import io import os import re import librosa import argparse import numpy as np from glob import glob from tqdm import tqdm import tensorflow as tf from functools import partial from hparams import hparams from models import create_model, get_most_recent_checkpoint from audio import save_audio, inv_spectrogram, inv_preemphasis, \ inv_spectrogram_tensorflow from utils import plot, PARAMS_NAME, load_json, load_hparams, \ add_prefix, add_postfix, get_time, parallel_run, makedirs from text.korean import tokenize from text import text_to_sequence, sequence_to_text class Synthesizer(object): def close(self): tf.reset_default_graph() self.sess.close() def load(self, checkpoint_path, num_speakers=2, checkpoint_step=None, model_name='tacotron'): self.num_speakers = num_speakers if os.path.isdir(checkpoint_path): load_path = checkpoint_path checkpoint_path = get_most_recent_checkpoint(checkpoint_path, checkpoint_step) else: load_path = os.path.dirname(checkpoint_path) print('Constructing model: %s' % model_name) inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, None], 'inputs') input_lengths = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], 'input_lengths') batch_size = tf.shape(inputs)[0] speaker_id = tf.placeholder_with_default( tf.zeros([batch_size], dtype=tf.int32), [None], 'speaker_id') load_hparams(hparams, load_path) with tf.variable_scope('model') as scope: self.model = create_model(hparams) self.model.initialize( inputs, input_lengths, self.num_speakers, speaker_id) self.wav_output = \ inv_spectrogram_tensorflow(self.model.linear_outputs) print('Loading checkpoint: %s' % checkpoint_path) sess_config = tf.ConfigProto( allow_soft_placement=True, intra_op_parallelism_threads=1, inter_op_parallelism_threads=2) sess_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True self.sess = tf.Session(config=sess_config) saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(self.sess, checkpoint_path) def synthesize(self, texts=None, tokens=None, base_path=None, paths=None, speaker_ids=None, start_of_sentence=None, end_of_sentence=True, pre_word_num=0, post_word_num=0, pre_surplus_idx=0, post_surplus_idx=1, use_short_concat=False, manual_attention_mode=0, base_alignment_path=None, librosa_trim=False, attention_trim=True): # Possible inputs: # 1) text=text # 2) text=texts # 3) tokens=tokens, texts=texts # use texts as guide if type(texts) == str: texts = [texts] if texts is not None and tokens is None: sequences = [text_to_sequence(text) for text in texts] elif tokens is not None: sequences = tokens if paths is None: paths = [None] * len(sequences) if texts is None: texts = [None] * len(sequences) time_str = get_time() def plot_and_save_parallel( wavs, alignments, use_manual_attention): items = list(enumerate(zip( wavs, alignments, paths, texts, sequences))) fn = partial( plot_graph_and_save_audio, base_path=base_path, start_of_sentence=start_of_sentence, end_of_sentence=end_of_sentence, pre_word_num=pre_word_num, post_word_num=post_word_num, pre_surplus_idx=pre_surplus_idx, post_surplus_idx=post_surplus_idx, use_short_concat=use_short_concat, use_manual_attention=use_manual_attention, librosa_trim=librosa_trim, attention_trim=attention_trim, time_str=time_str) return parallel_run(fn, items, desc="plot_graph_and_save_audio", parallel=False) input_lengths = np.argmax(np.array(sequences) == 1, 1) fetches = [ #self.wav_output, self.model.linear_outputs, self.model.alignments, ] feed_dict = { self.model.inputs: sequences, self.model.input_lengths: input_lengths, } if base_alignment_path is None: feed_dict.update({ self.model.manual_alignments: np.zeros([1, 1, 1]), self.model.is_manual_attention: False, }) else: manual_alignments = [] alignment_path = os.path.join( base_alignment_path, os.path.basename(base_path)) for idx in range(len(sequences)): numpy_path = "{}.{}.npy".format(alignment_path, idx) manual_alignments.append(np.load(numpy_path)) alignments_T = np.transpose(manual_alignments, [0, 2, 1]) feed_dict.update({ self.model.manual_alignments: alignments_T, self.model.is_manual_attention: True, }) if speaker_ids is not None: if type(speaker_ids) == dict: speaker_embed_table = self.model.speaker_embed_table) speaker_embed = [speaker_ids[speaker_id] * \ speaker_embed_table[speaker_id] for speaker_id in speaker_ids] feed_dict.update({ self.model.speaker_embed_table: np.tile() }) else: feed_dict[self.model.speaker_id] = speaker_ids wavs, alignments = \, feed_dict=feed_dict) results = plot_and_save_parallel( wavs, alignments, True) if manual_attention_mode > 0: # argmax one hot if manual_attention_mode == 1: alignments_T = np.transpose(alignments, [0, 2, 1]) # [N, E, D] new_alignments = np.zeros_like(alignments_T) for idx in range(len(alignments)): argmax = alignments[idx].argmax(1) new_alignments[idx][(argmax, range(len(argmax)))] = 1 # sharpening elif manual_attention_mode == 2: new_alignments = np.transpose(alignments, [0, 2, 1]) # [N, E, D] for idx in range(len(alignments)): var = np.var(new_alignments[idx], 1) mean_var = var[:input_lengths[idx]].mean() new_alignments = np.pow(new_alignments[idx], 2) # prunning elif manual_attention_mode == 3: new_alignments = np.transpose(alignments, [0, 2, 1]) # [N, E, D] for idx in range(len(alignments)): argmax = alignments[idx].argmax(1) new_alignments[idx][(argmax, range(len(argmax)))] = 1 feed_dict.update({ self.model.manual_alignments: new_alignments, self.model.is_manual_attention: True, }) new_wavs, new_alignments = \, feed_dict=feed_dict) results = plot_and_save_parallel( new_wavs, new_alignments, True) return results def plot_graph_and_save_audio(args, base_path=None, start_of_sentence=None, end_of_sentence=None, pre_word_num=0, post_word_num=0, pre_surplus_idx=0, post_surplus_idx=1, use_short_concat=False, use_manual_attention=False, save_alignment=False, librosa_trim=False, attention_trim=False, time_str=None): idx, (wav, alignment, path, text, sequence) = args if base_path: plot_path = "{}/{}.png".format(base_path, get_time()) elif path: plot_path = path.