equivalent (implemented as ROR #30): */
-			*ainstr = ((tinstr & (1 << 7))	/* base */
-				   ? 0xE24DDF00	/* SUB */
-				   : 0xE28DDF00)	/* ADD */
-				|(tinstr & 0x007F);	/* off7 */
-		}
-		else if ((tinstr & 0x0F00) == 0x0e00)
-			*ainstr = 0xEF000000 | SWI_Breakpoint;
-		else {
-			/* Format 14 */
-			ARMword subset[4] = {
-				0xE92D0000,	/* STMDB sp!,{rlist}    */
-				0xE92D4000,	/* STMDB sp!,{rlist,lr} */
-				0xE8BD0000,	/* LDMIA sp!,{rlist}    */
-				0xE8BD8000	/* LDMIA sp!,{rlist,pc} */
-			};
-			*ainstr = subset[((tinstr & (1 << 11)) >> 10) | ((tinstr & (1 << 8)) >> 8)]	/* base */
-				|(tinstr & 0x00FF);	/* mask8 */
-		}
-		break;
-	case 24:		/* STMIA */
-	case 25:		/* LDMIA */
-		/* Format 15 */
-		*ainstr = ((tinstr & (1 << 11))	/* base */
-			   ? 0xE8B00000	/* LDMIA */
-			   : 0xE8A00000)	/* STMIA */
-			|((tinstr & 0x0700) << (16 - 8))	/* Rb */
-			|(tinstr & 0x00FF);	/* mask8 */
-		break;
-	case 26:		/* Bcc */
-	case 27:		/* Bcc/SWI */
-		if ((tinstr & 0x0F00) == 0x0F00) {
-			if (tinstr == (ARMul_ABORTWORD & 0xffff) &&
-					state->AbortAddr == pc) {
-				*ainstr = ARMul_ABORTWORD;
-				break;
-			}
-			/* Format 17 : SWI */
-			*ainstr = 0xEF000000;
-			/* Breakpoint must be handled specially.  */
-			if ((tinstr & 0x00FF) == 0x18)
-				*ainstr |= ((tinstr & 0x00FF) << 16);
-			/* New breakpoint value.  See gdb/arm-tdep.c  */
-			else if ((tinstr & 0x00FF) == 0xFE)
-				*ainstr |= SWI_Breakpoint;
-			else
-				*ainstr |= (tinstr & 0x00FF);
-		}
-		else if ((tinstr & 0x0F00) != 0x0E00) {
-			/* Format 16 */
-			int doit = FALSE;
-			/* TODO: Since we are doing a switch here, we could just add
-			   the SWI and undefined instruction checks into this
-			   switch to same on a couple of conditionals: */
-			switch ((tinstr & 0x0F00) >> 8) {
-			case EQ:
-				doit = ZFLAG;
-				break;
-			case NE:
-				doit = !ZFLAG;
-				break;
-			case VS:
-				doit = VFLAG;
-				break;
-			case VC:
-				doit = !VFLAG;
-				break;
-			case MI:
-				doit = NFLAG;
-				break;
-			case PL:
-				doit = !NFLAG;
-				break;
-			case CS:
-				doit = CFLAG;
-				break;
-			case CC:
-				doit = !CFLAG;
-				break;
-			case HI:
-				doit = (CFLAG && !ZFLAG);
-				break;
-			case LS:
-				doit = (!CFLAG || ZFLAG);
-				break;
-			case GE:
-				doit = ((!NFLAG && !VFLAG)
-					|| (NFLAG && VFLAG));
-				break;
-			case LT:
-				doit = ((NFLAG && !VFLAG)
-					|| (!NFLAG && VFLAG));
-				break;
-			case GT:
-				doit = ((!NFLAG && !VFLAG && !ZFLAG)
-					|| (NFLAG && VFLAG && !ZFLAG));
-				break;
-			case LE:
-				doit = ((NFLAG && !VFLAG)
-					|| (!NFLAG && VFLAG)) || ZFLAG;
-				break;
-			}
-			if (doit) {
-				state->Reg[15] = (pc + 4
-						  + (((tinstr & 0x7F) << 1)
-						     | ((tinstr & (1 << 7)) ?
-							0xFFFFFF00 : 0)));
-			}
-			valid = t_branch;
-		}
-		else		/* UNDEFINED : cc=1110(AL) uses different format */
-			valid = t_undefined;
-		break;
-	case 28:		/* B */
-		/* Format 18 */
-		state->Reg[15] = (pc + 4 + (((tinstr & 0x3FF) << 1)
-					    | ((tinstr & (1 << 10)) ?
-					       0xFFFFF800 : 0)));
-		valid = t_branch;
-		break;
-	case 29:
-		if(tinstr & 0x1)
-			valid = t_undefined;
-		else{
-			/* BLX 1 for armv5t and above */
-			ARMword tmp = (pc + 2);
-			state->Reg[15] =
-				(state->Reg[14] + ((tinstr & 0x07FF) << 1)) & 0xFFFFFFFC;
-			state->Reg[14] = (tmp | 1);
-			LOG_DEBUG(Core_ARM11, "After  BLX(1),LR=0x%x,PC=0x%x, offset=0x%x", state->Reg[14], state->Reg[15], (tinstr &0x7FF) << 1);
-			valid = t_branch;
-		}
-		break;
-	case 30:		/* BL instruction 1 */
-		/* Format 19 */
-		/* There is no single ARM instruction equivalent for this Thumb
-		   instruction. To keep the simulation simple (from the user
-		   perspective) we check if the following instruction is the
-		   second half of this BL, and if it is we simulate it
-		   immediately.  */
-		state->Reg[14] = state->Reg[15]
-			+ (((tinstr & 0x07FF) << 12)
-			   | ((tinstr & (1 << 10)) ? 0xFF800000 : 0));
-		valid = t_branch;	/* in-case we don't have the 2nd half */
-		//tinstr = next_instr;	/* move the instruction down */
-		//if (((tinstr & 0xF800) >> 11) != 31)
-		//	break;	/* exit, since not correct instruction */
-		/* else we fall through to process the second half of the BL */
-		//pc += 2;	/* point the pc at the 2nd half */
-		state->Reg[15] = pc + 2;
-		break;
-	case 31:		/* BL instruction 2 */
-		/* Format 19 */
-		/* There is no single ARM instruction equivalent for this
-		   instruction. Also, it should only ever be matched with the
-		   fmt19 "BL instruction 1" instruction. However, we do allow
-		   the simulation of it on its own, with undefined results if
-		   r14 is not suitably initialised.  */
-		{
-			ARMword tmp = (pc + 2);
-			state->Reg[15] =
-				(state->Reg[14] + ((tinstr & 0x07FF) << 1));
-			state->Reg[14] = (tmp | 1);
-			valid = t_branch;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	return valid;
diff --git a/src/core/arm/skyeye_common/armdefs.h b/src/core/arm/skyeye_common/armdefs.h
index a9c41ce5a..be54ce71b 100644
--- a/src/core/arm/skyeye_common/armdefs.h
+++ b/src/core/arm/skyeye_common/armdefs.h
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
 #include "core/arm/skyeye_common/armmmu.h"
 #include "core/arm/skyeye_common/skyeye_defs.h"
+#define BITS(s, a, b) ((s << ((sizeof(s) * 8 - 1) - b)) >> (sizeof(s) * 8 - b + a - 1))
+#define BIT(s, n) ((s >> (n)) & 1)
 #ifndef FALSE
 #define FALSE 0
 #define TRUE 1
@@ -287,15 +290,6 @@ enum {
     ARM620  = ARM6
-*                   Macros to extract instruction fields                    *
-#define BIT(n) ( (ARMword)(instr>>(n))&1)    /* bit n of instruction */
-#define BITS(m,n) ( (ARMword)(instr<<(31-(n))) >> ((31-(n))+(m)) )    /* bits m to n of instr */
-#define TOPBITS(n) (instr >> (n))    /* bits 31 to n of instr */
 *                      The hardware vector addresses                        *
@@ -339,13 +333,6 @@ enum {
     SYSTEM32MODE = 31
-#define ARM32BITMODE (state->Mode > 3)
-#define ARM26BITMODE (state->Mode <= 3)
-#define ARMMODE (state->Mode)
-#define ARMul_MODEBITS 0x1fL
 enum {
     USERBANK   = 0,
     FIQBANK    = 1,
@@ -357,10 +344,6 @@ enum {
-#define BANK_CAN_ACCESS_SPSR(bank)  \
-  ((bank) != USERBANK && (bank) != SYSTEMBANK && (bank) != DUMMYBANK)
 *                  Definitons of things in the emulator                     *
@@ -372,85 +355,7 @@ extern void ARMul_Reset(ARMul_State* state);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
-extern ARMul_State *ARMul_NewState(ARMul_State* state);
-extern ARMword ARMul_DoProg(ARMul_State* state);
-extern ARMword ARMul_DoInstr(ARMul_State* state);
-*                          Useful support routines                          *
-extern ARMword ARMul_GetReg (ARMul_State* state, unsigned mode, unsigned reg);
