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synced 2025-02-17 22:38:35 +01:00
330 lines
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330 lines
9.6 KiB
Adds tasks in configured projects to other configured projects
from lib import Client
# To get it on a list run this on herald rule page
# const items = document.getElementsByClassName('herald-list-item')[0].getElementsByClassName('phui-handle')
# for (i in items) {console.log(items[i].text)};
rules = [
# H175 - see T136921
'add': 'Design',
'in': ['WMF-Design', 'WMDE-Design'],
# H232
'add': 'artificial-intelligence',
'in': ['editquality-modeling', 'draftquality-modeling', 'articlequality-modeling', 'revscoring'],
# H193 - see T146701
'add': 'accessibility',
'in': ['ios-app-feature-accessibility'],
# H174
'add': 'upstream',
'in': ['phabricator-upstream'],
# H24 - see T86536
'add': 'universallanguageselector',
'in': ['uls-compactlinks'],
# H15 - note that #producrement tasks are private -> rule can't be disabled
'add': 'SRE',
'in': [
# 'hardware-requests', archived project
# 'procurement', always in S4
'once': True
# H14 - see T85596
'add': 'Social-Tools',
'in': [
# 'RandomFeaturedUser', archived project
# 'NewUsersList', archived project
# 'RandomUsersWithAvatars', archived project
# 'TopLists', archived project
# H10 - see T76954
'add': 'VisualEditor',
'in': [
'add': 'user-urbanecm-wmf-engineering',
'in': [
# H30
'add': 'wikidata',
'in': [
'SDC General',
'Wikidata Lexicographical data',
'Automated list generation',
'Wikidata Query UI',
'Wikidata Mobile',
'wikiba.se website',
'Wikidata-Campsite (Wikidata-Campsite-Iteration-∞)',
'RL Module Terminators Trailblazing',
'Shape Expressions',
'Wikidata Tainted References',
'Wikidata Design System',
'Wikidata - Reference Treasure Hunt',
'Item Quality Scoring Improvement',
'Wikibase - Automated Configuration Detection (WikibaseManifest)',
'Wikidata Query Builder',
'Wikidata - Visualisation of Reliability Metrics',
'Item Quality Evaluator',
'Mismatch Finder',
'Wikidata analytics',
'Special:NewLexeme revival',
'Wikidata Dev Team',
'Wikidata data quality and trust',
'once': True
'add': 'Wikidata Lexicographical data',
'in': [
'Special:NewLexeme revival',
'once': True
# H337
'add': 'Research',
'in': [
'once': True
# H314
'add': 'Pywikibot',
'in': [
'once': True
# H285
'add': 'Product-Analytics',
'in': [
'once': True
# H216
'add': 'WMDE-FUN-Team',
'in': [
'once': True
# H131
'add': 'Traffic',
'in': [
'once': True
# H131
'add': 'Traffic',
'in': [
'once': True
# H109
'add': 'Commons',
'in': [
'once': True
# Keep all Abstract Wikipedia work on the team board
'add': 'abstract_wikipedia',
'in': [
# https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T295397
'add': 'Data-Engineering',
'in': [
'once': True
'add': 'growthexperiments-mentorship',
'in': [
client = Client.newFromCreds()
for rule in rules:
handled_tasks = []
wanted_project_phid = client.lookupPhid('#' + rule['add'].replace(' ', '_'))
subprojects = set(client.getSubprojects(wanted_project_phid) + [wanted_project_phid])
for project_name in rule['in']:
project_name = project_name.replace(' ', '_')
project_phid = client.lookupPhid('#' + project_name)
for task_phid in client.getTasksWithProject(project_phid):
# if a task is in multiple 'in' projects, still only process it once
if task_phid in handled_tasks:
task = client.taskDetails(task_phid)
if subprojects.intersection(set(task['projectPHIDs'])):
if rule.get('once') == True:
is_already_added = False
transactions = client.getTransactions(task_phid)
for transaction in transactions:
operations = transaction.get(
'fields', {}).get('operations', [])
for operation in operations:
if operation.get('operation') == 'add' and operation.get('phid') == wanted_project_phid:
is_already_added = True
if is_already_added == True:
client.addTaskProject(task_phid, wanted_project_phid)