import base64 import json import re import socket import requests from lib import Client final_text = '' gerrit_path = '' client = Client.newFromCreds() def add_text(a): global final_text final_text += a + '\n' def get_file_from_gerrit(path): gerrit_url = '' url = gerrit_url + '{0}?format=TEXT'.format(path) r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code == 200: return base64.b64decode(r.text).decode('utf-8') else: return '' def hostname_resolves(hostname): try: socket.gethostbyname(hostname) except socket.error: return False return True def handle_special_wiki_apache(parts): apache_file = get_file_from_gerrit('operations/puppet/+/production/modules/mediawiki/manifests/web/prod_sites.pp') url = '.'.join(parts) return url in apache_file def post_a_comment(comment): comment = 'Hello, I am helping on creating this wiki. ' + comment + \ ' ^_^ Sincerely, your Fully Automated Resource Tackler' pass def create_subticket(text, projects, task_phid): pass def create_non_special_wikis_dns_subticket(parts, task_details): pass def create_special_wikis_dns_subticket(parts, task_details): pass def handle_subticket_for_cloud(ticket_phid, task_details, db_name): pass def create_apache_config_subticket(parts, task_details): pass def get_dummy_wiki(shard, family): if family == "wiktionary": return { "s3": "aawiki", "s5": "mhwiktionary", }.get(shard, "?????") else: return { "s3": "aawiki", "s5": "muswiki" }.get(shard, "?????") def hande_task(phid): global final_text final_text = '' task_details = client.taskDetails(phid) print('Checking T%s' % task_details['id']) add_text('\n\n------\n**Pre-install automatic checklist:**') language_code = re.findall(r'\n- *?\*\*Language code:\*\* *?(\S+)', task_details['description']) if not language_code: print('lang code not found, skipping') return language_code = language_code[0] url = re.findall(r'\n- *?\*\*Site URL:\*\* *?(\S+)', task_details['description']) if not url: print('url not found, skipping') return url = url[0] parts = url.split('.') if len(parts) != 3 or parts[2] != 'org': print('the url looks weird, skipping') return shard = re.findall(r'\n- *?\*\*Shard:\*\* *?(\S+)', task_details['description'])[0] shardDecided = shard != "TBD" if shardDecided: add_text(' [X] #DBA decided about the shard') else: add_text(' [] #DBA decided about the shard') special = parts[1] == 'wikimedia' dns_url = gerrit_path + 'operations/dns/+/master/templates/' if special else gerrit_path + 'operations/dns/+/master/templates/helpers/langlist.tmpl' dns = hostname_resolves(url) if not dns: add_text(' [] [[{}|DNS]]'.format(dns_url)) if special: create_special_wikis_dns_subticket(parts, task_details) else: create_non_special_wikis_dns_subticket(parts, task_details) post_a_comment('It seems that there is not DNS entry for this wiki, ' 'I am creaing a subticket, Please make a patch.') else: add_text(' [x] [[{}|DNS]]'.format(dns_url)) if parts[1] == 'wikipedia': db_name = parts[0].replace('-', '_') + 'wiki' else: db_name = parts[0].replace('-', '_') + parts[1] handle_subticket_for_cloud(client.lookupPhid('T251371'), task_details, db_name) if special: apache_url = gerrit_path + 'operations/puppet/+/master/modules/mediawiki/manifests/web/prod_sites.pp' if not handle_special_wiki_apache(parts): apache = False add_text(' [] [[{}|Apache config]]'.format(apache_url)) create_apache_config_subticket(parts, task_details) else: apache = True add_text(' [x] [[{}|Apache config]]'.format(apache_url)) else: apache = True add_text(' [x] Apache config (Not needed)') langdb_url = '' r = requests.get(langdb_url) if'\n *?' + language_code + ':', r.text): langdb = True add_text(' [x] [[{}|Language configuration in language data repo]]'.format(langdb_url)) else: langdb = False add_text(' [] [[{}|Language configuration in language data repo]]'.format(langdb_url)) core_messages_url = '{}.php'.format( language_code[0].upper() + language_code[1:] ) r = requests.get(core_messages_url) if r.status_code == 200: core_lang = True add_text(' [x] [[{}|Language configuration in mediawiki core]]'.format(core_messages_url)) else: core_lang = False add_text(' [] [[{}|Language configuration in mediawiki core]]'.format(core_messages_url)) path = 'mediawiki/extensions/WikimediaMessages/+/master/i18n/wikimediaprojectnames/en.json' wikimedia_messages_data = get_file_from_gerrit(path) wikimedia_messages_data = json.loads(wikimedia_messages_data) if 'project-localized-name-' + db_name in wikimedia_messages_data: wikimedia_messages_one = True add_text(' [x] [[{}|Wikimedia messages configuration]]'.format(gerrit_path + path)) else: wikimedia_messages_one = False add_text(' [] [[{}|Wikimedia messages configuration]]'.format(gerrit_path + path)) url = '' + db_name r = requests.get(url) if 'Wikipedia does not have a' not in r.text: wikimedia_messages_one_deployed = True add_text(' [x] [[{}|deployed]]'.format(url)) else: wikimedia_messages_one_deployed = False add_text(' [] [[{}|deployed]]'.format(url)) if parts[1] == 'wikipedia': path = 'mediawiki/extensions/WikimediaMessages/+/master/i18n/wikimediainterwikisearchresults/en.json' search_messages_data = get_file_from_gerrit(path) search_messages_data = json.loads(search_messages_data) if 'search-interwiki-results-' + db_name in search_messages_data: wikimedia_messages_two = True add_text( ' [x] [[{}|Wikimedia messages (interwiki search result) configuration]]'.format(gerrit_path + path)) else: wikimedia_messages_two = False add_text(' [] [[{}|Wikimedia messages (interwiki search result) configuration]]'.format(gerrit_path + path)) url = '' + db_name r = requests.get(url) if 'Wikipedia does not have a' not in r.text: wikimedia_messages_two_deployed = True add_text(' [x] [[{}|deployed]]'.format(url)) else: wikimedia_messages_two_deployed = False add_text(' [] [[{}|deployed]]'.format(url)) else: wikimedia_messages_two = True wikimedia_messages_two_deployed = True add_text(' [x] Wikimedia messages (interwiki search result) configuration (not needed)') if dns and apache and langdb and core_lang and wikimedia_messages_one and wikimedia_messages_one_deployed and wikimedia_messages_two and wikimedia_messages_two_deployed and shardDecided: add_text('**The Wiki is ready to be created.**') else: add_text('**The creation is blocked until these part are all done.**') add_text('\n-------\n**Post install automatic checklist:**') path = 'mediawiki/services/restbase/deploy/+/master/scap/vars.yaml' restbase = get_file_from_gerrit(path) if '.'.join(parts) in restbase: add_text(' [x] [[{}|RESTbase]]'.format(gerrit_path + path)) else: add_text(' [] [[{}|RESTbase]]'.format(gerrit_path + path)) path = 'mediawiki/services/cxserver/+/master/config/languages.yaml' cxconfig = get_file_from_gerrit(path) if '\n- ' + language_code in cxconfig: add_text(' [x] [[{}|CX Config]]'.format(gerrit_path + path)) else: add_text(' [] [[{}|CX Config]]'.format(gerrit_path + path)) path = 'analytics/refinery/+/master/static_data/pageview/whitelist/whitelist.tsv' refinery_whitelist = get_file_from_gerrit(path) if '.'.join(parts[:2]) in refinery_whitelist: add_text(' [x] [[{}|Analytics refinery]]'.format(gerrit_path + path)) else: add_text(' [] [[{}|Analytics refinery]]'.format(gerrit_path + path)) url = 'pywikibot/core/+/master/pywikibot/families/{}'.format(parts[1]) pywikibot = get_file_from_gerrit(url) if "'{}'".format(language_code) in pywikibot: add_text(' [x] [[{}|Pywikibot]]'.format(gerrit_path + url)) else: add_text(' [] [[{}|Pywikibot]]'.format(gerrit_path + url)) url = '' wikiata_help_page = requests.get(url).text if db_name in wikiata_help_page: add_text(' [x] [[{}|Wikidata]]'.format(url)) else: add_text(' [] [[{}|Wikidata]]'.format(url)) add_text(' [] Import from Incubator') add_text(' [] Clean up old interwiki links') add_text('\n-------') add_text('**Step by step commands**:') dummy_wiki = get_dummy_wiki(shard, parts[1]) add_text('On deploy1001:') add_text('`cd /srv/mediawiki-staging/`') add_text('`git fetch`') add_text('`git log -p HEAD..@{u}`') add_text('`git rebase`') add_text('On mwmaint1002:') add_text('`scap pull`') add_text('`mwscript extensions/WikimediaMaintenance/addWiki.php --wiki={dummy} {lang} {family} {db} {url}`'.format( dummy=dummy_wiki, lang=language_code, family=parts[1], db=db_name, url='.'.join(parts) )) summary = 'Creating {db_name} ({phab})'.format(db_name=db_name, phab='T' + task_details['id']) add_text('On deploy1001:') add_text('`scap sync-file dblists "{}"`'.format(summary)) add_text('`scap sync-wikiversions "{}"`'.format(summary)) if parts[1] == 'wikimedia': add_text('`scap sync-file multiversion/MWMultiVersion.php "{}"`'.format(summary)) add_text('`scap sync-file static/images/project-logos/ "{}"`'.format(summary)) add_text('`scap sync-file wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php "{}"`'.format(summary)) if parts[1] != 'wikimedia': add_text('`scap sync-file langlist "{}"`'.format(summary)) add_text('`scap update-interwiki-cache`') add_text('\n**End of automatic output**') old_report = re.findall( r'(\n\n------\n\*\*Pre-install automatic checklist:\*\*.+?\n\*\*End of automatic output\*\*\n)', task_details['description'], re.DOTALL) if not old_report: print('old report not found, appending') client.setTaskDescription(task_details['phid'], task_details['description'] + final_text) else: if old_report[0] != final_text: print('Updating old report') client.setTaskDescription(task_details['phid'], task_details['description'].replace(old_report[0], final_text)) def main(): open_create_wikis_phid = 'PHID-PROJ-kmpu7gznmc2edea3qn2x' for phid in client.getTasksWithProject(open_create_wikis_phid, statuses=['open']): hande_task(phid) main()