-extern void ARMul_SetReg (ARMul_State* state, unsigned mode, unsigned reg, ARMword value);
-extern ARMword ARMul_GetPC(ARMul_State* state);
-extern ARMword ARMul_GetNextPC(ARMul_State* state);
-extern void ARMul_SetPC(ARMul_State* state, ARMword value);
-extern ARMword ARMul_GetR15(ARMul_State* state);
-extern void ARMul_SetR15(ARMul_State* state, ARMword value);
-extern ARMword ARMul_GetCPSR(ARMul_State* state);
-extern void ARMul_SetCPSR(ARMul_State* state, ARMword value);
-extern ARMword ARMul_GetSPSR(ARMul_State* state, ARMword mode);
-extern void ARMul_SetSPSR(ARMul_State* state, ARMword mode, ARMword value);
-*                  Definitons of things to handle aborts                    *
-extern void ARMul_Abort(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address);
-#ifdef MODET
-#define ARMul_ABORTWORD (state->TFlag ? 0xefffdfff : 0xefffffff)    /* SWI -1 */
-#define ARMul_PREFETCHABORT(address) if (state->AbortAddr == 1) \
-                                        state->AbortAddr = (address & (state->TFlag ? ~1L : ~3L))
-#define ARMul_ABORTWORD 0xefffffff    /* SWI -1 */
-#define ARMul_PREFETCHABORT(address) if (state->AbortAddr == 1) \
-                                        state->AbortAddr = (address & ~3L)
-#define ARMul_DATAABORT(address) state->abortSig = HIGH ; \
-                                 state->Aborted = ARMul_DataAbortV ;
-#define ARMul_CLEARABORT state->abortSig = LOW
-*              Definitons of things in the memory interface                 *
-extern unsigned ARMul_MemoryInit(ARMul_State* state, unsigned int initmemsize);
-extern void ARMul_MemoryExit(ARMul_State* state);
-extern ARMword ARMul_LoadInstrS(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address, ARMword isize);
-extern ARMword ARMul_LoadInstrN(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address, ARMword isize);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-extern ARMword ARMul_ReLoadInstr(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address, ARMword isize);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-    }
-extern ARMword ARMul_LoadWordS(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address);
-extern ARMword ARMul_LoadWordN(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address);
-extern ARMword ARMul_LoadHalfWord(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address);
-extern ARMword ARMul_LoadByte(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address);
-extern void ARMul_StoreWordS(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address, ARMword data);
-extern void ARMul_StoreWordN(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address, ARMword data);
-extern void ARMul_StoreHalfWord(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address, ARMword data);
-extern void ARMul_StoreByte(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address, ARMword data);
-extern ARMword ARMul_SwapWord(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address, ARMword data);
-extern ARMword ARMul_SwapByte(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address, ARMword data);
-extern void ARMul_Icycles(ARMul_State* state, unsigned number, ARMword address);
-extern void ARMul_Ccycles(ARMul_State* state, unsigned number, ARMword address);
-extern ARMword ARMul_ReadWord(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address);
-extern ARMword ARMul_ReadByte(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address);
-extern void ARMul_WriteWord(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address, ARMword data);
-extern void ARMul_WriteByte(ARMul_State* state, ARMword address, ARMword data);
-extern ARMword ARMul_MemAccess(ARMul_State* state, ARMword, ARMword,
-                ARMword, ARMword, ARMword, ARMword, ARMword,
-                ARMword, ARMword, ARMword);
+extern ARMul_State* ARMul_NewState(ARMul_State* state);
 *            Definitons of things in the co-processor interface             *
@@ -495,37 +400,10 @@ enum {
     ARMul_CP15_DBCON_E0     = 0x0003
-extern unsigned ARMul_CoProInit(ARMul_State* state);
-extern void ARMul_CoProExit(ARMul_State* state);
-extern void ARMul_CoProAttach (ARMul_State* state, unsigned number,
-                   ARMul_CPInits* init, ARMul_CPExits* exit,
-                   ARMul_LDCs* ldc, ARMul_STCs* stc,
-                   ARMul_MRCs* mrc, ARMul_MCRs* mcr,
-                   ARMul_MRRCs* mrrc, ARMul_MCRRs* mcrr,
-                   ARMul_CDPs* cdp,
-                   ARMul_CPReads* read, ARMul_CPWrites* write);
-extern void ARMul_CoProDetach(ARMul_State* state, unsigned number);
 *               Definitons of things in the host environment                *
-extern unsigned ARMul_OSInit(ARMul_State* state);
-extern void ARMul_OSExit(ARMul_State* state);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
-extern unsigned ARMul_OSHandleSWI(ARMul_State* state, ARMword number);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern ARMword ARMul_OSLastErrorP(ARMul_State* state);
-extern ARMword ARMul_Debug(ARMul_State* state, ARMword pc, ARMword instr);
-extern unsigned ARMul_OSException(ARMul_State* state, ARMword vector, ARMword pc);
 enum ConditionCode {
     EQ = 0,
     NE = 1,
@@ -545,40 +423,9 @@ enum ConditionCode {
     NV = 15,
-#ifndef NFLAG
-#define NFLAG    state->NFlag
-#endif //NFLAG
-#ifndef ZFLAG
-#define ZFLAG    state->ZFlag
-#endif //ZFLAG
-#ifndef CFLAG
-#define CFLAG    state->CFlag
-#endif //CFLAG
-#ifndef VFLAG
-#define VFLAG    state->VFlag
-#endif //VFLAG
-#ifndef IFLAG
-#define IFLAG    (state->IFFlags >> 1)
-#endif //IFLAG
-#ifndef FFLAG
-#define FFLAG    (state->IFFlags & 1)
-#endif //FFLAG
-#ifndef IFFLAGS
-#define IFFLAGS    state->IFFlags
-#endif //VFLAG
 extern bool AddOverflow(ARMword, ARMword, ARMword);
 extern bool SubOverflow(ARMword, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_UndefInstr(ARMul_State*, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_FixCPSR(ARMul_State*, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_FixSPSR(ARMul_State*, ARMword, ARMword);
 extern void ARMul_SelectProcessor(ARMul_State*, unsigned);
 extern u32 AddWithCarry(u32, u32, u32, bool*, bool*);
diff --git a/src/core/arm/skyeye_common/armemu.h b/src/core/arm/skyeye_common/armemu.h
index 7e10dad86..6071d447b 100644
--- a/src/core/arm/skyeye_common/armemu.h
+++ b/src/core/arm/skyeye_common/armemu.h
@@ -19,12 +19,6 @@
 #include "core/arm/skyeye_common/armdefs.h"
-/* Shift Opcodes.  */
-#define LSL 0
-#define LSR 1
-#define ASR 2
-#define ROR 3
 /* Macros to twiddle the status flags and mode.  */
 #define NBIT ((unsigned)1L << 31)
 #define ZBIT (1L << 30)
@@ -38,73 +32,6 @@
 #define R15FBIT (1L << 26)
 #define R15IFBITS (3L << 26)
-#ifdef MODET			/* Thumb support.  */
-/* ??? This bit is actually in the low order bit of the PC in the hardware.
