#!/bin/bash -ex

cd /yuzu

ccache -s

# Dirty hack to trick unicorn makefile into believing we are in a MINGW system
mv /bin/uname /bin/uname1 && echo -e '#!/bin/sh\necho MINGW64' >> /bin/uname
chmod +x /bin/uname

# Dirty hack to trick unicorn makefile into believing we have cmd
echo '' >> /bin/cmd
chmod +x /bin/cmd

mkdir build || true && cd build

# Clean up the dirty hacks
rm /bin/uname && mv /bin/uname1 /bin/uname
rm /bin/cmd

ccache -s

echo "Tests skipped"
#ctest -VV -C Release

echo 'Prepare binaries...'
cd ..
mkdir package

find build/ -name "yuzu*.exe" -exec cp {} 'package' \;

# copy Qt plugins
mkdir package/platforms
cp "${QT_PLATFORM_DLL_PATH}/qwindows.dll" package/platforms/
cp -rv "${QT_PLATFORM_DLL_PATH}/../mediaservice/" package/
cp -rv "${QT_PLATFORM_DLL_PATH}/../imageformats/" package/
rm -f package/mediaservice/*d.dll

for i in package/*.exe; do
  # we need to process pdb here, however, cv2pdb
  # does not work here, so we just simply strip all the debug symbols
  x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip "${i}"

pip3 install pefile
python3 .ci/scripts/windows/scan_dll.py package/*.exe "package/"
python3 .ci/scripts/windows/scan_dll.py package/imageformats/*.dll "package/"