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + ".png" else: plot_path = None #plot_path = add_prefix(plot_path, time_str) if use_manual_attention: plot_path = add_postfix(plot_path, "manual") if plot_path: plot.plot_alignment(alignment, plot_path, text=text) if use_short_concat: wav = short_concat( wav, alignment, text, start_of_sentence, end_of_sentence, pre_word_num, post_word_num, pre_surplus_idx, post_surplus_idx) if attention_trim and end_of_sentence: end_idx_counter = 0 attention_argmax = alignment.argmax(0) end_idx = min(len(sequence) - 1, max(attention_argmax)) max_counter = min((attention_argmax == end_idx).sum(), 5) for jdx, attend_idx in enumerate(attention_argmax): if len(attention_argmax) > jdx + 1: if attend_idx == end_idx: end_idx_counter += 1 if attend_idx == end_idx and attention_argmax[jdx + 1] > end_idx: break if end_idx_counter >= max_counter: break else: break spec_end_idx = hparams.reduction_factor * jdx + 3 wav = wav[:spec_end_idx] audio_out = inv_spectrogram(wav.T) if librosa_trim and end_of_sentence: yt, index = librosa.effects.trim(audio_out, frame_length=5120, hop_length=256, top_db=50) audio_out = audio_out[:index[-1]] if save_alignment: alignment_path = "{}/{}.npy".format(base_path, idx), alignment, allow_pickle=False) if path or base_path: if path: current_path = add_postfix(path, idx) elif base_path: current_path = plot_path.replace(".png", ".wav") save_audio(audio_out, current_path) return True else: io_out = io.BytesIO() save_audio(audio_out, io_out) result = io_out.getvalue() return result def get_most_recent_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir, checkpoint_step=None): if checkpoint_step is None: checkpoint_paths = [path for path in glob("{}/*.ckpt-*.data-*".format(checkpoint_dir))] idxes = [int(os.path.basename(path).split('-')[1].split('.')[0]) for path in checkpoint_paths] max_idx = max(idxes) else: max_idx = checkpoint_step lastest_checkpoint = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "model.ckpt-{}".format(max_idx)) print(" [*] Found lastest checkpoint: {}".format(lastest_checkpoint)) return lastest_checkpoint def short_concat( wav, alignment, text, start_of_sentence, end_of_sentence, pre_word_num, post_word_num, pre_surplus_idx, post_surplus_idx): # np.array(list(decomposed_text))[attention_argmax] attention_argmax = alignment.argmax(0) if not start_of_sentence and pre_word_num > 0: surplus_decomposed_text = decompose_ko_text("".join(text.split()[0])) start_idx = len(surplus_decomposed_text) + 1 for idx, attend_idx in enumerate(attention_argmax): if attend_idx == start_idx and attention_argmax[idx - 1] < start_idx: break wav_start_idx = hparams.reduction_factor * idx - 1 - pre_surplus_idx else: wav_start_idx = 0 if not end_of_sentence and post_word_num > 0: surplus_decomposed_text = decompose_ko_text("".join(text.split()[-1])) end_idx = len(decomposed_text.replace(surplus_decomposed_text, '')) - 1 for idx, attend_idx in enumerate(attention_argmax): if attend_idx == end_idx and attention_argmax[idx + 1] > end_idx: break wav_end_idx = hparams.reduction_factor * idx + 1 + post_surplus_idx else: if True: # attention based split if end_of_sentence: end_idx = min(len(decomposed_text) - 1, max(attention_argmax)) else: surplus_decomposed_text = decompose_ko_text("".join(text.split()[-1])) end_idx = len(decomposed_text.replace(surplus_decomposed_text, '')) - 1 while True: if end_idx in attention_argmax: break end_idx -= 1 end_idx_counter = 0 for idx, attend_idx in enumerate(attention_argmax): if len(attention_argmax) > idx + 1: if attend_idx == end_idx: end_idx_counter += 1 if attend_idx == end_idx and attention_argmax[idx + 1] > end_idx: break if end_idx_counter > 5: break else: break wav_end_idx = hparams.reduction_factor * idx + 1 + post_surplus_idx else: wav_end_idx = None wav = wav[wav_start_idx:wav_end_idx] if end_of_sentence: wav = np.lib.pad(wav, ((0, 20), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=0) else: wav = np.lib.pad(wav, ((0, 10), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=0) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--load_path', required=True) parser.add_argument('--sample_path', default="samples") parser.add_argument('--text', required=True) parser.add_argument('--num_speakers', default=1, type=int) parser.add_argument('--speaker_id', default=0, type=int) parser.add_argument('--checkpoint_step', default=None, type=int) config = parser.parse_args() makedirs(config.sample_path) synthesizer = Synthesizer() synthesizer.load(config.load_path, config.num_speakers, config.checkpoint_step) audio = synthesizer.synthesize( texts=[config.text], base_path=config.sample_path, speaker_ids=[config.speaker_id], attention_trim=False)[0]