-   It isn't clear if the simulator needs to model that or not.  */
-#define TBIT (1L << 5)
-#define TFLAG state->TFlag
-#define SETT state->TFlag = 1
-#define CLEART state->TFlag = 0
-#define ASSIGNT(res) state->TFlag = res
-#define INSN_SIZE (TFLAG ? 2 : 4)
-#define INSN_SIZE 4
-/*add armv6 CPSR  feature*/
-#define EFLAG state->EFlag
-#define SETE state->EFlag = 1
-#define CLEARE state->EFlag = 0
-#define ASSIGNE(res) state->NFlag = res
-#define AFLAG state->AFlag
-#define SETA  state->AFlag = 1
-#define CLEARA state->AFlag = 0
-#define ASSIGNA(res) state->NFlag = res
-#define QFLAG state->QFlag
-#define SETQ state->QFlag = 1
-#define CLEARQ state->AFlag = 0
-#define ASSIGNQ(res) state->QFlag = res
-/* add end */
-#define NFLAG state->NFlag
-#define SETN state->NFlag = 1
-#define CLEARN state->NFlag = 0
-#define ASSIGNN(res) state->NFlag = res
-#define ZFLAG state->ZFlag
-#define SETZ state->ZFlag = 1
-#define CLEARZ state->ZFlag = 0
-#define ASSIGNZ(res) state->ZFlag = res
-#define CFLAG state->CFlag
-#define SETC state->CFlag = 1
-#define CLEARC state->CFlag = 0
-#define ASSIGNC(res) state->CFlag = res
-#define VFLAG state->VFlag
-#define SETV state->VFlag = 1
-#define CLEARV state->VFlag = 0
-#define ASSIGNV(res) state->VFlag = res
-#define SFLAG state->SFlag
-#define SETS state->SFlag = 1
-#define CLEARS state->SFlag = 0
-#define ASSIGNS(res) state->SFlag = res
-#define IFLAG (state->IFFlags >> 1)
-#define FFLAG (state->IFFlags & 1)
-#define IFFLAGS state->IFFlags
-#define ASSIGNINT(res) state->IFFlags = (((res) >> 6) & 3)
-#define ASSIGNR15INT(res) state->IFFlags = (((res) >> 26) & 3) ;
-#define PSR_FBITS (0xff000000L)
-#define PSR_SBITS (0x00ff0000L)
-#define PSR_XBITS (0x0000ff00L)
-#define PSR_CBITS (0x000000ffL)
 #if defined MODE32 || defined MODET
 #define CCBITS (0xf8000000L)
@@ -128,7 +55,6 @@
 #define R15PCBITS (0x03fffffcL)
-#define R15PCMODEBITS (0x03ffffffL)
 #define R15MODEBITS (0x3L)
 #ifdef MODE32
@@ -149,106 +75,7 @@
 #define R15PCMODE (state->Reg[15] & (R15PCBITS | R15MODEBITS))
 #define R15MODE (state->Reg[15] & R15MODEBITS)
-#define ECC ((NFLAG << 31) | (ZFLAG << 30) | (CFLAG << 29) | (VFLAG << 28) | (QFLAG << 27))
-#define EINT (IFFLAGS << 6)
-#define ER15INT (IFFLAGS << 26)
-#define EMODE (state->Mode)
-#define EGEBITS (state->GEFlag & 0x000F0000)
-#ifdef MODET
-#define CPSR (ECC | EGEBITS | (EFLAG << 9) | (AFLAG << 8) | EINT | (TFLAG << 5) | EMODE)
-#define CPSR (ECC | EINT | EMODE)
-#ifdef MODE32
-#define PATCHR15
-#define PATCHR15 state->Reg[15] = ECC | ER15INT | EMODE | R15PC
-#define GETSPSR(bank) (ARMul_GetSPSR (state, EMODE))
-#define SETPSR_F(d,s) d = ((d) & ~PSR_FBITS) | ((s) & PSR_FBITS)
-#define SETPSR_S(d,s) d = ((d) & ~PSR_SBITS) | ((s) & PSR_SBITS)
-#define SETPSR_X(d,s) d = ((d) & ~PSR_XBITS) | ((s) & PSR_XBITS)
-#define SETPSR_C(d,s) d = ((d) & ~PSR_CBITS) | ((s) & PSR_CBITS)
-#define SETR15PSR(s) 								\
-  do										\
-    {										\
-      if (state->Mode == USER26MODE)						\
-        {									\
-          state->Reg[15] = ((s) & CCBITS) | R15PC | ER15INT | EMODE;		\
-          ASSIGNN ((state->Reg[15] & NBIT) != 0);				\
-          ASSIGNZ ((state->Reg[15] & ZBIT) != 0);				\
-          ASSIGNC ((state->Reg[15] & CBIT) != 0);				\
-          ASSIGNV ((state->Reg[15] & VBIT) != 0);				\
-        }									\
-      else									\
-        {									\
-          state->Reg[15] = R15PC | ((s) & (CCBITS | R15INTBITS | R15MODEBITS));	\
-          ARMul_R15Altered (state);						\
-       }									\
-    }										\
-  while (0)
-#define SETABORT(i, m, d)						\
-  do									\
-    { 									\
-      int SETABORT_mode = (m);						\
-									\
-      ARMul_SetSPSR (state, SETABORT_mode, ARMul_GetCPSR (state));	\
-      ARMul_SetCPSR (state, ((ARMul_GetCPSR (state) & ~(EMODE | TBIT))	\
-			     | (i) | SETABORT_mode));			\
-      state->Reg[14] = temp - (d);					\
-    }									\
-  while (0)
-#ifndef MODE32
-#define VECTORS 0x20
-#define LEGALADDR 0x03ffffff
-#define VECTORACCESS(address) (address < VECTORS && ARMul_MODE26BIT && state->prog32Sig)
-#define ADDREXCEPT(address)   (address > LEGALADDR && !state->data32Sig)
-#define INTERNALABORT(address)			\
-  do						\
-    {						\
-      if (address < VECTORS)			\
-	state->Aborted = ARMul_DataAbortV;	\
-      else					\
-	state->Aborted = ARMul_AddrExceptnV;	\
-    }						\
-  while (0)
-#ifdef MODE32
-#define TAKEABORT ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_DataAbortV)
-#define TAKEABORT 					\
-  do							\
-    {							\
-      if (state->Aborted == ARMul_AddrExceptnV) 	\
-	ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_AddrExceptnV); 	\
-      else 						\
-	ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_DataAbortV);		\
-    }							\
-  while (0)
-#define CPTAKEABORT					\
-  do							\
-    {							\
-      if (!state->Aborted)				\
-	ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_UndefinedInstrV); 	\
-      else if (state->Aborted == ARMul_AddrExceptnV) 	\
-	ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_AddrExceptnV); 	\
-      else 						\
-	ARMul_Abort (state, ARMul_DataAbortV);		\
-    }							\
-  while (0);
-/* Different ways to start the next instruction.  */
+// Different ways to start the next instruction.
 #define SEQ           0
 #define NONSEQ        1
 #define PCINCEDSEQ    2
@@ -256,349 +83,23 @@
 #define PRIMEPIPE     4
 #define RESUME        8
-/* shenoubang 2012-3-11 */
-/* for armv7 DBG DMB DSB instr*/
-#define MBReqTypes_Writes	0
-#define MBReqTypes_All		1
-#define NORMALCYCLE state->NextInstr = 0
-#define BUSUSEDN    state->NextInstr |= 1	/* The next fetch will be an N cycle.  */
-#define BUSUSEDINCPCS						\
-  do								\
-    {								\
-      if (! state->is_v4)					\
-        {							\
-	  /* A standard PC inc and an S cycle.  */		\
-      state->Reg[15] += INSN_SIZE;				\
-	  state->NextInstr = (state->NextInstr & 0xff) | 2;	\
-	}							\
-    }								\
-  while (0)
-#define BUSUSEDINCPCN					\
-  do							\
-    {							\
-      if (state->is_v4)					\
-	BUSUSEDN;					\
-      else						\
-	{						\
-	  /* A standard PC inc and an N cycle.  */	\
-      state->Reg[15] += INSN_SIZE;			\
-	  state->NextInstr |= 3;			\
-	}						\
-    }							\
-  while (0)
-#define INCPC 			\
-  do				\
-    {				\
-      /* A standard PC inc.  */	\
-      state->Reg[15] += INSN_SIZE;	\
-      state->NextInstr |= 2;	\
-    }				\
-  while (0)
 #define FLUSHPIPE state->NextInstr |= PRIMEPIPE
-/* Cycle based emulation.  */
-#define OUTPUTCP(i,a,b)
-#define NCYCLE
-#define SCYCLE
-#define ICYCLE
-#define CCYCLE
-#define NEXTCYCLE(c)
-/* Macros to extract parts of instructions.  */
-#define DESTReg (BITS (12, 15))
-#define LHSReg  (BITS (16, 19))
-#define RHSReg  (BITS ( 0,  3))
-#define DEST (state->Reg[DESTReg])
-#ifdef MODE32
-#ifdef MODET
-#define LHS ((LHSReg == 15) ? (state->Reg[15] & 0xFFFFFFFC) : (state->Reg[LHSReg]))
-#define RHS ((RHSReg == 15) ? (state->Reg[15] & 0xFFFFFFFC) : (state->Reg[RHSReg]))
-#define LHS (state->Reg[LHSReg])
-#define RHS (state->Reg[RHSReg])
-#define LHS ((LHSReg == 15) ? R15PC : (state->Reg[LHSReg]))
-#define RHS ((RHSReg == 15) ? R15PC : (state->Reg[RHSReg]))
-#define MULDESTReg (BITS (16, 19))
-#define MULLHSReg  (BITS ( 0,  3))
-#define MULRHSReg  (BITS ( 8, 11))
-#define MULACCReg  (BITS (12, 15))
-#define DPImmRHS (ARMul_ImmedTable[BITS(0, 11)])
-#define DPSImmRHS temp = BITS(0,11) ; \
-                  rhs = ARMul_ImmedTable[temp] ; \
-                  if (temp > 255) /* There was a shift.  */ \
-                     ASSIGNC (rhs >> 31) ;
-#ifdef MODE32
-#define DPRegRHS  ((BITS (4,11) == 0) ? state->Reg[RHSReg] \
-                                      : GetDPRegRHS (state, instr))
-#define DPSRegRHS ((BITS (4,11) == 0) ? state->Reg[RHSReg] \
-                                      : GetDPSRegRHS (state, instr))
-#define DPRegRHS  ((BITS (0, 11) < 15) ? state->Reg[RHSReg] \
-                                       : GetDPRegRHS (state, instr))
-#define DPSRegRHS ((BITS (0, 11) < 15) ? state->Reg[RHSReg] \
-                                       : GetDPSRegRHS (state, instr))
-#define LSBase state->Reg[LHSReg]
-#define LSImmRHS (BITS(0,11))
-#ifdef MODE32
-#define LSRegRHS ((BITS (4, 11) == 0) ? state->Reg[RHSReg] \
-                                      : GetLSRegRHS (state, instr))
-#define LSRegRHS ((BITS (0, 11) < 15) ? state->Reg[RHSReg] \
-                                      : GetLSRegRHS (state, instr))
-#define LSMNumRegs ((ARMword) ARMul_BitList[BITS (0, 7)] + \
-                    (ARMword) ARMul_BitList[BITS (8, 15)] )
-#define LSMBaseFirst ((LHSReg == 0 && BIT (0)) || \
-                      (BIT (LHSReg) && BITS (0, LHSReg - 1) == 0))
-#define SWAPSRC (state->Reg[RHSReg])
-#define LSCOff (BITS (0, 7) << 2)
-#define CPNum   BITS (8, 11)
-/* Determine if access to coprocessor CP is permitted.
-   The XScale has a register in CP15 which controls access to CP0 - CP13.  */
-//chy 2003-09-03, new CP_ACCESS_ALLOWED
-    (   ((CP) >= 14)					\
-     || (! (STATE)->is_XScale)				\
-     || (read_cp15_reg (15, 0, 1) & (1 << (CP))))
-    (   ((CP) >= 14)	)				\
-/* Macro to rotate n right by b bits.  */
+// Macro to rotate n right by b bits.
 #define ROTATER(n, b) (((n) >> (b)) | ((n) << (32 - (b))))
-/* Macros to store results of instructions.  */
-#define WRITEDEST(d)				\
-  do						\
-    {						\
-      if (DESTReg == 15) 			\
-	WriteR15 (state, d); 			\
-      else 					\
-	DEST = d;				\
-    }						\
-  while (0)
+// Values for Emulate.
+#define STOP            0 // stop
+#define CHANGEMODE      1 // change mode
+#define ONCE            2 // execute just one interation
+#define RUN             3 // continuous execution
-#define WRITESDEST(d)				\
-  do						\
-    {						\
-      if (DESTReg == 15)			\
-	WriteSR15 (state, d);			\
-      else					\
-	{					\
-	  DEST = d;				\
-	  ARMul_NegZero (state, d);		\
-	}					\
-    }						\
-  while (0)
+// Stuff that is shared across modes.
+extern unsigned ARMul_MultTable[]; // Number of I cycles for a mult.
+extern ARMword ARMul_ImmedTable[]; // Immediate DP LHS values.
+extern char ARMul_BitList[];       // Number of bits in a byte table.
-#define WRITEDESTB(d)				\
-  do						\
-    {						\
-      if (DESTReg == 15){			\
-	WriteR15Branch (state, d);		\
-      }						\
-      else{					\
-	DEST = d;				\
-      }						\
-    }						\
-  while (0)
-#define BYTETOBUS(data) ((data & 0xff) | \
-                        ((data & 0xff) << 8) | \
-                        ((data & 0xff) << 16) | \
-                        ((data & 0xff) << 24))
-#define BUSTOBYTE(address, data)				\
-  do								\
-    {								\
-      if (state->bigendSig) 					\
-	temp = (data >> (((address ^ 3) & 3) << 3)) & 0xff;	\
-      else							\
-	temp = (data >> ((address & 3) << 3)) & 0xff;		\
-    }								\
-  while (0)
-#define LOADMULT(instr,   address, wb)  LoadMult   (state, instr, address, wb)
-#define LOADSMULT(instr,  address, wb)  LoadSMult  (state, instr, address, wb)
-#define STOREMULT(instr,  address, wb)  StoreMult  (state, instr, address, wb)
-#define STORESMULT(instr, address, wb)  StoreSMult (state, instr, address, wb)
-#define POSBRANCH ((instr & 0x7fffff) << 2)
-#define NEGBRANCH ((0xff000000 |(instr & 0xffffff)) << 2)
-/* Values for Emulate.  */
-#define STOP            0	/* stop */
-#define CHANGEMODE      1	/* change mode */
-#define ONCE            2	/* execute just one interation */
-#define RUN             3	/* continuous execution */
-/* Stuff that is shared across modes.  */
-extern unsigned ARMul_MultTable[];	/* Number of I cycles for a mult.  */
-extern ARMword ARMul_ImmedTable[];	/* Immediate DP LHS values.  */
-extern char ARMul_BitList[];	/* Number of bits in a byte table.  */
-#define EVENTLISTSIZE 1024L
-/* Thumb support.  */
-typedef enum
-	t_undefined,		/* Undefined Thumb instruction.  */
-	t_decoded,		/* Instruction decoded to ARM equivalent.  */
-	t_branch		/* Thumb branch (already processed).  */
- * Check all the possible undef or unpredict behavior, Some of them probably is
- * out-of-updated with the newer ISA.
- * -- Michael.Kang
- ********************************************************************************/
-#define UNDEF_WARNING LOG_WARNING(Core_ARM11, "undefined or unpredicted behavior for arm instruction.");
-/* Macros to scrutinize instructions.  */
-//#define UNDEF_Test
-//#define UNDEF_Shift UNDEF_WARNING
-#define UNDEF_Shift
-#define UNDEF_MSRPC
-#define UNDEF_MRSPC
-//#define UNDEF_MULPCDest
-//#define UNDEF_MULDestEQOp1
-#define UNDEF_LSRBaseEQOffWb
-#define UNDEF_LSRBaseEQDestWb
-#define UNDEF_LSRPCBaseWb
-#define UNDEF_LSRPCOffWb
-#define UNDEF_LSMNoRegs
-#define UNDEF_LSMPCBase
-#define UNDEF_LSMUserBankWb
-#define UNDEF_LSMBaseInListWb
-//#define UNDEF_SWPPC
-//#define UNDEF_CoProHS
-//#define UNDEF_MCRPC
-#define UNDEF_LSCPCBaseWb
-#define UNDEF_UndefNotBounced UNDEF_WARNING
-//#define UNDEF_UndefNotBounced
-//#define UNDEF_ShortInt
-#define UNDEF_IllegalMode UNDEF_WARNING
-//#define UNDEF_IllegalMode
-#define UNDEF_Prog32SigChange UNDEF_WARNING
-//#define UNDEF_Prog32SigChange
-#define UNDEF_Data32SigChange UNDEF_WARNING
-//#define UNDEF_Data32SigChange
-/* Prototypes for exported functions.  */
-extern unsigned ARMul_NthReg (ARMword, unsigned);
-/* Prototypes for exported functions.  */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
-extern ARMword ARMul_Emulate26 (ARMul_State *);
-extern ARMword ARMul_Emulate32 (ARMul_State *);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- }
-extern unsigned IntPending (ARMul_State *);
-extern void ARMul_CPSRAltered (ARMul_State *);
-extern void ARMul_R15Altered (ARMul_State *);
-extern ARMword ARMul_GetPC (ARMul_State *);
-extern ARMword ARMul_GetNextPC (ARMul_State *);
-extern ARMword ARMul_GetR15 (ARMul_State *);
-extern ARMword ARMul_GetCPSR (ARMul_State *);
-extern void ARMul_NegZero (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_SetPC (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_SetR15 (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_SetCPSR (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-extern ARMword ARMul_GetSPSR (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_Abort26 (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_Abort32 (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-extern ARMword ARMul_MRC (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_MRRC (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword *, ARMword *);
-extern void ARMul_CDP (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_LDC (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_STC (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_MCR (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_MCRR (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_SetSPSR (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern ARMword ARMul_SwitchMode (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern ARMword ARMul_Align (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern ARMword ARMul_SwitchMode (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_MSRCpsr (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_SubOverflow (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_AddOverflow (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_SubCarry (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern void ARMul_AddCarry (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern tdstate ARMul_ThumbDecode (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword, ARMword *);
-extern ARMword ARMul_GetReg (ARMul_State *, unsigned, unsigned);
-extern void ARMul_SetReg (ARMul_State *, unsigned, unsigned, ARMword);
-/* Coprocessor support functions.  */
+// Coprocessor support functions.
 extern unsigned ARMul_CoProInit (ARMul_State *);
 extern void ARMul_CoProExit (ARMul_State *);
 extern void ARMul_CoProAttach (ARMul_State *, unsigned, ARMul_CPInits *,
@@ -606,18 +107,3 @@ extern void ARMul_CoProAttach (ARMul_State *, unsigned, ARMul_CPInits *,
 			       ARMul_MRCs *, ARMul_MCRs *, ARMul_MRRCs *, ARMul_MCRRs *, 
 			       ARMul_CDPs *, ARMul_CPReads *, ARMul_CPWrites *);
 extern void ARMul_CoProDetach (ARMul_State *, unsigned);
-extern ARMword read_cp15_reg (unsigned, unsigned, unsigned);
-extern unsigned DSPLDC4 (ARMul_State *, unsigned, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern unsigned DSPMCR4 (ARMul_State *, unsigned, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern unsigned DSPMRC4 (ARMul_State *, unsigned, ARMword, ARMword *);
-extern unsigned DSPSTC4 (ARMul_State *, unsigned, ARMword, ARMword *);
-extern unsigned DSPCDP4 (ARMul_State *, unsigned, ARMword);
-extern unsigned DSPMCR5 (ARMul_State *, unsigned, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern unsigned DSPMRC5 (ARMul_State *, unsigned, ARMword, ARMword *);
-extern unsigned DSPLDC5 (ARMul_State *, unsigned, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern unsigned DSPSTC5 (ARMul_State *, unsigned, ARMword, ARMword *);
-extern unsigned DSPCDP5 (ARMul_State *, unsigned, ARMword);
-extern unsigned DSPMCR6 (ARMul_State *, unsigned, ARMword, ARMword);
-extern unsigned DSPMRC6 (ARMul_State *, unsigned, ARMword, ARMword *);
-extern unsigned DSPCDP6 (ARMul_State *, unsigned, ARMword);
diff --git a/src/core/arm/skyeye_common/vfp/vfp.cpp b/src/core/arm/skyeye_common/vfp/vfp.cpp
index bff296448..5f3dd4b47 100644
--- a/src/core/arm/skyeye_common/vfp/vfp.cpp
+++ b/src/core/arm/skyeye_common/vfp/vfp.cpp
@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ unsigned VFPInit(ARMul_State* state)
 unsigned VFPMRC(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr, u32* value)
     /* MRC<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<CRn>,<CRm>{,<opc2>} */
-    int CoProc = BITS (8, 11); /* 10 or 11 */
-    int OPC_1 = BITS (21, 23);
-    int Rt = BITS (12, 15);
-    int CRn = BITS (16, 19);
-    int CRm = BITS (0, 3);
-    int OPC_2 = BITS (5, 7);
+    int CoProc = BITS(instr, 8, 11); /* 10 or 11 */
+    int OPC_1 = BITS(instr, 21, 23);
+    int Rt = BITS(instr, 12, 15);
+    int CRn = BITS(instr, 16, 19);
+    int CRm = BITS(instr, 0, 3);
+    int OPC_2 = BITS(instr, 5, 7);
     /* TODO check access permission */
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ unsigned VFPMRC(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr, u32* value)
             /* VMOV r to s */
             /* Transfering Rt is not mandatory, as the value of interest is pointed by value */
-            VMOVBRS(state, BIT(20), Rt, BIT(7)|CRn<<1, value);
+            VMOVBRS(state, BIT(instr, 20), Rt, BIT(instr, 7)|CRn<<1, value);
             return ARMul_DONE;
@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ unsigned VFPMRC(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr, u32* value)
 unsigned VFPMCR(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr, u32 value)
     /* MCR<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<CRn>,<CRm>{,<opc2>} */
-    int CoProc = BITS (8, 11); /* 10 or 11 */
-    int OPC_1 = BITS (21, 23);
-    int Rt = BITS (12, 15);
-    int CRn = BITS (16, 19);
-    int CRm = BITS (0, 3);
-    int OPC_2 = BITS (5, 7);
+    int CoProc = BITS(instr, 8, 11); /* 10 or 11 */
+    int OPC_1 = BITS(instr, 21, 23);
+    int Rt = BITS(instr, 12, 15);
+    int CRn = BITS(instr, 16, 19);
+    int CRm = BITS(instr, 0, 3);
+    int OPC_2 = BITS(instr, 5, 7);
     /* TODO check access permission */
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ unsigned VFPMCR(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr, u32 value)
             /* VMOV s to r */
             /* Transfering Rt is not mandatory, as the value of interest is pointed by value */
-            VMOVBRS(state, BIT(20), Rt, BIT(7)|CRn<<1, &value);
+            VMOVBRS(state, BIT(instr, 20), Rt, BIT(instr, 7)|CRn<<1, &value);
             return ARMul_DONE;
@@ -126,24 +126,24 @@ unsigned VFPMCR(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr, u32 value)
 unsigned VFPMRRC(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr, u32* value1, u32* value2)
     /* MCRR<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<Rt2>,<CRm> */
-    int CoProc = BITS (8, 11); /* 10 or 11 */
-    int OPC_1 = BITS (4, 7);
-    int Rt = BITS (12, 15);
-    int Rt2 = BITS (16, 19);
-    int CRm = BITS (0, 3);
+    int CoProc = BITS(instr, 8, 11); /* 10 or 11 */
+    int OPC_1 = BITS(instr, 4, 7);
+    int Rt = BITS(instr, 12, 15);
+    int Rt2 = BITS(instr, 16, 19);
+    int CRm = BITS(instr, 0, 3);
     if (CoProc == 10 || CoProc == 11)
         if (CoProc == 10 && (OPC_1 & 0xD) == 1)
-            VMOVBRRSS(state, BIT(20), Rt, Rt2, BIT(5)<<4|CRm, value1, value2);
+            VMOVBRRSS(state, BIT(instr, 20), Rt, Rt2, BIT(instr, 5)<<4|CRm, value1, value2);
             return ARMul_DONE;
         if (CoProc == 11 && (OPC_1 & 0xD) == 1)
             /* Transfering Rt and Rt2 is not mandatory, as the value of interest is pointed by value1 and value2 */
-            VMOVBRRD(state, BIT(20), Rt, Rt2, BIT(5)<<4|CRm, value1, value2);
+            VMOVBRRD(state, BIT(instr, 20), Rt, Rt2, BIT(instr, 5)<<4|CRm, value1, value2);
             return ARMul_DONE;
@@ -156,11 +156,11 @@ unsigned VFPMRRC(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr, u32* value1, u32*
 unsigned VFPMCRR(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr, u32 value1, u32 value2)
     /* MCRR<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<Rt2>,<CRm> */
-    int CoProc = BITS (8, 11); /* 10 or 11 */
-    int OPC_1 = BITS (4, 7);
-    int Rt = BITS (12, 15);
-    int Rt2 = BITS (16, 19);
-    int CRm = BITS (0, 3);
+    int CoProc = BITS(instr, 8, 11); /* 10 or 11 */
+    int OPC_1 = BITS(instr, 4, 7);
+    int Rt = BITS(instr, 12, 15);
+    int Rt2 = BITS(instr, 16, 19);
+    int CRm = BITS(instr, 0, 3);
     /* TODO check access permission */
@@ -170,14 +170,14 @@ unsigned VFPMCRR(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr, u32 value1, u32 v
         if (CoProc == 10 && (OPC_1 & 0xD) == 1)
-            VMOVBRRSS(state, BIT(20), Rt, Rt2, BIT(5)<<4|CRm, &value1, &value2);
+            VMOVBRRSS(state, BIT(instr, 20), Rt, Rt2, BIT(instr, 5)<<4|CRm, &value1, &value2);
             return ARMul_DONE;
         if (CoProc == 11 && (OPC_1 & 0xD) == 1)
             /* Transfering Rt and Rt2 is not mandatory, as the value of interest is pointed by value1 and value2 */
-            VMOVBRRD(state, BIT(20), Rt, Rt2, BIT(5)<<4|CRm, &value1, &value2);
+            VMOVBRRD(state, BIT(instr, 20), Rt, Rt2, BIT(instr, 5)<<4|CRm, &value1, &value2);
             return ARMul_DONE;
@@ -190,14 +190,14 @@ unsigned VFPMCRR(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr, u32 value1, u32 v
 unsigned VFPSTC(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr, u32 * value)
     /* STC{L}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],<option> */
-    int CoProc = BITS (8, 11); /* 10 or 11 */
-    int CRd = BITS (12, 15);
-    int Rn = BITS (16, 19);
-    int imm8 = BITS (0, 7);
-    int P = BIT(24);
-    int U = BIT(23);
-    int D = BIT(22);
-    int W = BIT(21);
+    int CoProc = BITS(instr, 8, 11); /* 10 or 11 */
+    int CRd = BITS(instr, 12, 15);
+    int Rn = BITS(instr, 16, 19);
+    int imm8 = BITS(instr, 0, 7);
+    int P = BIT(instr, 24);
+    int U = BIT(instr, 23);
+    int D = BIT(instr, 22);
+    int W = BIT(instr, 21);
     /* TODO check access permission */
@@ -239,14 +239,14 @@ unsigned VFPSTC(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr, u32 * value)
 unsigned VFPLDC(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr, u32 value)
     /* LDC{L}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>] */
-    int CoProc = BITS (8, 11); /* 10 or 11 */
-    int CRd = BITS (12, 15);
-    int Rn = BITS (16, 19);
-    int imm8 = BITS (0, 7);
-    int P = BIT(24);
-    int U = BIT(23);
-    int D = BIT(22);
-    int W = BIT(21);
+    int CoProc = BITS(instr, 8, 11); /* 10 or 11 */
+    int CRd = BITS(instr, 12, 15);
+    int Rn = BITS(instr, 16, 19);
+    int imm8 = BITS(instr, 0, 7);
+    int P = BIT(instr, 24);
+    int U = BIT(instr, 23);
+    int D = BIT(instr, 22);
+    int W = BIT(instr, 21);
     /* TODO check access permission */
@@ -277,57 +277,12 @@ unsigned VFPLDC(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr, u32 value)
 unsigned VFPCDP(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr)
     /* CDP<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<CRd>,<CRn>,<CRm>,<opc2> */
-    int CoProc = BITS (8, 11); /* 10 or 11 */
-    int OPC_1 = BITS (20, 23);
-    int CRd = BITS (12, 15);
-    int CRn = BITS (16, 19);
-    int CRm = BITS (0, 3);
-    int OPC_2 = BITS (5, 7);
-    //ichfly
-    /*if ((instr & 0x0FBF0FD0) == 0x0EB70AC0) //vcvt.f64.f32	d8, s16 (s is bit 0-3 and LSB bit 22) (d is bit 12 - 15 MSB is Bit 6)
-    {
-        struct vfp_double vdd;
-        struct vfp_single vsd;
-        int dn = BITS(12, 15) + (BIT(22) << 4);
-        int sd = (BITS(0, 3) << 1) + BIT(5);
-        s32 n = vfp_get_float(state, sd);
-        vfp_single_unpack(&vsd, n);
-        if (vsd.exponent & 0x80)
-        {
-            vdd.exponent = (vsd.exponent&~0x80) | 0x400;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            vdd.exponent = vsd.exponent | 0x380;
-        }
-        vdd.sign = vsd.sign;
-        vdd.significand = (u64)(vsd.significand & ~0xC0000000) << 32; // I have no idea why but the 2 uppern bits are not from the significand
-        vfp_put_double(state, vfp_double_pack(&vdd), dn);
-        return ARMul_DONE;
-    }
-    if ((instr & 0x0FBF0FD0) == 0x0EB70BC0) //vcvt.f32.f64	s15, d6
-    {
-        struct vfp_double vdd;
-        struct vfp_single vsd;
-        int sd = BITS(0, 3) + (BIT(5) << 4);
-        int dn = (BITS(12, 15) << 1) + BIT(22);
-        vfp_double_unpack(&vdd, vfp_get_double(state, sd));
-        if (vdd.exponent & 0x400) //todo if the exponent is to low or to high for this convert
-        {
-            vsd.exponent = (vdd.exponent) | 0x80;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            vsd.exponent = vdd.exponent & ~0x80;
-        }
-        vsd.exponent &= 0xFF;
-       // vsd.exponent = vdd.exponent >> 3;
-        vsd.sign = vdd.sign;
-        vsd.significand = ((u64)(vdd.significand ) >> 32)& ~0xC0000000;
-        vfp_put_float(state, vfp_single_pack(&vsd), dn);
-        return ARMul_DONE;
-    }*/
+    int CoProc = BITS(instr, 8, 11); /* 10 or 11 */
+    int OPC_1 = BITS(instr, 20, 23);
+    int CRd = BITS(instr, 12, 15);
+    int CRn = BITS(instr, 16, 19);
+    int CRm = BITS(instr, 0, 3);
+    int OPC_2 = BITS(instr, 5, 7);
     /* TODO check access permission */
@@ -335,17 +290,17 @@ unsigned VFPCDP(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr)
     if (CoProc == 10 || CoProc == 11)
-        if ((OPC_1 & 0xB) == 0xB && BITS(4, 7) == 0)
+        if ((OPC_1 & 0xB) == 0xB && BITS(instr, 4, 7) == 0)
-            unsigned int single   = BIT(8) == 0;
-            unsigned int d        = (single ? BITS(12,15)<<1 | BIT(22) : BITS(12,15) | BIT(22)<<4);
+            unsigned int single = BIT(instr, 8) == 0;
+            unsigned int d      = (single ? BITS(instr, 12,15)<<1 | BIT(instr, 22) : BITS(instr, 12,15) | BIT(instr, 22)<<4);
             unsigned int imm;
-            instr = BITS(16, 19) << 4 | BITS(0, 3); /* FIXME dirty workaround to get a correct imm */
+            instr = BITS(instr, 16, 19) << 4 | BITS(instr, 0, 3); // FIXME dirty workaround to get a correct imm
             if (single)
-                imm = BIT(7)<<31 | (BIT(6)==0)<<30 | (BIT(6) ? 0x1f : 0)<<25 | BITS(0, 5)<<19;
+                imm = BIT(instr, 7)<<31 | (BIT(instr, 6)==0)<<30 | (BIT(instr, 6) ? 0x1f : 0)<<25 | BITS(instr, 0, 5)<<19;
-                imm = BIT(7)<<31 | (BIT(6)==0)<<30 | (BIT(6) ? 0xff : 0)<<22 | BITS(0, 5)<<16;
+                imm = BIT(instr, 7)<<31 | (BIT(instr, 6)==0)<<30 | (BIT(instr, 6) ? 0xff : 0)<<22 | BITS(instr, 0, 5)<<16;
             VMOVI(state, single, d, imm);
             return ARMul_DONE;
@@ -353,9 +308,9 @@ unsigned VFPCDP(ARMul_State* state, unsigned type, u32 instr)
         if ((OPC_1 & 0xB) == 0xB && CRn == 0 && (OPC_2 & 0x6) == 0x2)
-            unsigned int single   = BIT(8) == 0;
-            unsigned int d        = (single ? BITS(12,15)<<1 | BIT(22) : BITS(12,15) | BIT(22)<<4);
-            unsigned int m        = (single ? BITS( 0, 3)<<1 | BIT( 5) : BITS( 0, 3) | BIT( 5)<<4);;
+            unsigned int single = BIT(instr, 8) == 0;
+            unsigned int d      = (single ? BITS(instr, 12,15)<<1 | BIT(instr, 22) : BITS(instr, 12,15) | BIT(instr, 22)<<4);
+            unsigned int m      = (single ? BITS(instr,  0, 3)<<1 | BIT(instr,  5) : BITS(instr,  0, 3) | BIT(instr, 5)<<4);
             VMOVR(state, single, d, m);
             return ARMul_DONE;
@@ -477,11 +432,11 @@ int VSTR(ARMul_State* state, int type, ARMword instr, ARMword* value)
     static int single_reg, add, d, n, imm32, regs;
     if (type == ARMul_FIRST)
-        single_reg = BIT(8) == 0;	/* Double precision */
-        add = BIT(23);		/* */
-        imm32 = BITS(0,7)<<2;	/* may not be used */
-        d = single_reg ? BITS(12, 15)<<1|BIT(22) : BIT(22)<<4|BITS(12, 15); /* Base register */
-        n = BITS(16, 19);	/* destination register */
+        single_reg = BIT(instr, 8) == 0; // Double precision
+        add = BIT(instr, 23);
+        imm32 = BITS(instr, 0,7)<<2; // may not be used
+        d = single_reg ? BITS(instr, 12, 15)<<1|BIT(instr, 22) : BIT(instr, 22)<<4|BITS(instr, 12, 15); /* Base register */
+        n = BITS(instr, 16, 19); // destination register
         i = 0;
         regs = 1;
@@ -519,10 +474,10 @@ int VPUSH(ARMul_State* state, int type, ARMword instr, ARMword* value)
     static int single_regs, add, wback, d, n, imm32, regs;
     if (type == ARMul_FIRST)
-        single_regs = BIT(8) == 0;	/* Single precision */
-        d = single_regs ? BITS(12, 15)<<1|BIT(22) : BIT(22)<<4|BITS(12, 15); /* Base register */
-        imm32 = BITS(0,7)<<2;	/* may not be used */
-        regs = single_regs ? BITS(0, 7) : BITS(1, 7); /* FSTMX if regs is odd */
+        single_regs = BIT(instr, 8) == 0; // Single precision
+        d = single_regs ? BITS(instr, 12, 15)<<1|BIT(instr, 22) : BIT(instr, 22)<<4|BITS(instr, 12, 15); // Base register
+        imm32 = BITS(instr, 0,7)<<2; // may not be used
+        regs = single_regs ? BITS(instr, 0, 7) : BITS(instr, 1, 7); // FSTMX if regs is odd
         state->Reg[R13] = state->Reg[R13] - imm32;
@@ -561,13 +516,13 @@ int VSTM(ARMul_State* state, int type, ARMword instr, ARMword* value)
     static int single_regs, add, wback, d, n, imm32, regs;
     if (type == ARMul_FIRST)
-        single_regs = BIT(8) == 0;	/* Single precision */
-        add = BIT(23);		/* */
-        wback = BIT(21);	/* write-back */
-        d = single_regs ? BITS(12, 15)<<1|BIT(22) : BIT(22)<<4|BITS(12, 15); /* Base register */
-        n = BITS(16, 19);	/* destination register */
-        imm32 = BITS(0,7) * 4;	/* may not be used */
-        regs = single_regs ? BITS(0, 7) : BITS(0, 7)>>1; /* FSTMX if regs is odd */
+        single_regs = BIT(instr, 8) == 0; // Single precision
+        add = BIT(instr, 23);
+        wback = BIT(instr, 21); // write-back
+        d = single_regs ? BITS(instr, 12, 15)<<1|BIT(instr, 22) : BIT(instr, 22)<<4|BITS(instr, 12, 15); // Base register
+        n = BITS(instr, 16, 19); // destination register
+        imm32 = BITS(instr, 0,7) * 4; // may not be used
+        regs = single_regs ? BITS(instr, 0, 7) : BITS(instr, 0, 7)>>1; // FSTMX if regs is odd
         if (wback) {
             state->Reg[n] = (add ? state->Reg[n] + imm32 : state->Reg[n] - imm32);
@@ -610,10 +565,10 @@ int VPOP(ARMul_State* state, int type, ARMword instr, ARMword value)
     static int single_regs, add, wback, d, n, imm32, regs;
     if (type == ARMul_FIRST)
-        single_regs = BIT(8) == 0;	/* Single precision */
-        d = single_regs ? BITS(12, 15)<<1|BIT(22) : BIT(22)<<4|BITS(12, 15); /* Base register */
-        imm32 = BITS(0,7)<<2;	/* may not be used */
-        regs = single_regs ? BITS(0, 7) : BITS(1, 7); /* FLDMX if regs is odd */
+        single_regs = BIT(instr, 8) == 0; // Single precision
+        d = single_regs ? BITS(instr, 12, 15)<<1|BIT(instr, 22) : BIT(instr, 22)<<4|BITS(instr, 12, 15); // Base register
+        imm32 = BITS(instr, 0, 7)<<2; // may not be used
+        regs = single_regs ? BITS(instr, 0, 7) : BITS(instr, 1, 7); // FLDMX if regs is odd
         state->Reg[R13] = state->Reg[R13] + imm32;
@@ -656,11 +611,11 @@ int VLDR(ARMul_State* state, int type, ARMword instr, ARMword value)
     static int single_reg, add, d, n, imm32, regs;
     if (type == ARMul_FIRST)
-        single_reg = BIT(8) == 0;	/* Double precision */
-        add = BIT(23);		/* */
-        imm32 = BITS(0,7)<<2;	/* may not be used */
-        d = single_reg ? BITS(12, 15)<<1|BIT(22) : BIT(22)<<4|BITS(12, 15); /* Base register */
-        n = BITS(16, 19);	/* destination register */
+        single_reg = BIT(instr, 8) == 0; // Double precision
+        add = BIT(instr, 23);
+        imm32 = BITS(instr, 0, 7)<<2; // may not be used
+        d = single_reg ? BITS(instr, 12, 15)<<1|BIT(instr, 22) : BIT(instr, 22)<<4|BITS(instr, 12, 15); // Base register
+        n = BITS(instr, 16, 19); // destination register
         i = 0;
         regs = 1;
@@ -702,13 +657,13 @@ int VLDM(ARMul_State* state, int type, ARMword instr, ARMword value)
     static int single_regs, add, wback, d, n, imm32, regs;
     if (type == ARMul_FIRST)
-        single_regs = BIT(8) == 0;	/* Single precision */
-        add = BIT(23);		/* */
-        wback = BIT(21);	/* write-back */
-        d = single_regs ? BITS(12, 15)<<1|BIT(22) : BIT(22)<<4|BITS(12, 15); /* Base register */
-        n = BITS(16, 19);	/* destination register */
-        imm32 = BITS(0,7) * 4;	/* may not be used */
-        regs = single_regs ? BITS(0, 7) : BITS(0, 7)>>1; /* FLDMX if regs is odd */
+        single_regs = BIT(instr, 8) == 0; // Single precision
+        add = BIT(instr, 23);
+        wback = BIT(instr, 21); // write-back
+        d = single_regs ? BITS(instr, 12, 15)<<1|BIT(instr, 22) : BIT(instr, 22)<<4|BITS(instr, 12, 15); // Base register
+        n = BITS(instr, 16, 19); // destination register
+        imm32 = BITS(instr, 0, 7) * 4; // may not be used
+        regs = single_regs ? BITS(instr, 0, 7) : BITS(instr, 0, 7)>>1; // FLDMX if regs is odd
         if (wback) {
             state->Reg[n] = (add ? state->Reg[n] + imm32 : state->Reg[n] - imm32);
@@ -787,8 +742,7 @@ void vfp_put_float(arm_core_t* state, int32_t val, unsigned int reg)
 uint64_t vfp_get_double(arm_core_t* state, unsigned int reg)
-    uint64_t result;
-    result = ((uint64_t) state->ExtReg[reg*2+1])<<32 | state->ExtReg[reg*2];
+    uint64_t result = ((uint64_t) state->ExtReg[reg*2+1])<<32 | state->ExtReg[reg*2];
     LOG_TRACE(Core_ARM11, "VFP get double: s[%d-%d]=[%016llx]\n", reg * 2 + 1, reg * 2, result);
     return result;
diff --git a/src/core/core.cpp b/src/core/core.cpp
index e9e5c35cc..63be27be2 100644
--- a/src/core/core.cpp
+++ b/src/core/core.cpp
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 #include "core/settings.h"
 #include "core/arm/arm_interface.h"
 #include "core/arm/disassembler/arm_disasm.h"
-#include "core/arm/interpreter/arm_interpreter.h"
 #include "core/arm/dyncom/arm_dyncom.h"
 #include "core/hle/hle.h"
 #include "core/hle/kernel/thread.h"
@@ -59,17 +58,8 @@ void Stop() {
 int Init() {
     LOG_DEBUG(Core, "initialized OK");
-    g_sys_core = new ARM_Interpreter();
-    switch (Settings::values.cpu_core) {
-        case CPU_Interpreter:
-            g_app_core = new ARM_DynCom();
-            break;
-        case CPU_OldInterpreter:
-        default:
-            g_app_core = new ARM_Interpreter();
-            break;
-    }
+    g_sys_core = new ARM_DynCom();
+    g_app_core = new ARM_DynCom();
     return 0;
diff --git a/src/core/core.h b/src/core/core.h
index 2f5e8bc6b..8504bb2d9 100644
--- a/src/core/core.h
+++ b/src/core/core.h
@@ -12,11 +12,6 @@ class ARM_Interface;
 namespace Core {
-enum CPUCore {
-    CPU_Interpreter,
-    CPU_OldInterpreter,
 struct ThreadContext {
     u32 cpu_registers[13];
     u32 sp;
diff --git a/src/core/settings.h b/src/core/settings.h
index 4b8928847..cedba3a98 100644
--- a/src/core/settings.h
+++ b/src/core/settings.h
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ struct Values {
     int pad_sright_key;
     // Core
-    int cpu_core;
     int gpu_refresh_rate;
     int frame_skip;